I Am Hellscream

Chapter 284

Chapter 284 Doflamingo rages to heaven and gold!

In the City of Seven Waters, there has been a steady stream of ships entering in the past few days. Without exception, they are all ships with the flag of the Frostwolf Pirates. Among them, a large number of murloc labor advance teams have arrived. They are all workers who have participated in a lot of infrastructure construction on Sabaody Archipelago and in Murloc Street before, and are responsible for the transformation of the City of Seven Waters.

In the construction of the project, after all, hired workers also need certain veterans with relevant experience to lead the team. By the way, it can also make the workers of the murloc and the people of the seven waters on the sea familiar with each other in labor. one time.

As the saying goes, working together is the most capable thing to accumulate feelings. I believe that with this joint labor, the people in the Capital of Seven Rivers will solve the problem of accepting the murlocs and the mermaids living together in the future.

Although at the very beginning, the contact between the two parties may cause some problems and disputes, but these are inevitable stages. There will be more trivial things, because our own conditions are high, so naturally there will be more requirements, not as good as

Take advantage of the hardship now, there is no requirement to mention, as long as you can have a bite to eat, let the two sides get together.

Nowadays, a large number of craftsmen veterans of The fish men island have made a lot of money with the Frostwolf Pirates. One or two of them are very rich. Just their hot title deeds and new houses on the fish men street are already there. Enough for them to become a new batch of “crab-eating rich people”. Following Gromash, they changed from the bottom of The fish men island.

It has become the’new nobility’ class of The fish men island, so the position of Gromash and the Frostwolf Pirates in their hearts is extremely strong. In their view, as long as they follow the Frostwolf Pirates, they You can drink spicy food everywhere, and you can make a lot of money, so I don’t have to worry at all, so I heard the call of the Frostwolf Pirates on The fish men island to go to the City of Seven Waters.

‘After the summoning order, they immediately signed up without hesitation, and brought the ardent hope of the people of The fish men island to test the waters in the City of Seven Waters~.

Similarly, after this group of wealthy “tyrant craftsmen” came to the City of Seven Waters, they also greatly stimulated the consumption of the City of Seven Waters. There are also many industry players in the industry, and a large amount of consumption will also drive their economic recovery, which will gradually revitalize the entire city of seven waters and make this ancient city

The old water capital is heavy-the new one comes alive.

Not to mention Gromash and the Frostwolf Pirates in the City of Seven Waters, upholding the ideals of’love and peace, richness and beauty’, they are making great efforts to build, far in the Donquixote Family station of North Blue, Doflamingo Young Master’s flagship Flamingo also slowly led several pirate ships away from their port.

And this time Doflamingo and their destination is a Marine Base in a certain sea area of ​​North Blue.

Judging by the last intelligence sent by the tragic and unlucky guy Vergo.

Doflamingo and they already know that in the recent period of time, there will be a warship that is responsible for escorting the three kingdoms of North Blue. To take away the celestial gold from the three kingdoms to the World government, and also to make a good contribution.

-The bad breath that has been suffocating in my chest recently!!

Doflamingo’s plan is still very rigorous. I don’t know if he even bought some eyeliner in the Marine Base of North Blue. In short, the time of his card is very accurate. It is not early or late. When the warship just entered the port of Marine Base, the pirate ship of their Don Quixote family appeared not far from Marine Base.

On the sea.

The significance of heavenly gold is very significant.Although it is a considerable amount of wealth, few people will think about it. Under normal circumstances, people who don’t want to play an’immortality’ with the World government are Will not rob the heavenly gold that has been escorted.

Therefore, for a long time, the escort mission of Shangjin in the sky was just a not very dangerous’political mission’ for the Marines, and there was basically no riot.

Because of this, no one would have thought that in North Blue, Heavenly Gold would be targeted by the Donquixote Family

When the Donquixote Family pirate ship led by Doflamingo appeared near the Marine Base, it was Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral-Mozambia who was responsible for escorting this heavenly gold.

This guy’s strength is not very good. He became Vice Admiral because he has enough qualifications, and the accumulated merits are also enough. In general, it belongs to the bottom category among the Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters.

There are not many Vice Admiral in Naval Headquarters. After all, Marine’s system is too large. If there are only a dozen Vice Admiral, they will not be exhausted enough for them to run.

After all, just a escort mission of Heavenly Gold, there are more than 170 participating countries to run, and this kind of’important’ mission, according to regulations, must be performed by the Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters.

However, Naval Headquarters did not want to pull the level of Marine Vice Admiral to such a low level because of these political tasks. Therefore, Naval Headquarters finally came up with a good countermeasure, and it has been used since a long time ago.

That is to divide Vice Admiral into three, six and nine classes. The first class is naturally the Admiral candidates of Naval Headquarters, just like Kuzan, Sakazuki, and Polusalino who are currently Marine Three Admiral, and this Shi still sat steadily in the alternate position of Admiral, the two of Tomi-Gion and Chaju-Janto.

Their Marine Vice Admiral at this stage is actually no less inferior to Naval Headquarters’ Admiral. Their existence is a’standby’ seat, which is once an uncontrollable accident in Naval Headquarters’ Admiral causes death or something. Yes, then they will automatically be promoted to Admiral of Naval Headquarters in order as soon as possible, and support the highest combat force.

stand up.

