I Am Hellscream

Chapter 134

Chapter 134 I’m on the Seven Warlords of the Sea?

In the clear sky, there is a small island with colorful balloons floating in the wind like a cloud, but if you look closely, you can still see that this cloud seems to have a different trajectory with other clouds. Same.

That’s right, this small island is the Visalia Island with the name of the small Sky Island, but the flag currently hanging on this island has become a Haki wolf head, which is the flag of the Frostwolf Pirates .

It has been more than half a month since Visalia Island was occupied by the Frostwolf Pirates led by Gromash. At this time, Gromash was basking on the island.

Just when Gromash was about to roll over, Joz came over with a smile, and said, “Boss Gromash, the Artemis has been modified to become a hot airship that can go to the sky. The boat.”

When they left before, it was naturally impossible to abandon their ship, so under the research of those old scholars, they quickly installed some auxiliary equipment on the Artemis and forced it. It was brought to Visalia Island, and then the old scholars began to transform the ship.

Gromash also smiled and said, “Really? Then we won’t have to ride in that crowded airship from now on, it’s pretty good.”

Then Joz asked: “What are we going to do now?? We came to New World for two purposes: Liwei and the other is to find this Visalia Island. Now these two goals can be basically achieved. Well, although you did not catch Kaido as expected, but after all, you have become the first place in the list of the most brutal pirates, haha

Ha ha. ”

“Mom, I’m angry when I mention this. It’s obviously the bastard Doctor Pervert who dismembered the person. Why should it be counted on my head? Morgans, the birdman, don’t let me run into it. He, otherwise I would really roast him!” Gromash complained very unhappy.

“After all, you twisted people’s heads off, and before leaving, you let out so many cruel words,” Joz said in a funny way, and then he looked at Gromash’s face very uncomfortable, so he changed it. Topic, continue to speak: “Is Kaido really not planning to have this Jack?? There is no sign at all?? I don’t see

If you throw this Jack to Marine or just kill it??”

Gromash also followed Joz’s topic and said: “Don’t worry, as far as I know, Jack is very trusted and’loved’ by Kaido. Kaido shouldn’t give up on him. He will come to us sooner or later. Wait and see, if nothing happens in the end, throw this useless Jack to Naval Headquarters-Marinford or from the sky

It’s also nice to throw it to the so-called holy place-Mariejois??”

After the two chatted for a few words, Joz asked again: “So, back to the original question, our two established goals have been achieved, and you have no plans to establish your own territory in New World for the time being, then What are we going to do next??”

“Go to Sky Island first, use Visalia Island as a transit station, link the Angel Island in the first half of the Grand Line with The fish men island in the deep sea, and then gradually expand to the rest of Sky Island, and we will also To have a stronghold on the sea, isn’t Lu Qi always obsessed with Demon Valley Town on Gaya Island??

For our turf, in this way, the prototype of the sea, land and air connection plan came out. The New World water is too muddy. At present, our strength can be rampant, but the forces can’t keep up with our footsteps, so next we We are going to work hard to make money. After all, money can make ghosts push, how can we build our own power and recruit to sell our lives without money?

My little brother??” Gromash took a cigar from his waist, bit it in his mouth and ignited it, and spit out a puff of smoke.

“You mean, put our basic disk in the first half of the Grand Line in a short time?? Then slowly accumulate strength to penetrate the New World??” Joz asked after thinking about it.

“Well, let’s make money. Where is the convenience? Compared with New World, the water in the first half of the Grand Line is much clearer, and it is easier to control a lot. There are also things I want in the City of Seven Waters, but those are slow. Slow down, but luckily we have a lot of time.” Gromash smiled and said.

“But the first half of the Grand Line is also a bit inconvenient. The water in New World is very muddy, but there are also advantages there. At least in New World, Marine’s power is very weak. Don’t worry about their nosy fellows. Come to disturb our plan, but in the first half of the Grand Line, Marine is still very strong in the Master of this sea area.

Yes, there are a large number of warship islands and stations on various routes. If we make any movement there, it will inevitably attract Marine’s attention??” After thinking about it, Joz said again. .

Gromash said with a smile: “From a recent period of time, the Marines seem to have taken measures to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to us, completely ignoring our existence. Originally, I thought they were trying to play with something behind their backs. The conspiracy of the countertop, but I also want to understand now, maybe the Marines just lend me this “knife” again

That’s all, so I guess, in a short time, as long as we don’t make too much movement, the Marines will not specifically target me. ”

Gromash paused here, and then said with some emotion again: “And now it’s time for me to accumulate power, and I can’t always go out and do things like before, so if there is nothing necessary, I will not take the initiative. Provoking Marine, in this way, the possibility of both sides treating each other as invisible and passing a period of time is still very high

big. ”

Joz thought for a while, and felt that Gromash’s words seemed to make some sense, but he hadn’t spoken yet. Cromwell, who had been sitting next to him, said, “But boss, we can’t always take this. This hope is pinned on Marine?? Who knows when they might turn their faces??”

