I Am Hellscream

Chapter 135

Chapter 135 Destroy this world?

After Gromash finished talking, Joz smacked his lips and said, “Squirting, really or not? The Pirate can also become the king of the franchise of the World government?? Do you have this plan?? For example, replacing Neptune Wang, become the king of The fish men island or something??”

Gromash smiled and shook his head and said, “Fine His Majesty Puton and Princess Otohime treat me not badly. Although I am a wicked party, Gromash is also a kind person, okay?? Besides, I am a king or something

No interest at all. ”

Then Cromwell also followed up and said:” “Let’s not talk about the king, the boss of Gromash, since this plan is to be implemented by the World government, do you think that based on our crimes and our relationship with them, people World The government will let you become Seven Warlords of the Sea?? Are you afraid that you are not dreaming?? Naval Headquarters people if they have a chance, early

I want to kill you. ”

After hearing Cromwell’s words, Joz laughed and said, “Yes, don’t dream, the World government won’t let you become a legal pirate like Seven Warlords of the Sea, unless Their brains are broken, our threat is too high.”

On the contrary, Gromash spoke indifferently and said, “Of course you must have a dream to be a pirate, otherwise it is different from salted fish. Besides, whoever tells you that they don’t want me to be a pirate, I can’t be a pirate. By the way?? The so-called Seven Warlords of the Sea does not mean that you have to get their approval to be a

The world government or something, forcing them to give me a position of Seven Warlords of the Sea is not the end?? What a big deal??”

Joz was also taken aback for a moment, and then he said: “In that way, as long as they accidentally seized the opportunity, wouldn’t it be said that you will turn your face? There is no guarantee.”

Gromash spoke disdainfully and said: “The position of Seven Warlords of the Sea is not guaranteed. Strength is the root. Even if they are actively recruited by them, as long as they have the opportunity, the World government and Naval Headquarters will definitely kill. Theirs, so it doesn’t matter at all, okay?? Just don’t give them a chance.”

Joz and Cromwell are right. With Gromash’s current crimes, he wants to let the World government take the initiative to recruit him to become Seven Warlords of the Sea. It is completely impossible. Let’s not say whether he will sing with Roger. The opening of the era of the great pirates and so on, let alone whether he has repeatedly attacked the Naval Headquarters warships or something, these are non-fundamental

The problem, the real reason is that he has great hostility towards the World government and Celestial Dragons, and he has really attacked Celestial Dragons.

As a World government dominated by Celestial Dragons, how can it be possible to let Gromash become Seven Warlords of the Sea casually?

However, what Gromash said is correct.To say that he is hostile to Celestial Dragons and the World government, his Doflamingo hates those guys more than his Gromash, and Doflamingo still holds the secrets of Celestial Dragons in his hands, and he walks on it. After the dark road, Celestial Dragons and World government have long wanted to kill him Doflamingo, but how

Doflamingo is equally cunning. Not only does he plant a spy in the Marine, but he also plows deeply into the dark world. There is no good way for the World government and Celestial Dragons to take him.

Later, after the Seven Warlords of the Sea plan was launched, Doflamingo was not in the consideration of World government, Celestial Dragons, and Naval Headquarters at all, but he still got this position. What is it relying on?? Isn’t it a first-hand threat? ?

In Gromash’s view, Doflamingo may be true, just like the rumors later, hijacking the symbolic and very significant heavenly gold to threaten the World government to make them compromise, and give him the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea. It may be the secret of the so-called Celestial Dragons that threatened the World government to obtain this position.

In any case, Doflamingo did use threats to force the World government to give him the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea, and he really sat in this position for more than ten years, and he even got into a franchise country under the World government. As the king, you can go to the Holy Land in a big way-Mariejois participates in the shit World Summit, it can be said to be whole

Among the Seven Warlords of the Sea forces, Doflamingo, the guy who got his status by threats, is the most popular.

Since Doflamingo can get this position by threatening the World government, think about it from another angle, why can’t his Gromash work?? He is also a pirate, and he is also hostile to the World government and Celestial Dragons, but As long as the means are right, it’s not completely impossible, is it?

After listening to Gromash’s words, Cromwell also opened his mouth and said: “Then, what means are your Uncle Gromash going to use to threaten the World government?? In my opinion, this threat must be very powerful. And you have to completely exceed your own threat level, otherwise, it will not be called a threat.”

Cromwell is right. The method that Gromash will use is definitely not like Doflamingo. Hijacking any heavenly gold can become Seven Warlords of the Sea. Maybe the World government really gritted its teeth and stomped its feet. I slapped myself twice, so I don’t want to be gold on this day, and I would probably not agree to let him Gromash become Seven Warlords of the Sea.

