I Am Hellscream

Chapter 221

Chapter 221 Happy cooperation!

Doflamingo’s auction will be held three days later, so these three days can also allow Gromash and his party to have fun and entertaining on Gambolin Island.

Joz, Lucy, and Cromwell have all gone for a stroll, while Gromash is still resting in his Doflamingo residence.

“In your auction this time, apart from the golden fruits, there are really a lot of good things.” Gromash looked at the sample introduction manual of the auction in his hand, and sat not far away. Said Doflamingo, who was holding a red wine glass and drinking a small wine.

“After all, there is only one golden fruit, and it has already been given by us. It is just a gimmick. Then, if you want to satisfy the big guys, it won’t work if you don’t release some good things.” Doflamingo smiled and said.

Gromash flipped through the manual and saw that there was a related technology on the “blood factor theory” in it. He was also very surprised and said: “Even Dr. Vegapunk researched things, you can find it?? You are too heaven-defying. Bar??”

Doflamingo was even more surprised and said, “Isn’t it?? You even know that Dr. Vegapunk is studying this lineage factor?? Are you too heaven-defying??”

Gromash also froze for a while after hearing what Doflamingo said, and then said a little embarrassingly: “Hehe, what? I just happened to know it.”

Doflamingo said with emotion: “I really want to know, what news do you happen to know? You are really mysterious enough. As for the blood factor technology that was put up for auction, it was not obtained from Dr. Vegapunk. Before he was forcibly taken away by the World government, Dr. Vegapunk was a

Zhiguo is committed to the great future of mankind and is striving for great scientists. They formed a very strong research team at the time. One of them was Vinsmoke, Judge. This thing is some of the edges that they sorted out when they first started to study the descent factor. The information of Jiaojiao is not a high-end technology, so I will sell it.

Of course 130, even these corners and corners are already considered to be an incredible thing for most scientists, and they are very sought-after.”

Gromash suddenly remembered something after listening to Doflamingo’s words, and turned around and said to Monet, “Monet, give me the things that Guy had researched before.”

Monet smiled, and thoughtfully took out a thick file from the backpack behind him, and then he found out another thing that looked strange and looked a bit like Devil Fruit but felt very poor quality.

After Gromash took these two things from Monet, he placed it at his table and said to Doflamingo, “Hey, this thing is the’artificial Zoan Devil Fruit’ technology that I promised to give you before. Look here. The very low-end junk fruits are artificial fruits made by this technology. It seems to be something.”

Gromash scratched his head tangledly when he said this, while Monet reminded me carefully: “It’s a kind of artificial snake fruit.”

“Ah, yes, it’s the thing. After eating it, it will become a snake-like capable person. In short, the finished product and technology are here for you. You can research and verify it yourself. If you don’t know anything, please contact me. , I asked that Guy to teach you remotely, how about?? This after-sales service is good??” There was a smile on the corner of Gromash’s mouth.

Said Doflamingo.

Doflamingo was also a little excited to pick up the pile of materials and the seemingly inferior Devil Fruit, and then said: “I know that your uncle Gromash is a credibility person. You may not look down on this thing, but to me It is indeed a very important thing. With it, there is a thin string that can be tied to Kaido.

It’s not very useful, but it’s pretty good. ”

“I knew that this thing (abdi) is going to be used to cooperate with Kaido. I am afraid that only his guy who always wants to turn people into animals and runs a zoo would like this weird technology. .” Gromash spit out, too.

Doflamingo did not continue to waste time on these two things, but got up and took out the golden golden fruit from a safe, and then threw it to Gromash and said, “This thing, you say you have a suitable person to eat, then I No longer look for suitable candidates in this regard, just leave it to you, Uncle Gromash, then the relevant cooperation

How to arrange work and benefit distribution??”

“The mode of operation of Gambolin Island is very good. I mean we can think about it. For example, build a larger, more luxurious and freely navigable “Island of Entertainment” in various sea areas than Gambolin Island. How about? Example” Gromash I turned the golden fruit in the hand, and then gave Doflamingo the relevant mode of the golden city in his plan.

Explained again

After a long time, Doflamingo clapped his hands in surprise and said: “It’s really good, I can’t think that your uncle Gromash is also a good at doing business. Except for the creation of the “neutral zone”, it is a little troublesome, but just wait for Seven Warlords of the After Sea’s name was taken, these troubles were no longer troubles. Think about it carefully, with this name, it is true

It is much more convenient for many things…”

“Jiehahahahaha, if you don’t have any opinion, then the future use of this golden fruit is roughly fixed in this direction,” Gromash also said with a smile.

