I Am Hellscream

Chapter 300

Chapter 300 Seven Warlords of the Sea is a “private organization??

After more than two years of development, more than half of the renovation project of the entire Seven Waters City has been carried out. Many local artisans from The fish men island have also received their family members in The fish men island. The capital has come to live nearby, and what’s even more powerful is that there are still some means.’ The artisans of the murloc race actually found girls on the island to live together.


Not only the families of the local tyrants and craftsmen moved to the City of Seven Waters. Under the instigation of Princess Otohime, there are actually many bold mermaid girls on The fish men island who have also moved to the City of Seven Waters. All came to try to live on the sea.

Murlocs have legs that can run all over the street, but if the mermaid ladies are under a certain age, they can’t open their legs. Therefore, the mermaid girls who migrated from The fish men island are basically all mermaid girls. Living in a neighborhood that has been transformed, over time, most of the people living in this neighborhood are beautiful and gentle mermaid girls.

There is no doubt that this kind of comfortable and novel new city transformed from the old city is the gathering point of the upstart class. After all, no one likes to live in a shabby place, plus there are a lot of legendary mermaid girls living here. People, so it quickly became the “rich man’s area” of the City of Seven Waters, those who followed the policies of Gromash and the Frostwolf Pirates

After the aborigines of the city of seven waters made money, the first “eighty zero” idea was to buy some housing property in this “rich area” so that they could live in.

Many aborigines in the Capital of Seven Waters have come into contact with the first batch of murloc craftsmen, so they have heard about the legends of The fish men island a long time ago, such as the personal paradise’mermaid bay’ there, and Because of their longing for the’paradise on earth, the city of seven waters’, the aborigines soon called this’rich area’ also called “mermaid bay”, and the name is also

It was quickly recognized by the immigrants on The fish men island. After all, this thing is the same as the “Chinatown” of the previous life in Gromash’s eyes. No matter what it looks like, in short, the name can be heard. Let those who are far away from their hometown be able to regain a sense of “kindness”, don’t they??

In general, the policies and footsteps of Gromash and the Frostwolf Pirates in the City of Seven Waters are still very correct. The City of Seven Waters is gradually integrating into The fish men island. When all this is completed, I am afraid that the first phase of the renovation project, which has lasted for several years, should also be completed. Then, the City of Seven Waters will be able to assume the “central” in the “Three-Boundary Connection Plan of Sea, Land and Air”.


As for the second phase of the renovation project, the submarine city renovation and construction plan of the Capital of Seven Waters, there is no need to be too anxious, just take your time.

At this time, in the magnificent assembly hall of the City of Seven Waters, Gromash was sitting at the first seat of the conference round table and saying something.

“Master Tom’s Third Generation sea train has been researched and has been trial-run to a certain extent. This time there is no problem. It can be said that this is already a perfect technology, so we have to make this When the sea train moves, you can’t always take it in your hands to entertain yourself, Cromwell, you are responsible for cooperating with Master Tom, using the sea train track

Connect all the surrounding islands, and build a’undersea cultural business circle’ with our capital of seven waters as the center, and take advantage of our advantages to attract all their economies to our capital of seven waters. I understand. Is it??” Gromash looked at the files compiled by Robin, a junior politician in his hand, and said to Cromwell.

And Cromwell also nodded and said: “Of course there is no problem, but Gromash boss, we are happy to link up with the surrounding islands, but they may not be happy to link up with my “pirate” island. So. When necessary, I use some necessary means, no problem, right???”

Gromash also showed an evil smile and said: “Of course there is no problem. This matter is not only a matter of economic benefit, but also whether we can spread the positive image of The fish men island, and this matter is second. Concubine Ji, she gave me a thousand warnings, and I couldn’t refuse it in the face of Princess Yi Ji.

What, I don’t want to let her down, after all, she is an elder, so whenever necessary, we should use our pirates to’do things’, don’t force those miscellaneous fish, let them cooperate with us obediently, otherwise, we can change The one who understands us will be the master, do you understand???”

After receiving the “authorization” from Gromash, Cromwell said very easily: “Don’t worry, Captain, I’m not good at other things, but as pirates, we are veterans, aren’t we??”

“Jiehahahaha, that’s right.” Gromash said with a smile.

After finishing the arrangement of Cromwell’s affairs, Gromash spoke to Joz again: “Joz, after the boy Lu Qi comes back, I will take him to New World to deal with some things. I’ll leave it to you to sit here, and everything is done according to the plan. At the same time, we don’t take the initiative to provoke others, but if anyone dares to provoke

With us, you don’t have to be polite, just wipe them out!”

“Okay, Boss Gromash, you can go with ease” Joz said with a smile.

The rest of the people also laughed, and Gromash said with a black line: “If you can’t speak, don’t say it. I will respond when I listen. Are you going to send me on the road or what??

