I Am Hellscream

Chapter 201

Chapter 201 Commander, Marshal, Admiral, it’s up to you!

After seeing Gromash, Hokkubak also quickly stopped the experiment in his hands with Guy, and then hurriedly walked out of the laboratory and asked Gromash, “Captain Gromash, what’s the matter??”

At this time, Hokkubak and Guy Sadu have already understood that when Gromash and Tiger left with their feet, Mariejois must have done such a big thing. It must be the two of them. It is estimated that the’malignant drug MAX’ has also been destroyed. I ran out, so I didn’t ask any extra questions.

Gromash looked at Hokkubak, and then said: “Before, when the boss of Tiger was recuperating here, you did not forget the thing I asked you to find and prepare, did you??”

After hearing Gromash’s inquiry, Dianguak also said immediately: “Don’t worry, Captain, how could I forget the instructions you gave? It’s all ready, please come with me.”

Under the leadership of Hokkubak, the group of them quickly came to a blood bank. Then Hokkubak pointed to an area and said: “This is all the blood collected from our The fish men island. It matches the blood type of Tiger Boss, the orthodox pure Murloc bloodline…”

Gromash looked at the blood, nodded in satisfaction and said, “You did a good job.”

As early as when Tiger was recuperating and treating here in Hokkubak, Gromash had already begun to prepare for this. The ultimate reason why Tiger died in the end was because he lost too much blood and robbed him It’s not that you can’t find a blood type that matches him on the warship. Although they are two different races, the blood of humans and the murlocs

The blood of Tiger is completely compatible, but Tiger has no way to let himself accept human blood. He can no longer accept human blood in his heart. Naturally, only human blood will be stored on Marine’s warship, so in Tiger Under his refusal, he’abandoned’ his life and died weakly on the warship.

This time Gromash prepared these things, also in order to continue Tiger’s life. 130…

Whether you can use it or not, it’s always good to carry it

Gromash patted Jinbei on the shoulder, and then said: “These bloods that match the blood type of Tiger Boss, you bring them with you when you leave, don’t say anything. I have a hunch that this thing may change Tiger’s fate. After he completed that great mission, he would not want to be a pirate again, he was not a pirate.

Material, if you encounter it, then hide the news and make his’death’ a “established fact.. understand??”

Gromash whispered to Jinbei about his plan, and Jinbei nodded while listening, and finally said hesitantly: “But Boss Gromash, Boss Tiger, he may not want to “die” like this??”

“Do you care if he wants it or not?? If things really get to this point, he must have been seriously injured. In this case, can’t you take him?? Or you want to see you lose your goal? Is Tiger heading for self-destruction?? Bring him back to The fish men island, even if he is imprisoned, I have to calm him down, even if he is incognito

To keep him alive This is the last thing I can do for him. Gromash smiled and said softly.

After hearing the words, Jinbei nodded in a deep voice and said, “If things really develop into this situation, I will do what you want, Boss Gromash.

“Jiehahahahahaha, then I am looking forward to it. In fact, this also contains things that are beneficial to me. After the guy Tiger is disarmed and returned to the field, don’t you people still have to go back to my banner and do things? , Jiehahahahaha.” Gromash said indifferently, without concealing his intentions at all.

Jinbei spoke very solemnly and said: “For a long time, I have been fortunate to have failed your expectations. Boss Abdi Romansh. After I accompany Boss Tiger to complete his goals and missions, I will swear by my life. , Will return to The fish men island and officially join the Frostwolf Pirates!

“Don’t worry, I can afford to wait.” Gromash smiled and patted Jinbei on the shoulder.

A large number of murlocs and mermaid warriors headed by Jinbei and Arlong left The fish men island. Among them, there are all kinds of people, such as those who were taken away after Arlong and Jinbei fell out. Those who are better able to fight under the leadership of Jinbei.

The two representative figures are Xiaoba under the command of Arlong and Aladdin under the command of Jinbei.

To bid farewell to Jinbei and the others who had left the newly-built port of the Sea Forest, Gromash also rubbed his chin and looked at the sunlight that had spread from the “Sun Tree Eve” to the fish men island.

Then he whispered to the south: “The Pirates of the Sun?? May your glory be like the sun to the whole world and spread your greatness to all parts of the world, Brother Fisher Tiger.”

Above the Sabaody Archipelago, at this time Gloriosa led the people from the Amazon-Lily on the island of Hydra also came here, ready to take them back from the Amazon. Lily “lost” the three sisters of the Crown Prince for many years.

Not many people came to see off. After a few days of contact, Hancock and Lu Qi became familiar with them, so Lu Qi also came to see him off.

Webber, who was leaning on the stone pier of the harbor, touched his chin with a strange expression, and said softly, “F*ck, it turns out that their three sisters are not the ones that the Gromash boss is going to take on the boat. That wolf head tattoo??? ? ?? How to do???”

