I Am Hellscream

Chapter 169

Chapter 169 Mermaid Princess

After knowing that the Neptune family gave birth to a little princess, Gromash had no plans to continue to stay in Sabaody Archipelago, and soon he returned to The fish men island with his friends.

After Coral Hill received a warm welcome from the residents of The fish men island, Gromash didn’t even look at the fish men street that had been transformed for most of it, and hurried towards Dragon Palace City.

At this time in Dragon Palace City, Neptune was also listening to the report of Minister Zuo’s Catfish Murloc.

“According to the news report from the guards at Coral Hill, Master Gromash got off the boat from Coral Hill and rushed towards our Dragon Palace without stopping, with a lot of gifts. It seems that Master Gromash heard about it. That’s what Jinbei told him about Princess Shirahoshi.” Minister Zuo touched his beard while

Slowly spoke to King Neptune~.

The guy Neptune was very happy after hearing that Gromash valued Shirahoshi so much. His eyes were so happy that he laughed and said, “Okay, great, it seems that Gromash’s kid is very good. Pay attention to Shirahoshi. Although I don’t know how Jinbei did it, he did a good job!! -”

Neptune thought it was Jinbei who “brainwashed” Gromash and let Gromash join the game voluntarily. How did he know that Gromash wanted to see what the world’s first beauty looked like when he was a child, and on the other hand, he wanted to come. Take a look at Ancient Weapon- Poseidon. Poseidon!

As for the marriage to Longgongcheng as a servant, Gromash has never heard Jinbei this’counsel’ mention it!

Soon, a team of Dragon Palace imperial sea horse carriages carried Gromash and the others to the gate of Dragon Palace.

Gromash headed the sugar that was looking around very curiously, and walked off the carriage.Then he took the sugar from his head and handed it to Monet who was following him, and then faced the person behind him. Several cars yelled: “You guys, take all the gifts I brought down to me!”

Joz and others were also very helpless to take down the large and small packages of gifts from the carriage, many of which were gifts he brought to Princess Shirahoshi, such as huge plush toys and the like.

There are also many gifts for King Neptune and Princess Otohime, such as rare items and supplements.

The rest are all things like coffee beans that I brought to my baby sister Shyarly.

Soon, under the urging of Gromash, Joz and his group walked towards Dragon Palace under the leadership of the guards with large bags of gifts.

Monet was holding sugar in one hand while looking at the magnificent Dragon Palace. She was also a little excited and asked Robin next to him: “Is this the Dragon Palace of The fish men island?? It feels so dreamy!!”

Robin is one of the main members of the Frostwolf Pirates. Of course, she has already been to Dragon Palace. Therefore, she is not so excited. Seeing Monet asking like this, she also smiled and said: “Yes, this is Dragon Palace. The city is now the center of politics, military, and power in The fish men island. The Great Knight of the Sea and His Majesty Neptune are the masters here. Of course

Now, His Majesty Neptune and Princess Otohime are very good people. The relationship between Dragon Palace and our Frostwolf Pirates is very close. It can be said that it is completely our own feelings.”

On the other side, Drake, who was walking behind, was also talking to his little boss’ Lu Qi.

“Senior Lu Qi, since this The fish men island is our territory, then we have the final say or the Dragon Palace has the final say??” Drake asked with some doubts.

Lu Qi was holding a milk bottle while drinking milk, and after thinking about it, he said, “Of course we have the final say, but Gromash never interferes in the politics of The fish men island and never lets us interfere in this aspect. , And Dragon Palace’s attitude towards us is also very friendly, even to the point where I find it incredible, I feel that Gromash is just

Like the illegitimate son of His Majesty Neptune.”

Lu Qi’s face suddenly froze when he said this, and then after thinking about it, he whispered to Drake: “Gromash also respects His Majesty Neptune’s appearance. Thinking about Gromash’s origin is a mystery, I can only be sure of him. There is half of the human blood in the body. It is a rare hybrid. Maybe it was really His Majesty Neptune in his early years.”

But Lu Qi hadn’t finished speaking this time. Gromash, who was walking in front, had already grabbed a water polo from the surroundings and threw it at Lu Qi, directly hitting his head.

Then Lu Qi, who was confused, heard Gromash say: “What do you think of Tenten?? You dare to criticize Laozi’s identity.”

Lu Qi wiped his face indiscriminately with his hand, and then said: “Aren’t you curious about your life experience??”

“No, not curious at all,” Gromash said casually with a shrug.

It’s not that he is trying to force himself, but that he has never thought about this problem, because it makes no sense!

Gromash didn’t go to discuss this boring topic with Lu Qi and the others. While walking, he asked Jinbei next to him: “Yes, I didn’t see Arlong in the king’s army. He can’t get out of it anymore. ??”

Jinbei also smiled and said: “Since you left last time, Arlong quickly applied to withdraw from the king’s army. Now he has formed a group of personnel in the sea forest to buy and capture the cubs of sea beasts. It seems that a “ranch system” for cultivating marine animal pups is being established.”

Gromash was also stunned after hearing what Jinbei said.Although he had already thought that his “stupid brother” must have retired from the king’s army because of something he had explained before he left, but he really didn’t expect Arlong this kid to get rid of it. NS.

