I Am Hellscream

Chapter 099

In the harbor of the capital of seven waters, a large three-masted sailing ship is parked in the port, this ship is about the size of two thousand miles of sunshine, the shape is ordinary and has no characteristics, and there is no special device, even the outer wheel is not such a thing, the whole looks a bit like the middle of the sixteenth century, Spanish galleons made in Spain, full of heaviness.

And the flag of the Frost Wolf Pirates is slowly rising from the mast at this time, and yes, this ship is the ship that Gromash bought casually.

“Has the Shining settled in?” Gromash stood on the edge of the harbor and chewed on a cigar, and asked Joz beside him.

“Well, it has been parked in the rented harbor here, paid for a year’s maintenance, there will be professional shipwrights to take care of it, and when we have time, we can come and drive it away.” Joz said with some reluctance.

“Don’t be reluctant, it won’t be long before you return to Fishman Island, you can call someone to drive away.” Gromash patted Joz on the shoulder and said.

Joz also smiled, and then said: “Let’s not talk about this, what is the name of the new ship?” You are the captain, of course, you have to make a name. ”

“Well… Although it is a transitional ship, it does need a good name, it is not as good as … How about calling the Artemis?? Gromash thought for a moment and spoke.

“Artemis? Goddess of the Moon? That’s not bad. After hearing this, Joz thought about it and said in agreement.

“Then call it Artemis!” Gromash didn’t think much about it, and directly decided.

Then Joz said, “Well, then I’ll go and write the name of the ship.” ”

Joz went to find a paint bucket to write the ship’s name on the side of the ship, while Gromash said to Mihawk next to him: “Are you really going to use this to go to sea??” ”

Mihawk glanced at a small sampan moored in the harbor, the small sampan was like a vampire’s coffin, it looked very strange, but looking at Mihawk’s expression, it seemed to be very satisfied, he nodded and said: “Alone, there is nothing to bring, this small boat is just right.” ”

“Don’t just think about pretending to be forced, this ship is indeed enough, but if there is nothing, are you ready to sleep in the open air??” Also, what do you row with ?? Pretty good with two oars, right?? Shouldn’t you think you’re surfing enough that you don’t have to row? Gromash mercilessly began to spit on Mihawk.

Mihawk didn’t care at all and said, “What’s wrong with sleeping in the open air??” I am a sword master, there is a tempering of willpower, and I will not be left behind, and going to sea on this ship is good for my kendo… As for boating…”

Mihawk paused a little after saying this, then reached out and touched the twelfth work of the largest property behind him, Black Knife Night, and then said: “Using a sword to row a boat, you can also train your arm strength, which is also a practice…”

Gromash also looked at the black knife Night behind him, and then smacked his lips with some regret: “It’s a pity that such a treasure knife is hard to follow the wrong person, how many swordsmen dream of the largest property twelve, but you use it to row??” Do you still have the dignity of a swordsman?? ”

“You are not a swordsman, and you deserve to talk to me about the dignity of a swordsman? Besides, the so-called famous knife is not used for final return? Maybe in your opinion, I am ruining the famous knife, but in my opinion, I am just using it to carry out a kind of practice, since it is a practice, why is it wasted? ? Mihawk said nonchalantly.

Gromash said very cheekily: “In this way, I will go and equip you with two suitable oars, you can think of them as famous knives, and you can row and practice, maybe you guy can also open the talent of the second sword flow and go further in the way of kendo, as for this black knife Night, I will help you keep it first, you can rest assured, although I am not a swordsman, but I am also a top forging grandmaster, my tomahawk is my own creation, maintaining a sword or casually can be done.” ”

Mihawk glanced at Gromash with great disdain and said: “No need, I didn’t say that I will only use a sword, whether it is a two-knife flow or a three-knife flow, I will, your Uncle Gromash is so busy, I won’t cause you trouble, maintain the sword or something, or I’ll come by myself.” ”

“Alas, tell me about you, what are you doing so politely…” Gromash also said with some regret, and then he looked at Mihawk and said, “Two knife flow? Three-knife flow? So you bring a knife?? ”

“Who said that just one knife can’t use three blades? Even if I don’t have a knife in my hand, I can still cut out the slash, not to mention, I have two knives with me…” Mihawk said as he removed the small cross hanging from his chest, gently pumped it and said, “Na, this is the knife I used with two knives.” ”

Gromash also looked at Hawk like a fool, and then he said: “Then you mean, nail clippers are also knives?” ”

Mihawk said very forcefully: There is a knife in the heart, and everything is a knife. ”

Gromash also applauded very convincingly and said: “Great, amazing, really on pretending, or you swordsmen can pretend the most, I, the axe player, can only bow down.” ”

Mihawk was also a little embarrassed and said: “Liao liked, Liao praised.” ”

Seeing him like this, Gromash also said angrily: “Originally, I thought you were the kind of noble and cold swordsman, but I didn’t expect you to be so sullen, sure enough… Just like I thought. ”

Just as Gromash was chatting and farting with this guy Mihawk, Joz also wrote the name of the Artemis on the edge of the ship, and then a flash of thunder flashed in the sky, and then there was a crackling sound of electricity around Gromash, and then Luki this guy was already standing next to Gromash, and he said: “The ships are ready to go.” ”

Gromash also nodded and said: “I won’t stop halfway, have you already bought the permanent record pointer to the Chambord Islands??” ”

Lu Qi also nodded and said, “Well, I bought it.” ”

“That’s good, after all, if I go back to Fishman Island, I can swim back even if I don’t rub the boat, although it’s a little mentally retarded and a little tired, but you can’t, I have to take you to the Chambord Islands to get a film before I can go to Fishman Island.” Gromash said with a smile.

