I Am Hellscream

Chapter 157

Chapter 157 Deepen the relationship with each other.

Doflamingo was silent for a while, and then said: “Indeed, the Vinsmoke family Master has a strong scientific force. They can mass produce qualified soldiers, and they can use what kind of’blood factor’ to create “Superman”. Many weird technological equipment”

“Yeah, so you know the Vinsmoke family well, why? Could it be that you are also interested in their scientific power??” Gromash asked with a laugh.

Doflamingo nodded without hesitation, and said, “I really saw the scientific power of the Kingdom of Djerma. I am also very Guy coveted for their war house, but unfortunately, I can’t help you this time. Gromash uncle.”

Gromash was stunned for a moment, and then he said, “Why?? Are you planning to do something against them?? Are you afraid that I will steal your trophy??”

In the original story, did Doflamingo have an unknown relationship with the Kingdom of Djerma that was’unspeakable’? Gromash didn’t know, maybe his arrival changed something, and Doflamingo found some kind of opportunity to deal with It’s not impossible to see the Kingdom of Derma, so Gromash asked.

But Doflamingo smiled helplessly, and then shook his head and said, “Well, I really want to deal with them. After all, who doesn’t covet the’treasure’ they hold?? Although I am a person in the dark world, But how can I say it is a pirate “One Zero Zero”, facing the treasure, of course the pirate can’t sit still, right?? But their strength is not

It is not weak, on the contrary, it is very strong, so even if you want to deal with them, you need a certain plan and opportunity. I haven’t found this opportunity yet. ,

After hearing what Doflamingo said, Gromash smacked his lips and said, “Spray, what do you mean??”

“Yes, the so-called “one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers” North Blue can only have the strongest”. Our Don Jihede family has a deep foundation in North Blue. To put it a little bit more presumptuously, I, Doflamingo, is the overlord of North Blue, isn’t it?? But unfortunately, The water of North Blue is very deep, and the Kingdom of Djerma is also not friendly. They also have an inexplicable obsession and desire for North Blue.

Forces like us, competing for these limited resources in the same sea area, are all “apostles” in the dark world. What do you think will be the relationship between us? That’s right, the hostile relationship of the Djerma Kingdom Vinsmoke. Judge is very defensive of our Donquixote Family, so if you come to me to find out their whereabouts…you really found the wrong person,

Why don’t you go to Happy Street and ask hello??” Doflamingo said after Tanshou.

Gromash also leaned against the back of the seat a little speechlessly, and then said, “Really?? That’s really the wrong person, but Happy Street is not a good place.

Gromash said here and looked at Doflamingo.Although this guy is not the same as himself, he has helped him a few times. Was it for the purpose of wooing him or something else, but in the end, it can be regarded as benefiting him Gromash, isn’t it??

It’s good to sell him, and to deepen the relationship with each other.

In addition, he just broke his’deal’ on Mignon Island not long ago. Although he did not have his own chaos, he still can’t get Op-Op Fruit at Doflamingo, but at least the cadres will not be taken away. It’s a bit sorry to come here, Mr. Doflamingo, the “enthusiastic citizen”.

So Gromash also thought for a while and said to Doflamingo: “I advise you to avoid entanglement with the people on Happy Street. That Stussy Queen is not a good thing.”

Doflamingo was also taken aback for a while, and then a smile hung from the corner of his mouth, and he said, “Fufurfurfurfur, I am really flattered. Your uncle Gromash will also take care of me?? Isn’t it you who fell in love with that Stussy? Queen, are you afraid that I will snatch it from you?”

“Jiehahahaha, Doflamingo, first of all, I have to admit that the little girl from Stussy is indeed very beautiful, good in figure, high in appearance, and very respected. It is inevitable that a man will not want to press this’queen’ under him and conquer it again. , But like pufferfish, some things are delicious, but they are poisonous. Let me tell you a piece of news.

Why did you really suffer from that Xiao Niangpi? “Gromash said with a laugh.

And Doflamingo seems to be very interested, after all, this Gromash has always been incomprehensible, and he can always give him new shocks in weird places, and the intelligence methods make him feel a headache. This time he might really be able to. What useful information do you get from him?

I saw Doflamingo leaned forward slightly, took a drink from his glass, and said with a smile, “Please speak”

“That Stussy has a very close relationship with the bigm om pirates.” Gromash said softly.

Doflamingo nodded and said, “Yes, I still know this. The Charlotte family tea party will invite her every time.. But if you want to tell me this news, it would be too weak. Your name, Grandpa Gromash. Head off??”

“Of course not. This is just an appetizer. Stussy is not only a person from the dark world. At the same time, her other identity is the strongest CIPHER-POL under the World government, and is called the Shield of Celestial Dragons-the top of CP-0. The news of the agent is not weak on my name, right??” Gromash said with a smile.

Doflamingo was also stunned after hearing what Gromash said. After a while, he recovered and said in disbelief, “That Stussy is from the government??”

