I Am Hellscream

Chapter 158

Chapter 158 Actually I am a policeman!?

Gromash heard Doflamingo’s question and said strangely: “Why?? Is there any gas leak in that island??”

Doflamingo was also taken aback when he heard the words, and then said, “Well, that’s probably the case.”

Gromash is even more puzzled. If he remembers correctly, the Punk Hazard incident happened many years later. Why did this incident happen?

So he wondered if he had made a mistake, and asked again: “What kind of gas leak from Guy Sa-Courant caused the island to be severely corroded. Finally, the chief of the Marine Science Unit-Vegapunk Did the doctor come out to take care of the situation??”

Doflamingo also looked at Gromash with a weird look and said, “You really know everything. There is very little news about this incident, and no one even knows that it is Guy Sa, the mistake made by the guy Kulang. , Most people think that Dr. Vegapunk made the fault, even if it is me, I only know the truth of this matter.”

Gromash was a little surprised that this incident happened. If he remembers correctly, this incident should have been done two years before the Battle of the Top. How can this point be figured out now?? And the process and results are complete. it’s the same

While Gromash was thinking about the news, Doflamingo was also thinking about Gromash.

After the two were silent for a while, Doflamingo took the lead and asked: “Yes, it is said that you were a member of the World government before you became a “bad party” -??”

Gromash didn’t understand what Doflamingo was thinking, but this was not a secret, and he didn’t have to hide anything about it, so Gromash also nodded very happily and said, “Yes, I thought Laozi was me at the time. He is also a young man who upholds justice and peace in his heart. In short, he joined the World government inexplicably.

Here, became one of their CP-5 members, and later, you should be clear. ”

Doflamingo touched his chin, looked at Gromash and said, “I said.. You are not from the World government?? I always feel that something is wrong with you.”

Gromash was also stunned when he heard Doflamingo’s very abrupt words, and then he laughed and said, “Jiehahahahaha, it’s the first time I was really suspected of this. What’s wrong? How do you think Am I from the World government??”

Doflamingo was silent for a moment, as if thinking of something, then smiled and said, “It seems that I really think too much. The reason why you are wrong is because you know too much. I used to be Celestial Dragons. This incident is already very secretive news. Few people in this sea know about it. Except you, I am afraid.

Only the high-level officials of the World government know. Secondly, you know the news about Punk Hazard too quickly, and even the secrets in it are clear. How can you not make people doubt? The identity of Queen Stussy is clear, and I will inevitably think of something bad just now.”

“Jiehahahaha, what bad things do you think of? 々”?” Gromash asked with a big smile after hearing Doflamingo’s words.

“Fufurfurfurfurfur, I just thought of it, you don’t want to borrow my hand to help you get rid of your CP-0 competitor, Queen Stussy or something” Doflamingo’s mouth has a touch of unclear meaning With a smile, he said softly.

Gromash also touched his chin, then after thinking about it, he said, “If you think about it carefully, it seems like this is a possibility.”

“Well, in fact, if Marine and World government really want to put something’undercover’ in our pirate forces, your suspicion is still quite big. The World government did the right thing, but in the final analysis, it neither ransacked the country nor looted the town. Instead, it often cleaned up some of its peers and added

Your experience is indeed legendary. After all, he is the first person to run out of Impel down-Imperton. Who knows if you are acting together with the World government??” Doflamingo also smiled and continued. .

Gromash hadn’t really thought about this before. Now when he thinks about it, if he doesn’t know what is going on, he really feels as if he is the’undercover’ of the World government.

“Sorry, I’m actually a policeman??” Gromash whispered softly, and then laughed and said, “Jiehahahahaha, so what makes you think you think too much??”

“Furafurfurfurfur, I was just thinking that even if the World government is crazy, it shouldn’t arrange for an individual to join forces with Roger to start this chaotic era of great pirates. In fact, think about it further, you are There are still a lot of loopholes in the idea of’undercover'” Doflamingo laughed and laughed at himself.

“Jiehahahaha, it’s really interesting inference. I’m a little skeptical about what I said. Well, let’s not say these ridicules. What happened to Guy Sa-Courant??” Gromash asked again.

At the same time, he did not worry about why the Punk Hazard incident happened so early and so similar. There is a saying that the bureaucratic system handles the problem with the same result at all times.

There is no doubt that World government is a huge bureaucratic system, so for various unknown reasons, it is not impossible to handle the Punk Hazard incident so similarly. As for why the time is advanced?? Then the ghost knows, Maybe it was because I was affected by myself, but it could be that Guy Sa-Courant caught a cold and his hands were shaking.

What about it?