Then he turned his head to look at Mihawk, who was still very handsome and cold when he didn’t speak, and then said with some regret: “I can’t drink with you this meeting, it’s a pity, but I think there are more opportunities to meet in the future, drinking this kind of thing will happen sooner or later, if you have the opportunity, I hope you, me, Shanks, and Bucky can get together again and drink a lot, there is no banquet in the world, I won’t accompany you to stay in the capital of seven waters, If you need help with anything, just contact me directly, well… Although I don’t think you will need my help with anything, you will have time to sit on our Fishman Island, which will soon become a territory with Lao Tzu’s flag. ”

Mihawk also smiled and said: “Well, it won’t be long before you hear the name of my world’s number one swordsman, and after that, I will go to you.” ”

“Then I’m looking forward to it.” Gromash smiled and said.

Then the two did not say goodbye, and after nodding at Mihawk, Gromash turned and strode out of the harbor, towards the Artemis, while Luqi said very politely: “Mr. Mihawk, then we will leave first.” ”

Mihawk was optimistic about Luki and patted him on the shoulder and said, “Try hard, Gromash’s right arm, it’s not so good.” ”

“Well, but I’ll definitely be his right-handed!” Luqi also said very firmly, and then he turned into an electric light and caught up with Gromash’s figure.

And after watching the ordinary large three-masted sailing ship set sail, this guy Mihawk also had a hunch that this ordinary ship would cause a lot of not so ordinary things.

“Frost Wolf Pirates… Is it? I don’t know what kind of storms a character like you will stir up after entering the new world, hahahaha, it’s really exciting, Gromash. Mihawk said with a smile to himself, and then he did not stay in the capital of the seven waters for long, turned around and jumped on the small wooden boat that Gromash jokingly called the “coffin board”, and then he really took his largest property, the twelfth man, Black Knife Night, from behind him, not caring about his face at all, and rowed it like an oar.

That look, how weird and weird, how funny and funny, if Gromash knew that this guy Mihawk would leave today, he would have to wait for this guy Mihawk to leave to see this scene first, but unfortunately, this memorable scene was not seen by Gromash, otherwise he could laugh at this guy Mihawk for the rest of his life.

At the same time, in a certain sea area of the New World, a tall man with double horns on his head and a large wine gourd hanging from his waist was sitting on his boat, and asked a little drunk: “Jack, how is the news??” ”

“Boss Kaido, we have been looking for a long time, but we have not found the remnants of Roger’s Pirates, even that Shanks is adrift without a fixed place, and it is not so easy to catch them.” A strong man with the same strong body also said with an urn sound.

“Stop talking this nonsense, just tell me the answer, what happened??” Kaido waved his hand drunkenly and said with some impatience.

“Yes, Boss Kaido, we finally found an accurate piece of information, it is rumored that the crew of Roger’s Pirates, Mitsuki Ota is currently in the territory of Wano Country, what kind of daimyo is he in those nine miles…” said Jack in a deep voice.

“Mitsuki Ota? Yes… That samurai on Roger’s ship? The Land of Wa… Is it? Kaido seemed to wake up a lot after hearing the news, and then he supported his chin with one hand and thought about something.

After a long time, Kaido spoke: “The strength of Wano Country is very strong, and the samurai style in their country is prevalent, so they can’t force it, but this Mitsuki Ota holds the secret of the final island Ravdru, so we must find him and make him available to me!” This matter needs to be well planned. ”

At this moment, where is Kaido this guy like a reckless man who can only drink and commit suicide, even if he is not extremely smart, but he is definitely not a fool, the so-called four pirate emperors, none of them are fools, even if it is bigmom Charlotte Lingling, as long as her anorexia does not attack, she is also very strategic, after all, fools cannot sit in their position.

At the same time, in another sea, Shanks also hung up the phone worm in his hand, and then said very happily: “It won’t be long before this new world will be more interesting.” ”

His little friend, Ben Beckman, said with some doubt: “What’s wrong?” Captain? What news did you get again? ”

“Ahahaha, my good friend is about to enter the new world, but that guy is a guy who likes to stir up the wind and rain very much, when he comes, this new world… It’s going to be a lot more interesting. Shanks said with a smile.

“Your good friend? Yes… Hell Roar Proudmore Gromash? Ben Beckman also reacted quickly and spoke. _

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