I Am Hellscream

Chapter 285

Chapter 285 The furious Marshal Sengoku!!

Sengoku Admiral was promoted to Marshal Marine. Of course, he wanted to celebrate with his friends. Even he was not exempt from vulgarity. What’s more, there is a Garp Vice Admiral who has been urging him. Even if he wants to fool, he will fool But go.

It’s just that the handover was just completed two days ago, and it was a bit troublesome. He had to sort out all kinds of things to sort out his thoughts and order, so this so-called “promotion banquet” has been postponed until today.

Naval Headquarters Malinford is not entirely a militarized island. It also has a large living area. Most of the families of the elite Naval Headquarters live here, and thanks to Naval Headquarters, there will be basically no trouble here. It should be said that it is a safer place than the Holy Land-Mariejois. After all, Mariejois was once set on fire.

Burned, and Malinford has never had this problem.

At this time, in a high-end restaurant in this living area, Marshal Sengoku and some Marine generals were sitting in a quiet and elegant private room.

When looking at the menu, General Marshal Sengoku’s expression was a bit painful. He hesitated for a while and said with a little cringe: “We Bi Jing are all people who often wander at sea. We are used to eating on weekdays. Big fish and big meat, it is probably a bit tired, I think everyone in this room also wants to change their taste?? Why don’t we eat something light today?

Yes, vegetarian dishes or something??”

But before the other generals could speak, Garp Vice Admiral, an old man sitting next to Marshal Sengoku, raised his hand and grabbed the menu from Marshal Sengoku. After eating meat for so many years, I have never heard of anyone who is greasy of meat. Don’t worry Sengoku, even if you can’t finish it, old

Husband, I can finish it too!! 01″

After Garp finished speaking, he didn’t give Marshal Sengoku a chance to reverse the situation. He directly spoke to the service staff around him and said, “Come on, serve all the meat dishes here, especially the deep-sea delicacies produced by The fish men island. Give me three copies, and the rest will follow.

Seeing Marshal Sengoku’s special expression of how much do you want to eat??? Can you save me some money??, the rest of Marine generals also couldn’t help laughing.

Gion said with peace of mind, “I don’t have to. I’m keeping in shape recently. Just like Marshal Sengoku said, I just need to be vegetarian.”

The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru laughed and said, “Gion, you don’t have to save money for Sengoku. He finally became a marshal and didn’t let him bleed. In the future, he won’t be able to rise, and there will be no chance again, so You can do it anytime to keep your figure in shape, but this kind of opportunity can only be done once in a lifetime.”

When Marshal Sengoku heard the words of Chief Staff Officer Tsuru, he was very dissatisfied and said: “Little Crane, what is Sheng Wu Ke Sheng? Can’t I be the commander in chief like Kong? Waiting for me to be the commander in chief. Handsome, I will definitely treat you to a big meal when the time comes!”

Teacher Zephyr laughed and said, “When you become the commander in chief, I don’t know how many years will come. Where did we wait for so long? Today, I will eat you!”

“Yes, Marshal Sengoku, I came on an empty stomach.” Kuzan, the new Marine Admiral, also said with a smile.

And Marshal Sengoku glared at him and said, “Today is my promotion banquet, and it is also your promotion banquet. I will have to split half of the bills when I wait for how much I eat.”

Kuzan was taken aback after hearing Marshal Sengoku’s shameless remarks, and then he said, “Then I’ll call Sakazuki and Polusalino, too, so that I’m less divided.”


Just before the opening of the banquet, the atmosphere was very lively by everyone. When I was very happy, I just followed the old fritters of Polusalino from Rear Admiral all the way to Vice Admiral’s Stolobelli. The expression was a bit weak. , Very solemnly opened the door of this private room.

He was a neutral person, and he was on duty, so he was not able to attend the banquet of Marshal Sengoku, and the rest of the generals in the room saw the expression of Stolobelli. Stopped the ridiculous and joking words before.

There is no doubt that Stolobelli, who was supposed to be on duty, suddenly appeared here with such a serious expression. Something must have happened.

Watching this scene, Marshal Sengoku’s mood was a little uncomfortable. He asked in a deep voice, “Stolobelli, has something important happened??”

Stolobelli nodded first, and then spoke softly in a very calm tone: “I’m sorry, Marshal Sengoku, I interrupted your banquet, but there is a very important thing that I have to tell you the first time.”

“Let’s talk, what happened??” Marshal Sengoku asked with a serious expression.

“In the North Blue 133 branch, Vice Admiral of Mozambique, who was supposed to be responsible for escorting the celestial gold of the North Blue Three Kingdoms, was killed, and along with his direct staff and the rest of the North Blue 133 branch Marines were also killed. No one was spared, even the North Blue Three Kingdoms. Should have been escorted to the Holy Land-Mariejois’ huge amount of gold was also looted.” Stolobelli also looked on

He said in a very serious voice.

After he finished speaking, Marine in the entire room was stunned.Soon Sengoku Admiral squeezed the tea cup in his hand to smash it, his expression was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and the whole person exuded a strong feeling. anger.

