I Am Hellscream

Chapter 093

Devil Fruit Guide, a secret book that records the ability of the Devil Fruit, how long it has been circulating in the world can not be verified, but rough estimates, should be before the establishment of the world government, this thing has existed, and is still over time, constantly being perfected by posterity, although this Devil Fruit Guide is not a record of all the types and forms of Devil Fruit, but it is also very much, its value is definitely worthy of the word “treasure”.

Because with the Devil Fruit Guide, you can largely avoid the occurrence of things that do not meet the ability expectations caused by eating the Devil Fruit indiscriminately, and you can also avoid the occurrence of not knowing the value of the fruit and losing a lot of benefits, so Gromash has long wanted to find a copy of this thing, after all, even he has not seen the Devil Fruit Guide and a lot of related knowledge.

It’s just that this thing is really too rare, if the devil fruit is regarded as an extremely rare treasure of the sea, then the rarity of the devil fruit booklet that records a large number of devil fruit abilities can completely throw the devil fruit dozens of streets, belonging to the kind of thing that can not be met, so although Gromash wants, but has never figured out where to start this, he sometimes thinks, whether to find the war house Jerma 66, after all, according to Yamaji’s memory, he once read the devil fruit guide when he was a child, Then if nothing else, the Jerma 66 should have such a gem.

However, Djerma 66 is not easy to mess with, plus they are wandering around like pirates, and there is no fixed territory, even if they can afford to provoke, they may not be able to find it, so Gromash also did not think of a good way to find the Devil Fruit Book for a while.

But it’s really not as good as the heavenly calculation, this time to come to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom is really the right one, the harvest is more than a little and a half, not to mention finding Hogurk, even if it is to find the Devil Fruit Guide, it is already worth the trip for Gromash.

“Hahahahahaha, I really didn’t expect to meet a baby of this level here, it’s worth it!” Gromash said with a big laugh.

And along with his laughter, the friends who were originally looking for what they liked also came over one by one, wanting to see what was very important to both Cromwell and Gromash.

The Devil Fruit Guide is very meaningful to Gromash, but it is not too important for Vapole I, it can only be said to be a kind of knowledge collection, I saw him smile and said: “This Devil Fruit Book is also one of the treasures passed down by our magnetic drum kingdom for many years, and not long ago at the World Conference added a new variety that has appeared in recent years, it can be said that it is a very perfect guide, not an old antique, but this thing is not very significant for our country.” If Lord Gromash likes it, I will give it to you as a gift. ”

Gromash also laughed and said: “I really like this gift, but I don’t want to be loved, it’s just a book, we don’t need to take it, just copy it, this kind of thing, or you keep it yourself, maybe when will you use it in the future.” ”

Wapol I saw Gromash say this is also more comfortable in his heart, although this Devil Fruit Guide means little to him, but it is also something handed down from the ancestors, of course, it is better not to be taken away, so he has no opinion, and even at this time he really feels that Gromash this guy seems to be quite suitable to be a friend or something, even if he is the king of a country, he is a little impressed by Gromash’s behavior and heart.

After Gromash finished speaking, Robin also raised his hand with great interest and said: “Captain, let me copy it, I will make sure that I will not make a mistake.” ”

Devil Fruit Guide, even O’Hara does not have this thing, and it is also a kind of true transmission level of knowledge reserves, Robin as a scholar, of course, she also wants to understand and learn this thing, for this reason, what better way than to copy it herself.

Gromash also stroked Robin’s hair with a smile, and then did not object to anything, handed the Devil Fruit Guide in his hand directly to Robin and said: “Okay, then please, Robin.” ”

“Well, I will definitely copy it very carefully!” Robin was also very happy and said with the Devil Fruit Guide.

After such a small episode, everyone’s interest in hunting for treasure here became even greater, and they returned to the treasure house again to see if there were any unexpected gains.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for this guy Urki to find a devil fruit from a corner, originally he planned to look for Buddhist unique scriptures and other things, but it was clear that a science-based country like the Magnetic Drum Kingdom basically did not have any religions, and the royal family was unlikely to collect any scriptures and other things, so he did not find it.

At this time, he took the Devil Fruit in his hand and thought after turning it upside down: “Didn’t that guy from Cromwell say that he wanted to become a Devil Fruit Capable Person when he just landed on Magnetic Drum Island?? Now that the devil fruit has been found here, and it just happens to have a guidebook, why don’t you just see what kind of devil fruit this is? ? If he likes it, it’s good. ”

After thinking of this, Urki also took the devil fruit, walked to Cromwell’s side and said: “Cromwell, look what I found, didn’t you change your mind and want to become an ability??” There is a devil fruit here, judging from the royal collection of the magnetic drum kingdom, it should not be a too ordinary ability, just have a guide, you go and see, if it is suitable, just as I will give you a gift, anyway, there are no scriptures here, and I don’t have anything else I want. ”

Cromwell looked at Ulki was also a little moved, he didn’t expect that he casually complained when he landed on the island, Ulki, a guy with a rough appearance and a delicate heart, really remembered, sure enough, Boss Gromash was the right choice to find him as a partner, well… Although this guy has a broken mouth and likes to preach, these are tolerable minor problems.

