I Am Hellscream

Chapter 241

Chapter 241 Young people will inevitably go wrong

From the very beginning, the initiative of this game has always been in the hands of Gromash, and until now, Marines are not only checkmates by Gromash in the situation, but even Sengoku Admiral is checkmate by Gromash for personal issues. .

However, considering that Garp Vice Admiral could watch Ace be executed with a cruel heart, Gromash didn’t continue to “tease” Sengoku Admiral’s nerves.

After all, compared with Garp Vice Admiral, Sengoku Admiral’s cruelty is significantly higher. Now it seems that he is’weak’, but in the final analysis, it is because he suddenly received this news, which made him a little difficult to accept for a while. In case he gets better after a while, Rosinante may be useless

“I don’t have many requirements. First, from now on, the World government must take practical actions to guarantee the rights and interests of The fish men island. It can’t be the same as before, just talk about it.” Gromash grinned. , Said softly.

After hearing the first condition of Gromash, Sengoku Admiral, with trembling lips, also retrieved the phone worm from Garp Vice Admiral again, and then said in a deep voice, “Gromash.. This incident has been from the government since the Mariejois incident. Bian is already rectifying, not to mention, at least compared with before, no one in the entire Mariejois dared

The residents of The fish men island are using it to “make fun.”

Gromash did not pay attention to Sengoku Admiral, but continued to speak: “Secondly, to pardon the crime of Tony Sher-Tiger.”

“Impossible! Gromash, even if you blow up all the New World, Mariejois will never agree to your condition!!” Sengoku Admiral immediately said in a deep voice, without giving up the slightest tone.

Gromash is actually talking about the lion. After all, he has been tossing for so long, can’t he just make a request for Seven Warlords of the Sea?? Negotiations, as the so-called sky-high price, pay the money on the spot, so take this opportunity, Gromash also wants to test how much concessions the World government can accept, and by the way compete for some benefits for himself.

Seeing Sengoku Admiral’s righteous remarks, 147 Gromash did not continue to struggle with this issue. In fact, he did not have any hope at the beginning. After swallowing this breath, there will be no “face to be human” in the future.

“Really?? You can’t do this thing, the Lord?? Why don’t you go back and ask for instructions?? I’m not in a hurry, so I’m seeking common ground while reserving differences. Put this controversial condition aside and listen to my third This is the last condition, right?” Gromash smiled, and said in a very relaxed tone, as if he didn’t touch Fisher at all. Tiger

Keep your life and death in mind.

Sengoku Admiral saw that Gromash was not so tough, and he was a little relieved. He was afraid that Gromash would come to them with a fish-dead net, and then no one would really have a better life.

“Let’s talk about the third condition” Sengoku Admiral asked in a deep voice.

“Sengoku Admiral, in fact, I was just like you back then. I was a government with justice in my heart. The whole person is full of light and kindness. I am ready to devote myself to the cause of justice, serving the world government and this beautiful world. “Gromash pretended to start, and his tone was indescribable. It seemed that he really thought that way.

The same.

His words also made Sengoku Admiral tumbling in his stomach, his expression was a little nauseous, and he almost didn’t vomit.

On the contrary, the guy Garp Vice Admiral seemed to have lost his temper. Standing on the other side of the phone worm, he nodded and muttered, “Yes, you belonged to us back then… If there was nothing like that. ”

Although Sengoku Admiral did not speak, Gromash heard Garp Vice Admiral’s voice, so he even more vigorously said: “Yes, Garp Vice Admiral, in fact, I originally wanted to participate in Marine, you Marine hero back then But even The fish men island is being eulogized. At the beginning, the pirate overlord Rocks had countless people who wanted to join Marine City.

It was for you…(abdi). But then I saw the darkness and nature of this world. Do you still remember the question I asked you in Logue town??

Garp Vice Admiral’s expression was a bit proud after hearing the first half of Gromash’s words, but when he heard the last sentence, his expression was frozen and the whole person fell silent.

“The world has belonged to the darkness for eight hundred years, and it has been like this for eight hundred years, so if I joined CP-5, I am belonging to the “dark”, and when I become a pirate, I am also “belonging” to the darkness. There is a big difference between the two. Is it really big when I think about it now. If I swallowed my breath back then, I was destined to be a weak person, but now I am

Little can I protect my compatriots in this dark world, and protect my hometown.” Gromash opened his mouth and began to portray himself as a character of’sadness’, as if he was an unsung hero burdened with darkness…

But his remarks have a great impact on Sengoku Admiral and the Marines. After all, Gromash’s deeds are there. At this time, listening to Gromash’s’inner’ monologue, it seems to be really decent. of??

Fortunately, Sengoku Admiral is a smart and sensible person. After being immersed in the’Gromash’s Affliction Drama’, he immediately regained his consciousness, and then immediately said, “Gromash, don’t say these disgusting things.” , No matter what you thought at the beginning, but now you have long been reduced to evil, is the world light or dark?

It’s not your turn to set the tone. Even if the World government falls again, it is still a representative of order. This world needs order, not you evil and chaotic pirates. Don’t pack yourself so “dazzling”. Now, I find it ridiculous.

