Chapter 61 Children should drink milk and listen to stories.

Gromash led Lu Qi to a tavern. When he opened the door, the entire tavern recognized him and became quiet, but Gromash didn’t care so much. He said directly: ” Boss, give me a barrel of your best wine…not three barrels, forget it, bring it all!”

After speaking, the boss said with a little trembling, “This lord, it’s best that all five barrels of wine are covered.”

While the boss was talking, he looked at a table of pirates not far away, and Gromash followed his gaze, and saw a group of guys who looked very sturdy sitting there drinking. In the same way, they also looked at Gromash.

Gromash didn’t say anything, one of the brawny guys over there said, “It’s better to meet by chance. It’s lucky to be able to meet a big man like Gromash boss here. These five barrels of wine have just come up, and we still have Nothing. Since the boss of Gromash wants to drink, let us treat you to a drink, bartender.

The barrel of wine is sent to Boss Gromash.

Gromash originally thought that he would encounter a situation where he would pretend to be a face, but he did not expect to meet such a bold guy. He was in a good mood. He is very particular. In fact, even if he does not have the best drink, he can It’s just a moment, and I won’t rely on my own strength to grab the five barrels of wine, that would be too cheap, but if just now

That gang dared to speak harsh words first. He didn’t beat these people’s shit to count them clean.

But this group of people seemed to be very prosperous. In this way, Gromash also gave a lot of face. He said with a smile: “28 Jiehahahahaha, who is the leader? My Gromash is not a rude person, since I am a few I bought it first, and I didn’t intend to beg for it shamelessly, but since a few of them gave me the face of Gromash, I

I can’t stop it, but I don’t want to discourage everyone. I just need to moisten my throat with two buckets, and the rest of you will continue to drink!’

The brawny man didn’t seem to have thought that Gromash had no shelf at all, and he was so polite to give face, and he was also happy in his heart. He smiled and said: “We are from the Gem Pirates group. The captain drank too much yesterday and didn’t sleep. Wake up, it is estimated that it will take a while to come. I am the deputy captain, named Cromwell, and I am offering a bounty of 78 million Baileys.

I’m still a newcomer. If I meet him in the sea in the future, I will ask the boss of Gromash to take care of him.

I have to say that the deputy captain of this gem pirate group is very generous and intelligent, and a deputy captain has such a demeanor, plus his seven thousand and eight million Bailey’s bounty shows that his strength should also be Not bad, so it can be seen that their captain should also be a very interesting guy, and it may even be this year’s supernova or something, with a bounty of over 100 million

Kind of.

“Jiehahahaha, it’s easy to talk about it, I like to deal with you guys who are refreshing, if I meet in the future, I will inevitably ask you to have a drink!” Gromash laughed and said, and then the two groups did not say anything more. After all, it’s only the first time to meet, so it’s fine for both parties to be polite.

Gromash took Lu Qi to find a corner and sat down. After the bartender brought two barrels of wine, Gromash said again, “If there is an account behind the table just now, I will count it. Some food and wine are also brought up. There should be a wolf squatting in your backyard now, but don’t worry, it is not cannibalistic. Go and say hello.

Give it some meat to eat and serve me a few barrels of wine and a few glasses of juice. ”

Before Gromash finished speaking, Lu Qi followed and said, “I want to drink too.”

“What kind of wine does the kid drink? Drink juice to grow your body, so what, some more glasses of milk.” Gromash directly denied Lu Qi’s request, and said very strongly.

The bartender also nodded quickly and did what Gromash meant. As for Lu Qi, he was completely ignored by him.

“Although I am young, you can’t really think of me as a kid? You know, I am messing with you now, who are you? You are a big pirate who offers a reward of 500 million Baileys, Since I’ve ganged up with you, I must be a pirate too. You can’t just look at my age and not my identity, right?? How can a pirate not drink? “Lu Qi seems to want it.

Convince Gromash, the slurs on his lips were one and the other.

“You’re really a goddamn good guy, didn’t you be very cold at first?? How come there is so much nonsense now?? Forbidden to drink is forbidden to drink, children should listen to the story, drink milk and juice, The milk and juice are coming soon. I will tell you a story now.” Gromash completely ignored Lu Qi’s fallacies, and then he did not object Lu Qi.

Opportunity, I spoke again.

“Venbulan, who is called the “big talker” by people. Rolando is actually a famous adventurer more than four hundred years ago. He was born in the Kingdom of North Blue Lubnier. His own strength is also very strong. As for how strong he is, I don’t know, but he is in the sea. Killing Sea Kings or something can be done very easily. ”

Rolando’s strength should not be unexpected. He should not only kill One Piece in the sea as a human, but he was also stuck in the ground and forcibly broke free. Later, he went to Dressrosa in New World to help. The little humans who have been there are nothing but personalities.

