I Am Hellscream

Chapter 260

Chapter 260 Death is like a shadow.

Because the Frostwolf Pirates built a large number of various buildings in the illegal zone, which also included entertainment venues such as pubs, the business of the “ripping up” shop opened by Mrs. Xia Qi plummeted.

After all, Mrs. Xia Qi has her own reserved characteristics. No matter what the outside business is, she will not reduce the price anyway. Over time, there will be no outsiders in her shop who will come to be taken advantage of.

However, Mrs. Xia Qi is not unhappy about this situation. Anyway, she is not really a person who lives in a tavern. Her main business is intelligence business. After cooperating with the Frostwolf Pirates, the whole There is nothing on Sabaody Archipelago that she doesn’t know.

What’s more, compared with other places, the people of the Frostwolf Pirates group prefer to drink and party here, so it has gradually become the “stronghold” of the Frostwolf Pirates group, with a large number of Pele’s Frostwolf. The Pirates don’t care about the “little money” drinking here.

When Gromash opened the door of the tavern with someone, he saw a group of brawny murlocs chatting hotly here. The leader was the Great White Shark-Hordy Jones, and he was sitting next to him. The one is the ogre. Bartolomio.

Diandi Jones and Bartolomio stood up very excited after seeing Gromash and the others pushing in.

“Boss Gromash, you are back!” Hodie Jones said very happily.

“Jiehahahaha, Hordy, what are you doing here??” Gromash asked with a smile after seeing them.

Bartolomio hurriedly said: “Boss, we are here to celebrate the great event that our Frostwolf Pirates became the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

After chatting with them for a while, Gromash looked at the bar, and said to Mrs. Xia Qi, who was mixing the wine, “Sister Xia Qi, 01 is the strongest drink~!

“Ok, Lord Seven Warlords of the Sea.” Xia Qi smiled, took out a bottle of spirits from the bar and began to blend.

“Jie haha, don’t say so.” Gromash said with a smile.

Just when Gromash was wondering where Rayleigh, an old man who was not home, went to wander around, he saw the wine cabinet behind the bar opened again, and then he saw a sloppy Rayleigh in an invitation and walked up with this toolbox. .

“Damn it, why can I see you coming out of it every time?? I thought you went wandering.” Gromash opened his mouth when he saw Rayleigh.

And Rayleigh took a look at Gromash and said badly: “Oh, this is not the running dog of the World government, Seven Warlords of the Sea, Lord Gromash?? How come you have time to come to our dilapidated tavern as a guest?? ”

Gromash was also very angry after hearing Rayleigh’s ridicule, and then said: “Heh, isn’t this old Lei, a coater under Seven Warlords of the Sea?? I forgot you before, no Give you something “Amnesty, don’t worry, I will go to Mariejois to report it..”

After speaking, Gromash still pretended to leave here, and Rayleigh also hurriedly said: “Look at what you said, Lao Lei, the coater, is not a criminal. What amnesty order? Come here, drink and drink. .

After Rayleigh took Gromash and sat down together, Mrs. Sha Qi was also very considerate to mix the wine with Rayleigh and Gromash. Then Mrs. Sha Qi smiled and asked: “Master Gromash, now you are finally taking this Seven Warlords. of the Sea’s title has been obtained, and it has become the so-called’legal’ pirate, then what do you plan to do next

What??? Let me know, by the way, sort out the information and study the trend on the sea. ”

Gromash also smiled and said, “Sister Xia Qi, can my actions affect the trend of the sea?? So powerful?”

“Hahahaha, it is true that many people are staring at you recently, especially when the news that you become Seven Warlords of the Sea spreads throughout the world, everyone wants to see how you are going to take this next step. , In order to make some responses, even the guy Whitebeard seems to have begun to gather his captains in New World, everyone is on guard

What about you “bad wolf”” Rayleigh said with a big laugh.

Gromash was silent after hearing what Rayleigh and Shaqi were saying. Then he took a sip from his glass and said, “Then they should be able to rest assured for a while. My next move is in the first half of the Grand Line. Above, I met those five bad old guys when I was in Mariejois, and then I used Seven Warlords of the Sea’s

Power, a demand for fiefdom has been proposed. I guess it won’t be long before you will see relevant news. What I want to name is the City of Seven Waters.”

“City of Seven Waters?? What do you want from that place??” Rayleigh also said with some surprise.

“The title of Seven Warlords of the Sea has been obtained, so I can start the big action of our Frostwolf Pirates group openly. I will connect the three realms of sea, land and air, and create a vertical strategic system. Become an important stronghold of our Frostwolf Pirates on the sea, assuming the central role of the entire system, and there are still in the City of Seven Waters

A very important thing, I also want to find a chance to get it. “The corner of Gromash’s mouth showed a smile and then said softly.

He didn’t hide his intentions. He still trusted Rayleigh and Shaqi. Although they said something like “intelligence”, Gromash knew that they would not take out this kind of thing. Go nonsense.

