I Am Hellscream

Chapter 086

Whiskey Peak, after more than a year, Gromash came here again from the West Sea through the Upside Down Mountain, and unfortunately he really went to look for Kourokas, but he still did not find it, and he still did not see the whale named Rab.

This made Gromash completely have no idea of asking Rakulokas to become his own ship doctor, and he did not meet him twice to Cape Gemini, which shows that there is no fate, but he also feels that even if Culokas is found by him, it is estimated that he does not want to continue to go to sea, and he was looking for him before, just to try it, after all, what if it is done??

At this time, at another time, when Gromash came to Whiskey Peak, it was one man and one wolf, but now he came with his companions, plus more than a year ago, Gromash fought here against two admiral candidates showed power, but also let the bounty hunters who survived clearly and intuitively understand the strength and not good of Gromash, so this time after Gromash went to this whiskey peak, he did not meet the kind of person who wanted to use beauty tricks to take his life before, This also made Gromash feel a little bored, without the beautiful young ladies taking the initiative to dedicate themselves, life is lifeless.

Fortunately, at this time, the Frost Wolf Pirate Group was no longer all rough men, and Gromash also did what he said, saying that he would find a girl for himself as a partner after leaving the empty island, and sure enough, after going down to the West Sea, he met the O’Hara incident and found the homeless Robin, thus getting rid of the shadow of the “Guyan Pirate Group” and the “Brother Gui Pirate Group”.

Without the little sister, it is okay to raise a little loli.

At this time, in the tavern of Whiskey Peak, Gromash and his group were sitting in a corner eating and drinking, Robin, the little guy and Lucie, the little guy was also holding a bottle of milk, looking at this scene, Gromash was also quite emotional in his heart, fate is really fun enough, the strongest member of CP-9 and O’Hara’s demon son, who should have been mortal enemies twenty years later, now one got rid of the name of CP-9, the other got rid of the name of the son of the devil, and the two became partners, It’s fun to sit together, drink milk together, and grow together in the future.

After more than half a month as a buffer, Robin seems to have walked out of the shadow brought by O’Hara a little, no longer often washes her face with tears, and occasionally shows a little smile, of course, her bizarre laughter learned from Sauro’s “hee-hee-hee” was also stopped by Gromash with the words “no need to hide sadness with a smile from now on”, Gromash doesn’t want Robin to laugh with “hee-hee” in the future, that’s too embarrassing.

“Come, Robin, eat more meat and grow your body.” Gromash put a piece of tender beef on the plate in front of Robin and said with a smile.

“Thank you, Captain.” Robin nodded very obediently and said.

“Hahahahaha, we will be a family in the future, no need to be so polite.” Gromash reached out and smoothed Robin’s hair and said with a smile.

And Luqi touched his chin, thinking of the situation when Gromash was about to launch a “slap attack” on the back of his head at every turn, and then said: “The same are children, why is my treatment obviously inferior to Robin’s??” ”

Cromwell said while eating, “Now you know you’re a child?” Do you still need to think about it?? Boss Gromash is a loli controller, besides, you are a boy, you don’t need to be cared for like Robin-chan, you can’t beat it. ”

“You’re only lolicon, your whole family is lolicon!!” Gromash also said very dissatisfied after hearing Cromwell’s words, what if this makes Robin have some psychological shadow? ?

And Ulki, the monk, also broke the wine ring, and after clinking glasses with Joz and taking a sip of wine, he spoke: “Boss Gromash, what are we going to do next??” ”

“Next… I’m going to go to the New World next, not long ago my good friend Shanks has entered the New World again, and those guys who also started to go to sea in Rogue Town are estimated to be not far from the New World, but Lao Tzu, the strongest, actually ran back to the starting point, it’s really enough… Well, but then again, if it weren’t for this encounter, there wouldn’t be a lovely Robin joining us, everything is predestined. Gromash said unashamedly, before he had fought, he already considered himself the strongest among them, and did not give Shanks face at all.

“New world?? If I hadn’t met you and Luqi, I guess we would have been in the new world a long time ago, who would have thought that we would have returned to the original point, indeed, everything is predestined by heaven, but I am very happy…” Joz said with a smile.

Urki also spoke: “Sure enough, you two believe in cause and effect and fate, why don’t I explain to you in detail the Buddhist principles in this regard?” The so-called cause and effect…”

“Shut up! Drink your bar, vow-breaker. ”

“You’re really beating you again!”

Joz and Gromash cursed at Urki at the same time, at this time Gromash already felt that he didn’t want to make Urki a partner without turning his brain, this guy looks like a tough guy, in the original story he gave Gromash the feeling that he is also a guy who doesn’t talk much, as a result, who knows that at this stage, Urki, who has not experienced those follow-up things, is completely a Tang monk, and three sentences are inseparable from his Buddhist family…

But what can Gromash do? Got my own appointment… Ahem, the partner you found yourself, you have to endure it with tears.

