I Am Hellscream

Chapter 408

Chapter 408 Meet the Don Quixote brothers.

Rosinante’s contact phone worm was quickly picked up by Luo. After hearing Rosinante’s familiar voice, Luo’s heart was relieved.

Then he said with some dissatisfaction: “Mr. Corazon, do you know how much I worry about you???”

“Hahaha, Luo, I’m not a kid anymore, I’m Vice Admiral from Naval Headquarters,” Rosinante said with a smile.

“I used a match to light a cigarette and gave myself to Vice Admiral who had lighted it. I only saw you.” Luo raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.

After the two chatted for a while, Luo asked, “By the way, Mr. Corazon, what are you going to do in South Blue?? It’s dangerous there, when will you come back??”

Listening to Luo, this kid is a little bit worried about “broken thoughts”, Rosinante doesn’t feel impatient or anything, but feels very warm in her heart.

Then Rosinante said, “Performing a secret mission, maybe the world is going to be turbulent soon. I will not tell you about the mission, which is still in a state of confidentiality, but it is over on my side. I will soon. I have returned to Malinford, so don’t worry about my safety.”

After hearing Rosinante’s answer, Luo didn’t care about the “confidential mission” or anything. He just mentioned it casually. He didn’t care about this kind of thing at all, he only cared about Rosinante’s movement and safety.

In fact, Luo has been working as Marine for so many years, but he still hasn’t really put himself in the position of “justice”. The World government’s inaction at that time caused his hometown to be completely destroyed by war and “platinum lead disease”. His parents and sister died there along with him. It is impossible to say that he really let go of all this hatred.

It’s just that when he was about to transform into the monster 01 of’Destruction and Darkness’, a man named “Mr. Corazon” pulled him out of the abyss of hatred and brought him hope for life again. .

But the abyss of hatred is still there, and the reason why Luo hasn’t fallen into it is only because Mr. Corazon is still holding his hand.

This is why he values ​​and cares so much about Rosinante, because he can’t imagine what he would be like if he lost the spiritual pillar of’Mr. Corazon’!

Just as Rosinante was talking about something interesting with Luo, there was a sudden violent explosion on the port of Baderila Island. Hearing the movement over there, I began to inquire with some anxiety

At the same time, wearing a flamboyant pink feather coat and frivolous orange-red sunglasses, stepping on his own pace, the young master Doflamingo landed on the island of Baterila. An evil smile hung up.

He was surrounded by several cadres of the Donquixote Family, and at this time the “background board” was the port that had been destroyed, and all the ships anchored in the port were blown up by the “fro” head of Guradius.

Even the warship of Rosinante is the same, and a large number of Marines are killing each other in the harbor, and the desire for revenge flashes in Doflamingo’s eyes.

I saw Master Young Master gently shook his fingers a few times, and the Marines who were still fighting each other’evenly matched’ all had their faces in horror, and the weapons in their hands were wiped out with each other.

“Fufurfurfurufur, as soon as I boarded this island, I smelled the blood of our Don Quixote family in the air. My dear brother Rosinante, it’s been a long time since I saw you. How are you? ? My brother came to visit you.” Doflamingo whispered to himself with an evil and cruel smile on his mouth.

After that, he raised his arm and stretched out to the sky, and countless tough thin threads burst out from his palm, and began to spill on the island called Badirila like a fountain.

“Birdcage” Doflamingo said softly.

At the same time, Rosinante, who was on the edge of the cliff, also recognized this move, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, and he whispered softly: “Birdcage”

Trafalgar-Luo, who has been on the Doflamingo ship, is of course impossible not to know Doflamingo’s fame and skill. His hand “Birdcage” can play a role that many bigwigs can’t do. It is also Doflamingo’s “proud”.

So after hearing the huge explosion just now and the word’Birdcage’ whispered by Rosinante, Luo’s mood instantly fell to the bottom. After years of revenge, Doflamingo finally appeared…

Luo knows the strength of Rosinante very well. Don’t think he is a Vice Admiral, but Rosinante really wants to start. Even his Marine’s Rear Admiral can’t beat him. It is clear that Rosinante is not Doflamingo’s opponent at all. Once the two get together, Rosinante is likely to be killed.

“Mr. Corazon, run!!” Luo quickly shouted to the phone worm.

But what he responded to was only a murmur. Birdcage can isolate all freedom. Even the signal wave of the phone worm can’t penetrate the confinement of Birdcage. Doflamingo’s ability development in this trick has already been exposed to the mysterious. The “rules” are no longer something that can be explained by strength.

Listening to the last voice of Ronaldo from the phone worm, Rosinante also smiled helplessly. The one that should come is still coming, where can he go?? With his evil and cunning brother The style of acting, once the shot is taken, it is impossible to leave him any chance, presumably the port is over, right?? There is no ship, with him

How can a person of ability run? What’s more, the Birdcage that has imprisoned “freedom” has already fallen.

