I Am Hellscream

Chapter 294

Chapter 294 Lu Qi vs Hancock.

After trying a little bit about the strength of Vice Admiral of the Naval Headquarters, Yumo Mouse, Hancock didn’t intend to continue wasting any time with him. It is still the emperor’s hunt that is the most important. I have completed this hunt first, and there will be opportunities to continue to talk to the Marines in these worlds.

The enemies of the government are fighting against each other.

At this time, the voice mouse Vice Admiral on the other side didn’t know that he had been so underestimated.After seeing Hancock jump off the boat, he didn’t hesitate at all.He also followed a strong walk to the port, and then prepared again. Take a storm.

But when he was ready to take action, he saw that Hancock’s momentum changed in an instant, and then her beautiful black hair fluttered without wind.

In the next second, Vice Admiral, Vice Admiral, felt a tremendous pressure burst out of Hancock, and instantly swept in his direction.

In an instant, he felt the impact of the pressure, and then a cold sweat came out of his forehead, and he said with a somewhat difficult expression: “Conqueror’s Haki”

However, the haughty Hancock did not pay attention to Vice Admiral, but after releasing his Conqueror’s who is the’Empress’, he immediately grabbed the voice rat Vice Admiral for the moment he was caught off guard, and put his hands out. A peach heart shape activated his own abilities.

“Mero Mero Mellow!”

As Hancock’s voice fell, a wave of pink energy spread out from her hand, and Vice Admiral was inconvenient to move at this time, even if he wanted to dodge it, it was too late.

Therefore, the hapless guy Vice Admiral, the flying squirrel, was still shrouded in that energy wave.

“Not good” The flying squirrel Vice Admiral hasn’t finished his thoughts yet, he has completely lost consciousness.

At this time on the port of Queen of Spring Island, a Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters was killed by Hancock. Is the Pirate Empress of the Sea?? Like her treatment, among the personnel in the sequence of the entire Qiwu 163 sea front and back, also

It was truly unique. From this aspect, we can also see how powerful Hancock is.

After turning the Vice Admiral into a stone, the Marines lost their backbone, and naturally they couldn’t become opponents of the Nine Snakes and Pirates.

It’s just that Hancock didn’t pay attention to the Marines, but looked at the stone statue of flying squirrels, and said disdainfully, “It’s really vulnerable.”

At the same time, Lu Qi, who was watching from a distance on the clock tower, threw out the milk bottle in his hand once again, and then added a smile to his lips and said, “Conqueror’s Haki holds. Now, the mysterious Devil Fruit, the familiar figure turned out to be the one that Gromash brought out from Mariejois back then

Little girl?? Didn’t expect her strength to grow so rapidly, in just a few years, she has been strong enough to crush the elite Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters??”

Thinking of this, Lu Qi’s eyes also flashed a hint of warfare, and he also wanted to fight against such a person who was qualified to be his opponent…

But in any case, Hancock is considered an’acquaintance’. After all, Gromash was brought out from Mariejois at the beginning, and Lu Qi started to fight so abruptly, it seems a bit too much.

Just when Lu Qi wanted to find a suitable excuse to go up and have two tricks with Hancock, he saw Hancock walking slowly in front of the stone statue of Vice Admiral, and then seemed to lift his leg to kick the stone statue of Flying Squirrel. It’s shattered.

At this time, Lu Qi’s eyes flashed a gleam. If he remembers correctly, there was a contract between Gromash and the World government on Mariejois that “support the battle of Naval Headquarters under appropriate circumstances”. .

At this point, it seems to be an “appropriate” situation. Thinking of Lu Qi here, I don’t care about that much. Just when Hancock is about to kick the statue of Vice Admiral one by one, a thunder in the sky explodes, and then another band. Lightning with strong thunder power instantly broke through the space and slashed straight at Hancock’s figure.

And Hancock’s reaction speed is also very fast.When she perceives this ability, she has already felt a strong threat.Unlike ordinary masters like flying squirrel Vice Admiral, this time it seems that a top master has come? ?

It was too late, and when the lightning was about to hit Hancock, Hancock had already dodged in place with a backflip.

Then Hancock didn’t hesitate to hang the powerful Armament Haki on his feet, and kicked out into the void air around him.

In the next second a thunderbolt appeared there accurately, and Lu Qi also appeared from there with electric sparks, his arms wrapped Armament Haki, and Hancock’s kick was blocked.

“Since you have won, there is no need to kill someone for no reason, right??” Lu Qi said as he opened Hancock’s kick, and then a dodge guarded him in front of the stone statue of Vice Admiral, a flying squirrel.

I have to say that this guy Lu Qi is “very dedicated”, thinking about protecting the flying squirrel Vice Admiral, and he really did it, but there is something wrong with this, and he killed him. Personality and behavior, basically those who are enemies with him will die miserably. How can it be said that if you win, you will not kill? I did not expect that he would have said it so shamelessly

To persuade others

Seeing Lu Qi in a straight suit, a small top hat, and a bow tie, Hancock did not recognize Lu Qi for a while. That is to say, there was only a “fate of one side”, and at that time Lu Qi and she were not big. Lu Qi was because he had heard Gromash’s comments on Hancock.

