Chapter 62 The same man with the strongest name.

Joz, this name is very common, it can be said to be a lot of people caught in the sea, but if you add the word “diamond” before this name, it will be great. Diamond-Joz, the most Strong Pirates-The Captain of the Third Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, the strength is quite strong, don’t you think he is just the Captain of the Third Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, but he is actually

He is one of the few people in the world who can be recognized and called the “strongest” by the world in certain fields.

Just like the strongest man Whitebeard, the strongest sea, land and air creature-Kaido, the strongest swordsman-Mihawk, the strongest Conqueror’s man. Shanks, etc., Joz is also called the “strongest” by the world.

Yes, in the original story, Joz is known as the man with the “strongest physical defense”, although the gap between his strongest and the first few “strongest” mentioned above is a bit big, It looks a little funny and inconspicuous, but you have to admit that he really has such a “strongest” name.

Moreover, the name of “the strongest physical defense” does not seem to be an exaggerated boast. Eye-Dracule- Mihawk’s new slash to Whitebeard was caught without injury, and even the root hair was not lost.

It is impossible to say that Mihawk can’t cut diamonds? It is definitely impossible. It can only be said that Joz has developed his Paramecia. Diamond fruit ability to the point where even Mihawk can’t cut it. It is indeed hard enough.

It should be said that Mihawk has released the water? From the situation at the time, it should be impossible, or that the slash may not be the strongest slash of Mihawk, but it is definitely not the slash that has released the water, you must know At that time, Mihawk’s slash was used to weigh the gap between himself and Whitebeard. This slash,

Even if it was not Mihawk’s strongest slash, it would definitely not be a slash of water. That would be too insulting to Mihawk, and it would insult Whitebeard!

But even so, Joz was still able to do it steadily. Next, with this hand, he was indeed enough to be called the “strongest physical defense”. After that, his great power was also shown. , Picked up a block of ice larger than the giants and threw it out.

It was knocked out under the carelessness.

It’s just that I don’t know what happened to him later.After a fierce lap, he seems to have begun to show the state of paddling. First, he was restricted by Don Quixote-Doflamingo with Parasite String. Although I don’t seem to care much about Joz’s expression, it is indeed a miss, and then he has the highest combat power against the World government: Marine Ben

When Admiral-Kuzan of the Ministry, was distracted by Whitebeard’s injury, Kuzan used his freezing ability to remove an arm and became a disabled person like Shanks. After that, he didn’t play much, maybe it was Later, when the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates fought with the Blackbeard Pirates of Teach, it is not necessarily true.

But in any case, Diamond Joz is a strong hunk.

Originally, Gromash thought that Diamond Joz should have already gone to New World, joined the Whitebeard Pirates, and worshipped Whitebeard as the father, and became a son. After all, in Gromash’s cognition, Joz was already in the story. I have joined the Whitebeard Pirates more than 20 years ago, and they are considered to be the older generation in the Whitebeard Pirates.


After coming to this world, Gromash didn’t pay much attention to this aspect. At first, he was locked in Impel down, so let’s not talk about it. If you want to pay attention, you can’t pay attention. Island, a limited number of times to inquire outside news, I also heard from Jinbei whether any major incidents have occurred, and Jinbei did not give Gro.

Marsh mentioned this, so Gromash really didn’t realize that Joz is still wandering outside and doing it alone.

But think about it carefully, the story only says that Joz joined the Whitebeard Pirates more than 20 years ago, and did not say whether it was 29 years ago or 21 years ago?? Now it is the legendary 20 Two years ago, it is not impossible for Joz to not join the Whitebeard Pirates. In addition, Gromash’s crossing did cause some influence to a certain extent.

, Such as the incident of Golden Lion-Shiki, the guy is still in Impel down-Imperton’s pension, I don’t know what he is thinking, maybe for some unknown reason, it affects Joz and makes Joz late. It’s not necessarily true that it’s been two years to go to sea or to join the Whitebeard Pirates two years late??

In short, the facts are in front of us. In the future, the well-known Whitebeard Pirates Third Division Captain, the diamond with the name of “the strongest physical defense and the “imperial”-Joz has appeared alive in Gaya Island-Magic Valley Town. In this way, he appeared in front of Gromash alive.

Lu Qi suddenly froze when he saw Gromash, staring at a man fiercely, and he was almost sinking in without looking away, and there was a greedy look in his eyes from time to time. After that, he also felt cold all over his body, and he rubbed it. The goose bumps on his arm said to Gromash, “What’s wrong with you?? Isn’t it because you have awakened some strange habit??

No wonder you said before that you would not be the kind of person who was stumped by “beauties”. Could it be that you actually like male sex?? It’s too late for me to get off the boat??”