“Jiehahahaha, Cromwell, what is the date of the month??” Gromash did not answer this question, but instead asked a question.

Cromwell took out his pocket watch to check the time and said, “Sea Circle Calendar-February 16, 1504, what’s wrong?? Did you celebrate your birthday??”

“Birthday?? I have forgotten. To be precise, I don’t know when I was born. After all, from the beginning, there were no impressions of elders, family, etc. in my memory, and naturally there was no way to get it. Don’t say these things if you know what your birthday is.

A very interesting plan has been prepared, and this plan is very beneficial to us, especially when we are about to accumulate strength, it can even make us evil pirates put on a legal coat. Gromash said with a smile on his lips (ciae).

“Isn’t it? There will be such a good thing about pie in the sky??” Joz said with some disbelief.

“The pirates can also be legalized?? Too exaggerated??” Cromwell also said in disbelief.

Gromash took a deep sip of cigar again, spit out a puff of smoke, and said, “What’s the exaggeration?? The times are changing, and the world government should also use various strategies in time to deal with this surging new era, Pirates Legalization is just one of the small things. At the beginning, they firmly believed that the Ancient Weapon, which could destroy the world, should be completely destroyed.

The possibility of resurrection is correct, so… Ohara’s tragedy was born, but now these people should have regretted it??”

After hearing Gromash’s words, Joz also said with some emotion: “Yeah, the times are changing. By the way, the boss, what is the name of this plan? Where did you know it?”

Gromash smiled mysteriously, then once again raised the banner that he used to run the dragon set in CP-5, opened his mouth and started to talk nonsense: “I think, Laozi, I also helped the World government. Laozi from the sedan chair..”

“Hey, hey, okay, you have been blowing it for several years, there is no need to continue blowing, right?? We all know that the CP-5 eight-carriage sedan brought you back to Grandpa Gromash, right? ?? But if you run errands for CP-5 for a period of time, you can come into contact with so many secrets. You are afraid that you have become the supreme officer of CP-5??” Cranway

Er and Joz unceremoniously interrupted Gromash’s bragging path of “remembering the past.”

However, they did not continue to ask where the news of Gromash came from. After all, everyone has their own secrets, right? Gromash doesn’t hurt them, it doesn’t matter where the news comes from?

Gromash was abruptly interrupted by the two of his bragging roads, and he continued with a little embarrassment: “Forget it, anyway, there is such a plan. If nothing else, it’s called “Seven Warlords of the Sea”. The plan. This plan was launched by the World government in response to more and more pirates and this turbulent era.

Look for seven powerful pirates with fame, status, and strength enough to deter the sea, and give them all the rights to legal plunder, crime, and so on. You can even become the king of a member country under the World government as a pirate. You can do it, don’t let people get a handle on it, how about it? Great?”

That’s right, Gromash finally focused on the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea. He thought about it, but still feels that it is not very reliable to compete for the name of Four Emperors in New World at this stage. It was relatively late. Compared with the “old predecessors” such as Whitebeard, Edward Newgate, bigmom. Charlotte- Linlin, Beast-Kaido, he started late.

It has been ten years or even twenty or thirty years, so in terms of background, there is no way to compare with them who have divided most of New World’s territory. Since then, he won the name of Four Emperors.

So even if Gromash is confident that he is not weaker than bigmom or Kaido at all, he still has a gap with these people in other aspects. He didn’t plan to continue to fight for the name, the so-called first laugh may not be able to laugh to the end, Gromash has

They were prepared to laugh first, and it wouldn’t matter if they laughed for a while later.

However, the name of First Generation Four Emperors can be omitted, but taking a step back, the name of First Generation Seven Warlords of the Sea is very much in line with Gromash’s plan for the next stage, once he can be put on a “legal” coat , Then he can roll his power like a snowball in a short time. After all, he is ready to “connect the three realms”, and once he

His power has reached his expectations, so whether or not the so-called Seven Warlords of the Sea is called depends on his mood. Even if the time is right, it is okay to compete for the name of Four Emperors again.

What’s more, from the most neutral point of view, the two forces of Seven Warlords of the Sea and Naval Headquarters and New World Four Emperors are nominally equal, and will be called one of the three forces that balance the sea in the future. In fact, the name is not weaker than New World Four Emperors, but compared to New World Four Emperors and Naval Headquarters, Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The dragons are mixed, the strong can be strong, and the weak can become scum. Therefore, it will gradually give people a feeling that Seven Warlords of the Sea is inferior to New World Four Emperors.

After all, New World Four Emperors are truly powerful that have gone through countless tests of iron and blood, and have been established in the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain!

However, Gromash thinks that once he becomes Seven Warlords of the Sea, then the gold content of the entire Seven Warlords of the Sea may be increased by him. It is not impossible to become one of the real’three major forces’, think about it. It seems quite challenging and a sense of accomplishment???.

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