I Am Hellscream

Chapter 170

Chapter 170 Shirahoshi is still young, so let’s make an appointment first!

Seeing Princess Shirahoshi stretched out her hand to herself, and has experience with sugar, Gromash is also very familiar with Shirahoshi and hugged Shirahoshi.

“Jiehahahaha, what a good boy, he has been so cute and well-behaved since he was a child, and he will definitely be a big beauty when he grows up!” Gromash said while hugging Shirahoshi while teasing her.

Shirahoshi also seemed to be very happy. She stretched out her hand and kept trying to catch the red light shining from Gromash’s pupils. She couldn’t speak when she was young, and she was yelling and yelling in accordance with her movements. , Very cute.

King Neptune and Princess Otohime saw that Gromash liked Shirahoshi very much and smiled with satisfaction.Cromwell and Joz and a group of people also surrounded Gromash, and they all looked at the legendary mermaid with great joy. Princess.

“It’s so cute~~” Monet carefully reached out and touched Shirahoshi’s skin, then said with a heart full of eyes.

Sugar was also very happy to pat her little hand and said, “Cute, so cute~”

Even Robin, a little guy whose aesthetics has been biased towards the dark style, can’t help but say: “It’s so cute~”

However, Shirahoshi is still very young after all. He doesn’t have much physical strength. The child is very lethargic. After interacting with Gromash and the others for a while, Shirahoshi’s eyelids began to droop. I fell asleep again and made a very cute cry.

Gromash watched Shirahoshi fell asleep again, and didn’t continue to tease her anymore. Instead, he put Shirahoshi on the bed very carefully and changed the quilt for her to prevent her from catching a cold. Then Gromash said softly, “Okay. , Princess Shirahoshi has fallen asleep, so let’s not disturb her.”

Although the rest of them all seemed to be reluctant to give up, in the end they all resisted their’desires’ and crept away from the bedside one after another.

After leaving Princess Shirahoshi’s boudoir, Cromwell and Joz also dispersed to visit and play in Dragon Palace.

Gromash followed King Neptune and Princess Otohime to the palace.

Gromash sat on the seat, took a sip from the tea cup in front of him, and said with a smile, “It’s so cute, Princess Shirahoshi.”

“Hahahaha, I’m so glad that you think so, Gromash, did Jinbei tell you??” King Neptune smiled and asked Gromash.

Gromash didn’t hear the other meaning in what King Neptune said, and thought he was asking himself if Jinbei told him that Princess Shirahoshi was born.

So Gromash didn’t even think about it, smiled and nodded and said, “Well, that’s right, Jinbei told me.

King Neptune’s eyes lit up, and he said to Gromash with some expectation: “Then what do you think?? How??”

Gromash thought that Neptune was asking what he thought about the birth of Princess Shirahoshi, so he smiled and said, “Of course it is a great thing, not to mention Princess Shirahoshi is so cute.”

“Hahahahahaha, I’m relieved if you can say that, Gromash, let us leave the follow-up arrangements to Dragon Palace City, and you can look forward to it!!” King Neptune laughed and said.

And Gromash is also a little confused, what arrangements?? what expectations?? Are there any misunderstandings and deviations in our communication??

Just when Gromash wanted to ask what was going on, Princess Otohime was also very happy and said, “Gromash, you are such a good boy. Since you hung the flag on our The fish men island, those swarming The pirates who came did not dare to be presumptuous anymore.

Thanks to your banner, Shirahoshi will ask you to take care of it in the future.

Gromash was so interrupted by Princess Otohime, he was also led to a deviation, and then he also said with a smile: “You are welcome, Princess Otohime, The fish men island is my hometown, of course I have to take care of this place. It is my duty to bring some good changes here, and Princess Shirahoshi is so cute, I also like her very much.

A little guy, I will definitely protect our princess of The fish men island in the future, and won’t let anyone hurt her, please don’t worry!”

What Gromash said is actually not a problem, but when the minds of Princess Otohime and King Neptune, who have gone wrong and misunderstood, heard, Gromash clearly showed their intentions to them, very good, very good !!

“Hahahaha, well, Gromash, if you can say that, we can rest assured.” King Neptune said with a big smile.

Then Gromash also forgot the previous doubts, and after a few people chatted for a while, Gromash said again: “Your Majesty, although I haven’t gone back to see the reconstruction of Murloc Street, I heard from Jinbei that it is almost the same. Something is done”

Gromash said this, and King Neptune also nodded and said: “Yes, the first phase of the fisherman street has been completed, and the second phase has begun. The first phase of the project includes the establishment of some factories and your cream. The construction of the station of the Wolf Pirate Group, these two items have been properly constructed, I have also inspected there, it is very good

Yes, I believe you will be satisfied after you go back.

