I Am Hellscream

Chapter 702

Chapter 702 All the shackles are gone, a natural overlord!!!

The person who has played against Lu Qi the most in Marine should be Kuzan, but Kuzan has left the army. Fujitora smiled and joined Marine for a short time. As Admiral, many things have happened. I didn’t understand it clearly. I am really not familiar with all kinds of information on Lu Qi. Besides, Kuzan ran away.

Although there is some information about Lu Qi, there are not many people who really have experience with Lu Qi. Fujitora can’t get too much information about Lu Qi with a smile. More importantly, he has thought about meeting Lu Qi here. strange

Coupled with what I said before, Fujitora had taken care of Dressrosa with a smile, and it was difficult to make a full shot.

Lu Qi grew up with Gromash. He basically inherited many of Gromash’s characteristics. One of them is to respect people who have beliefs and can stick to their beliefs.

With the trick just now, Fujitora smiled, even if it was Marine’s Admiral, it was at least hit hard, and he actually stood up at this time to hinder his actions. Lu Qi’s heart for this Marine’s Admiral , The uncle who has met several times in the Golden City is also more acquainted.

This recognition is irrelevant to the position, just recognition of a person, just like the former Marshal Sengoku. He wished that Gromash would die one day, but he still had to admit that Gromash was a great hero.

The thunder in the sky began to roar, and the two Japan’s troubled Dressrosa seemed to be ushered in the punishment from heaven again. The heavy dark clouds were constantly lowering down, and a thundercloud storm seemed to be in sight.

‘A flash of lightning destroyed a house on the street in an instant. Standing in the middle of the street, Monet looked at the sky with abrupt changes and involuntarily murmured: “What the hell is that bastard Lu Qi doing???”

After speaking, Monet turned his head and looked at Trafalgar-Luo in front of him. At this time, Trafalgar-Luo’s consciousness was no longer sober, and the sweat on his chin was mixed with the serum that flowed when he bit his lip. It kept dripping towards the ground, and there were more than a dozen daggers stuck in his body.

Leave the hilt of the knife out of his body.

Although among the dozen or so heads, only the heads running through his limbs are real, and the rest are illusions that Monet exerted on Trafalgar-Ruo, but the pain of personal experience is really real.

“I really can’t bear torture,” Monet whispered softly while looking at Trafalgar-Luo.

And at this moment, a pink figure also walked out of the corner of the street, first looked at the Trafalgar-Ro, then looked at Monet standing in front of the unlucky ghost, and then said: ” I have seen the unknown side of Miss Monet???”

Monet smiled and turned to look at the pink figure behind him and said, “You have to keep it secret to me, otherwise I will kill people, Reiju…”

Reiju smiled and nodded, and then said, “Then treat this as a secret between our girls, Miss Witch.”

Reiju was just making a joke. He didn’t talk too much about this topic with Monet. Instead, he looked at the thunderclouds that were getting lower and lower in the sky, and asked, “What’s the situation???”

“What else??? Your Lu Qi is ill and sigh??? According to me, this bastard is afraid that he wants to destroy the entire Dressrosa,” Monet whispered a little helplessly.

“Destroying Dressrosa??? But according to your Highness, isn’t it that Dressrosa will be our site from now on???” Reiju said in a surprised voice.

Monet stretched out his hand and scratched his neck, and then said: “But at least it is not now, and that is just a possibility. What’s more, the captain of our family loves that bastard Lu Qi very much. It’s just a Dressrosa. Even if it’s really destroyed, the captain won’t blame him.

That’s it.”

“There are tens of thousands of people on that island,” Reiju hesitated and asked.

In the final analysis, Reiju is not a pirate. Although the Kingdom of Djerma is classified as evil, they are only selling wars and not engaging in massacres. Moreover, her highly toxic fans rarely participate in those things. In essence, Reiju’s heart is still kind.

“It’s tens of thousands of enemies…” Monet softly’corrected’, and then said: “Look clearly, Reiju, the emotionally stunned bastard you like. At some point, it doesn’t. Always’stay and stunned’, when necessary, he can do any cruel things. After seeing this side clearly, think about it again.

Will I continue to like him in the end?”

After hearing Monet’s words, Reiju was also silent for a while, then suddenly laughed, and said: “After you liked your Highness back then, have you considered these issues???”

“Of course not. If you want to ask why, because I am also a pirate, isn’t that proof? ??” Monet pointed his finger at the groggy Trafalgar-Luo next to him, and seemed to prove himself too. Not like a good person.

Reiju smiled and said, “Is that so??? If you like evil, then just turn yourself into evil, right???”

Monet nodded very casually and said, “Perhaps.”

As soon as Monet’s words fell, I saw Reiju approaching, took the dagger from Monet’s hand, and then stabbed Trafalgar-Luo’s waist with a fierce knife. Ejected from the wound, splashing onto Reiju’s delicate face.

“So from now on, I’m also an evil pirate,” Reiju loosened the dagger in his hand, turned to look at Monet and spoke softly.

