I Am Hellscream

Chapter 409

Chapter 409 Weakness and pain!

The light rain of Zhejiang Province swept the wine from the sky to the island of Baderila, and the flames that had been burning in the town where no one had survived were also gradually extinguished in the continuous drizzle.

Standing in front of the destroyed port, Doflamingo’s body was soaked in rain, and the delicate water flowed down the tips of his hair, passed through the slightly frivolous orange sunglasses, and finally gathered on his chin. , It dripped gently.

Starting from the Mignon Island incident, the grievances and grievances that lasted for more than ten years finally came to an end at this moment.

Not long ago, Doflamingo gently squeezed the trigger of the musket pointed at his brother Rosinante on the edge of the cliff. life.

It also took the life of Doflamingo’s last blood relative in this world.

I don’t know if it is because of the gloomy weather or for other reasons.In the eyes of some cadres of the Don Jihede family, the young master at this time seems to be a little sad.He stood motionless in the ruined port. I didn’t know what I was thinking when I looked at the sea level in the distance.

No one knows if Doflamingo shed tears at this time. I am afraid that even if it did, it would have been covered by the rain.

“Are people always weak?? Even I can’t escape this weakness??” Doflamingo whispered softly.

A long time ago, Doflamingo had envisioned this scene in his mind countless times, and every scene that flashed in his mind was that he pulled the trigger to kill Rosinante without hesitation, and every time he was That kind of ruthlessness, he didn’t mind Rosinante’s death, and there was even a pleasure of revenge.

But when this happened, when he really pulled the trigger and took Rosinante’s life, Doflamingo didn’t feel how happy he was. Instead, there was a lingering sadness in his heart. .

Even when he personally “killed his father”, Doflamingo never had this kind of sadness that shouldn’t exist for him. It was because of this feeling that he realized that he has changed after all, not like before. Is cruel

I don’t know when this change started, and where it came from. Maybe it started when Vergo died, or when he began to accept the concept of “friend” in his heart.

In short, Doflamingo understands that he seems to have become weaker. This change makes him very unpleasant. Once a person has weakness, it is equivalent to a weakness. As a man of ambition and ambition, Doflamingo naturally hates such self. of.

A black umbrella was stretched to cover Doflamingo’s head, covering the continuous drizzle for him. Doflamingo looked back at it. It was baby-5, the maid who was raised by their Don Quiet family. He stood on tiptoe and held the umbrella hard for him.

For some reason, Doflamingo was moved a little at this moment, but he quickly dissipated the moving from his heart.

Originally he was going to leave here quickly, but now he changed his mind.

“Gladius, give me a handful of steel,” Doflamingo said softly.

Soon, Gladius found a rusty shovel from the silent town and gave it to his young master.

And Doflamingo once again walked out of the umbrella that shielded him from the rain, and returned to the courtyard near the cliff side alone with a shovel. what.

After a long time, Doflamingo took his flamingo-like pink feather coat from his shoulders and threw it on Rosinante’s body, covering the body that was hit by the rain.

Later, Master Young Master actually bent over and waved a shovel, and began to dig a pit next to the cliff.

He didn’t use any abilities, he was just digging with his own strength. The Young Master, who had never engaged in this kind of work, felt incredibly tired, when he dug the pit enough to bury Rosinante. After that, he took a couple of breaths, and after a while, he personally threw Rosinante’s body into it.

In this pit.

Then he looked at the feather coat in his hand, and put the somewhat filthy feather coat that had been soaked in soil and rain on himself again.

After this, Doflamingo remained silent and buried Rosinante in silence. A simple grave appeared here. Doflamingo put the shovel on the grave at the end and finished this. everything.

Standing in front of the simple grave for a long time, Doflamingo didn’t say a word, nor made any sound. After a long time, a cold flash flashed in his eyes, as if to abandon all the weakness of his body.

Armed himself with that coldness and ruthlessness again.

Turning around and walking at his own pace, and stepping on the muddy road, Doflamingo returned to the port, and then he whispered: “Pika, just stay there.”

Looking at the dirty pink feather coat on Doflamingo’s body, Pika nodded lightly, and then activated his abilities and began to erode the entire Baterila Island.

All the traces on this island began to be covered and wiped out by the surging mud and stones, and soon, the entire Baterila Island began to sink gradually, removing the ground and the cliff where the Don Quidditch family members were located. Apart from the graves on the side, the island of Baderila was quickly “trapped” below sea level by Pika, and all traces of it disappeared.

And after boarding the “courier ship”, even the ground where they were before disappeared.

The entire Baterila Island has disappeared. After all, the island is not big, only the size of a small town. Only a “cliff” exposed on the sea and a solitary grave are left on the sea. Ying.

“Back to Dressrosa…” Doflamingo said softly while sitting in the cabin.

In this way, he came in a hurry, and after taking the life of his brother Rosinante, Doflamingo left in a hurry, leaving no trace of him here.

