I Am Hellscream

Chapter 220

Chapter 220 The undercurrent is surging.

As soon as Gromash stepped onto the port, he saw Doflamingo standing in front of the port waiting for him, still dressed like a slapstick.

“Jiehahahaha, Young Master, it’s been a long time since I saw you, how have you been recently??” Gromash laughed and walked forward and gave Doflamingo a bear hug, almost before he was carried. Get angry.

Doflamingo also struggled with an awkward expression for two times before breaking free from Gromash’s bear hug, then straightened his collar, and said helplessly: “Thanks to you, Grandpa Gromash, it’s not bad, and can you not always do this?’ Hug me kindly?? I can’t stand your warm and comfortable embrace”

“Jiehahahaha, doesn’t it seem that we are close together.” Gromash raised his big hand indifferently, ready to slap Doflamingo’s shoulder a few times.

And Doflamingo also expected that Gromash, the shameless guy, would probably’do things’. When he saw Gromash’s arms raised, he also took two steps back very quickly, then turned the topic around and spoke. Said: “A lot of people from various forces have come to the island. The Morgans who you have always wanted to teach a lesson

Charlotte Smoky, who was retired by you, and CP-0 queen, Stussy, have arrived. ”

Gromash was also a little surprised after hearing what Doflamingo said. Then he took his arm back and said, “Damn it, you know about me and Smoky?? Is this going to be very popular? When you say this, I feel a little bit sorry for Smoky. Anyway, a big beauty has her reputation kicked by me…

Doflamingo smiled 01 and said with a smile: “Furfurfurfurfur, that’s nothing, it’s just my guess. Now it seems that I guessed it right. Smoky and Kata Kuri have been to The fish men island. When I meet with you, I will probably understand what is going on. So you don’t have to worry about things like ruining people’s reputation.. What’s more, bigmom

Does the woman at home care about this??”

Gromash thought about it again. Smoky’s mother was originally a’bohemian’ person. If people like Gromash are still a bottom line, then Charlotte- Linlin is simply “dirty and chaotic.” I don’t know if it is. How many hands of broken shoes, what reputation do I care about?

But before Gromash could speak, Doflamingo’s expression became very evil, and he said jokingly: “Remember when you were in North Blue, you didn’t mean that if you were a beautiful woman, you would reluctantly accept any marriage. Isn’t this Charlotte-Smoggy is indeed a beautiful woman?

The guy is very good. After all, she is big or small too, furfur taste and furfur. ”

Gromash was also taken aback after hearing what Doflamingo said, and then said with some regret: “I really didn’t see that you would be such a rogue too, where did your cold young master stand?? But you are right. Ah, thinking about it this way, Smoky is really a perfect match, but it’s a pity. At the beginning, I also had a relationship with Dragon Palace on The fish men island.

After the marriage contract, I have to politely decline the marriage, of course, if Smoggy is willing to open a champagne of friendship with me, I personally will not refuse at all.”

After hearing the stinky shameless words of Gromash, Doflamingo was also very helpless. Regarding the filth, he was still filthy of Gromash. Then he was a little curious and said: “How can I dress so formal today?? Isn’t it because I want to show my face? Huh?? Then I am really flattered.”

At this time, Gromash was not as “boscish” as he used to wear. Instead, he was wearing a black suit on a very rare boat, and behind him was also dressed in a very expensive fur, which matched his mouth. The cigar he was wearing, if he didn’t choose to wear sunglasses, it still made the scarlet pupils continue to overflow strangely.

In the case of red light, Doflamingo barely recognized Gromash just now.

“Jiehahahahaha, this is not to give you the host a certain amount of respect, everyone is neatly participating in your’high society’ auctions. Isn’t it too bad to give you Doflamingo face because I am so out of place? By?? How?? I’m pretty good??” Gromash said with a terrible ass.

Doflamingo took a closer look at Gromash and said, “Don’t say it, the black suit is really versatile with everyone. Even if your Gromash uncle puts it on, you have an indescribable style. Anyway, it’s pretty good. ”

Under the leadership of Doflamingo, Gromash and his party also quickly left the port. In fact, it was not only the suits worn by Gromash, but also the five people, including Joz, Cromwell, Robin, and Monet. They were all dressed in their own formal attire.

Gromash was walking and suddenly saw that there was a group of people wearing masks and mourning clothes like the dead at home on the other side of the road. This standard configuration is undoubtedly the strongest CIPHER- under the World government. People of POLCP-0.

In fact, Gromash has never been able to understand how the brains of their spies are turned. They are “standard equipment” which is very attractive no matter where they go. The world government has people who have a certain understanding, and they can recognize their identities at a glance. Is this what spy personnel should do?