Monet looked at this scene with a bit of pity, and then hurriedly said: “You guys will stab someone next time, let me say it first, I don’t have any powerful doctors, if you stabbed some of his vital organs. Now, he is going to die”

Reiju was also a little surprised and said, “You didn’t intend to kill him??? But I think he has been inserted in many important places???”

Monet stretched out his hand and patted Trafalgar-Luo, released the illusion that had been imposed on him, and said, “Those are all illusions, only the seven on his limbs are real.”

Reiju took another look this time, and it turned out that, except for a knife in the waist of Trafalgar-Luo, the rest of the real injuries were on the insignificant limbs…

At this time, Trafalgar-Luo regained a little consciousness, looked at Reiju, and muttered in pain, “Are you the devil too???”

After that, Trafalgar-Luo was completely fainted, presumably there were 10,000 alpacas running back and forth in his heart before he fell into a coma??? The pirate goes to incarnate??? Why do you have to stab me to prove it??? I’m sick??? Mine

Why is life so bitter???

Watching this scene, Monet hurriedly said: “I slid away, hurry back to the boat in the port, and see if it is really stabbed to the vital part, and I can’t stay on this island. The bastard Lu Qi is very good. He may destroy the island at any time, but he doesn’t necessarily care if we are also on the island.”

Reiju stabbed Trafalgar-Luo just now without knowing it, so that Monet had to return to the boat quickly.At this time, she was also a little embarrassed. Trafalgar-Luo’s collar, Reiju, who has been transformed since birth, is very strong. Carrying this Trafalgar-Luo

Just like mentioning this little chicken, there was no pressure, Monet didn’t say much when he saw it, but quickly left the street with Reiju.

At the same time, on Lucky’s side, Fujitora smiled. Although he couldn’t see the changes in Dressrosa, he could feel that energy that seemed to be enough to destroy the entire island was being accumulated in the thunderclouds in the sky.

0-Seeking flowers…

At this moment, he didn’t panic even after he was seriously injured, but he also panicked, and quickly asked: “Your Excellency Lu Qi, what are you doing???”

“From the very beginning of the match, I felt that you, this guy, couldn’t show his full power in Dressrosa, right? I don’t believe that a new Admiral who can be recognized by Naval Headquarters has been in such a short period of time. I was seriously injured inside, unless there is a shackle here that restricts you from playing

Yes, the winner is the winner, and shackles and constraints are just excuses for losing dogs, but I respect people who have faith and are willing to stick to their faith, so this time, I want to see you who are free from the shackles. How strong, let me help you break the shackles called ordinary people!!!” Lu Qi said softly. After he finished speaking, he

He snapped his fingers very casually.

And with this snapping finger, a lightning pillar the size of a flood dragon roared from the air filled with thunderclouds and hit the block of Dressrosa. In a moment, a huge explosion came from the block in the distance. Came.

“Stop it!!!” Fujitora grinned and roared.


An evil smile hung on Lu Qi’s face, and he said: “Fujitora Admiral, Gromash once told me that if you do something wrong with Marine, you will always carry countless responsibilities on your body, and you will never be the real strongest. ‘, I didn’t understand it very well before, but now looking at you, I understand a little bit about you who are concerned by mundane and boring responsibilities.

Everyone, even if they have incomparable strength, but in the end, they are just “monsters”. There is no way to become the “strongest” and “overlord”!!!”

After saying this, a certain shackle on Lu Qi seemed to be broken, and a powerful aura erupted from his body.In just an instant, this aura swept the entire island. Everyone on Dressrosa Island felt a strong pressure.

At this time, Monet and Reiju, who were moving towards the port, naturally felt this aura. Monet looked back in the direction of the King’s Heights with a little surprise, and said in surprise: “This breath is Lu Qi, yes…but This momentum is”

“Conqueror’s Haki???” A drop of sweat dripped from Reiju’s forehead. Unlike Monet, her strength was still slightly worse. After feeling this Conqueror’s Haki, she also suffered a lot of pressure.

“It’s really the man I’m fond of…” Reiju raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead and whispered softly.

“After I go back, this kid is going to start stinky again” Monet cursed a little uncomfortably, but he was really happy for Lu Qi in his heart. Sure enough, Captain Gromash’s vision was very sharp. Lu Qi has cultivated it all the way to the present level. Even Conqueror’s Haki, who is only one in a million people, has been

Is this kid lucky enough to activate???

In the prison, the young master Doflamingo also burst into laughter after feeling the breath.

“Fufurfurfurfur, is the natural overlord of furfurfur? My last reason to stick to it is gone? Is this destiny???” Doflamingo laughed and said, his tone is indescribable. .

As a young master who grew up as a “overlord”, he inspired Conqueror’s Haki when he was extremely young. How could a person like him just bow his head casually???

However, at this moment when Lu Qi, Conqueror’s awakens, the last point in his Doflamingo’s heart is gone.Conqueror’s, people who can awaken this ability, are all unruly guys and Gromash is just’tamed’. Lu Qi

“Is this the physical gap between me and you???” Doflamingo sighed softly after smiling. Mountain.

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