I Am Hellscream

Chapter 202

Chapter 202 Meet East Blue.

Naval Headquarters sent Admiral alternate Polusalino to take charge of hunting down Fisher Tiger, which is the same as the original history.

It’s just that this hunt does not know how long it will take, and how long it will take Polusalino to plan to catch the murloc in the sea.

For Marine, fortunately, there are still some differences between Fisher, Tiger and Gromash. One is that although his reputation in The fish men island is equal to Gromash, no one thinks that his strength can be equal to Gromash. Gromash is now recognized as the strongest in The fish men island. Going big, Gromash is qualified to challenge the strongest in the world.

Human, but Tiger is only a big adventurer in the end. Although his strength is strong, he has not exceeded a certain limit like Gromash, and has become a’monster’-like existence.

So just sending Admiral alternate-Polusalino is enough.

On the other hand, compared to Gromash, Tiger is a kind of person who is naturally weak, and the slaves he leads are his weakness.

In the end, Polusalino also caught Tiger’s “weakness” and gave Tiger a hand, otherwise it would be really difficult to solve his trouble.

Overall, for Marine, although it is difficult to catch Tiger, it is not completely impossible. It is a bit like the situation when Sengoku Admiral caught Gromash and sent him into Impel down “one three zero”. As long as Marine and CP agencies work closely together, the power that can burst out is still quite powerful.

After a period of buffering, and most of the people on The fish men island who support Tiger most have left The fish men island and went to the sea to find Tiger to help him, so in Nip Under the rule of King Dun, The fish men island slowly began to calm down his irritability and returned to the old scene.

Gromash was also in this long period of time, and finally finished his backlog of work on The fish men island, and his entire forces began to develop in an orderly manner.

Under the control of Robin, the “Dark Loli”, the tentacles of the Deep Sea Broker, who reached out to the underground world, began to weave his own network in the dark, gradually expanding his own business, and Robin seemed to like this kind of bias. ‘Darkness’ Xiang’s work, unexpectedly began to draft some other aspects of his’dark plan’, such as establishing in the dark world

The ‘Free Trade Zone’ sells things that could not have been on the market in the first place.

The site for the establishment of this free trade zone was initially positioned in The fish men island that was huge and barren, but in the “Sea Forest” that was first developed.

According to Robin’s plan, the establishment of this free trade zone will greatly change some of the past traditions of the dark world, and will be able to bring greater influence and benefits to the entire Frostwolf Pirate Group.

This thing seems to be very “tall”, but after Gromash carefully read the plan submitted by Robin, he has roughly figured out what it is.

To put it simply and crudely, Gromash will set aside a place in the “Sea Forest”, and then set up a’farmer’s market’ there to form a large commercial area.

It’s just that this commercial area is not on the table, it is illegal. Gromash will provide some shelter to those who trade here, and collect the corresponding’protection fee’, which is “tax?”

And the function of this “farmer’s market” is also very simple. It is to directly take out the things that were not on the table for fair business, such as selling arms or gas bombs here.

Gromash scratched his head and said with some doubts: “Isn’t this the’black market”?? There are many places?? And generally, such transactions are done in private, are they conducted in private?? So fair and honest. If you sell it, will anyone accept it?”

Robin said confidently: “Of course, it is possible to hire a dark world’middleman’ like’JOKER’ to preside over the transaction. After all, there are only a few two parties, and Doflamingo is not making this’little money’ but Using this to weave his own network, or to explore the source of the’good stuff’, otherwise, how could he not move at all?

Will get something that no one else has seen before?? In fact, most of the private transactions in the entire dark world are carried out in the disorderly black market, but this kind of transaction is very insecure, and there is no middleman. The guarantee of the company, there may be a phenomenon of’black eating black’ at any time. At this time, if we can form an organized, disciplined, and safe

A very secure “black market” comes out. Those who hold the “heavy treasures” but cannot buy and sell in legal channels and are worried about the risks of the “black market” will spontaneously come here to conduct transactions. With the improvement of reputation, In this undeveloped market, there are great benefits that can be unearthed by us.”

Robin paused at this point, and then continued: “Moreover, we can also regard this’free trade zone’ as a cornucopia. A large number of “rare” items that cannot be legally traded will likely appear here. We will be able to become the master’s first-hand news. If we are interested in something, we can get it in our hands early and buy it.

How about?? This plan is not bad??”

