I Am Hellscream

Chapter 259

Chapter 259 Arrange your glorious sacrifice.

Originally because Gromash became Seven Warlords of the Sea, I was stunned by Smoker just now, and I was not in a good mood. Marshal Kong looked ugly after hearing Sengoku Admiral’s words.

“Who is it? What’s the problem??” Marshal Kong asked with a gloomy expression, and did not ask some extra questions. Obviously, he trusted Sengoku very much and believed in his words.

Marshal Sengoku glanced at Tsuru’s Chief Staff Officer, and then whispered, “Vergo Vice Admiral.”

After hearing Sengoku Admiral’s words, Tsuru’s chief staff was also taken aback. According to the affiliation, Vergo has always been her subordinate and the best one of her few male subordinates. Now Sengoku Admiral It was said that Vergo had a problem?? This made her feel very angry~.

Of course, this anger was not directed at Sengoku Admiral, but at Vergo and herself. She was angry that she, as the boss, did not find Vergo’s problem, and was even pointed out by others…

In fact, since Vergo entered Marine, he has been approaching the Tsuru General Staff. The reason is also very simple, because the Tsuru General Staff is not only the top of the Marine senior staff, but can master a large amount of information and intelligence. The most important point is She is the person in Marine who is mainly responsible for staring at his young master-to-flamingo.

It is precisely because of Vergo’s various show operations that オ made Tsuru’s Chief Staff Officer many times missed the opportunity to catch Doflamingo at the last minute, so that Doflamingo is getting better now.

Virgo’s reputation among Marines is still very good. He is humble, superb, and very clever. The many generals present also have a good impression of him.

“Vergo?? That’s really a shame. I was still very optimistic about him. If Teacher Zephyr knew about it, he would definitely be very sad.” Kuzan said softly with a bit of emotion with the exploded head.

It is true that Vergo is an extremely favorite student of Zephyr because he is very similar to Zephyr. At least on the surface, he is a good Marine who is full of justice, loves his subordinates, and takes the lead. At the same time, he has not eaten anything. Devil Fruit, also did not toss some miscellaneous things, like Teacher Zephyr, he specializes in Haki

In the field, he can wrap a thin bamboo with his own Haki and become a sharp killing weapon, which earned him the title of’Ghost Bamboo’. Therefore, for students like him, Teacher Zephyr is naturally very fond of it. Yes, anyway, I like more than the “Pippi Shrimp” like Polusalino.

Gion touched the Sabre Jin Kunluo on his waist, and then there was a fierce flash in his eyes, and he said, “What is wrong with Vergo Vice Admiral? Is there any hope of turning back? If not, let me Cut off his head with your own hands.”

In Gion’s heart, compared to Gromash, who has been calling herself an “evil party” from the beginning, she hates this kind of Marine who wears a cloak of justice but does evil things.

After hearing the question from Gion, the others also looked at Sengoku Admiral, hoping that he could give an accurate answer to see if Virgo Vice Admiral was saved.

Sengoku Admiral’s expression was very gloomy, and then he said, “There is no salvation. From the beginning, there is no hope because he didn’t betray Marine and justice and went astray, but he was embarrassed from the beginning. Thought and evil, the undercover pirate who sneaked into our Marine is the one under Heavenly Yaksha-Don Quixote-Doflamingo

The mysterious First Generation Red Heart He is the highest cadre of the Donji River De family!!!”

After hearing Sengoku Admiral’s words, Kuzan’s feet instantly froze with frost, soaking the floor, and his breath also began to bring out a wisp of cold air, you can imagine his anger. How big it is.

Marshal Kong’s eyes also flashed intense anger, and then he took a sip of his teacup silently, without speaking.

On the other hand, Chief Staff Officer Tsuru sat on the sofa with the same depressive aura, with a very gloomy expression.

Even Garp Vice Admiral is in a state where a volcano is about to erupt.

With a sound of ‘, Gion slowly pulled out Jinpiluo in his hand, and then reached out his hand to stroke the sharp blade, and then said softly: “This kind of crime is not excessive, right??”

“No wonder, every time in the capture mission about Heavenly Yaksha. Don Quixote-Doflamingo, there will always be omissions at critical moments and critical places. I have always suspected that there is Doflamingo’s eyeliner in the headquarters. But I really never thought that this eyeliner was under my nose, it turned out to be that Vergo.”

Chief Staff Officer Tsuru said with a gloomy expression.

Marshal Kong, who hadn’t spoken all the time, got up and walked to a filing cabinet. After opening it, he searched for it, and soon found the file about Vergo’s’Vice Admiral’.

Most of Marine’s files are stored in special archives. Only the senior generals of Vice Admiral and above in the headquarters, their files will appear in Kong’s marshal’s office. Fortunately, these people are not many. Can put it down.

Marshal Kong opened the file of Vergo’s’Vice Admiral’ to take a look, and then spread it on the table, took out a seal from the drawer, and then directly stamped it on the first page of Vergo’s’Vice Admiral’ file, and put him ‘S name and photo are covered.

After Marshal Kong removed the seal, the four characters were already on the file.