Gromash was interrupted by Lu Qi in this way, and he also recovered his senses. He glared at Lu Qi viciously and then said: “What is in your little kid’s head all day long? Laozi’s boat still wants to leave? Is there no door?”

After speaking, Gromash paused, and then showed a ghostly smile and said again: “You want to say whether Laozi fell in love with the man, yes, Laozi did.

Later, Lu Qi was also frightened by Gromash’s remarks. He stammered and said: “Then the feeling is good. If you like it, you must be brave to pursue it, and you must be loyal. I personally respect it very, very much. For the kind of unswerving love of Yi I think you should put your target on him, don’t pay attention to anything else


Lu Qi, this stinky boy is also a ghost, what one-on-one, what loyalty, unswerving, don’t he just hope that Gromash will always target Joz, don’t mess with ideas, in order to preserve his chastity ?? I have to say, this kid has a black belly, and he played the trick of playing the dead dao friend and not the poor dao at a young age.

Gromash was also amused by Lu Qi, and then he laughed and said, “Jiehahahahaha, I’m scared of you kid, don’t worry, I’m joking with you, Laozi still likes the kind of watery girl. , We have many beautiful girls in The fish men island, and those who are willing to do something indescribable with me can also

Enough from dammit, I’m discussing these things with you, a kid who doesn’t have all the hair. Anyway, just remember that I like beautiful women. Don’t think about the ones that are missing.

Lu Qi was also embarrassed by Gromash’s ridicule: “Hmm, what did you mean by that?”

Lu Qi felt that he and Gromash, who was full of swear words, seemed to have lowered his grade by caring about these things, so he stopped arguing with Gromash about what is not hairy, and asked about Gromash’s meaning.

Gromash drank the wine in the glass, and then said very firmly: “Laozi is interested in him, let him be our partner!!”

That’s right, since Gromash is here to meet the famous diamond Joz in the future, in Gromash’s view, this is simply a fate appointed by God!! The so-called God does not take it, it will be blamed, if it is now open. Let Joz off, when this guy enters the New World, maybe he will be the son of Whitebeard soon, Nage

Romash had to regret it and grabbed the ground with his head, so he decided to intercept Whitebeard and bring Jozs to him as his partner. As for what Whitebeard would think? Will the Whitebeard Pirates be affected? Gromash was too lazy. Regardless of him, I want to come to you. Whitebeard’s sons are tens of thousands. They should be no less than one or two. The big deal is that I will help you with love

Hua Weibull find out, let you two “”father and son recognize each other” in advance, so as to avoid a human tragedy of fighting for inheritance. By the way, you should be compensated for a son, right? Think about it, my Gromash is really an honest and kind person. Youth, it should be awarded!

And after Gromash said these words, Lu Qi looked at Gromash with an expression of “Did you take the wrong medicine?”, and then he said, “Did you drink too much?? Why are you so casual?? Just glanced at it and decided to bring him into the group??”

Gromash also grabbed some food and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it, and said, “You fucking shy to say this?? You don’t want to think about how you got here, what you said. It’s as if you have gone through the many tests I set up and broke through countless difficulties and obstacles to become my partner, but what about the facts?

Isn’t it that you brat suddenly ran up to me and said that his shelter was destroyed by me and came to me?? Fifty steps and a hundred steps are talking about a guy like you.

When Lu Qi thought about it, he seemed to have mixed with Gromash so casually and became his first partner. If you think about it, Gromash’s style is still quite casual, and he doesn’t seem to have any standpoint. These words.

So Lu Qi thought for a while and said, “What do you think of him?? Isn’t it just to follow my wit and talent??”

Gromash glanced at Lu Qi and said, “I can’t tell that you are really fucking narcissistic, but what you said is not wrong. Even if it is me, of course it is impossible. I just decided to invite a passerby to be my partner. I really have a fancy to his potential and future. Just treat me as having that special talent. Sometimes

I can really see if someone is worth training or not. Just now, I saw from him the future worthy of me to bring him into the group.”

Lu Qi also pretended to stroke his hairless chin, then nodded and said, “If this is the case, then I have no objection.”

“It’s as if it’s useful if your kid objected,” Gromash spit out disdainfully, and then started drinking again.

On the other side, Joz also walked up to his partner and sat down. Filled a few nephews.

“Aha, it’s resurrected a little bit.” Joz sighed comfortably and said.

“Captain, when you slept just now, a big man came here, and we had some friendship with him,” Cromwell said with a smile.

Joz froze for a moment, and said, “What big man??”

Cromwell motioned to Joz with his eyes, and Joz followed his eyes, and then saw Gromash who was drinking, and then he also spoke with a shocked face and said, “Don’t tell me, It’s really a great man.”

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