“There is no problem at all, just follow this plan. How about investment and profit distribution??” Doflamingo nodded and said.

“When we worked together before, you also knew that I didn’t like to work hard with people in these areas. Then I will say a simpler plan. You can see if it works.” Gromash put the golden fruit on the table again, right Said Doflamingo.

Doflamingo also nodded and said: “Well, I like your uncle Gromash’s refreshing feeling, as long as you don’t threaten me with anything…”

“Jiehahahaha, don’t worry, I didn’t intend to threaten you this time,” Gromash said with a big smile.

Then he paused for a while and continued: “You provided the golden fruit, so just use the golden fruit as your share. I will provide everything except the golden fruit… including candidates, Venue, early-stage investment and other related matters, your young master Doflamingo only needs to send relevant financial personnel to the “Golden City” after the start of operations

It’s enough to calculate the income together, how about it? Very easy, right??”

After hearing these words, Doflamingo nodded and said: “I can leave all these troublesome things to you, Uncle Gromash. I also agree. In fact, from the beginning, I was planning to use this golden fruit to find one. The main reason for being a suitable partner is also because I don’t have enough staff here, so I want to support this scene.

Trouble, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea system is about to be promulgated, I have another big plan on my side that requires me to put in a lot of energy.”

Gromash nodded after hearing what Doflamingo said. He had a plan for Seven Warlords of the Sea. Naturally, it is impossible for Doflamingo to grab the title “Heavenly Gold” just for fun. The other plans and actions mentioned by Doflamingo are probably related to Dressrosa’s actions.

In fact, as long as Doflamingo becomes Seven Warlords of the Sea, Dressrosa will inevitably fall into his hands, regardless of whether Marine and World government can discover anything in advance. The only difference is that Doflamingo may use the methods. The difference is nothing more.

However, Gromash also does not understand why Doflamingo exerts such great strength on a district of Dressrosa.Perhaps Doflamingo also wants to prove something. Become the king of Dressrosa as his ancestors, and

This is just the first step. Sooner or later, his Doflamingo will bring destruction to this world and destroy your high Celestial Dragons!!

After Doflamingo explained a little bit why he didn’t operate Golden Fruit alone, he looked at Gromash again and said: “Then the related investment can be distributed like this, but how much of the follow-up benefits do we each account for?”

Gromash didn’t use any words to fool Doflamingo. For Doflamingo, this partner, he still appreciates and is satisfied.

So Gromash opened his mouth and said, “Then I’ll speak unceremoniously, six or four points, you, Young Master Doflamingo, four and I six.”

In fact, Doflamingo is still very satisfied with this distribution of benefits.

“Master Gromash, the golden fruit is the root of everything, so it’s only 50-50 to say it??” Doflamingo smiled and asked.

“Jiehahahahaha, the cost of this is not just the golden fruit, it is better to count the golden fruit as mine, and then you Doflamingo young master is responsible for the rest of the construction, how about I only account for 40%??” Gromash Said very stinky shamelessly.

And Doflamingo was also choked by Gromash’s words, and counted the golden fruit as Gromash, and then he was spending money and energy to form a “Golden City”. If you think about it carefully, isn’t it all his Doflamingo doing? , Gromash accounts for 40% of the benefits while lying down?? I really don’t know how he got this cheeky…

Looking at Doflamingo’s slightly strange expression, Gromash said with a smile, “Joke, Master Young Master, the investment I have to make here is also very heavy? In comparison, you only need to provide A golden fruit can lie down and collect money, how beautiful it is?? And unlike the previous cooperation, our cooperation this time is common

To run a project, you must establish a right to speak at the beginning. If it is five to five points, it is easy to make bad things that affect the relationship between us, isn’t it??”

Doflamingo thought: “You didn’t follow me in the previous cooperation.”

But he didn’t intend to continue to babble with Gromash on this matter, so he nodded and said, “Okay, then follow your Gromash’s method.”

This is just a preliminary establishment of the intention of the two parties. There are still many details to discuss in the follow-up, but these do not need to be pondered by Doflamingo and Gromash. The two of them are the leaders of the two forces, as long as the intention is determined. OK, the rest can be done by people like Tezolo.

The two picked up the wine glasses in unison, and after touching each other, they said together: “Then I wish our cooperation this time will be equally enjoyable.”

In this way, before the auction started, the seller and the buyer had reached a cooperation, and the rest of the people who focused on the golden fruit were destined to be empty out of the bamboo basket. It is a gloomy world.

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