‘Glorious sacrifice!!!!

“Just do it according to this, no criticism or accidents are allowed, do you understand??” Marshal Kong pushed the file to the other Marine generals and said softly.

The others also nodded after reading the four words on it, indicating that they understood.

It seems that Vergo might not even have the opportunity to go to Impel down-Imperton to do “rehabilitation training”. The Marines are ready to kill.

But I think about it, there is such a big scandal in Marine, Kong, as Marine’s generals, he chose this way is also correct, no matter who is sitting in his position, it is impossible to give any opportunity to let this scandal spread. Out.

Therefore, for the sake of Marine’s reputation, one must give Vergo a “honorable and decent” sacrifice, and he might even have a funeral for him.

Chief Staff Officer Tsuru got up from the sofa, walked to the table and picked up the file, and then said softly, “Leave it to me and Gion to handle this matter. You don’t have to worry about it.”

The others didn’t refuse anything after hearing what Tsuru Chief Staff Officer said. After all, Vergo could be regarded as a soldier brought out by Tsuru Chief Staff Officer. Let her start and let her end.

Gion also put Jin Kunluo in the scabbard, and then said softly: “If Virgo is an undercover agent and a spy, his subordinates can’t have the rest of the eyeliner. After we deal with Virgo, it will be too. It’s time to clean up our Marine team.

Sengoku Admiral nodded and said, “Yes, at the same time, people in the Intelligence Department will also be punished. They can no longer loosen up like this. All internal threats and loopholes must be eliminated and repaired!”

After talking about Vergo, Sengoku Admiral talked about Gromash and Op-Op Fruit related news, but this news has been “outdated” for so many years, no one cares anymore, so Everyone just exclaimed, and they also decided to block Op-Op Fruit’s top-secret information more closely.

Don’t let Gromash pick up the bargain.

“If there is information about Dressrosa, we must also say hello to their royal family in advance, but this information has clearly existed for a few years, and Doflamingo has not taken any action against Dressrosa. Maybe he has given up this plan. Must” Marshal Kong touched his chin and said with some confusion.

0-seeking flowers

The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru clearly understood Doflamingo more deeply than the others. She opened her mouth and said softly, “Maybe it is not to give up. There is another possibility that he still has a key point that he has not reached, but Now this’point “We don’t know anything about it…”

Garp Vice Admiral said carelessly: “Find the easiest way to solve this problem. After we have dealt with Vergo, we will organize a arrest of Doflamingo. If we can catch him, everything will be natural. All resolved.

But in the final analysis, Dressrosa is just a New World “a franchise country”. There are more than 170 under the World government. It is not too special, so the Marines do not pay special attention to this. intelligence.

“Let’s make a long-term plan in advance. Let me first inform the royal family of Dressrosa. Although there have been no accidents for so many years, they must be psychologically prepared.” Marshal Kong finally said after thinking about it.

After all these were dealt with, Marshal Kong looked at Sengoku Admiral and said, “The story of the child Rosinante still did not have a sad ending. It is good that although he was captured by the guy Gromash for a long time, but When I came back this time, it brought us such important information, and we should accept the merits we deserve.

I think he has been a lieutenant colonel for many years. Fortunately, let him be promoted to colonel this time. The intelligence team should indeed manage it well. He is very good. ”

Sengoku Admiral also smiled and said, “I understand, Marshal.”

This is the benefit of the’Military Second Generation’. I went out and been captured for a few years. Not only did I have no fault, but I was promoted when I came back. There is a’adoptive father’ Sengoku Admiral on his head, and a group of Marine senior generals are all around him. Uncles and aunts, are you walking sideways in Marine?

That is to say, Rosinante has a relatively simple personality, and has the attributes of the “Virgin”.

At the same time, Gromash and his party also arrived at Sabaody Archipelago. At this time, Gromash did not know that because he returned Rosinante to Sengoku Admiral, Doflamingo’s ace in Marine’s’undercover’ Vergo had already lost his life. Countdown to the end

But even if he knew it, he probably didn’t have any extra thoughts. He could only sigh “fate is impermanent”. Anyway, he can’t go back to the pan, pretending to be ignorant..

At this time, Sabaody Archipelago is no longer as messy and impoverished in the illegal zone as before.

After several years of secret rectification by the Frostwolf Pirates, this illegal zone has become Gromash’s “one word”. Although the large and small forces are still complicated, they all have an owner behind them, which is the Frostwolf. Pirates.

At this time, the lawless zone has begun to change to the mode of Owned Valley Town, and a large number of new buildings have been built. The total forces of Zero Zero are all involved in their own management, and there is less fighting on the surface. A lot of it, it also makes the illegal zone look a little more harmonious.

A large number of pirates and evil party criminals gathered here, driving the new economy here.

For the pirates, going to The fish men island is an act of gambling, so before gambling, you must spend a lot of money!! Most of the pirates will put their own money here. The money is consumed cleanly, so the economy of the illegal zone is still quite objective. For the Frostwolf Pirates, this is also an open source “financial” point. Small,

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