I Am Hellscream

Chapter 217

Chapter 217 Illusion and reality.

The fish men island, Gromash just walked down from the new port of the Sea Forest, followed by Lu Qi and others from the Sabaody Archipelago.

“What’s so great about cannibals? You only ate some human flesh. It’s nothing. I’ll see you later. There are still two people digesting the belly of the cannibal. It’s much better than you. “Lu Qi followed behind Gromash, and said to Bartolomio, who was a little cute.

“Two people?? Swallow them all??” “Bartolomio also said in a very unbelievable way, but looking at his eyes, it seems that little stars are shining, and he seems to admire this kind of ability to swallow others’ The ogres’ are the same as the predecessors.

“Of course, that ogre is more than just cannibalism. He can eat anything you want. I often see him eat dirt.” Lu Qi nodded and said.

“That’s really amazing. This kind of senior, I must go and pay a good visit.” Bartolomio said admiringly.

Gromash walked in the front, listening to Lu Qi and Bartolomio’s conversation also wanted to laugh. Originally, he still felt that he had intervened in Bartolomio’s life a bit too early, which caused this guy’s personality to change. , When he was alone with Gromash, the whole person seemed to be a bit “cynic”, “130” and “gloomy”, and had no character.

Romash was so funny in his impression.

But now it seems that he hadn’t adjusted his mentality at the time. After getting acquainted with Lu Qi on Sabaody Archipelago, Bartolomio’s “fun than” essence began to gradually emerge. His facial expressions and usual behaviors also began to rush toward the joyous road.

“Tsk, it’s not bad.” Gromash said to himself with a smile.

In this way, while thinking about these and not, while listening to Lu Qi and the others bragging behind him, Gromash soon came to the gate of the palace-like residence, and was in front of the four guards. The moment he pushed the door open, Gromash heard a cheer that was very familiar but had not been heard for a long time, and then he returned.

There was no reaction, a huge figure had already picked him up.

“Boss Gromash, I really want to kill you!!!” The huge body embraced Gromash and cheered.

Gromash was stunned at first, and then quickly reacted, and then said disgustingly: “Let go of me, you fucking gangster.”

“What kind of guy?? I am Urouge, Gromash boss, have you forgotten me??” Urouge, who is like a little giant, said in surprise after letting go of Gromash.

“Of course I didn’t forget you, but did you take hormones on Sky Island?? How come you look like this??” Gromash patted his chest, as if he wanted to get rid of Urouge’s breath. , Asked.

Urouge first smiled triumphantly, and then continued: “Boss Gromash, this is my fruiting ability. Just now I was singled out with Cromwell, so I got bigger. I didn’t hear it. Your news, I will greet you when I leave.”

Following Urouge’s words, his body gradually shrank, and then returned to his usual state. Gromash looked at this scene and said with some nostalgia: “We haven’t seen each other for several years. It seems you are in Sky There is no sheep grazing on the Island, the strength has improved a lot, how is the handling over there??”

“There is no problem at all. Many large-scale shellfish farms have already begun to operate, and the output will be even larger. There are also various animal and plant farms unique to Sky Island. That guy is still very capable in this regard, and the security force on Sky Island has also matured.

Under the guidance and training, they can effectively restrain ordinary pirates. “Urouge also confidently said slowly.

“It seems that you have been stationed on Sky Island for so long. It is not a waste of our efforts. I have received the latest information. The launch of Seven Warlords of the Sea will be next week at the latest. After the name of Sea, the sea, land and air three-world connection plan will be fully implemented, and you will no longer need to go to Sky Island to station for a long time.” Gromash is also

Said to Urouge very satisfied.

After chatting for a while, Urouge left here, ready to continue to find the Cromwell guy to single out.

And Lu Qi hurriedly said: “Urouge, wait for me, I also want to find Cromwell!”

After speaking, Lu Qi took Bartolomio, a cute little boy, and left with Urouge.

“The ogre I just mentioned is the Cromwell we’re taking you to meet now. You’ll know how pervert he is in a while.” Lu Qi chased Urouge while still remembering to talk to Barto. Lomio said “black” Cromwell.

After Lu Qi had left with his errand boys, Gromash also smiled and walked towards the hall by himself.

As soon as Gromash pushed open the door of the main hall, he frowned. It seemed that something was wrong, but after thinking about it, there seemed to be no problem.

