I Am Hellscream

Chapter 218

Chapter 218 Tezolo like a nouveau riche.

Gromash first dealt with this backlog of things over the past month, and then gathered all the friends under his hands.

“Doflamingo has set up an auction, which sounds quite interesting, and he is going to start a cooperation with us again, about Paramecia-Golden Fruits” Gromash said here, looking at the person sitting below Tezolo.

At this time, Tezolo is no longer the kind of pre-scrap man who was entwined with the breath of’nothing to love’ before, but put on a pink suit with a big bag, combed his head and neck. There is a big gold chain with a nouveau riche on it, and even the ten fingers wear ten different kinds of gemstone rings. The whole person looks full.”

Laozi has a feeling of money.

But think about it carefully, he has a fart of money?? It is estimated that these are the real “rich landlord”, Lu Qi, taking care of his little brother, and sending him things to decorate his appearance.

Although Tezolo is no longer that decadent, he still feels insecure in his heart.Veteran-level cadres like Lu Qi are actually very rich, let alone the golden town of Shandora City. Dividends in China, that is, as the transaction with Doflamingo unfolds, their monthly dividends are very high, even those ordinary runners

The leg boys have been quite moisturized.

It also makes everyone more looking forward to and optimistic about the future. For the captain Gromash, he also wants to follow it from the heart. Is it to make a lot of money?

Tezolo’s sense of security is completely different from Luchi and the others. People like Luchi, Joz, and Cromwell pay more attention to their own personal strength than those accumulated wealth. It seems that only the strength is strong enough to be called a sense of security.

But for Tezolo, everything is imaginary. Only golden gold coins and Pele are the sense of security. Tezolo, who has been deeply’harmed’ by money, has an unusual obsession with this kind of wealth. Come, money can buy everything, only money is the eternal truth in the world.

And it is his extraordinary persistence that gives him advantages, greed and extreme desire for wealth, which others do not have.

And this advantage will soon become his motivation, as long as he is given a suitable opportunity, his strength and abilities will be shown one by one.

For example, if you tell him to develop the golden fruit to the point of awakening, you will be able to have countless gold for him to squander, and increase his sense of security, then this guy does not need you to stare to supervise and emphasize anything. The importance of’strength’, he can rush around the clock to develop the golden fruit to the point of awakening, then his reality

The force will come up naturally.

When Tezolo saw Gromash set his gaze on him and seemed to be thinking about something, he was also a little uneasy. It’s upset.

This is because he is too worried. Gromash is very tolerant to his subordinates and friends. He doesn’t care about these weird hobbies. If you Tezolo have the ability, even if you put on yourself the’Saint Seiya Golden Armor, Gromash There is no opinion at all.

Just when Tezolo was about to ask why Gromash kept staring at him, Gromash came back to his senses and continued: “This cooperation is about golden fruits, and I am going to This important task is entrusted to you, Tezolo…々”.”

After hearing Gromash’s words, Tezolo was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect that Gromash not only did not trouble him, but also valued him as an important task.

However, he was not confident enough, he hesitated and said, “Captain Gromash, this is an important task. My ability is still…Is it?”

Before he finished speaking, Gromash spoke again: “The ability of this golden fruit is the ability to manipulate gold. Once you become a person who eats this Devil Fruit, you will become the master of gold and possess Countless wealth can also be used to control gold to get involved in some industrial chains that can affect the world’s finances.

The person at the top of the rich chain.. This is why I want to cooperate with Doflamingo, because the benefits in this are indeed very huge. Yes, Tezolo, what did you just want to say??”

At this time, Tezolo was completely brainwashed by the words “gold, wealth, interests” in Gromash’s words just now, and he couldn’t care about anything else, and the whole person was also swept away from the previous posture of cringing and not confident enough. , He said courageously: “Nothing, Captain Gromash, please leave this important task to me!! I will definitely not let you


Gromash was also almost amused by the gap between his performance before and after, but he nodded naturally and said, “Well, I am indeed going to let you pick this leader. I need someone to take charge of our cream. All kinds of businesses under the Wolf Pirate Group, this is just a beginning and a trial, Tezolo, if your performance can be different

If we are all satisfied, you will take care of these things in the future, which can be regarded as a great sense of security for you who are insecure.”