Gromash saw that Lu Qi did not talk any more nonsense, and seemed to be very interested in the story he wanted to tell, so he also opened his mouth and said: “More than four hundred years ago, he brought his expedition to the island of Gaya where we are now. , And found the ancient civilization of Shandora city here, and later became friends with the Shandia people who lived here, and this ancient

The civilized city of Shandola is actually Shandola, the hometown of gold circulating on the sea..”

Lu Qi also brightened his eyes and said, “Is it the home of gold that is as famous as the emerald capital and the sea of ​​gems??”

Gromash also smiled, nodded and said, “Yes, that’s the gold town. The entire city of Shandora is made of gold, and its value is inestimable.”

And Lu Qi also excitedly said: “That is to say, we are in the land of gold now??”

“It’s not wrong if you have to say that.” Gromash nodded.

“What about gold??” Lu Qi finally asked the point.

“At this point, this story is connected to the sea route we want to find to Sky Island.” Gromash smiled mysteriously, and then said: “Next, I want to tell you the story, but no one knows the story. The secret, after all, it’s about the land of gold.”

Lu Qi also urged very curiously: “Say it!!”

After Gromash picked up the barrel and filled himself up, he took two sips and said, “Rolando has found the land of gold. After returning to the Kingdom of Lubnier in North Blue, he was very pleased to report the news to the king. The king was also extremely excited, so he asked Rolando to take the large fleet funded by the state to find this place to see if it could be.

What is the advantage of being able to make a profit is plain, that is, the king has taken a fancy to the gold in the Golden Country, but when Rolando comes to Gaya Island again, the entire Golden Country has disappeared… and the people who lived there. The same is true for Shandia. Gaya Island has become the current Gaya Island. Rolando failed to find the home of gold. Everyone thought he was here.

Bragging, talking big words, the king who had a big psychological gap was also furious, so he sentenced Roland to death. Roland did not admit that he was lying until he died. He firmly believed that the land of gold was real, but it might be because of the island’s plate. Sports and other things were sunk to the bottom of the sea, but at that time no one wanted to believe his words.

In this way, he died with infamy and humiliation, and the entire Vermbrand family has been ridiculed to this day. This is the story of the story of the king of big talk of Vembran-Rolando. ”

Gromash stopped when he said this. After the bartender had finished serving all the things that should be served, Lu Qi took a few sips of his milk and then whispered, “That is to say, the land of gold is actually now On the bottom of the sea? No wonder you know that, with your murloc bloodline, it is not easy to find the land of gold on the bottom of the sea??””

Gromash laughed, and shook his head and said, “It is true that the land of gold does exist, and Rolando did not speak big words, but his speculation is still wrong. This land of gold is not on the bottom of the sea, but in the sky. Sky Island.

Lu Qi was also stunned when he heard what Gromash said. Then he said, “So, you said that this story is related to the sea route we are looking for. I am afraid it has a great relationship with why the land of gold went to the sky. Bar??”

“Jie ha ha ha 940 ha ha, I just like your cleverness.” Gromash said with a laugh.

Then he took a few sips of wine and said, “Don’t tell me, the wine here is really good. The land of gold was pushed to the sky by the huge soaring ocean currents near Gaya Island, and it just happened to fall on it. On Sky Island, the Shandia people were also forced to immigrate from Qinghai to Sky Island.

One piece is the city of Shandola, the home of gold.

At this time, Lu Qi no longer pays attention to the land of gold. He said in an unbelievable way: “Then the life or death route you said was the soaring ocean current in your mouth just now??”

Gromash glanced at Lu Qi and said, “Why not?? Obviously, there is only one way.”

Lu Qi also said with some ambition: “That’s really a matter of life or death.”

“Jiehahahahahaha, is your kid guilty?” Gromash looked at Lu Qi and couldn’t help laughing. Even if Lu Qi is more mature, he is still a kid in the end. A guilty conscience is a normal reaction. .

But Gromash also said with relief again: “But don’t worry, don’t forget, Laozi has the blood of a murloc. As long as it is in the sea, there is no place I can’t go. There is only a skyward ocean current, Laozi doesn’t believe it. Can it really turn the sky over??”

And Lu Qi brightened his eyes when he heard Gromash’s words, smiled and said, “Yes, why did I forget this??”

After the two chatted for a little bit, Gromash just picked up the wine glass and saw that the door of the tavern was pushed open again. A guy with an extremely strong figure who looked like a tough guy was holding his head, and he seemed to have a headache and walked in. He said: “Cromwell will give me something to cushion my stomach, I was really drunk last night.

After Gromash saw this guy, he was also stunned. Even the wine glass in his hand stopped in mid-air and didn’t continue to pour it into his mouth. I saw him whisper in an incredible whisper, “Isn’t it?? This guy is still doing it alone now??”.

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