I Am Hellscream

Chapter 293

Chapter 293 Speech Mouse vs Hancock.

Lu Qi, this kid, has nothing to do all day and runs around. After all, he is a combatant, and he has a bunch of capable and manageable little brothers who can help him run errands. As a “senior Lu Qi,” he is naturally very leisurely. .

In addition, he is one of the few people with the ability to fly freely, and with his current strong strength, he can fly around the sea unscrupulously at any time, and he has a comparison with the guy Kuzan, think about it carefully. Want to see him still feel a little Golden Lion, Shiki.

It is also because of this, coupled with the character that he was not afraid of that day, and always likes to make troubles. In the past two years or so, he has made trouble for Gromash, and always ran to New World to find some pirates to temper himself. The strength of the team, and they often played against Marco and others under the Whitebeard Pirates.

Originally a high-cold player who pretended to be arrogant, after so many years of mixing with Gromash, he was still cultivated with a “jumping” character, but thanks to his unstoppable character, although it adds to Gromash It’s a lot of trouble, but it also means that the Frostwolf Pirates are walking around the rivers and lakes. For the past two years, they have relied on him to make things from time to time.

The movement has given exposure to the Frostwolf Pirates.

At this time, Lu Qi cruelly killed the court guard who came to him for help. Power can basically declare bankruptcy.

But just when Lu Qi felt that there was no suspense, he could pat his butt and slip away, only to find that three warships were already approaching here quickly on the sea not far away from the port.

After taking a look at the warships over there, Lu Qi whispered in confusion: “Hmm?? How come there is a Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral warship?? Could it be that the G-16 Marine branch not far from here happens to have it? Is Vice Admiral of the headquarters patrolling?? It seems that the old king of the Tarot Kingdom is still a bit lucky, if there is an Admiral candidate from Naval Headquarters

Well, maybe we can solve this riot. Well, let’s watch the show again.

After thinking of this, Lu Qi, who was already about to fly away, sat down on the guardrail of the clock tower again, and very comfortably took a milk bottle from his waist again, his thumb was up, and the bottle cap flew away. , And then I started to watch the show while drinking milk very happily.

At this time, on the Marine warship not far from the port, the expression of Vice Admiral was also very serious.He was originally only performing some daily small tasks, and went to the nearby waters to clean up the fish and pirates. As a result, When Marine was stationed in the G-16 branch of the Grand Line to supply supplies, I suddenly received a request from the Tarot Kingdom on the Queen of Spring Island.

As a kind-hearted Marine with a sense of justice, flying squirrel certainly wouldn’t pretend to be inaudible.After he knew about this, he immediately led Marine of the G-16 branch and his direct subordinates to the Queen of Spring Island. Rescued.

And before setting off, he also released a request for assistance to Naval Headquarters, wanting to see if there is any other elite Vice Admiral who is like him in the vicinity, and if there is any, he also wants to They joined together in a group.

After all, although Yumo has never fought against the people of the Nine Snakes and Pirates, he has heard of the name of the Nine Snakes and Pirates. , I rushed out of the Calm Belt and ran so far to attack the city and destroy the country. There is no doubt that as long as the Nine Snakes and Pirates did not collectively take the wrong medicine, it means that they have been selected.Here comes the new Amazon. The Emperor Lily!!

The emperors of Amazon and Lily in the past are very powerful, so of course Yushu must be cautious.

Fortunately, his request for help is still very lucky.In the nearby sea, there are also burning mountains Vice Admiral and Dauberman Vice Admiral, and both of them quickly responded to the flying squirrel’s request. They should be at this time. Also came to the Queen of Spring Island.

It’s just that the flying squirrel among the three is the closest to here and is about to arrive.As the elite Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters, he is also very confident in his own strength. Captain, then it should be able to delay the stay for some time, as long as he delays the time, and then waits for the other two.

It is coming, so how can the three of them join forces to win this mysterious Nine Snake Pirates captain?

In addition, the situation was urgent at this time, and the flying squirrel Vice Admiral did not want to see the unlucky people continue to be looted, so soon, when the three Marine warships arrived near the port, the flying squirrel Vice Admiral directly ordered the war. .

“The gunner prepared, adjusted the angle and shot directly, and sank the pirate ship for me. You must first eradicate the possibility of these pirates from escaping, and annihilate them in one fell swoop on the island of Queen of Spring”!” With a wave, he said in a deep voice.

In the next second, his voice just fell, and the powerful firepower on the three warships instantly hit the ships of the Nine Snake Pirates.

Marine’s warships are still very powerful, but in a hurry, the number of warships led by the flying squirrel Vice Admiral is still a bit small. The ship even bombed the port, but obviously, it is impossible for a Marine branch to have a reorganized Marine fleet.

Therefore, although the power of only three warships is very good, but they are bound to master the most elite group of Amazon-Lily fighters with deep Haki power, their artillery shells are very weak.

I saw that just as the dense artillery leaped in the sky, a large number of soldiers appeared on the Nine Snakes Pirates, pulling their pet snakes into bows and arrows, and shooting them randomly at the shells. It’s all blown up.