After all, Gromash’s main business is still a pirate, not an illegal businessman, so he is unwilling to bury himself in this “business” and cannot extricate himself. It is always to find a suitable person to take care of these things for him. Yes, Luchi, Joz, Cromwell have their qualifications, and the methods are very good, but in the end, a few of them also follow

Like Gromash, they shouldn’t be allowed to’waste’ in this kind of thing, and compared with them, Tezolo is a very suitable candidate.

After encouraging Tezolo, who was excited and ready to do a big job, Gromash also looked at Guy Sa and asked, “Guy Sa, the technology of the’artificial Zoan Devil Fruit’ that Doflamingo needed before, you Have you figured it out??”

“Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, rest assured, Captain, although my large scientific research base is still under construction and cannot be used, but on this The fish men island, there is also my small laboratory, artificial Zoan Devil Fruit. ‘The technology has been perfected in Marine’s scientific team. After some adjustments, it can be said to be a success.

The familiar technology is ready to be delivered to Doflamingo. “Guy said very proudly.

“That’s good, take advantage of this time to participate in his auction, and pay him the balance before Doflamingo, so that he will not misunderstand anything.” Gromash nodded and said with satisfaction.

After they discussed some corner issues, this guy Cromwell also asked: “Yes, Boss Gromash, there has been news from Dragon Palace before that there is something about your appointment as a duke, they I also want to ask about your relevant opinions…”

After hearing this topic, Gromash paused, and then said: “Wait, don’t worry about this. The fish men island and Longgongcheng are also regular franchisees under the World government. I guess we The relationship with Dragon Palace is so close that the World government has a bad view of Dragon Palace. Now they think

It’s really too impatient to give me a knighthood.”

“Yes, but at present, it seems that it will not take too long. The Seven Warlords of the Sea will come out soon. When the Gromash boss has a’legal’ identity, then there will be nothing in the process. It’s something “violating the rules of nobility”, and then we will consider the matter of knighthood, even if the World government can’t find anything wrong with it, Bi” Qiao

I said here with a very evil smile and said: “By then, we and the World government will be “a family in love with each other” hahahaha. ”

“Jiehahahaha, that’s right, when we become’legal’ people, this kind of process problem will naturally no longer be a problem.” Gromash also said with a big smile.

After finishing the topic, Gromash asked, “Which one of you will go to Doflamingo’s auction with me?? After all, I am a close partner. I still have to give this face?? .

The two crazy pervert “researchers”, Gubaque and Guy Sa, raised their hands together and said, “The two of us will not go. So I won’t join in this excitement.

Gromash was just about to ask them what their new research was, but when I thought about the pervert horror in their’Dark Lab’, they instantly extinguished their inquiries. It is estimated that the two of them are studying again. Evil’taboo’ experiment.

Robin proudly raised the letter in his hand and said, “It seems to be to create momentum for us. As the leader of the’Deep Sea Broker’, I also received an invitation from Doflamingo, so I want to go with you.

“Oh?? This Doflamingo is going to happen.” Gromash smiled when he heard the words.

Doflamingo’s move undoubtedly placed the organization under the Gromash Demon of “Deep Sea Brokers” at the same level as the other dark world bigwigs, but the “Deep Sea Brokers” were Gromash and the Frostwolf. The organization under the command of the Pirates, isn’t it the same as putting Gromash on their (good) heads?? Shun

The hand lifted his paw.

Joz also smiled and said: “I’ll go take a look too, it’s been a long time since I got out of The fish men island, it’s time to go out and get some breath.”

“Ahahahaha, so am I. How come I am missing from such a lively place??” Cromwell said with a smile.

After this, Lu Qi and Urouge also expressed that they would also go to see and see. The others did not have any ideas to follow, and most of them chose to stay in The fish men island.

Gromash saw that everyone had expressed their opinions and did not make any demands, but nodded and said, “That’s it, then the things here will be taken care of by those of you who stayed…”

“Relax, Boss Gromash, leave it to us!” Guy and the two pervert guys patted their chests and said confidently.

And Gromash was also a little worried after hearing what they said: “I don’t ask you two guys to bring me any surprises. Don’t you two make me messy things, just do it, especially you. , Guy, don’t study anything mass destruction on The fish men island, or I will strip it after I come back

Your skin!”

After I explained all the things that should be explained, Gromash didn’t continue to delay anything here, and said with a big wave: “Okay, those who are going to go back to pack up things, let’s not stay here anymore, prepare Set off!!”.

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