Doflamingo didn’t think about whether Gromash was the “ace spy” in the world government. He smiled and said, “Guy Sa-Courant, although this guy… well, some, well, in short Although he has various flaws, he himself does have certain talents, and he has a great flicker in scientific research.

Point of light, and this guy doesn’t have any moral bottom line or behavior bottom line. He is an out-and-out evil person. Doesn’t it sound appropriate??”

Gromash nodded after hearing Doflamingo’s words and said, “Yes, if you think about it carefully, this guy is really suitable for being a bastard…”

“Furafurfurfurfur, yes, this is also a candidate I recommend to you. Compared with Vinsmoke-Judge, this Guy sprinkle should be easier for you to control, or in other words, you can use it more smoothly. “Doflamingo smiled and said.

“It’s true, then what about you??” Gromash asked after taking a look at Doflamingo.

He doesn’t believe that Doflamingo has nothing to do with Guy. Guy doesn’t even pretend to, if that’s the case, then there is a ghost.

Doflamingo also did not hide his thoughts at all, and said with a smile: “Furafur, I also have some demands for this guy. He has an unfinished technology in his hands. This technology may take several years to develop. Perfect, I hope that after he completes this technology, he can transfer it to me”

“Why don’t you just tie him here??” Gromash asked strangely after hearing Doflamingo’s words.

As for the technology that Doflamingo said, Gromash can think of it with his feet. It must be something about the artificial Zoan Devil Fruit. For this technology, Gromash is honest, it really doesn’t seem to be very attractive. What kind of rubbish?? One by one is no different from the forcibly pieced together rubbish.

Listen, Gromash thinks that this thing is not as valuable as Hogback’s’human body modification surgery’. After all, no matter how you look at it, Hogback’s surgery still has the possibility of digging deeper, especially when he has Mastered Op. -After Op Fruit.

Op-Op Fruit can be used for transformation, and it is a permanent transformation. There will be no accidents caused by the capable person. If the person loses his ability, the person who has been operated on by him will return to the original state. Otherwise, the original rescued Isn’t the living person tied to a rope with the capable person??

This guy Hogback is both a master of human body modification surgery and an Op-Op Fruit. Although he looks a little ugly and has the potential for pervert, it is undeniable that he is really a genius. After he stabilizes, Give him a period of time and study it carefully. The result may not be worse than the artificial Zoan fruit. More importantly,

, This way is more convenient and faster

No matter how you think, Gromash is more willing to invest in this kind of thing, so about the artificial Zoan Devil Fruit, Gromash really doesn’t have much idea. It doesn’t matter if the technology is handed over to Doflamingo, let him play tricks, sell it to Kaido or something.

“. Furfurfurfurfur, in fact, if your uncle Gromash doesn’t come to me, I am really going to go and find this Guy Sa-Courant by myself, but to be honest, I have no knowledge of the rest of the skills in his hands. What is too much interest, I personally don’t really admire “science,” so I will treat it as a’gift’ to you Gromash.

It’s okay, isn’t it?? In this way, it can deepen the already very close cooperative relationship between us. For me, the relationship with you is more friendly, and it is much more important than the Master as a scientist.” Doflamingo smiled and took a sip from the wine glass and spoke very casually.

“Really?? Then I will take it seriously.. As for the technique you said, I can call the shots. If I catch that (get) Guy Sa-Courant, wait for his research to find out. After the results are achieved, this technology will be handed over to you, you can do whatever you like.” Gromash did not doubt Doflamingo, because there is no need for it.

Doflamingo raised his glass and touched Gromash. Both of them drank a sip of the wine with satisfaction. Then Doflamingo spoke again and said: “Yes, there is something about you, I almost forgot, not long ago you The battle with Kaido is naturally unavoidable. Many people are very interested in you. I heard that in New World,

The old and ugly woman Charlotte- Linlin that you mentioned just now seems to be very optimistic about you. The members of the bigmom pirate group who are looking for you have already begun to act, and I don’t know what they are going to do, furfurfurfur, Maybe that old woman wants you to help her have a baby or something”

Gromash got a chill after hearing the news that Doflamingo told him, and then he didn’t hesitate to say: “If it’s a beautiful woman, Laozi will endure it, she doesn’t know how bad it is. The goods are also worthy of me. Uncle Gromash condescends?? As long as she dares to mention, Laozi dares to slap her face, and then give her a few

Her favorite big mouth. ”

Doflamingo laughed and said, “Fufurfurfurfurfur, can you be a beautiful woman?? Hey, hey, your uncle Gromash is really too erotic, right??”

“Jiehahahaha, what a man is!” Gromash said with a smile indifferently. ,

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