After seeing Webber’s strange face, Drake smiled jokingly and said, “Webber, why is your face so strange?? Isn’t it because of the three sisters? You have a wife. People, if you mess around outside, when you return to The fish men island, I will give Laki a short report.”

Webber said with a cool face, “I am not interested in these things at all, I just think that these three sisters are not the ones who want to be our partners.”

“Ah?? Yeah, I thought it was like this at first.” Drake was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

After thinking about it, Webber still didn’t say anything about the fact that he tattooed the Hancock three sisters with the logo of the Frostwolf Pirates. No one can tell the closed world of “Lonely Overseas”, isn’t it?

“Just keep it as a souvenir. For the rest of your life, remember the kindness of Gromash boss.” Weber whispered softly.

After Hancock boarded the boat of the Nine Snakes and Pirates, he was a little reluctant to look at the people who came to see off. After all, he still didn’t see the person who saved them from hell.

“Master Gromash didn’t come,” Hancock whispered softly.

“Sister, after I become a fighter, I will definitely have a chance to see Master Gromash,” Marigold relieved Hancock and said.

At the port, Gloriosa was also very grateful and said to Rayleigh: “Thank you this time, Rayleigh.”

But before Rayleigh spoke, Xia Qi on the side said, “Gloriosa, if you want to thank you, you don’t have to thank him for this guy who fished in troubled waters. The three who really rescued Hancock and the others have already left.”

“Hmm?? Who is??” Gloriosa asked with some confusion.

“Hellscream-Proudmoore-Gromash is not clear to me. You can ask Hancock and the three of them.” Xia Qi said softly.

Gloriosa did a little bit too, and then said, “No matter what you say, thank you all.

The ships of the Nine Snakes and Pirates left here and departed in the direction of Calm Belt.

Standing on the harbor, Tezolo looked at the direction the three Hancock sisters were leaving, and said with some envy, “It’s really a blessing for someone to come and take them home.”

After hearing what Tezolo said, Lu Qi patted his shoulder very carelessly and said: “What is enviable, maybe they are also admiring you, after all, they still need to travel a long distance to get back. At home, but your kid has arrived home, isn’t this not enough for you to be happy??”

Tezolo was also taken aback when he heard Lu Qi’s words. After a long time, he smiled and said, “Yes, this is happy enough.”

After seeing off the Hancock and their three sisters, Lu Qi also turned to look at the somewhat absent-minded Hodie Jones, then sighed and said, “Hodie, or I’ll talk to Gromash, here you are. Open a pass??”

Since Tiger’s news was published in the newspaper, Hodie Jones, as a murloc, was naturally very worried about Tiger’s affairs, so he was a little absent-minded in these two days.

After hearing Lu Qi’s words, Hordy Jones shook his head decisively and said: “No, I believe that Boss Gromash will not leave Boss Tiger alone. At this time, I won’t mess with them. Besides, my strength is too weak. If I go, it is estimated that it will be a hindrance to the boss of Tiger. Instead of this, it is better to be here.

Pray for him secretly.”

After talking about this, Hodie Jones showed a smile on his mouth, showing his sharp white Fang, rolled up his sleeves to reveal his wolf head tattoo and said: “What’s more, I finally got on the sea of ​​my dreams. The thief ship, how can you get off so easily??”

Drake also smiled after hearing what made Di Jones said: “Sure enough, you guy has an inexplicable attachment to our Frostwolf Pirates.”

“Of course, this is my dream!” Hodie Jones said of course.

Naval Headquarters Malinford, at this time Sengoku Admiral was also talking to Polusalino.

“This time, the World government has given the Mariejois incident. There is only one mastermind and main criminal, and that is the great adventurer of The fish men island-Fisher Tiger, and the Gromash has been excluded from the incident. In addition, it seems that if there is no need, the government is not willing to have any fierce conflict with Gromash again.” Sengoku University

He said in a deep voice.

“Then my task is to catch this Fisher Tiger?? It is really difficult to catch murlocs in the sea,” Polusalino said strangely.

“Porussalino, this time your burden is very heavy. If this matter is not resolved, Marshal Kong will not be the commander-in-chief. If he cannot be the commander-in-chief, I can’t be the marshal. I can’t be Admiral, so I must complete the task, regardless of life or death!” Sengoku Admiral said seriously.

Indeed, this task is not only about the face of the World government, but also about the position of a military commander, a Marine Marshal position and three Marine Admiral positions. This is indeed a very heavy task, and it is enough to see his expenses. How big is the thing that Schell Tiger has done!

“Although it may take a while, leave it to me, Sengoku Admiral.” Polusalino smiled and said.

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