He buried his younger brother here in South Blue, buried his last blood relative in the world, and personally buried his own weakness that shouldn’t be there.

Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral. The news of Don Quixote-Rosinante’s glorious sacrifice in South Blue quickly spread throughout Malinford.

Rosinante is a person with the attributes of the “Virgin”, and a person like him has a very good relationship with all the Marines he can come into contact with.

The Marines are still a step late, even if Doflamingo has unexpectedly delayed (abdi) time there, but the Marines still haven’t grasped his “handle”.

There is no evidence to prove that Doflamingo appeared in South Blue, and only the remains of Rosinante Vice Admiral were found by the Marines.

After the solemn memorial service was over, Marshal Sengoku, wearing a black suit with a sad expression on his expression, slowly walked out of the auditorium, and then he sat weakly on the steps beside the flower bed, and then covered himself with his hands. Painful tears shed on his face.

Rosinante, who he regarded as a parent and child, died, died in the South Blue mission, and died in the hands of Doflamingo.

But his grand marshal of Marine has nothing to do, without any evidence, and unable to avenge his son!!

As the Marshal of Marine, he must remain calm at all times. As Seven Warlords of the Sea, Doflamingo cannot act rashly against him without evidence. This is the limitation of Marine. They are an army, not pirates.

Also wearing a black suit, Garp Vice Admiral, with a grief-looking complexion, came to Marshal Sengoku’s side. He didn’t know what to say, so he could only gently call out: “Sengoku”

After hearing the voice of Garp Vice Admiral, Marshal Sengoku’s anger could no longer be suppressed.He stood up suddenly, grabbed Garp Vice Admiral by the collar, and then punched Garp mercilessly. On Vice Admiral’s face.

Garp Vice Admiral was knocked to the ground by this sudden outburst of Marshal Sengoku, and Marshal Sengoku seemed to be out of control. Tears said, “Garp, you bastard!!! Do you know why Rosinante took the risk to South Blue!!??

Just tell me now, tell me everything that year!! That Ace, your grandson Ace!!! Whose child is it!! Make it clear!!!”

Marshal Sengoku’s hot tears fell on Garp Vice Admiral’s face, and Garp Vice Admiral’s expression became more painful. It turned out that it was because of the incident that year that Rosinante was involved. Did you go in South Blue?

Did I kill the old comrade, Sengoku, the white-haired man giving off the black-haired guy?? Sure enough, I really am an out-and-out asshole.

In the end, Garp Vice Admiral, with a distressed conscience, failed to tell a lie in front of the distressed Marshal Sengoku. Tears also flowed from the corners of his eyes, and he said in pain: “Roger”

After hearing Garp Vice Admiral’s answer, Marshal Sengoku’s mentality completely collapsed. The bastard Garp made such a stupid choice that year. It was incredible. I saw Marshal Sengoku once again raised his hand and punched mercilessly. It hit the corner of Garp Vice Admiral’s eye, and the red blood began to flow down the corner of Garp Vice Admiral’s eye.

“Asshole, are you still worthy of being a Marine?? Are you worthy of being a hero?? What are you thinking?? You damn guy!!” Marshal Sengoku cursed bitterly while hammering Garp Vice Admiral.

At this time, Chief Staff Officer Tsuru and Gion also retreated from the auditorium. In a blink of an eye, they saw that in the corner of the unmanned flower bed, their Marine Marshal was pressing Marine hero Garp on the ground regardless of his image. .

Looking at this scene, the chief staff of Gion and Tsuru were a little panicked. If this kind of thing spreads out, I don’t know how much trouble it will cause.

The two of them didn’t even think about it, they both rushed to Sengoku and Garp very quickly. Helped up.

“What are you two old guys doing?? Sengoku, are you crazy??” Chief Staff Officer Tsuru snapped.

Marshal Sengoku pointed to Garp painfully and said, “You should ask him if he is crazy!!! He has raised Roger’s son!! That Firefist. Portgas-D-Ace is Roger’s son! !!”

It was not until then that Garp Vice Admiral, who was pressed by Sengoku to the ground with a violent hammer, didn’t say a word before finally speaking.

“Sengoku, sinner’s child is born guilty?? Is this the concept you agree with?? Will that sinful respect really be passed down through the blood?? Tell me your answer, and then think about it. My answer” Garp Vice Admiral said, looking at Marshal Sengoku with swollen eyes.

And after Marshal Sengoku heard Garp Vice Admiral’s question, the whole person was stunned. After a long time, he reached out and pushed away the Gion that was supporting him, and sat down on the flowerbed again, speaking weakly. : “I killed Rosinante, I was too careless”

The death of Rosinante certainly has Garp Vice Admiral’s unshirkable responsibility, but did Garp Vice Admiral really do something wrong?? From beginning to end, what he did was to save an innocent baby in the past. Can it also be called an error?

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