He originally thought that with Arlong’s poor “wisdom, the greatest possible achievement was to barely tame a few sea beasts after he came back, but what Gromash didn’t expect at all was that Arlong would be so smart. The system of “sea beast ranch” is here!!

You must know that there is a huge difference between a person’s efforts and the establishment of a system. If Arlong has not started to establish this system, Gromash will also be ready to come back and call him. After all, he even brings his own little brothers to tame sea beasts. It can’t meet the needs of Gromash, only the real establishment of the relevant system,

Is it possible to continuously produce sea beasts that can be effectively “used”?

Thinking of this, Gromash, the elder brother, also smiled a little relievedly and said: “My stupid brother is finally alive and can help me.”

“Hahahaha, that’s really a good thing. The guy Arlong has changed a lot. Even if he is busy with the “sea beast domestication”, he still goes to the gym to learn and train his murloc karate every day. , His talent is not bad, after all, he is a shark murloc. With the efforts of self-transformation, his current strength is also very good.

NS. “Jinbei also said happily.

Gromash nodded, and the two of them walked towards the inner city of Dragon Palace while chatting about Arlong. Soon, Gromash saw King Neptune and Princess Otohime who were already waiting for him.

Seeing this situation, Gromash also walked up to the guy in Neptune in a few strides, and said with a big smile: “Your Majesty Neptune, it’s been a long time, how is your health?? Princess Otohime, you too, It’s still so beautiful.”

“Hahahahaha, Gromash, you’re back, very good, Otohime and I miss you very much, too.” King Neptune laughed and said.

After that, Princess Otohime also looked up and down Gromash. Seeing that Gromash didn’t seem to have any injuries, she said with a sigh of relief: “I heard that you played with Kaido for five days and five nights in North Blue. Neptune is very worried about you. It seems that you have not suffered any injuries, so I can rest assured.

0-seeking flowers…

A few people made a little bit of humiliation, and Gromash led the topic to the main topic. Gromash asked, “When I was at Sabaody Archipelago earlier, the guy Jinbei told me that your Majesty, you and Princess Ouhime will add another one. Girl, it’s really gratifying to bring a princess to The fish men island, I wonder if Princess Shirahoshi is convenient to visit now?

? I brought her a lot of gifts. ”

King Neptune and Princess Otohime also looked at each other after hearing Gromash’s words, and then they showed a smile of’it really is so’ together, this Gromash rushed to Dragon Palace Castle, and it really came to see Shirahoshi, good thing, good thing !!

I saw Neptune smile and said: “Of course it is convenient, presumably Shirahoshi also wants to see you, the hero of The fish men island!”

Gromash also smiled and said, “What is heroic or not, your Majesty, don’t tease me like that…”

After speaking, Gromash also turned around and waved, and soon this guy Cromwell handed him a soft toy “Big Rabbit” the size of Gromash.

Then Gromash spoke again: “I brought a lot of gifts to Princess Shirahoshi, let’s go and see??”

“Hahahaha, okay, come with me,” King Neptune said with a laugh, and then didn’t say anything else, and walked towards the room where the little princess Shirahoshi was with Gromash and the group.

And Joz and the others were a little embarrassed when they followed: “This is the princess’s boudoir, is it not so good for all of us to follow the past?”

Although Monet felt so, but she still said with some longing: “Although I don’t feel it should be, I really want to see the legendary mermaid princess, that will only appear in the story.”

Even the granulated sugar raised his little hand and said, “I want to see granulated sugar too!!”

Hokkubak also smiled and said, “Which screaming screaming, me too, after all, the mermaid princess has always been a role in the story in my impression, but I didn’t expect to see it with my own eyes. ”

At this time, Monet said in a very cold tone: “Mr. Ship Doctor, I think you’d better leave here now. It always feels that your Royal Highness is a humiliation to be seen by you.”

Dianguak’s face also stiffened, and he said with a trembling M, “Monet, can you stop doing this to me??”

While the group of them was talking about this, Princess Otohime, the petite princess, also smiled and swam to them and said, “Don’t be restrained, let’s take a look. If Shirahoshi knew that so many people liked her. I will definitely be very happy too.”

Under the leadership of King Neptune, Gromash soon came to a huge room. Then, as soon as he entered, Gromash saw a little baby lying on the bed and sleeping, I have to say that this is the world’s first in the future. The foundation of beautiful women is good.

Even if he is still a baby, he is already very cute.King Neptune did not say anything, but gave a position to Gromash sideways.Gromash was not polite. He walked to the bed a few steps and put himself in front of the bed. The’rabbit’ plush toy she brought was placed on the head of the bed, and then she looked at Princess Shirahoshi.

At this time Princess Shirahoshi was already very big. She was a baby but half the size of Gromash. She was indeed a child of the Neptune family, all of them were giant mermaids.

Shirahoshi seemed to feel that someone was beside him. Shirahoshi, who was sleeping, suddenly rubbed his eyes, and then woke up.

A pair of big watery eyes saw Gromash’s appearance as soon as they opened, but Shirahoshi didn’t seem to be scared. Instead, he smiled happily, reaching out as if he wanted to grab Gromash.

“Jiehahahaha, what a lovely kid!!” Gromash said with a big laugh. small

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