I Am Hellscream

Chapter 703

Chapter 703 Admiral’s justice!!!

Conqueror’s Haki requires a certain opportunity to awaken, and everyone has a different opportunity to awaken Conqueror’s. When Ace awakens Conqueror’s Haki, his opportunity is to protect his younger brother, and Luffy is awakening Conqueror’s. At that time, it was also an opportunity for protection.

When the young master was young, he was hung on the wall by a group of people who liked to anger and wanted to burn him to death. At that time, his Conqueror’s Haki was also activated and awakened. His opportunity was destruction and hatred.

Gromash saw his eldest brother Fisher in The fish men island. The letter Tiger left him. Gromash bears the future of countless people who depend on him to eat. At that moment, he seems to understand himself. What exactly is going to be done, and it is at that moment that Conqueror’s Haki awakens in him, and his opportunity is the responsibility of the “king”.

This time, Conqueror’s Haki on Lu Qi was also awakened, and his opportunity was to break the shackles. As Monet said, Gromash loved Lu Qi very much, not only because Lu Qi had a superb body. The aptitude of Lu Qi is also because Lu Qi is the first person to follow him, is the’predecessor’ of the rest of the Frostwolf Pirates group, isn’t it


For a long time, under the love of Gromash, Lu Qi’s character has also been cultivated into a rebellious appearance. He dares to do anything. If his strength is not enough, he dares to start with Admiral of Naval Headquarters. , Acting without scruples, he used to rely on the reputation of Gromash, but now, he has suppressed Marine’s new director in his own right.

After smiling Fujitora, he also walked out of the care and shackles that Gromash brought him. Lu Qi listened to Gromash very much, and his recognition of Gromash was also extremely valued. Because of this, he wanted to be the strongest, because only the most Only when you are strong can you get the greatest recognition from Gromash. Similarly, only when you become the strongest can you truly prove

Look at Romash, he didn’t choose the wrong person back then!!!

And if you want to be the strongest, you must surpass the incumbent’strongest’ Gromash himself. If he hasn’t been able to cross the hurdle of 01 in his heart, how can he say he wants to surpass Gromash???

Today, Rob Luchi saw his shackles from Fujitora with a smile. At the same time, he also understood his shackles. Then, he wanted to surpass Gromash and become the strongest and overlord. It activates Conqueror’s Haki in his body, and the scene just now will happen.

The first Conqueror’s awakening is generally extremely powerful, and Lu Qi is no exception.The entire Dressrosa was shocked by his Conqueror’s Haki. Except for those well-known master kings, countless people fell on this Conqueror’s Haki. Down, he fainted and fainted.

At this time, Lu Qi also gently squeezed his palm, and then said softly, “Is this Conqueror’s Haki??? I’m one step closer to you, Gromash.”

But Lu Qi was not taken over by the new power he had suddenly gained, and soon he remembered Gromash’s words.

“Conqueror’s Haki, after all, is just a kind of power, and it can’t really represent anything. Only one in a million people??? Maybe it is, but in this turbulent new era, Conqueror’s Haki is also like crossing the river. The crucian carp is like a carp, and it is a handful if you grab it, and only the one that really stands out from these overlords is this time.

On behalf of the real overlord!!!”

“Isn’t the Kata Kuri defeated in my hands also Conqueror’s Haki? ?? Conqueror’s does not mean undefeated, otherwise, Doflamingo will not be locked in a cage.” Lu Qi whispered softly. Then he looked at Fujitora and smiled.

And Fujitora smiled and his heart was very exciting at this time. He witnessed the cough, he saw?? Well, what did he find?? The Frostwolf Pirates ranks second in threat, and the bounty ranks second, overall strength It is very likely that the second-ranking killing machine, Rob Luchi, is in front of him, awakening Conqueror’s Haki abruptly.

This is so special that Fujitora smiles and fills his heart with puzzles.

And the deeper level is the responsibility for the future, the Frostwolf Pirates are even stronger!!!

“Fujitora Admiral, I have removed my shackles. Let me break your shackles. If you want to stop me from saving Doflamingo, be prepared to be buried with Dressrosa!!!” Lu Qi said arrogantly.

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Qi raised his hand and shot a lightning bolt towards the black thundercloud in the sky, and after the lightning exploded in the thundercloud, the energy originally stored in the thundercloud seemed to be activated. In general, countless plasmas began to roll in the clouds, and gradually condensed towards a point.

In a moment, a huge ball of thunder covering the entire Dressrosa island slowly rolled down from the dark clouds.

“Logia’s Devil Fruit, especially my Thunder Fruit, is called the strongest because of this ability, it is invincible!!!” Lu Qi said very Haki, and then he stretched out towards the sky I lifted my arm, and said again: “In the name of God, destroy all the dangers blocking my path!!! Lei Fa, Profound Righteousness-Thunder Wanjun

! !! ”

With the fall of Lu Qi’s words, the huge thunder ball that was crushed down on Dressrosa Island like a catastrophe seemed to start to speed up.

Fujitora smiled and the Short Sword in his hand quickly unsheathed. This time, his ability instantly spread to the entire island of Dressrosa. In the next second, there were countless ruins, rocks, houses, etc., only things with no living things, Fujitora smiled and used them all. His own ability moved it up and hit the thundercloud ball in the air, intending to hinder Lu Qi’s move.

Looking at this scene, Lu Qi’s eyes flashed with an excited smile and said: “Sure enough, I guessed it is correct. When you were fighting against me, you didn’t use all your strength!!!”