“Ro, I’m afraid it will be a farewell this time. It’s a shame that I haven’t been able to go back to celebrate your 22nd birthday,” Rosinante whispered to the south.

Then he seemed to think of Marshal Sengoku again, but this time he was not called’Marshal’, but said softly: “Father, I’m sorry, I have to go one step ahead… Fortunately, at the last moment, I finished you. The task given to me, I hope that I, a son, will not shame you.”

At the same time, Observation Haki was released, and Doflamingo, who covered the entire island of Baderila, also found Rosinante’s breath. Then he showed a brutal and evil smile and said to the cadres around him: “See you In order to split up, kill everyone on this island, eliminate all evidence and traces, and destroy this place”

“Yes, young master!” Several cadres of the Donquixote Family immediately responded to Doflamingo’s order, and then dispersed and left.

Originally, this uncontested town has also ushered in its own end. As evil pirates, the people of Donquixote Family will not be kind to them at all. Blood and destruction, killing and destruction flooded the whole In the small town, the cry of children and the wailing of women can be heard everywhere. This is the sin of the pirate.

The reason why Doflamingo wants to completely erase this place is also very simple.As a high-grade big pirate, he will not do such unforced things to the general public on weekdays, and this time he wants to kill them all. It’s because he can’t leave any evidence here. As Seven Warlords of the Sea, once the evidence of his active attack on Marine is found, he

The position of Seven Warlords of the Sea is also considered to be the first place, which is why he came to South Blue secretly, on the one hand, not to get rid of the trouble, on the other hand, it is also to eliminate his traces.

As long as there is no evidence in hand, even if the whole world knows that the killing on the island of Baderila was done by Doflamingo, even if the people at Naval Headquarters know that Rosinante was killed by himself, what about it?? As long as he doesn’t Admit that, as long as there is no evidence to prove that he is still the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Marines have nothing to do with him!

When Doflamingo walked through the town of flames and killings at his own pace and came to the courtyard by the cliff, he saw Rosinante who was still sitting firmly at the stone table at this time.

Seeing his younger brother whom he hadn’t seen for many years, Doflamingo really felt a little emotional in his heart.

“Fufurfurfurfurfur, my dear brother, Colasson, it seems that the Marines have trained you very well, is this Vice Admiral??” Doflamingo looked at the calm Rosinante and raised his eyebrows. Horn, grinned, and said with a smile.

After seeing Doflamingo, Rosinante said softly, “Doflamingo, your appearance is still accompanied by killing and destruction.”

“Fufurfurfurfuru, haven’t you already identified me as a naturally evil guy??? How did Corazon betray his brother and family?? A’good’ person like you Don’t you feel ashamed?” Doflamingo said with a smile, but the smile slowly cooled down, and the whole person’s breath became gloomy


After hearing what Doflamingo said, Rosinante didn’t answer anything but looked at Doflamingo quietly.

And Doflamingo also didn’t speak at 210. The two brothers of a female compatriot looked at each other like this. If you want to say whether Doflamingo has feelings for Rosinante?? Of course there is, Doflamingo is indeed a cold guy, but as long as it is a human , How can it be that there is really no feeling at all??

It’s just that in most cases, Doflamingo will sensibly put his feelings aside and make a choice that is beneficial to him.

He has taken care of his “brother” since he was a child, and there is no other reason, because Rosinante is already his last relative, even Doflamingo does not want to become an “orphan” himself.

But he never expected that he would be sold by his brother after all. Not only did he lose a lot of profits, but even his confidant Vergo died in the hands of Marine.

It’s weird if he doesn’t feel wronged in his heart

After a long time, Doflamingo looked at Rosinante and said again: “Why do you force me to kill one of my relatives again?”

“All this is the choice of fate, Doflamingo,” Rosinante said in a deep voice.

Meanwhile, at Naval Headquarters. Malinford, Trafalgar. Luo ran to Marshal Sengoku’s office at a very fast speed. No matter whether Marshal Sengoku was busy or not, he opened the door with one foot and said anxiously: “Marshal!!! Mr. Corazon, Mr. Corazon, he was caught See you Doflamingo!!!”

Marshal Sengoku, who was thinking about how to call Garp to have a good exchange, was stunned after hearing Luo’s words, and a pen in his hand fell to the ground, making a clear sound. .

But just for a moment, Marshal Sengoku reacted. He didn’t doubt whether Trafalgar-Ruo was talking nonsense, because he knew very well that Luo would not make fun of Rosinante’s life safety issues, but saw him quickly. Picked up the phone worm and started contacting Marine in South Blue, preparing to mobilize the army to support Rosinante.

But at this time, his heart had started to cramp. He knew very well that since Doflamingo, the bastard, had seized the loophole and started to do it, Rosinante’s hope of rescue was basically gone. ,

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