I saw a brutal smile on Gromash’s mouth and said: “My uncle came from the secret organization CP-5. He has secrets about the world in his hand. I want as many as I want.”

“Your CP-5 is really the most powerful institution in the world. You are almost going to heaven in it if you run an errand.” Cromwell said again.

However, Gromash didn’t care about his complaints, and then said: “There are many ways, the most rude, let’s find the opportunity to go to the holy land-Mariejois grabs a few Celestial Dragons and threatens it as a meat ticket. I guess it is possible, but this The method is a bit rough. In case the World government is cruel, we will lose the game, so this is just the

One, two, resurrecting Ancient Weapon-Pluton-Pluton to threaten the World government is also a method, but this method is too cumbersome, so it can only be used as an alternative, the third one, it fits me very well. If they don’t agree, we will destroy the entire New World.”

After hearing Gromash’s words, Joz was also very surprised and said: “Destroy the entire New World?? What do you mean??? This can also be done???”

Even Cromwell looked at Gromash very seriously and wanted to hear his explanation, while Gromash said very cruelly: “Literally, it means to combine the entire New World with the Pirates, Marine, and the World government. All the living things such as franchise countries, non-participation countries, caravans, adventurers, etc. will be destroyed!!”

Cromwell swallowed when he heard the words, and then said in disbelief, “Boss, are you crazy? Just want to deal with that Whitebeard is not that simple, where did you get it from? With such a strong self-confidence, I think we can destroy the entire New World??”

Gromash smiled confidently and said, “So, I know a lot about the secrets of this world. Knowledge is power. Who said that if you want to destroy the entire New World, I have to let me clean up one by one? ?You may have heard a rumor that EedPoint exists in New World…

The moment Joz heard Gromash, his eyes widened, and he said, “Isn’t it?? Isn’t that legend lying?? How could such a thing really exist?? ”

Cromwell had never heard of it. He asked curiously: “What what? What is that EedPoint?”

Gromash hasn’t spoken this time, Joz has already explained: “Legendly, there are three islands in New World, connecting three huge lava lakes on the bottom of the entire New World sea area, and once these three islands are destroyed , Or someone inspired a lava lake from the bottom of the sea, then the ground movement of the entire New World will be completely activated, unprecedented in history

The example of the lava lake will erupt and burn the entire New World, and everyone who exists in the New World will die…”

Cromwell also swallowed a little hard, and then said, “Which three are the three islands??”

“I don’t know, this incident is just a rumor. It has been circulating for countless years. No one knows which three islands are, and no one sees this as a real thing to look for,” Joz said. , While looking at Gromash.

And Gromash also smiled and said: “The rumors are really true. The three islands called EedPoint are Fas Island, Saiken Island, and End Island. As Joz said, once These three islands were destroyed, and the entire New World will follow. This incident was originally a secret in the hands of the World government, but I don’t know why.

It was spread out. In order to avoid this unprecedented catastrophe, the World government very thoughtfully mobilized a large number of fishing boats to cover up this secret as one of the countless rumors on the sea, and remove those in the World government. Apart from the people in high positions, I am afraid that even Whitebeard, Roger and others do not know this secret.

Competition Pirates always have certain limitations. ”

Joz and Cromwell didn’t doubt whether Gromash’s words were fooling people. Unless Gromash had a brain problem, they would lie to them and make jokes about this kind of thing. Joz asked: “In other words, Your threat is that if the World government does not give you the name of Seven Warlords of the Sea, you will have to pass the Eed of New World 0.4

Point, destroy the entire New World???

“Jiehahahahaha, yes, even I don’t need to destroy the three islands much. As long as I dive into the bottom of the sea and stir the lava lake, it can be just right. I can dive into the deep sea and move freely without fear at all. What fire,” Gromash said with a big laugh.

And Joz said with some fear: “Boss, you don’t really have this idea of ​​destroying the world??’

“Once New World is completely destroyed, the waves it brings cannot be completely confined to New World. It is said that it will only destroy New World, but there is no precedent for this kind of thing. Who knows if the whole world will be destroyed? Ah??” Cromwell also said worriedly.

“Hey, I’m not really crazy, what do you do to destroy the world?? This is just a threat, but even if the World government and Marines think that I can’t really do this kind of action, but you think they really Do you dare to take this kind of thing to bet with me? ?? Big deal, I will blow up two EedPoints first, let them relax and see when the time comes

They are also willing to continue betting. “Gromash said nonchalantly with terrible things.

Joz and Cromwell both looked at Gromash with unexplained eyes and said, “You are really a lunatic.”

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