I Am Hellscream

Chapter 301

Chapter 301 Put on a play.

Hancock and his two sisters were waiting for Gromash to meet them in the reception room at this time. Marigold was drinking tea from The fish men island and said, “Emperor sister, we took the liberty of visiting Master Gromash. Doesn’t it cause trouble for adults??

At this time, Hancock is also a little hesitant. She is a very willful person. After hearing that Lu Qi said yes, she didn’t think long, and quickly ran to the City of Seven Waters. She is sitting here and waiting. When I was holding Gromash, I calmed down a bit, thinking about it carefully, my front foot just met the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral under the World government.

After doing a game, I turned around and ran to Seven Warlords of the Sea. It seemed to be really wrong, and it would inevitably cause some trouble to Gromash.

Thinking of this, Hancock’s expression became a little tangled and said, “Maybe something is really wrong. Why don’t we stop seeing Master Gromash, let’s go now.”

Sandersonia and Marigold were also very helpless after hearing Hancock’s words.In their own royal weekdays, everything was very good except for some willfulness, but the charm of the emperor was high enough, no matter what they did, they would be forgiven, so It doesn’t matter if she is willful, except for the matter about Gromash Lord, she completely loses

As a result of her appearance as the Amazon-Lily crown prince, she is like a childish little girl. At this time, she has come, and any bad influence may have occurred. Now if she leaves in a hurry, no Do you think it’s a bit concealed?? It’s better to wait a while and directly ask Gromash-sama if he is causing trouble, if so, it can

Can’t make up for it.

“Emperor Sister” just when Sandersonia wanted to talk about Hancock, the door of the reception room was opened, and then the three sisters of Hancock saw that their faces and figures were still unchanged compared to a few years ago. Uncle Gromash walked in without any traces of age.

The moment Gromash saw Hancock, he was also a little moved. I have to say that her charm is indeed a bit too high. I don’t know if it is because of this or because the sweet fruit’s ability will naturally be released. A kind of natural charm, in short, Hancock’s every move is very attractive.

However, Gromash has been doing “gay guys” for so many years, and has been in the mermaid bay of The fish men island, down to Loli, up to Onee-san and other types of beauties. The charm of this beautiful woman has a high degree of resistance.

So in just a moment, Gromash had already escaped from the natural charm, and didn’t even show any strangeness. In short, the three Hancock sisters did not realize this.

“Jiehahahaha, I haven’t seen you for a long time, Hancock, Sandersonia, Marigold, I didn’t expect to see you in a few years, the three of you have all become slim girls,” Gromash said hello with a smile.

Hancock is indeed slim, but this Sandersonia and Marigold really missed the names of the three Hancock sisters. Of course, Gromash did not comment on their choices. When they met back then, Marigold and Sandersonia were not comparable to Hancock. , But she is also a normal girl, now

The change is indeed a bit big. I heard that Marigold became like this because of the crazy practice of sumo in Hydra Island-Amazon-Lily, and it’s not just true or false.

After seeing Gromash coming in, Hancock immediately got up from the sofa and said excitedly: “Master Gromash, it’s been a long time since you left, so you didn’t even have time to let our three sisters say thank you. “”

“Jiehahahaha, thank you, you don’t have to say anything. Originally, I was going to help the guy Rayleigh. He has promised to owe me a favor. This Pluton’s favor is very heavy, so you don’t have to feel anything. I owe it to me.” Gromash said with a big smile.

Although Gromash said so, the Hancock three sisters didn’t think so, and soon the four of them sat down and talked for a while.

“I’m sorry, I heard that Lu Qi disrupted your emperor hunt on the Island of Queen of Spring. I wonder if it will cause any inconvenience to your affairs?? Will the matter of succession to the throne be ruined?? “Gromash smiled and asked.

And Hancock said indifferently: “It’s okay, as long as you go back, you can find another island to hunt. We are also worried. Will this presumptuous visit cause any trouble to you, Lord Gromash. , If there is any, we will leave soon.”

Gromash smiled at the words and said, “I can’t say no to the trouble.”

After hearing what Gromash said, Hancock’s expression immediately changed to a bit of self-blame, but before she could say anything, Gromash smiled and continued: “But it’s not a big thing, just make up for it. , It can be fooled, it’s like this, Hancock, do you have any thoughts on Seven Warlords of the Sea??”

Originally, Hancock did not have a good impression of Seven Warlords of the Sea. After all, in theory, Seven Warlords of the Sea belonged to the World government, and anyone who has a relationship with the World government has a basic favorability in the eyes of Hancock. A negative number, but Gromash is also in Seven Warlords of the Sea, which makes Hancock a little confused about Seven Warlords of the Sea’s senses.

Clear, so after hearing Gromash’s question, her expression was a bit tangled and said, “Seven Warlords of the Sea, I don’t know what to say.”