Now that he has been in the position of Marshal Marine for a week, there are people who have ransacked the’heavenly gold’ so rampantly. Isn’t it that he made it clear that Sengoku would be targeted at him? Isn’t it clear that he would fight? Is his Sengoku face??

What’s wrong? Do you think that Sengoku became a marshal, and the Marine I led was not as good as Marshal Kong?

This incident can be said to be the first threshold for Sengoku since he was promoted to the marshal. If he can’t find the “heavenly gold” without falling, his first impression of the marshal in the world government will basically be ruined. It will inevitably drop a label of “bad work”.

“Who did it? Did you check it out?? Or is there any clue??” Marshal Sengoku barely suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked in a deep voice.

Storobelli nodded, and then continued: “Based on the available intelligence, before the death of Vice Admiral in Mozambique, he called our Naval Headquarters for support, but we haven’t waited until we got the relevant information. , This time the contact has lost the signal wave, and can no longer be contacted. Among them, there is a mention of the name “Donji River De Family”.

And from the remaining information of the North Blue133 branch, a large number of Marine soldiers died at the hands of their companions. Even the Vice Admiral of Mozambia was besieged to death by his own subordinates.. So we infer that there is something in it.”

However, before Stolobelli could finish this sentence, his expression was also very gloomy, and the dark-faced Tsuru Chief Staff Officer had already spoken out his opinions with certainty.

“It should be Don Quixote-Doflamingo’s’Birdcage’ that disturbs and hinders the signal wave of the phone bug, and this kind of cannibalism should be his’Parsite String’ and then contact the “Donquixote Family” when asking for help. , Without a doubt, this incident was done by the daring fellow Doflamingo!!!” Chief Staff Officer Tsuru said in a deep voice.

Kuzan’s expression was also very angry. He said: “It seems that this should be a long-planned action, and there is no shortage of Doflamingo who is retaliating against our previous actions!”

“Tianshangjin’s escort route and information were kept secret, and now it seems that we still underestimated Vergo,” Gion also said softly.

Until then, Marshal Sengoku clapped his hands and said: “It’s a pity, everyone, today’s banquet has to be interrupted. After we have regained the heavenly gold, let’s continue. Everyone immediately returns to their posts and prepares for battle. , The significance of the heavenly gold is of great importance, no matter what method we use, we must all win the Revolving Heaven for the gold!!!”

“Yes, everything is for justice!!” The Marine senior generals present also responded decisively to the mobilization order of General Marshal Sengoku.

If Doflamingo wants to retaliate, just kill all the people. It is impossible for him not to understand what the heavenly gold is, and it is impossible not to understand how much trouble it will cause if the heavenly gold is taken away. It’s famously rich, so Marshal Sengoku speculated that Doflamingo must have other plans to think about the worst.

This Doflamingo may even follow Proudmoore. Gromash he might want to be’Seven Warlords of the Sea’!!!

I have to say that Marshal Sengoku’s mind is turning fast, and he deserves to be a man called “The Resourceful General”. In just three to five minutes, he has already inferred the purpose of Doflamingo from such limited information.

Thinking of this, Marshal Sengoku walked towards the fortress of justice at Naval Headquarters, and said to Stolobelli next to him: “Storo 163 Robelli, go and let the people from the Intelligence Department quickly contact Doflamingo. I want to ask him personally what he is going to do!!!”

After receiving Marshal Sengoku’s order, Stolobelli nodded and said, “Yes, Marshal Sengoku, I will do it now.”

As the Marine senior generals took their place, the atmosphere of Malinford, a place full of justice and peace, became depressed for a while. The ordinary people living in Malinford were also a little curious. They wanted to know who it was. Annoyed the strongest overlord in the sea??

After such a big incident, Marshal Sengoku must be impossible to conceal from the World government. Besides, even if he wanted to conceal it, he couldn’t keep it. This incident was reported to Mariejois’ military commander Kong and the highest authority Five Elders.

At this time, on Marshal Sengoku’s desk, from a phone bug, the majestic and powerful voices of the Five Elders were heard.

“Sengoku, no matter what method and method you are going to use, we only have one request. Tianshangjin must find it back and send it to Mariejois on time. Do you understand?? ?”

Marshal Sengoku had already expected this ending, so he didn’t even think about it and said, “Please rest assured, five people, I will use the fastest speed to win the gold of Revolving Heaven.”

“Well, if necessary, we grant you the right to execute Donald. Doflamingo.” After the Five Elders said one last word, they hung up the call worm.

This time, the Five Elders gave Marshal Sengoku great authority. From this point, we can also see how much the meaning of’heavenly gold’ is.

Marshal Sengoku wants to contact Doflamingo, but Doflamingo has no plans to contact Marshal Sengoku directly.He has a partner. In this case, if his good partner is not allowed to stand on him and support the scene, it is simply ‘Jin Yi Ye Xing’ Ah.

So no matter what method the Marine Intelligence Department wants to contact him Doflamingo, Doflamingo is a bird and a bird, just waiting for Gromash to call him.

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