“The hub?? That is really important, but is it really good to put the hub in the first half of the Grand Line?? Or you are ready to shine in the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea for a lifetime??” Rayleigh thoughtーAfter he clicked, he asked.

“Jiehahahahahaha, do you think I am a person who has lived and worked in this position? Besides, the City of Seven Waters is indeed in the first half of the Grand Line, but who will tell you? It will always be on the first half of the Grand Line?? Be a human, have a dream, such as transferring an island to the New World or something.” Gromash

Said very confidently.

Rayleigh glanced at Gromash, but thought that he had a lot of capable men and warriors, maybe there would be something new, high-tech, etc. that could do this, so he didn’t continue to worry about this, but picked up the wine glass. After drinking, he said, “Then I wish you success. By the way, what are the important things on that island?? Of course.

If it is inconvenient to say, I won’t ask.

Gromash stared at Rayleigh, then said, “Pluton…”

“Huh? What do you tell me to do so formally?” Rayleigh said strangely, wondering if there is anything Gromash needs his help.

And Gromash said a little funny: “It’s Pluton, not your retired “Pluton”, it’s Pluton-Pluto, one of the three Ancient Weapon. The design drawings are on the City of Seven Waters, I want See if you can get it. If you can, build one. As my flagship, don’t you think this is very prestigious?

Rayleigh froze for a moment, and then said, “You know this??”

Gromash was also taken aback after seeing Rayleigh’s situation, and then said in surprise: “Fuck, do you know that???”

Rayleigh took a sip of wine, was overwhelmed, and then said: “I’m not sure if you know the same information, so let’s talk a little bit each of us, how about confirming each other??”

Gromash also nodded and said, “Okay, let’s talk about it first.”

After thinking for a while, Rayleigh looked into Gromash’s eyes and said softly: “Murloc”

And Gromash also raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then said: “Tom”

After speaking, the two smiled involuntarily, then touched a wine glass and drank all of it in one go.

Gromash continued this time and said, “Dammit, I should have thought of it. Master Tom used to build ships for you Roger Pirates. Your relationship with him must be very good??”

“It’s more than good. If it wasn’t for Tom himself who had the dream and vision that must be completed in the City of Seven Waters, he would directly follow us on the boat as our boatman for so many years, and he is still studying him now. My dream.” Rayleigh smiled and said softly.

“Is it sea train??” Gromash murmured.

“That’s not the case. I want to make the City of Seven Waters glow with its own vitality and vitality, inherit the will and glory of the ancient boat craftsmen, the sea train is just a means to complete this dream, but at the moment. , The condition of the City of Seven Waters is still declining year by year, and the sea train has not been tossed out by him, and I have been convicted again. I want to go.

Help him out. “Rayleigh said with emotion.

Perhaps if the sea train had not been developed by Master Tom, Tom would not die, because Rayleigh did plan to take Tom on the road, but Tom eventually built the sea train. 147 Rayleigh also guessed it. He who has made this kind of feat is enough to be exonerated, so he, a “sinner”, had better not get involved with Tom anymore.

What a relationship, that would be good for both of them.

But the result was not like this. There were many unexpected accidents, and Master Tom eventually died in the City of Seven Waters. Due to the sudden incident, even Rayleigh had no chance to react.

Gromash patted Rayleigh on the shoulder and said, “Be at ease. Although Master Tom is in the City of Seven Waters, he is also a murloc. That is my compatriot of Gromash. Wait for me to designate the City of Seven Waters. After my fief, I will hire him to be the chief seaman of the shipyard I opened, and he will be guarded by my name, Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Well, all crimes are free, isn’t it just building a boat for Roger and you guys?? What a big deal??”

“Hahahaha, in that case, although your title of Seven Warlords of the Sea is shameful, it is still very useful at critical moments.” Rayleigh laughed and said.

“What do you think?? Otherwise, what did I spend so much time doing to get this title?? Isn’t it to make it “useful” at the critical moment??” Gromash also laughed and said.

Gromash didn’t ask Rayleigh why they didn’t get a Pluton battleship out to play, and Rayleigh didn’t ask Gromash what to do with a Pluton battleship.

Both parties naturally skipped this topic and returned to the drinking atmosphere of friends who hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

At the same time, Virgo Vice Admiral, who was on vacation in Naval Headquarters, received an urgent task, asking him to go to a desert island in the first half of the Grand Line to meet what goal?

This kind of “political” missions often appear in Marine, and this kind of mission is also liked by Vergo, because often this kind of mission will carry a lot of valuable intelligence, far more than a single strike mission. There is much value, and he often receives this kind of task, so when he receives this task, he didn’t doubt anything.

He took people away from Naval Headquarters and drove the warship towards the mission location.

Shortly after he left, the ship of Tsuru’s Chief Staff also quietly left the Naval Headquarters-Marinford.

Death… just like a shadow.

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