“Jiehahahahaha, isn’t it?? Hancock, I won’t go around with you for some words. Since you are the emperor candidate of Amazon-Lily and the only candidate at present, then basically wait for you to complete the emperor this time. If you return to Hydra Island, you will become a new generation of female emperors on Hydra Island. Then there is something about the Amazon-Lily now facing

Threats and the situation, I’m afraid your former emperor Gloriosa should have already explained it to you??” Gromash asked with a smile.

“Well, the concubine has indeed already understood this.” Hancock only felt like a future empress at this time, and said with a calm expression.

“Then you should probably consider whether to become a Seven Warlords of the Sea” Gromash smiled, and then combined his analysis in this area with the benefits of Seven Warlords of the Sea and Amazon-Lily He told Hancock a lot about the future and other related matters, and he almost limped Hancock.

After finishing this, Gromash picked up the tea cup on the table, took a sip to moisturize his own noise, and then continued: “Of course, this is only a matter for your benefit. Rape is stealing. The reason why I am so rushing to recommend you to join Seven Warlords of the Sea is also because this matter is also beneficial to me.

Benefits and benefits, now this Seven Warlords of the Sea…”

For Hancock, Gromash is still very trustworthy. After all, Hancock is absolutely impossible to betray his Gromash to the World government, so Gromash did not hide anything from him. The layout in the organization of one of the three major forces has also been told to Hancock again, and it is easy to take the leather

Bartholemew and Xiong of the Ming Army made personal feelings, and directly disclosed his information to Hancock, and Xiao Keng was used by the Revolutionary Army.

It was only then that Hancock had a relatively thorough understanding of the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization. It’s all so sinister, and in the entire Seven Warlords of the Sea sequence, it seems that except for Sha-K, who is the’hero’ in Alabasta

Except for Rockdale, everyone else has an unclear relationship with Gromash. If you think about it this way, then Seven Warlords of the Sea is not that hateful.

Coupled with the fact that this can help Gromash, Hancock does not want to refuse in any way, she is willful, but one thing is very good, that is, as long as she identifies someone or something, she will To be able to go through fire and water for that person, willing to do everything, and to be a brother, then it can be called a real’golden

Lan’, if you are a woman, it is also a great seed of infatuation.

Therefore, Gloriosa, the former emperor of Amazon-Lily, has spent a long time instilling a lot of Seven Warlords of the Sea into Hancock for a long time, and none of Gromash’s three words are effective.

After hearing what Gromash said, Hancock said directly: “^.In this case, if we can help Master Gromash, we will choose to join Seven Warlords of the Sea if we have the opportunity.”

“Jiehahahaha, thank you very much, maybe this opportunity is not far away, but now there is a little accident, as I just said, the world government affirmed my superficial actions in Seven Warlords of the Sea They have ideas, so in order to reduce my influence in this organization, in order to check and balance me, it is definitely impossible for them to recruit another one.

Someone close to me has joined Seven Warlords of the Sea, so after this, you want…” Gromash said softly.

Although Hancock hesitated after hearing Gromash’s words, he nodded and agreed.

After that, in order to avoid suspicion, the three sisters Hancock chose to leave the city of seven waters, although they were a little bit reluctant.

“Master Gromash, if you are free, you are always welcome to visit our Amazon-Lily as a guest.” Hancock mustered up the courage to invite Gromash before leaving.

“Jiehahahahaha, it’s a privilege to be invited by the emperor of Daughters Island to visit Daughters Island. This is a privilege. Don’t worry, I will go.” Gromash laughed and agreed.

Then Hancock had fulfilled his wish and left the reception room with Marigold and Sandersonia contentedly.

After leaving the station of the Frostwolf Pirates, Hancock’s expression changed. He pretended to be a little gloomy and dark. It seemed that the contact with the Frostwolf Pirates here was very unfriendly, and he had to Said that this beautiful woman was born as a’actress’, Hancock’s performance is still very powerful.

And when they left here, Gromash also ordered something to some of the errand brothers under them. When the Pirate Ship of the Nine Snakes and Pirates left the port with the three sisters of Hancock, they turned the ship around. On the other side of the City of Seven Waters.

Then Hancock on the boat asked, “Did you see the signal indicated by Master Gromash??”

Marigold, who was observing through a telescope, quickly said: “Emperor sister, I saw it.”

Hancock heard the words and immediately said, “Shoot and knock down that area to the concubine body!”

As Hancock’s voice fell, the boats of the Nine Snakes and Pirates quickly bombed a certain spot in the City of Seven Waters, and immediately drove away.

Afterwards, the Frostwolf Pirates issued a chase order against the Nine Snake Pirates, and people like Joz, Urouge and others quickly drove the boat to chase Hancock.

At this time, Gromash is sitting at the table looking at the map of the City of Seven Waters. The place where Hancock bombed is very interesting. The people of CP-9 are in the secret stronghold of the City of Seven Waters. Gromash wanted to clean them up a long time ago, so I borrowed With this opportunity, Hancock had to bomb it twice to see if he could kill a few of them or something.

As for whether there will be any accidental injury, Gromash can only secretly say sorry, anyway, he will not be softened by this. .

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