Princess Otohime also said with emotion: “A long time ago, I wanted to change the Murloc Street, but I didn’t have any good solutions. The chaos of Murloc Street had already accumulated so much at the time, and I could only go there often. Look there to see if there are anyone who needs help. Being able to do my best was the only thing I could do at the time.

I know, if the fisherman street does not change, if you just let it go, it will definitely cause harm to The fish men island in the future. Fortunately, all this has changed now, and the fish men island’s fisherman street will no longer be chaotic. It’s a source, and now the Fishman Street has become a place full of hope and vigor.”

When Princess Otohime said this, she involuntarily shed two tears, and then she hurriedly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her hand, and then smiled embarrassedly and said: “Just as you said, the murlocs’ compatriots, though They are irritable and rude, but their nature is not so bad.

Affected by the factors brought about by living pressure, now everyone can see a bright future within reach, and those bad tempers are gradually getting better.”

“Yes, although I still often hear workers fighting and fighting, but they are not as fierce as before. All this is your credit, Gromash.” King Neptune also said with a smile.

“Jiehahahaha, it should be the credit of our The fish men island, well, but fighting and fighting, for our fellow murloc tribe, is actually just like um, anyway, it is a very normal lifestyle. , If they really all become good babies, then I would still find it strange. Our murlocs are more aggressive in nature. This is

It can’t be changed, so as long as the situation can be controlled within a proper range. “Gromash also smiled and said.

Then Gromash paused, drank another cup of tea, and then continued: “Actually, I am coming back this time and I am preparing to start forming my own basic team. I need a lot of manpower. You know, I am the Pirate. It’s inevitable that there are risks on your shoulders, so the team I want to recruit must not be good babies, just need

Those who like to be brave and combative, with their participation, can I expand my current pirate group of three or two big cats and kittens, and gradually develop it into a fleet, a large ship group, and even a formed pirate army. , And I also want to change my captain’s name to “Admiral”, and when I receive all these brave and combatants on our ship, I will return

It’s a good idea to relieve the pressure on the island’s “police and security” once again.

King Neptune nodded when he heard Gromash’s words and said, “Whether you want to form a large ship group or a pirate army, Otohime and I will support you as always!”

“Then thank you Majesty and Princess.” Gromash also said with a smile.After a few people chatted about these topics again, Gromash was not prepared to stay here for a long time. He was also going to visit Murloc Street. See you, if you delay too much time here, maybe you will have to be preached by her when you go back, you should go back and have a look!

After a little polite sentence, Gromash also said: “The rush today has caused trouble to your majesty and the princess. I’m here, I’ll come back to bother you in the next day!”

King Neptune and Princess Otohime did not keep Gromash. After all, Gromash was right, so King Neptune also said with a smile: “Then we won’t leave you to eat here. I will prepare it next time. The banquet, waiting for you to disturb.”

“Jiehahahaha, I will definitely come!” Gromash said with a big smile.

Goodbye to King Neptune and Princess Otohime. Just when Gromash walked to the gate of the palace, he heard King Neptune say again: 117 “Gromash, if it is not necessary during this period, don’t leave The fish men island. How about getting things done???”

Gromash turned around to look at him after hearing what King Neptune said. Then he thought it was King Neptune that needed his help or something between Dragon Palace and Murloc Street that needed to be implemented. So he also nodded and said: “Okay, your Majesty, I just happened to be dealing with The fish men island in The fish men island recently.

The backlog of things will not leave in a short time. If you have anything, just ask it!

King Neptune nodded happily after hearing Gromash’s words and said, “Okay, don’t worry, we will arrange everything, and you can just wait.”

Gromash nodded in confusion. Although he sounded a little strange, there seemed to be something wrong, but after thinking about it, there seemed to be nothing wrong?? So he attributed it to his “illusion.”

“Well, maybe I think too much, right?? There is nothing to misunderstand?? Forget it, don’t want to go to Murloc Street first!” Gromash murmured as he walked, touching his chin .

On the other hand, when Gromash left the palace, Neptune quickly recruited both the left and right ministers, and then he was very happy and said: “Go, prepare for the wedding banquet, we should settle the matter between Shirahoshi and Gromash. , But Shirahoshi is still young, so you can’t rush, choose a suitable date and make an appointment for the marriage first, hahahaha.”

The ministers on the left and right looked at each other, and then the minister of the seahorse said, “Your Majesty, has Lord Gromash agreed?”

“Well, that’s right, Jinbei is still very efficient. I told Gromash about this at Sabaody Archipelago. I also asked him for his opinion just now. He said it is a great thing!! In that case, is there any problem??” King Neptune said happily.

The ministers on the left and right saw that Neptune had said this. Of course, the two of them had no opinion, so they immediately said: “Yes, your majesty, we are going to prepare for the marriage contract of Princess Shirahoshi, and we will do it successfully. Full, it has become a thing that the whole fish men island talks about!

“Well, go!” King Neptune said with satisfaction. .

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