“Illusion??” Gromash murmured, and then he didn’t think deeply. After all, this is his own “old nest” and there shouldn’t be any major problems, and then he walked into the hall a few steps.

When he walked into the hall, Gromash looked around and found that there was no one in the hall. It seemed that the others were busy with their own affairs.

Gromash first came to his desk, sat down in a chair, and then flipped through the documents for a while.

It didn’t take long for the little secretary, Monet, to walk in with a cup of hot tea, put the tea on Gromash’s hand, and kneaded Gromash’s shoulders very gently.

“Captain, you are back.” Monet said with a light smile.

Gromash nodded and said, “Well, I originally wanted to have a good time, but Doflamingo has tossed out some moths. I need to take a trip and call later.”

Before Gromash finished speaking, he realized that Monet, the little secretary, boldly pressed his full chest from behind him to his back.

Gromash was also a little bit pitiful by her action, and then he suddenly laughed, and then said helplessly, “I really caught your evil… Is this the power of the illusion fruit?? From one At first, I felt as if something was wrong, but I didn’t think too much about it.

In the meantime, you have developed the fruit to such an extent, it’s really amazing, Monet.

As Gromash’s voice fell, all the scenes in front of him began to shatter, and Monet, who was originally very frivolous and charming, turned into a phantom and disappeared.When he saw the scene in front of him again, he was still just pushing In the state of opening the door of the main hall.

And the mischievous Monet just now was standing at the door, looking at Gromash’s dazed appearance, covering his mouth and smiling unkindly.

“Captain, your vigilance really needs to be improved~” Monet proudly raised his eyebrows, fixed a finger, and swayed to Gromash.

“Who is always guarding everyone in his own lair?? Isn’t that sick??” Gromash also said with a smile.

Then he said with some confusion: “How did you pull me into the illusion?? Is this illusion fruit so powerful?”

“No, I have spent a lot of effort on the gate of the palace to exert my abilities. No matter who it is, when I push open the gate of the palace, I will be drawn into the illusion, not the ability is applied to you. There may be such a possibility in the future, but now I still can’t do this.” Monet said with a smile.

Gromash was also a little relieved after hearing Monet’s explanation. It turned out that he was “with mental arithmetic and unintentional”. It seems that it takes a lot of effort from Monet to pull himself into the illusion.’ It’s just a design, but this is in line with the normal “process”. If Monet has eaten the fruit of the illusion for a month, he will be able to follow it.

Pulling him into the illusion in a poop, then this fruit or Monet’s strength is too pervert, right?? Even when he is not prepared, it is enough to be able to do this, after all, he His “defenseless” state is not something that anyone can easily make him suffer.

And Monet was also a little curious and asked: “Captain, how did you find something wrong?? I still think my own fantasy creation is very good, I shouldn’t reveal anything in such a short time. Horse feet??”

Gromash smiled and walked into the hall door, and then he said, “Actually, from the moment I opened the door, I felt something was wrong, but I didn’t think much about it, but it really made me aware of those things just now. It’s actually you who are all illusions.”

Monet asked with some confusion: “What’s wrong with me??”

“I don’t remember my little secretary being so proactive and bold,” Gromash said with a smile.

And Monet was also blushing and said: “That’s not in the illusion, I’ll give you some benefits. I thought you, a lecherous guy, would be biased by these’little cheaps’. Who knew that 3.8 became a failure.” NS”

Gromash touched his chin and said, “I should have been led astray as you thought, but Monet, of course, the illusion must be close to reality and daily life so that people will not notice the abnormality. You are inexplicable. In a month or so, I have expanded my cup a few times, I feel a little strange and weird no matter how I think about it.


Originally, he was still listening to Gromash talk about the “shortcomings” of his illusion. Monet, who was planning to pay more attention to his ability development in the future, heard that Gromash turned out to be “wrong thing” from his “cup”. His face flushed suddenly, and then he said very embarrassed: “What else do you usually observe?? Die pervert!!

After speaking, Monet also had no face to stay here in Gromash, and quickly blushed and slipped away amidst Gromash’s bohemian laughter.

“Jiehahahahaha, of course you must carefully observe your life. Of course you must carefully observe the beauties. After all, what is said? By the way, there is no lack of beauty in life, but a pair of eyes to discover beauty. Um, my eyes are very sharp.” Gromash joked at Monet’s back with a very foul mouth. .

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