The price “will recognize her from Conqueror’s” and ability, and Hancock does not have this treatment. After all, the time she spends with Gromash is also very short, and she is still not sure whether Gromash still remembers. I don’t remember her’little role’ anymore.

So after seeing this image of Lu Qi, she frowned slightly, and then said: “Are you also a member of the World government??”

Lu Qi also understood after hearing Hancock’s words.It was obvious that this woman did not recognize him at all. This also made Lu Qi a little depressed. How can he say that Uncle Lu Qi is also a man who often appears in the newspaper, as an’invincible’. Thunder Fruit ability person’, his reputation and prestige have been quite high over the years, and he will be shut down by a large group of people wherever he goes.

Be careful, for fear that he will do something that will not end.

Why can’t I recognize him when I get to this woman?? (abdi)

Could it be that the Amazon-Lily of the Calm Belt Nine Snake Island can’t even receive newspapers?

Of course, this is just Lu Qi thinking too much.Even if the island of Nine Snake is located in the Calm Belt, news birds can still go, they can also receive news, but Hancock is a cultivator, and his interest in the outside world is only It’s not very big, and I don’t care about men or anything at all, so I haven’t touched the newspaper much, just occasionally

When there is news of Gromash, she will inquire about it.

It’s just that in the past two years, Gromash has basically been regarded as a’missing person’. Let alone the newspapers, his movements have become fascinating. Without the news of Gromash, Hancock will naturally not contact external intelligence. Practicing in Nine Snake Island with peace of mind, she will not come out to stir up the wind until now that she has achieved great power.

Lu Qi saw that Hancock did not recognize him. Although he was a little unhappy, it also facilitated him to act a lot. , This is very uncomfortable for Lu Qi, so he did not point anything, but smiled and said: “Well, you have to say

I’m not considered a member of the World government, but in theory, I’m considered one of them. ”

After all, Lu Qi is a member of Gromash, and Gromash is Seven Warlords of the Sea, so if you count it, it is true that Lu Qi is a person from the World government, and it is not a deception to Hancock.

“That’s the enemy…” Hancock didn’t think too much, after hearing Lu Qi’s answer, he directly defined him as an’enemy.’

In the face of the enemy, she naturally took action without mercy, so Hancock didn’t continue to talk nonsense with Lu Qi, stepping on her foot, raising her leg, and kicking Lu Qi.

Lu Qi also reacted quickly. He opened his hand and pulled out a blade of thunder, and the knife blocked Hancock’s kick.

But soon, Lu Qi felt a strange energy infiltrating the thunder in his hand, and then he saw that the place where the thunder and Hancock’s kick were in contact was starting to petrify.

Looking at this scene, Lu Qi was also very surprised and said: “Can even this kind of energy be petrified?? Your ability is too strange??”

Hancock frowned, and said uncomfortably, “Don’t look down on your concubine too much.”

After speaking, the kick on Hancock’s leg directly exploded with a strong force again, directly kicking Lu Qi almost out of the way.

However, there is a “fragile” Voice Admiral behind Lu Qi. If he retreats, the Voice Mouse is dead. Although the flying squirrel does not die, it has nothing to do with Lu Qi. Qi Lianli didn’t bother to care about him, but at this time he just installed a wave of force in front of Hancock, saying that he would protect the voice of Vice Admiral, if he was beaten in the face in a blink of an eye.

, Isn’t it too embarrassing??

His Lu Qi is also a shameless person, so naturally he can’t avoid it, he can only stand up to Hancock’s attack.

And Hancock saw that Lu Qiming had extremely fast speed and movement ability when he just appeared on the stage, but now he can’t avoid standing in place to fight her. Obviously there is a problem, and Hancock soon discovered Lu Qi is protecting the stone statue behind him.

Thinking of this, Hancock also discovered Lu Qi’s “weakness”. As an enemy, she certainly wouldn’t take such a good opportunity. In the blink of an eye, she changed the number of attacks on her legs. Flying squirrel Vice Admiral kicked it, forcing Luchi to keep defending.

Lu Qi also didn’t expect that if he accidentally pretended to be forced, he would instantly become so passive in the battle. He also said a little annoyed: “It’s really despicable, there is something that made me let go of our hands and feet. Let’s fight. !!”

However, Hancock is a very arrogant woman, and she doesn’t bother to pay attention to Lu Qi. She still plays according to her own routine, which makes Lu Qi very uncomfortable. Fortunately, Lu Qi is strong enough, although she is passive for a while, But it is also able to persist.

But the defense will be lost for a long time, even Lu Qi can’t perfectly parry all of Hancock’s attacks.

Just when Lu Qi raised his hand to protect the Talking Mouse, Hancock changed his trick again and placed the target of the attack on Lu Qi’s body again, and saw an inexplicable energy wave on her feet facing Lu Qi’s chest. Kick.

Lu Qi’s reaction speed is extremely fast. The moment he was kicked, he had already activated the elementalization, but he was still kicked. Although he was not injured, his little suit had been directly attached to the shirt. Before it had time to be elementized together, it was petrified into a “plate armor”

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