“Jiehahahahahaha, as expected, the two of us are born with different horoscopes, Sengoku Admiral.. Since you don’t want to listen to this, let me just say it. After all these years of wandering outside, I also miss the one who used to work for the government. Duan’s “short and beautiful” time has come, so I am ready to devote myself to the great World government again and become your close and friend

Good “ally”, how about?? Is it a warm welcome to me??” Gromash saw Sengoku Admiral and they didn’t eat their own set. They also changed their tone, and the whole person became arrogant again.

After hearing Gromash’s words, Sengoku Admiral’s expression was dark, and then he said: “Sure enough, did you guys stare at the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea??

“Jehahahahaha, it is worthy of The Resourceful General Sengoku. Although your strength has dropped a little, I think you are very suitable to be the marshal of Marine. After all, what you need most to be a marshal is not the strength but the mind of Marine in command. Yes, is your Marine selection of marshals democratically? If so, I must vote for you!” Gromash laughed

Teasing Sengoku Admiral.

And Sengoku Admiral is also very dark, this Gromash is really arrogant.

But before he could speak, Gromash had spoken again.

“Well, but you are right. I did have your Seven Warlords of the Sea system that was launched recently. I studied that system carefully and suddenly discovered that this system is just for me in the dark. Prepared for people with a bright heart, you have to understand that young people will inevitably step on the wrong side and go astray for a while, but the so-called prodigal is turning back

Jin Buhuan, look at me, isn’t this as soon as I hear that I have a chance to turn back, I am ready to turn back immediately?? How?? Do you want to be a family that loves each other with me?? Jiehahahaha. Gromash asked, laughing.

But Sengoku Admiral’s expression is unspeakably ugly, like eating stinky shit. After a long time, Sengoku Admiral said: “I know your third condition. If there is no extra nonsense, So let’s stop here, as a Marine Admiral, I have no right to decide these things, so I will report your conditions to the world.

Of the world government”

“Jiehahahaha, it’s okay, I just said that I have a lot of time, I can consume more with you, but Sengoku Admiral, I consume energy, you also consume energy, but Rosinante’s state is not very good, just in case. He can’t hold on anymore one day, don’t you think it is because I am not patient enough, haha.” Gromash grinned, very

Said evilly.

Sengoku Admiral also changed his face when he heard the words, and said, “Gromash, you are also a resounding character anyway, are you really ashamed of using such a despicable method?? Let Rosinante let go, we can say anything.”

“Jiehahahaha, Sengoku Admiral, means are just ways to achieve an end. I am a person who never shy away from any means, whether it is justice or evil. As long as I can achieve my purpose, I can accept it, not to mention the mere nuances. What about a’despicable’?? So be it, when will you negotiate, please contact me as soon as possible bye

. “Gromash didn’t feel ashamed at all. Instead, he spoke very relaxedly and hung up the phone worm first.

“Gromash! Hey!! Gromash!!” After Sengoku Admiral yelled to the phone worm a few times there, he also weakly threw the phone worm in his hand on the table. The whole person seemed to be a lot older in an instant, and his hands trembled. Enclosed his face.

Garp Vice Admiral was also a little sad after seeing Sengoku’s performance, and then he said, “Sengoku, relax, at least we now know that Rosinante kid is still alive, don’t we??”

After looking at each other, Kuzan and Gion also followed up and said, “Sengoku Admiral, don’t worry, only we know about this. You don’t need to report the matter of Lieutenant Colonel Rosinante when you report it.”

After all, Sengoku Admiral is a determined man. He soon adjusted himself from this “weak” state, and then said: “Let’s not talk about Rosinante. As a Marine, everyone has to Be mentally prepared to die in the service, even if he is my adopted son, this is true from the moment he joined Marine!”

The rest of the people saw Sengoku Admiral saying this and did not comfort him any more, and then Sengoku Admiral said again: “Sure enough, we did not expect that this Gromash really focused on the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea. The response is that the authority is not enough, but we should also be psychologically prepared.Once the news is reported, the grid

Romash will definitely become Seven Warlords of the Sea.”

After hearing these words, Gion didn’t speak, but his expression was a little gloomy. Kuzan didn’t care, nodded and said, “Before the Seven Warlords of the Sea system was launched, I was no longer in this way. I’m entangled in nonsense things because even if it is not Gromash this time, there will be other evil parties.

Garp Vice Admiral thought for a while and said: “If Gromash becomes Seven Warlords of the Sea, I will see if I can really turn this guy back.”

Same ”

Obviously, Garp Vice Admiral, the rough guy, was obviously slightly affected by what Gromash said just now, and the rest of them looked at him with a look of idiot when they heard what he said.

Just when Kuzan was about to ask Garp, his “leader” not to be so naive, Sengoku Admiral patted Garp on the shoulder and said, “Yes, Garp, you can turn Gromash’s mind. Bar”

Sengoku is also bad. In his opinion, Garp is doing nothing most of the time in Marine, and always troubles him. It is better to give him an’unfinished’ task and ask him to follow him. Gromash is looking for trouble.. First, you can take Garp away, and second, you can disgust the bastard Gromash.

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