Looking at this scene, the voice mouse Vice Admiral also spoke with a very serious expression: “Does all the members of the Master use Haki’s power?? Is it really worthy of the pirate group that was able to compete with Roger and the others in the sea? ?

However, the voice mouse Vice Admiral discovered that the mysterious captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates did not seem to be on the pirate ship at this time, and may have led the team to land on the island. Then, as long as you quickly start the battle, there will be no If the Nine Snake Pirate ship stationed by humans is captured, it can occupy a great active advantage. When the time comes, it can attack and retreat.

, It really can’t work, can I still gouge the boat and run away, right?

Hesitant before the war is the most taboo. Thinking of this, as the elite Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters, the same experienced rat of course will not suffer from this problem. He immediately said: “Bring the warship over and prepare to pick it up. Side fight!!”

“Yes, Flying Squirrel Vice Admiral!!”

Soon, the three Marine warships released their shelling while approaching the Hydra Pirate Ship in the harbor.

Due to the roar of Marine’s artillery fire, the people who had been charmed by Boya-Hancock’s charm were also frightened and fled.

Hancock didn’t pay any attention to this. Yumo was confident, and Hancock also had her own confidence. After standing on the harbor and watching the movements of the warships, Hancock already understood what these Marines were going to do.

“It just so happened that when I returned to Nine Snake Island, I couldn’t take so many supplies, so I just happened to ransack these three warships at the same time,” Hancock muttered softly after thinking about it.

Don’t look at the big merchant of the caravan saying that he wants to enshrine all his fleet to Hancock, but even if ordinary ordinary ships can hold the materials looted by Hancock, how can they be transported to the Calm Belt? go??

It is possible to do this, only Marine warships can do here!

The warship of the Voice Mouse Vice Admiral is approaching towards the Pirate Ship of the Hydra, and just when the distance between the two sides is almost ready for battle, the flying squirrel Vice Admiral drew out the famous knife worn on his waist, and then a Moonwalk at his feet, Wrap Armament Haki around the knife and take the lead in the Nine Snakes Pirates.

But before he could get a big shot of Kamui, he heard a voice full of charm.

“Really an arrogant person who wants to kill the warriors under the concubine on the concubine’s ship?? Really rude Marine Vice Admiral.” Hancock has already arrived on the side of the ship at this time, and she is still one. With an arrogant posture, he spoke softly to Yumo.

And flying squirrel Vice Admiral’s expression became very serious after hearing Hancock’s words, tightly tightening the saber in his hand, and then seriously asked: “Listening to your words, you must be the Nine Snakes Pirates. Is your captain???”

“Give me a note, Vice Admiral of Marine, the concubine is the emperor heir of Nine Snake Island-Amazon-Lily, Boa-Hancock, and also the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates. This time it is the concubine. Following the hunt in the name of the Amazon-Lily Emperor, my concubine will never allow anyone to stop this hunt, so let you sacrifice to announce the return of our Nine Snakes and Pirates!” Han

Cook used his abilities as he spoke.

I saw that she touched her index finger to her lips, then turned into a small pink heart on her fingertips, and then said to the speech mouse: “Kiss the gun!”

As Hancock’s voice fell, a peach heart bullet had already been shot out.

The Vice Admiral instinctively felt a threat, and then he directly followed his instincts and did not use a knife to take the blow. Instead, he sideways avoided the shot.

Then he saw the pink peach heart bullet directly petrifying a Marine soldier who had just jumped from the warship behind him.

“What is this ability?? It’s so weird??” Vice Admiral, the voice mouse, was also very surprised after seeing this scene.

But before he was surprised for a while, he saw Hancock had begun to grow bigger.

“The arrow of the captive!”

With the sound of this sound, Hancock has released a large number of small pink arrows, directly towards the Marine warship not far away.

And her move also turned all the Marines hit on the warship into stone statues.

Of course, the voice mouse Vice Admiral couldn’t just watch Hancock make Kamui here, and saw a little bit under his feet, a (good king) appeared in front of Hancock, and then he seemed to be charmed involuntarily, a little bit. He hesitated, but soon, his face showed a resolute expression, and then he slashed mercilessly.

He wanted to cut Hancock in the middle.

But where is Hancock so good? After seeing the flying squirrel Vice Admiral’s knife cut, she also tapped her foot gently, and flipped back directly from the guardrail along the ship’s edge, steadily following her. The ship landed in the harbor.

In the next second, Vice Admiral, the flying squirrel, raised his leg and kicked Hancock in the air.

“Six styles. Tempest Kick!”

The powerful Tempest Kick slashed towards Hancock with a sharp sound that broke the air. Even the slash of Tempest Kick was directly broken into rocks by the kick…

The voice mouse Vice Admiral was also shocked when he saw this scene. He secretly raised the most vigilant spirit, thinking that he must not let this woman named’Boya-Hancock’ kick him.

However, the fellow Vice Admiral is obviously thinking too much. In the previous fights, Hancock was actually measuring the combat effectiveness of Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral. Degree, just a single “Mero Mero Mellow” is enough to petrify the speech mouse that first came into contact with Hancock. The battle between the two

The fighting power is obviously not of a magnitude. Even if Hancock is still very young, her ability to match her beauty is still too heaven-defying. .

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