Secondly, they have the highest priority when selecting Marine Admiral normally due to position transfer or something.

It’s just that not everyone wants to be Marine Admiral, at least Taomen. Gion and the tea dolphin-Jiaji don’t have this idea. Gion simply doesn’t want to be Marine’s Admiral, she wants more often. Be active on the front line to “punish rape and eliminate evil. After all, you can no longer run around when you become Admiral. Many tasks are not done by Admiral.

Most of the tasks are of the ‘guardian’ type.

Plus, this guy is just like Garp. There is no such thing as an Admiral. Let him become Admiral, and he may not be able to “misfortune” for Marine.

The second stage of Marine Vice Admiral belongs to the flying squirrel Vice Admiral, Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral, and Ghost Spider Vice Admiral. They are powerful enough, but they are not as good as the top masters. They are called The elite Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters, is a real mid-stream breaker-level figure, able to strongly support the “extraordinary” of the Marine Vice Admiral rank, in short

They belong to the kind of’capable soldiers’ that can play a certain role no matter what kind of battlefield and state of affairs!

In the next stage, those in Marine who have mixed merits from the major branches and mixed qualifications to Vice Admiral. Their credit and contribution are there, but the strength is not very good. .

This kind of Vice Admiral is generally responsible for some tasks in Marine that are similar to escorting’heavenly gold’, which must be handled by Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, or to conduct inspections in the four oceans.

To put it simply, this batch of Vice Admiral is the kind of people selected by the Marines to perform the’daily tasks’. What happened to them.

There are a lot of people in this third type of Vice Admiral Marine, and more than one hundred can be easily obtained.

And this Vice Admiral of Mozambique is one of the third type of Vice Admiral, and it happens that this guy happened to be when the young master of Doflamingo went to Naval Headquarters to have a meeting as Seven Warlords of the Sea. One of the two Vice Admiral controlled and played with Parasite String did not expect that at this time, he and Doflamingo would meet in advance

Now, should I say that the two of them are predestined?

0-Seeking flowers…

“It’s the Don Quixote Pirate Group!!! The whole army is on alert. It is important to ensure that there are no problems with the transportation of heavenly gold. The Marines of the 133 branch are responsible for cover, and the rest escort the warship, contact the headquarters, give up the supply, and start quickly “Break through” Mozambia Vice Admiral also reacted very quickly after spotting the ship of the Donquixote Family. After all, it was a mess.

People on Vice Admiral, even if they are not strong enough, but the level of combat command they should be is still very strong, no matter what, Marine will not choose trash as Vice Admiral.

However, although his combat command is correct, in the face of overwhelming strength, all this is useless, unless a miracle can happen, but miracles will not kindly take care of everyone, will they?

Just when his warship escorting the gold from the sky was just about to move, a figure dressed in pink feathers flew out of the Flamingo in the distance, and that person seemed to be able to move freely in the sky. After a few pulling movements of his hand, he appeared above the base of Marine’s North Blue 133 branch.

After seeing this figure, Vice Admiral of Mozambique’s face also became very ugly, and he involuntarily murmured: “Heavenly Yaksha”

Doflamingo was “floating” in the air. He looked at the warship that was about to leave the harbor with a cruel and tyrannical smile on his mouth, then stretched out his right hand, raised the top of his head, and whispered: “Birdcage”

As his voice fell, a large number of thin lines in his hand began to erupt, quickly enveloping the entire Marine North Blue113 branch base.

At this moment, the messenger next to Vice Admiral in Mozambique who was using a phone worm to call for help from Naval Headquarters became very alarmed, and said to Vice Admiral in Mozambique: “Master Vice Admiral, we The call for help with the headquarters was forcibly interrupted”

At this time, Vice Admiral’s heart in Mozambique has fallen to the bottom. He knows that he will probably not live long this time, and he will have to sacrifice. This task will inevitably fail.

After all, not long ago, the Marines slapped him very loudly. Doflamingo had a few big ear scrapers. With Doflamingo’s tyrannical character, he was pretty bad this time.

“Get ready, prepare for the glorious sacrifice for justice!!!” Vice Admiral of Mozambique said in a deep voice, and then slowly drew out the Marine Sabre hanging from his waist, looking at the calm air in the sky. Doflamingo, shouted loudly.

“Heavenly Yaksha-Donji River De-Doflamingo, as Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, I warn you to quickly evacuate Marine’s North Blue133 branch base. This time we are responsible for escorting the significant heavenly gold. You should be clear about the meaning of this. If you don’t want to become a mortal enemy with the World government, quickly evacuate here!!!” Mozambique Vice Admiral said loudly


But after his words reached Doflamingo’s ears, Doflamingo laughed wildly.

“Fufurfurfurfurfur, what illusions do you still have? What do you think I’m here for?? I’m here for the’heavenly gold’ you escorted. “Vice Admiral first” Doflamingo said, while drawing a very evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then he didn’t continue to talk nonsense, but opened his hand to release countless “Parasite String…

“The bloody killing is about to begin, are you Marine ready to accept my revenge???” Doflamingo muttered to himself softly.

As his voice fell, the people in the entire North Blue133 Marine branch instantly rioted, and a large number of Marine soldiers drew out their weapons and slashed at the surrounding friends who were getting along with each other day and night.

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