Look at what they think of in this outfit will be exposed?

“Is there someone coming from the World government?? CP-0 Stussy?” Gromash glanced at the person over there who was also observing his CP-0, and then asked Doflamingo softly.

“Fufurfurfurfur, that’s not the case. Stussy came here as Queen of the Pleasure District. She probably thinks she has concealed it well. These CP-0 people are specially sent by the government. , It seems that they are also very thoughtful about Jin Jin Guo.” Doflamingo smiled and said.

Gromash swallowed his mouth and said with emotion: “Spray, your young master is really black and white, and holding an auction can shock the people of the World government. If you don’t see your reward order, I I really feel like you have escaped from the pirate business and have gone ashore for nothing.

“Furfurfur, it’s up to you to give some face,” Doflamingo also raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said very modestly.

Just when Gromash was about to say something, he also stopped suddenly, then looked at a hotel building not far away, and then there was an evil and murderous smile on his mouth.

At the same time, Stussy, who was standing in front of the hotel window, chuckled and said, “Alala, Morgans, you were discovered by him.”

Morgans also quickly took a step back, evacuating his figure from the window, and then said angrily: “It’s not because you guys deliberately released a little momentum to attract his eyes??? Did you become a partner?? You cheated me again??”

“Ahhhhhh?? Did my aura accidentally leak?? I’m really sorry, Morgans,” Stussy said with a very innocent expression.

“You bastard” Morgans was also gritted by her teeth, and when he was about to theoretically discuss with Stussy, Stussy spoke again.

“Our World government’s attitude towards Gromash has also seen two kinds of differences recently. People headed by a group of Celestial Dragons believe that Gromash should be dealt with as soon as possible to restore their dignity as “Descendants of the Creator,” while a group of people think We should properly soften our attitude towards Gromash and see if we can strive to make him become our World government.

The strength of the side, after all, if it were not the case of the year, his Proudmoore-Gromash should have been the top strength of our World government. Judging from the situation in recent years, perhaps it should be said that he has already Is the grievance gone? In short, he is considered a relatively safe person and has become even the world government not to be underestimated.

After the previous riots, the Five Elders have been strictly prohibited from being in the Holy Land. Mariejois has provoke any’people and things’ in The fish men island, and now the entire Mariejois has no longer seen any murloc slaves and merfolks. For this reason, he even secretly executed two Celestial Dragons to emulate him. This time I came here to inquire about his political affairs.

From the mission of the attitude of the mansion, what can your world news newspaper share about this information??” Stussy also walked back from the window, looked at Morgans and asked softly.

Morgans also looked at Stussy in surprise, and then said, “Did you guys still have this idea about Gromash intelligence? I’m sorry, The fish men island has never been a place to inquire about 130 intelligence, especially After Gromash and their Frostwolf Pirates became the masters there, any inquiries about intelligence would be even more important.

It is more difficult. After all, the people on The fish men island are more exclusive. If you go there and say you want to hear the glorious deeds of Gromash, they will be very happy to tell you about three days and three nights, but if you want to To get his information?? Ha ha… You will be squeezed out, hated by the people there, and even caught by people who report to the Frostwolf Pirates. ”

Morgans said that the head was right. In fact, he still has some Gromash intelligence in his hand, but he no longer wants to offend Gromash. What he thinks now is how to repair the relationship with Gromash. After all, he and the World government The so-called cooperation between the two has just begun, and there is no closeness or intimacy.

Under this circumstance, how could he continue to shake Gromash’s intelligence outside?

He Morgans doesn’t believe that if these things are accidentally exposed, the World government will save him from Gromash, and not only will not protect him, but may also push the boat along the water and kill himself in the hands of Gromash. , And then took over his family business-News of the World.

Stussy looked at Morgans, the corner of his mouth curled slightly, and he said in an unexplained way: “Really?? That’s really a feeling of relic. It seems that I can only go to battle myself.

On the other side, Gromash, who followed Doflamingo to the Donquixote Family station, handed over the cloak he was wearing to the little secretary Monet behind him, and then said with a smile: “The birdman Morgans and Stussy got together. It seems that the position of News of the World will gradually shift in the future.”

“Are you Grandpa Gromash really going to kill Morgans to vent your anger??” Doflamingo also asked with some doubts.

“Jiehahahahaha, of course it is impossible to kill him. Killing him is not equivalent to giving things like the World News to the World government?? But of course it is to teach him a lesson. As for the lesson, To a degree, it depends on how he responds,” Gromash said with a big laugh. .

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