“That’s right.” Gromash smiled, and then he continued: “As far as I know, many years ago, there was a person called the Virgin Mary.”

“Sister Carmelite…” Doflamingo quickly connected to the subject.

“Yes, Sister Carmelo, she prevented the execution of the Giant Soldier Pirates, and indirectly prevented the huge rift between the world’s largest power and the World government. She’s fighting power was guided into Marine.. On the surface, she is really like a Virgin, but in fact it’s not. It’s all appearances.

Now, her true identity is a dirty human trafficker. Gromash smiled, with a trace of contempt at the corner of his mouth, and said.

Doflamingo looked at Gromash with a strange expression. After all, he was considered a’human trafficker’, but he didn’t say much, and because of Gromash, he had already cancelled the capture of murlocs and mermaids.

Then Gromash continued: “Why is Stussy closely related to that fat and ugly old woman Charlotte- Linlin?? Because they were both’goods’ under Sister Carmelite when they were young, Sister Carmelite constricted Goods from all over the world will be sold to major forces, including the World government.

Not surprisingly, there will be no bigm om pirates on the sea now. On the contrary, there may be an Admiral or Marshal named’Charlotte- Linlin’ in Marine, or she will become the strongest of Celestial Dragons. Shield, well, after that, Sister Carmelo had an accident, which changed the way Charlotte- Linlin should have taken, but in

Before Sister Carmelo’s accident, Stussy had been sold to the World government according to the original “arrangement” and gradually cultivated into what is now the’Queen of the Pleasure District’.”

Doflamingo fell silent after listening to Gromash’s narration, while Gromash took a sip of wine and moistened his throat, and said again: “Of course, the above stories are all my speculations. Only the close and friendly cooperative relationship will tell you, I just say that, you just listen to it

, As for whether you are willing to believe it, it has nothing to do with me 0.”

Doflamingo then said, “No, of course I would like to believe that, after all, compared to that Stussy, you are my close and friendly partner, aren’t you?? Thank you very much, Master Gromash, I will be more wary of Happy Street. Some…”

Doflamingo is a man with a lot of secrets, and his relationship with the World government and Celestial Dragons is entangled, so he is very afraid of his intelligence being mastered, especially by the World government, so that Gromash is a kind reminder to him It is indeed very useful and important.

“Jie ha ha ha ha, don’t you need to be so polite, after all, I just disturbed your transaction not long ago. Although I don’t know what the transaction is, it seems to be very important to you, plus you also helped me this time. Even if it’s the return of courtesy between us, after all, my Gromash can’t always eat yours and drink yours?? That’s a bit too cheap

what. “Gromash said pretentiously.

“Furfurfurfur, indeed, I was too polite.” Doflamingo seemed to feel better after hearing what Gromash said. Perhaps for him, he had invested so much in Gromash. At last he saw the reason for the return?? Or maybe he thinks he has gained a little friendship and trust from Gromash

Isn’t it necessarily?

Afterwards, it seemed to strengthen the “friendship” between him and Gromash. Doflamingo also thought about it and said again: “So as a partner, although I can’t help you in finding the Vinsmoke family, it is talented. Scientists are more than Vinsmoke-Judge. Maybe there is someone you are interested in. ”

Gromash picked up his eyebrows when he heard that, and then looked at Doflamingo and said, “Are you trying to talk about Dr. Vegapunk?? What? You have a way to let me grab him??”

Doflamingo gave Gromash a rare glimpse, and then he said: “Don’t be kidding, Dr. Vegapunk is in the “first priority” in the world government’s confidentiality and defense sequence. The general Celestial Dragons do not have his. “Level” is high. If you want to tie two Celestial Dragons, I might be able to help you tie up Dr. Vegapunk??

just forget it ”

“That’s really a pity, by the way, you said that if I want to tie Celestial Dragons, you can help me??” 3.8 Gromash asked suddenly.

And Doflamingo was also taken aback for a while, almost before removing all his glasses and rubbing his eyes, only to see him open his mouth and say, “Why?? What are you Gromash Uncle Gromash planning to go crazy??”

“Ahem, what? Didn’t I want to get the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea?? According to the normal procedure, do you think they might consider me?? They can’t kill me?? So I can only take the initiative Point, I proposed to myself. I plan to invite three or two Celestial Dragons to my house to see if I can convince the World government or something through this matter.

Romash spoke embarrassedly.

“Fufurfurfurfur, really creative ideas, well, if you really need to get to this point, I can really help you, such as… news of Celestial Dragons’ tour , If you need it, you can contact me. I would also like to see the scene where the Celestial Dragons go to your house as guests, furfurfurfur

Furfur. “Doflamingo also didn’t think it was too much to watch the excitement, so he accepted Gromash’s proposal without hesitation.

Then Doflamingo said again: “Well, about Celestial Dragons, let’s talk about it later, in fact, what I want to talk about is a scientist named’Guy Sa-Courang’. Is there news about an island called “Punk Hazard”??”,

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