Gromash looked at Robin who was enthusiastic, and smiled bitterly, “It seems that you are really immersed in this dark world, getting farther and farther.”

Robin smiled and said, “It should be said that I have found my proper “position” in our Frostwolf Pirates. It’s very satisfying to be able to help you from these places.

Gromash smiled, and then returned the plan in his hand to Robin and said, “In principle, I agree to your plan, but it is still the old rule. You are responsible for, organizing, and planning. During this period of time, The projects in our hands have also begun to make profits, so the financial support that can be given to you is still very strong. Go ahead.

Robin was also very happy and said, “Leave it to me, Captain!”

When Robin left Gromash happily and was going to go further and further on the road towards the’Queen of Darkness’, looking at the back of Robin leaving, Monet, the little secretary, said with some envy, “It’s so good. Find a way that can help you…”

“Jiehahahaha, you are also helping me. It is also a kind of help to be able to take care of my life.” Gromash said with a laugh.

Monet did not answer Gromash’s words, but asked: “Captain, since you have handled the matters of The fish men island almost, what are you going to do next??”

Gromash stretched out and said lazily: “It’s time to go on vacation. You can’t always strain your nerves too tight. My “head” has done everything I need to do. The next step is Joz, Lucky, Cromwell, these “limbs” are going to do things, they can be done step by step, without me here, there is no

What’s wrong, so I’m ready to go out and relax. ”

After Gromash said this, he paused and smiled before continuing: “The rest of the time is to wait, waiting for the Seven Warlords of the Sea plan from the World government, and then after winning the title. We can act whether it is the formal opening of the sea, land and air connection plan, the capital of seven waters, or something else,

At that time, we will all be able to do it 0.”

Monet rubbed his shoulders for Gromash, and said, “Then when will this Seven Warlords of the Sea plan come out??”

“I don’t know this, but looking at the situation on the sea, I am afraid it will be out soon. So before that, I have to give myself a vacation,” Gromash said with a smile.

Monet just wanted to say something, he heard the phone worm, and then she quickly took the weird phone worm from another table.

Gromash took a look and said, “It’s really rare. What are these Shanks tossing about??”

Judging from the simulated form of the phone worm, this is undoubtedly the phone worm called by Shanks.

Gromash smiled and picked up the phone bug. Before he could speak, he heard Shanks’ very excited voice.

“Gromash? Are you still living in The fish men island?? Do you still have the spirit of pirates?? How can there be a pirate like you, who just thinks of himself as a king, won’t come out? Looking for fun, what are you doing as a pirate??” After Shanks heard that the phone worm was picked up, he was bombarded and sprayed Gromash first.


After he stopped, Gromashオ said helplessly, “Laozi, a big group of people waiting to eat with me, of course can’t compare to your prodigal, but fortunately, I just finished dealing with the latest things and I am preparing. Give yourself a vacation and go out and wander around.”

Shanks was very excited after hearing Gromash’s words and continued: “Really? That’s great. I’m about to invite you to East Blue. This East Blue is really a good place. It is indeed Captain Roger. In my hometown, I have already contacted the guy Mihawk before, and he happened to be free, so he agreed to my invitation

Coming towards East Blue, come on too, let’s go find the guy who is hiding in Buggy together, not drunk or returning!!

“Is Mihawk going too?? Isn’t this guy meeting the challenges of various swordsmen?? At this time, run to East Blue, don’t be misunderstood as “showing weakness’ 3.8” Gromash was also stunned after hearing what Shanks said. A moment, and then asked.

“Hey, how long have you not paid attention to the news of that guy?? He has already secured the position of the world’s number one swordsman, and now no one wants to challenge him, so he is also very It’s boring, contacting me all day, trying to find me to try swordsmanship is annoying.” Shanks complained and said.

Gromash also chuckles, but he thinks about it, anyway, he has nothing to do recently, it is better to go to East Blue to gather with their old friends, said he missed Buggy very much. I miss it inexplicably, but Gromash just wants to see him. Maybe it’s recently, Gromash

Isn’t it a lot of pressure? It’s not bad to find the head of the’circus’ Buggy and have a good time.

So Gromash smiled and said, “Well, we really haven’t seen each other for a long time. It’s time to have a drink and have a good time. Then East Blue is so big, where do we meet?

Shanks was silent for a while, and then said with a smile: “The place where the end and the beginning-how about Logue town??”

“Jiehahahaha, that’s really a good place. Just set it up, I’ll be there soon.” Gromash laughed and said. .

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