I Am Hellscream

Chapter 240

Chapter 240 The evil villain-Gromash!

After being silent for a while, Garp Vice Admiral whispered: “Seven Warlords of the Sea?? From the point of view of time, there is indeed such a possibility.”

Kuzan rubbed his explosive head and said, “If this is the case, their movements are too big?? But I don’t think there is anything wrong with making him Seven Warlords of the Sea.”

Gion reacted most violently and said, “What’s so good?? You explosive head!!”

Kuzan is now in his most sensitive time, so he can talk about anything, just don’t talk about’explosive heads’ with him.

Therefore, Kuzan was also very overreacted and said, “Hey! Gion! Anyway, can you not carry out a personal attack?? What happened to the afro?? Did the afro provoke you?? The afro is full of art. The breath is the supreme hairstyle with any other hairstyle!!! Besides, the system demand of Seven Warlords of the Sea is to find fame

The rank and strength of the evil party is strong enough to form the Gromash to have a reputation.. It needs a position, and it needs to be strong enough to bear it. Even the name of the evil party is fully qualified to let him be the Seven Warlords of What’s so bad about the Sea??”

If “Afro” is Kuzan’s “excessive switch”, then the four words “Gromash” are enough to call Gion’s “runaway switch”. Anyway, there is anything about Gromash, Gion is very It’s hard to keep your sanity.

“Afro, do you know how dangerous that Gromash is? The Seven Warlords of the Sea system is a malignant tumor. If he becomes Seven Warlords of the Sea, he will definitely become the biggest malignant tumor among them. I don’t know how many people will be accompanied by it. This incident has led to tragedy as a sea of ​​justice.” But before Gion had finished speaking 01 this time, Garp had already pressed

On Gion’s shoulder, she interrupted her words.

“Okay Gion, don’t always hear the name of that bastard Gromash, you are a little violent. Kuzan just told his thoughts, and it won’t go online?” Garp will give Gion excitedly After pressing down, he spoke softly.

“Little Garp” Gion took a deep breath, then eased his emotions, and continued with a little embarrassment: “Sorry, Kuzan, I was a little excited just now.”

Kuzan was also a little embarrassed and said, “It’s nothing, as long as you don’t mention my explosive head.

“Ahahahaha, that’s right, everyone is Marine, don’t make it so unpleasant.” Garp laughed and said.

After the small storm passed, Sengoku Admiral spoke and continued: “Just now Kuzan said that if they were just for a’Seven Warlords of the Sea’, this action would be too big. This sentence is not unreasonable. , But from another point of view, maybe they want more than just a “Seven Warlords of the Sea”??? Maybe just now

Do they have requirements for the three points I mentioned?? Or are there other requirements that we have not considered??”

“Don’t talk about it, Sengoku, if they really want to seek a position in Seven Warlords of the Sea, do you think we should agree??” Garp asked with a serious expression.

Sengoku Admiral also said with some headaches: “From a standpoint, I certainly don’t want to promise Gromash to become Seven Warlords of the Sea, and I don’t even want to have a relationship with him. After all, whenever something shows his figure, it means The trouble has become bigger, but the problem is that we are in an extremely passive state in this matter, because

Calculate we estimate that Gromash will not really blow up New World and kill us, but can this kind of thing be used to bet??? Even if I want to bet, will the people from the World government let me gamble?? So if he This kind of request is really made. As long as we report it, it is estimated that it will be approved soon.

“Yes, isn’t the World government also having a fierce dispute over Gromash and the Frostwolf Pirates’ attitudes? A large number of people want to find ways to draw Gromash to their side and become the so-called government.’ After all, they have always believed that if it hadn’t been for such embarrassing things, Gromash would have belonged to

One of the government’s “strongest combat powers” ​​is now being seen on both sides, and no one wants to offer to “invite” Gromash to become Seven Warlords of the Sea. However, once Gromash recommends itself to become Seven Warlords of the Sea, this seesaw will We are completely dumped, and we can’t effectively prevent this incident. “Kuzan also said softly with a serious expression.

After Kuzan said this, the rest of the people fell silent.Even if Gion thought about it after he recovered his calm, he found that he or the entire Naval Headquarters had no effective means to prevent this from happening. , Unless you kill the Frostwolf Pirates, but this idea they only took action a few days ago, but they failed.

“In fact, think about it from another angle, let Gromash become Seven Warlords of the Sea, after all, compared with now, we can’t master his movements at all, and after he and us become so-called “allies”, naturally it will be too. We who will disclose certain information and trends are also convenient to make certain plans based on his actions to prevent future things from appearing.

In this way, suddenly, I was caught off guard.” Sengoku Admiral smiled reluctantly and relieved himself and the rest of the people.

“Don’t think about being so pessimistic, maybe Gromash doesn’t like Seven Warlords of the Sea??” Garp also adjusted his mentality, and said with a very optimistic smile.