Although there are countless rocks flying in the air, trying to hinder Lu Qi’s thunder, but whenever those rocks and the like approach the thundercloud ball, they will be hit by the powerful thunder force. Shattered, annihilated in the air, not even a dregs fell.

Seeing the ball of thunderclouds, lowering and lowering, the aura of destruction has begun to envelope the top of Dressrosa’s head, Fujitora’s smile has become extremely complicated and tangled, and the sweat is constantly moving. Dripping on the ground.

On the one hand is the heinous Doflamingo, on the other is the tens of thousands of ordinary people in Dressrosa. This is a good choice for Fujitora’s smile. He will choose tens of thousands of people without thinking about it, but what makes him more embarrassed. , If you choose this people, you will be bowing your head to the pirate

At the same time, Lu Qi was also looking at Fujitora with a smile, with an inexplicable look in his eyes, and whispered softly in a soft whisper that no one could notice: “Come on and let me see if your faith is strong enough for the new appointment. “Admiral of Headquarters- Fujitora smiles”

Just when a thunderbolt burst out of the thundercloud ball, and it was about to hit Dressrosa, Fujitora smiled and the Short Sword in his hand came out again, and slashed out a powerful slash, which might bring that The rough thunder with great casualties smashed it, and then Fujitora smiled and said in a deep voice: “Stop it, I lost it!!!”

The sound of ‘zizizi’ electric current rang from Luqi’s body, and then Fujitora felt it with a smile, and the destructive thundercloud ball on his head seemed to stop…

“Sure enough, your faith is extremely firm. For the countless ordinary people who have nothing to do with you, you are willing to bow your head to me as a pirate.” Lu Qi looked at Fujitora with a smile and whispered softly.

“It has nothing to do with what your Excellency Lu Qi said. When he changed his identity from a mere Ronin to the Admiral of Naval Headquarters, he put the big cloak with the word “justice” on his shoulders. When I went up, I didn’t have anything to do with them anymore. The so-called Marine Admiral.

The justice of this world???” Fujitora smiled and slowly put Short Sword into the scabbard, and said in a deep voice.

Lu Qi looked at Fujitora and smiled at the embarrassed figure, and then said softly, “Is this the’justice’ you uphold???”

“Why not???” Fujitora smiled and said softly.

Lu Qi didn’t open his mouth to continue to say anything, but he extended a hand again.The next second, a plasma of plasma fell from the thundercloud ball, and Lu Qi grabbed it in his hand, and then, his body It’s like a bottomless abyss, very quickly absorbed all the violent thunder energy in the sky into his body, Logia ability

The pervert of the author once again appeared.

After seeing Lu Qi really withdraw the move that would destroy the entire Dressrosa, Fujitora smiled and heaved a sigh of relief.

After recovering the violent thunder energy, Lu Qi glanced at Fujitora one last time and said with a smile: “Marine has an Admiral like you, and I really don’t know if it is a blessing or a curse. But Fujitora Admiral, the general public, would be grateful to you. ”

After speaking, Lu Qi turned and walked towards the direction of the palace, and Fujitora smiled this time looking at Lu Qi’s back with invisible eyes, and did not hinder anything like before.

“Frostwolf Pirates?” Fujitora smiled and murmured softly. He didn’t know what he was thinking, but he knew very well that he couldn’t explain to Sakazuki this time.

With Sakazuki’s character, if he were here, it was absolutely impossible to bow his head just now. Isn’t it the people of Dressrosa??? For this justice, sacrifice would have been sacrificed.

So this time Fujitora’s act of smiling is also contrary to Sakazuki’s philosophy. For the so-called people, to bow to the pirates, where is Marine’s face???

At the same time, at the port of Dressrosa at 260, Monet watched the air on the island return to normal again, and said with a sigh of relief: “It seems that the result has come out, that bastard Lu Qi, it should have succeeded.”

In the imprisonment of the palace, Doflamingo was already sitting cross-legged in front of the wall again at this time, and a smile hung on the corner of his mouth.Since the destructive aura gradually dissipated, he knew that this time, he was saved…

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for the door to be opened outside the prison. Then, Lu Qi with a bunch of keys in his hand walked in, and he saw Doflamingo and some cadres of the Donquixote Family at a glance. .

“Doflamingo” Lu Qi whispered while watching Doflamingo with a smile on his face.

“Sure enough, you are here, Lu Qi.” Doflamingo smiled and said, not surprising him at all.

“According to Gromash’s orders, fulfill the previous promises and save you.” Lu Qi had no politeness at all, so he explained his intentions very simply.

After speaking, Lu Qi also threw the keychain in his hand to the cadres of the Don Quidditch family.

Soon, Doflamingo lifted the shackles in his hands, and then laughed and stood up and asked, “Fufurfurfurfurfur, thank you very much this time… Have you gotten the tiger out there???”

“Of course.” Lu Qi nodded and said.

“Conqueror’s furfurfur, it’s really interesting. The people at Naval Headquarters value me as a bastard. I have already sent people to escort me, so Dressrosa is not a long-term place for the time being.” Doflamingo looked at Lu Qi and smiled. Said.

Later, the group of Don Quidditch family followed Lu Qi and Doflamingo and walked out of the prison. In the process, the young master also found his own room, because all this has not passed. After a long time, he found his clothes inside, then changed his prison uniform and walked out of the palace generously.

Doflamingo saw Fujitora standing not far away and smiled. Then there was an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and he smiled at Fujitora and said: “Smile Admiral, I’m right??? Everything has just begun. .

Fujitora smiled and did not speak, just stood there silently, and Doflamingo did not provoke anything so vulgar, just smiled and turned away.

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