Therefore, Cromwell also grabbed Ulki’s hand, and then spoke: “Good brother! ”

“Hahaha, they’re all partners!” Urki also said with a big grin.

And Cromwell listened to the phrase “It’s all partners!” He hugged Urki’s strong body, patted him on the back and said, “That’s right, we are partners!” ”

Since Gromash was chatting with the old king Wapole I, he did not enter the treasure house too deeply, plus the columns of the treasure house were staggered and orderly, somewhat obscuring the view, so when he was about to say something after just taking a puff of smoke, Yu Guang saw that in the corner of the treasure house, Urki and Cromwell, two tough guys, somehow secretly hugged together.

The intimate embrace of the two muscular brothers, the scene can be said to be full of feelings, plus the two of them are at this point in time, in that kind of secret corner, hugging each other, how can it not be misunderstood? ?

Therefore, Gromash was also frightened enough by the behavior of these two guys, and was directly choked by the smoke.

“Ahem… Ahem… I rely on, this world is really terrifying, I didn’t expect Lao Tzu to be on guard, the family thief is difficult to prevent, after all, our frost wolf pirate group is still going to go to the road of “brother and noble pirate group”? ? This…,” Gromash muttered with some difficulty looking in the direction where Cromwell and Ulki were.

And Wapol I saw that Gromash suddenly stared at the corner of the treasure house, and also said something strange to himself, and also followed Gromash’s gaze with some curiosity, and then his expression became very exciting, a look of wanting to say and stopping, but did not know where to mention it, and soon he thought of the situation of the Frost Wolf Pirates.

To say that this pirate drifts casually on the sea is ten days and a half month, and the navigation on the sea is really not very interesting, the interesting thing is that discovery and adventure, the real voyage, in fact, is very boring, especially on the sea full of sea water at a glance…

And at this time, the composition of the members of the Frost Wolf Pirates seems to be all male, only Robin, a little loli, and listening to the meaning between the lines, it seems that Robin is also a person who has just been on the boat not long ago, so a group of muscular men sailing on the sea, boring and tasteless, after a long time… Ahem, it’s understandable that these unexpected emotional developments have occurred.

So Vapole I also cleared his throat and whispered: “Ahem, Lord Gromash, sailing, when I was young, I also often went to sea, although I can’t compare with you heroes who have been adrift on the sea all year round, but I am not a layman in this regard, I am also very clear about the boredom of sailing and the monotony of the sea, and in this monotonous and boring situation for a long time, from the point of view of psychological medicine, this taboo-like feeling will occur… It’s not impossible and incomprehensible, so I still think that you can measure them, and as a captain, it is also a temperament to be able to accommodate the various orientations of the crew, isn’t it? ”

Although Vapole I is a king, but the magnetic drum kingdom is also a medical country, he can also be regarded as having some medical knowledge, at this time he opened his mouth like this, and really said the first thing, so that Gromash, who was still a little doubtful that he had misunderstood something, instantly found a “reasonable” explanation for Cromwell and Urki “together”.

At this time, Gromash also came back to his senses and said: “Ahem, what is that, make Your Majesty the King laugh… But you are right, as a captain, I still have the temperament to be able to tolerate this forbidden love, and I have decided, starting today, to support the two of them… Well… This truly pure love!! ”

“Lord Gromash, you are indeed extraordinary, and I admire this king.” Vapole I also spoke with great admiration.

At the same time, Cromwell and Ulki, who hugged each other in the corner, did not know that they had been labeled “forbidden love” by their captain, and Cromwell quickly took the devil fruit in Ulki’s hand, and then said: “Go, let’s go to Robin-chan and see what kind of ability this is.” ”

At this time, Robin has not yet begun to copy the Devil Fruit Guide, she is also looking for some precious books, wanting to see if it can bring her any new harvest, by the way, when the time comes, copy it with the Devil Fruit Guide.

Cromwell and Ulki soon found Robin side by side, who was using his Devil Fruit ability, and a small arm grew from the top of the bookcase, which was very convenient to rummage through books.

“Robin-chan, come, help me see if this devil fruit has a record of this devil fruit in the book, and if so, what kind of fruit it is.” Cromwell squatted down with a smile, handed the Devil Fruit in his hand to Robin and said.

And Robin seemed to be willing to help everyone in these things, and she nodded happily and said, “Okay, Cromwell.” ”

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