“It’s been a few days since this damn Gromash hasn’t contacted us yet. Is it trying to hang us out?? Winner’s arrogance??” Gion also said with a bit of annoyance.

At this moment, a Marine’s colonel slammed the door open, holding a phone worm that was squeaking and screaming, and ran to Sengoku Admiral’s side.

“Sengoku Admiral” The colonel first called Sengoku Admiral, then swallowed a little nervously, and then quickly said: “Judging from the source of the signal, this phone bug is from the Hellscream-Proudmoore- Gromash.”

Sengoku Admiral’s expression also changed when he heard the words. He quickly took the call worm, then looked at the others and said, “It looks like… he can’t wait for Gromash.”

Sengoku Admiral picked up Gromash’s phone worm after he swung the Marine’s colonel back.

“Jiehahahahaha, hello?? Is it Sengoku Admiral?? How are the recent ones??”

As soon as Sengoku Admiral picked up the screaming phone worm, he heard Gromash’s smug voice.

And Gromash’s words made Sengoku Admiral so angry that he almost didn’t directly crush the phone worm.

Sighing a sigh of relief, after adjusting his mentality, Sengoku Admiral said in a deep voice, “Gromash, don’t talk nonsense, what do you want to do??”

“Hey, Sengoku Admiral, are you too ruthless?? I just want to care about your body and living conditions. I heard that your Marine has deployed many defense lines on Sengoku Island, but Sengoku Admiral must be yours. Wisdom, I should have understood that it is completely useless, right?? Or are you ready to go to the sea and fight me in the deep sea?

?” Gromash grinned, the tone of his mouth was indescribable mockery.

“If you want to fight, we Marine will never be afraid of anything!!” Sengoku Admiral is not weak at all, his momentum, righteousness said.

After Sengoku Admiral said this sentence, Gromash on the phone worm did not continue to speak. Both sides were silent for a while, which made the atmosphere tense. Sengoku Admiral was also worried about Gromash. “Provocation” is really going to blow up Saikan Island too

Just when the atmosphere reached its climax and it might explode at any time, Gromash’s voice finally came from the phone worm in Sengoku Admiral’s hand.

This time Gromash’s voice looked a little deep

“M.C-01746 Jieha is really a set of interesting numbers, Sengoku Admiral.” Gromash said in a very evil tone.

After hearing these words from Gromash, Sengoku Admiral’s face suddenly changed, and the whole person seemed to be very nervous, while the expressions of Garp, Kuzan and Gion were a little confused.

‘MC-‘ is the prefix compiled by Marine, and ‘01746’ is the file number. When these two things are combined, they are very familiar with Gion, Garp, and Kuzan. This is the serial number of Marine. A number represents a member of Marine.

What they are wondering is what does Gromash suddenly mention a Marine number? At the same time, they are also wondering why Sengoku Admiral’s face has become so ugly??

“Gromash you…” Sengoku Admiral’s tone of voice instantly became’weak’. 147 His expression was also quite heavy.

“Naval Headquarters, Lieutenant Colonel Luo Xinan, codenamed Xiaomi Guo, was on Mignon Island in North Blue. I accidentally caught such a magical character… Sengoku Admiral, do you know him?? Jie ha ha ha Haha.” Gromash’s rampant villain came through the phone worm, causing Sengoku Admiral’s cold sweat to flow down his forehead involuntarily.

Kuzan and Gion still don’t understand what is going on, but Garp’s face is also very ugly. Rosinante If it is the Marine number, he still can’t remember, but the name Rosinante, how could he not know what it means? What’s the point?

Rosinante is the adopted son of his old friend Sengoku Admiral!!

Garp Vice Admiral snatched the phone bug in Sengoku Admiral’s hand, and then roared and roared very angry: “Gromash!! You bastard have any means to use it upright, and use this shameless way to match. Do you deserve your identity?? Dare to make an appointment with the old man??”

“Jiehahahaha, Garp Vice Admiral, I am different from you guys. I am a pirate. Is it wrong for the evil pirates and pirates to use some despicable methods?? Measure how evil I am, Gromash, I have already proved tens of thousands of lives in Fass Island?? If you think it’s not enough, I too

Don’t mind killing another Marine’s lieutenant colonel. By the way, it is a little special Marine lieutenant colonel. After all, he is your adopted son of Sengoku Admiral. Hahahahahaha. Gromash ignored Garp’s anger at all, and instead laughed cruelly and said this.

At this point, Kuzan and Gion, who were still confused, have also changed their expressions. This damn bastard Gromash is actually holding Sengoku Admiral’s adopted son??

Garp Vice Admiral was also panting, his eyes burning with anger, and finally he said in a deep voice, “Let’s talk, Gromash, what do you want??? Stop playing these boring tricks!!”

“Jiehahahaha, right?? Then let’s get to the point,” Gromash smiled and said softly. .

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