After this, Gromash arranged a lot of things, and then said to Monet next to him: “I can write back to the people on the World government side. After so long, we have enough airs, and they should also understand. It is very troublesome to ask me to do something. Just tell them about what happened to them at the G-5 Marine branch base of New World.

What if Edward Weibull, who claims to be “Whitebeard II”, has destroyed things, I will help them find the place. Let them rest assured that they can prepare to build a new G-5 Marine.

Gromash’s words are like he is Marine’s marshal. When will Marine rebuild G-5?

However, no one in the room hindered Gromash from pretending to be forced, and Monet would not even break these. She smiled and said, “Good Captain, I will reply to them now.”

After Monet left, Robin said, “Captain, what about the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates-Boya-Hancock who is waiting in the reception room??? Don’t you go see you??”

Gromash also had a headache after hearing Robin’s question. Originally, he didn’t plan to have any contact with Hancock before Hancock became’Seven Warlords of the Sea’. The government misunderstands whether the Frostwolf Pirates are in the same group as the Nine Snake Pirates.


This kind of thing is really to be avoided. It is not that Gromash will be afraid of anything, but that he thinks that this kind of relationship is hidden under the sea, and it is very likely to be able to cheat the World government when necessary.

And once it is displayed, it is not so easy to use.After all, Seven Warlords of the Sea was not driven by him. By counting, now in Seven Warlords of the Sea, there is already Heavenly Yaksha on this surface. -Don Quixote, Doflamingo and the first swordsman-Dracule- Mihawk has a very good relationship with his Gromash, Mihawk is a good friend of Gromash

And Doflamingo is his Gromash partner, and there is nothing wrong with even saying that it is an’alliance’.

In other words, from the perspective of the World government, two of these Seven Warlords of the Sea are hooked up with your Gromash, plus Gromash himself, three of the seven are very likely to stand. On Gromash’s side, it’s weird that they can rest assured.

This is another main reason why they have to quickly select Seven Warlords of the Sea since Doflamingo. People who are afraid of anything to do with Gromash will join Seven Warlords of the Sea. At that time, Seven Warlords of the Sea Warlords of the Sea became Seven Warlords of the Sea of ​​his Gromash.. Then their World government brains will continue

Maintain this “mentally retarded” organization.

But what the World government doesn’t know is that in the five Seven Warlords of the Sea other than Gromash, in fact, except for the Sha-Crocodile, who really has nothing to do with Gromash, the remaining four are all or More or less have a’friendship’ with him Gromash, the remaining fat house who likes to play with corpses died pervert-Moonlight- Moria

He still owes him a great gratitude to Gromash, and there is still a certain possibility that he will become his Gromash subordinate. As for the Bartholemew. Bear, who the World government thinks can be trusted, it is directly the undercover of the revolutionary army, and the revolutionary army just happens to be the undercover agent of the revolutionary army. There is some unclear relationship with him Gromash, none of this has been exposed yet, otherwise

In that case, the World government estimates that even if it loses its face, it will disband Seven Warlords of the Sea, the “private” organization of Gromash..

And now, Gromash, who didn’t want the World government to notice his layout in the Seven Warlords of the Sea, suddenly discovered that Hancock appeared in the City of Seven Waters. Can he not have a headache?

He didn’t know at this moment that Hancock was moved by Lu Qi’s words, otherwise, he would have to clean up Lu Qi.

“It’s really unprepared, I hope it won’t cause any changes. After all, in my expectation, Boa-Hancock is a very suitable person to become Seven Warlords of the Sea. Once she becomes Seven Warlords of the Sea, then The whole Seven Warlords of the Sea will not become our Seven Warlords of the Sea of ​​the Frostwolf 3.8 Pirates, in short, it will definitely not be them World government

“Seven Warlords of the Sea” but now it’s a bit hanging. If the World government is a little less minded, I’m afraid Boya. Hancock can’t be Seven Warlords of the Sea.” Gromash said with some chagrin.

At this time, Gromash is not clear. On the other side, General Manager Kong and Marine Marshal Sengoku have unanimously decided to make Boa-Hancock become Seven Warlords of the Sea, but it is still unclear what Boa-Hancock is. Why did you go to the Capital of Seven Waters to contact Gromash? Generally speaking, these two people should not have been in contact before.

So they are a little doubtful at this time whether this Boa-Hancock went to Gromash because of her previous fight with Lu Qi on the Island of Queen of Spring. Is the meaning of this good or bad??

In short, they haven’t thought about the weird places yet, so Gromash still has a chance to save the situation.

After thinking about it for a while, Gromash thought for a while and said: “This Hancock and the others are upright and honest. At this time, the World government should have known it by accident. This is the end. It’s okay to see them. After the matter is settled, go and see her.”

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