In order to avoid Ulki’s guy pulling those messy things again, Gromash also spoke: “Now there is no shortage of combatants on the ship in a short time, Joz, Cromwell, Luki, Urki, the four of you have strong potential, as long as you temper well, you will become a big tool in the future, so in this short period of time we don’t need to deliberately look for any combatants, just meet the fit, if you can’t meet it, you don’t need to force it, and the rest of the brothers can also afford the operation of the ship, So the navigator and the helmsman are not very anxious, but this ship doctor and cook still do not, the cook does not say, make do with enough to eat, so the next goal is to see if you can find a ship doctor with excellent medical skills on the road, after all, this future must be accompanied by a conquest, it is inevitable that there will be bumps, at this time we need ship doctors to escort us. ”

“We really need a ship doctor with excellent medical skills, otherwise, what if our seedlings get sick and die one day??” Cromwell said with a smile and looked at Luqi.

And Lu Qi also said with a black line: “I haven’t been sick since I was a child!” ”

“Ah, so it is, the theory that stupid people don’t get sick turns out to be true, it’s really envious.” Cromwell teased again.

“Hey!! Are you stupid, do you want to fight? Lu Qi was also not lightly angry, and the ends of his hair were full of electric light.

Cromwell quickly waved his hand and said: “Forget it, don’t provoke you, and after I master the power of domineering, I will provoke you.” ”

After this teasing between Cromwell and Lucie, even Robin couldn’t help but show a smile, and then she seemed to think of something and said with a somewhat scared face: “Captain, but I can’t sail or have the strength to steer, let alone fight, you won’t drive me away, right?” ”

“Don’t worry, Robin-chan, until you become an adult, the boss will not drive you away, ask why, because he is a loli…” Before Cromwell finished speaking, Gromash had already shoved a piece of meat into his mouth, and then cursed: “Let your mother’s fart, you are the controller, even if Robin grows up, I will not drive her away.” ”

Then Gromash smiled at Robin and said: “Don’t worry, everyone has everyone’s meaning, companions will become companions because they help each other and understand each other, Robin, you are O’Hara’s last survivor and O’Hara’s last scholar, and knowledge is an invisible force, your rich knowledge, there will always be a place that can help us in the future, don’t you like to read?” I will also buy more books for you to read in the future, so you don’t have to worry about these problems, if you really don’t care, you can help clean up on the boat, read newspapers to us and so on in your spare time. ”

Then Gromash paused slightly, glanced at the rest of his partners, and then opened his mouth and continued to Robin: “What’s more, your existence directly raises the cultural level of our entire pirate group, even for this, we will not drive you away.” ”

“That’s right, Robin, don’t worry, the boss is right, no one will drive you away.” Joz also said with a smile.

“Well, as a senior, I still have this measure.” Lu Qi also said with some arrogance.

And Robin also recalled what Sauro said.

“The sea is incomparably wide, and one day, you will meet those who are willing to protect you!!”

It’s just that Robin didn’t expect that he met so quickly, before experiencing more darkness, betrayal and betrayal, betrayal and betrayal, at this time young Robin was still very simple, she was willing to believe Gromash’s words!

“Thank you, I will definitely try to be your trusted companion!” Robin wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and spoke.

Just as Gromash and them were eating and drinking, the owner of the tavern also retrieved a newspaper from outside, and then hurriedly ran to Gromash and their side, and said: “Lord Gromash, today’s newspaper has news about you…”

“Oh?? Let me see…” Gromash was a little puzzled and wanted to reach for the newspaper, but Robin quickly activated his ability, took the newspaper from the boss’s hand and said, “Let me read it to everyone.” ”

“Hahahahaha, then please, Robin.” Gromash also did not object to anything, and said with a big laugh.

Then Robin’s cute and crisp voice came out.

“A few days ago, the pirate Hell Roar Proudmo Gromash with a bounty of 500 million Bailey attacked the naval headquarters fleet in the waters of the West Sea, causing three warships to sink, three vice admirals of the navy headquarters suffered heavy damage, and several naval soldiers died in the tragic case. Robin quickly finished the short essay.

“The world government and navy are really shameful enough, did I do those three warships? Is this on my head?? Also, it’s too petty, right?? Just mentioned a reward of 50 million ?? Lao Tzu almost killed their candidate generals…,” Gromash said very dissatisfied after listening to the report.

“Didn’t you see that the navy didn’t even mention which three of the three vice admirals ?? There is not even mention that you launched the attack in O’Hara, it seems that they are preparing to press the news, after all, if it is reported truthfully, the face of the navy will be a little big, so the bounty is not given much, right? ? Cromwell said after taking a sip from his glass.

“Forget it, it’s all trifles, buckle the pot, buckle the pot, the navy doesn’t do this once or twice, their specialty is to buckle the pot on your head.” Gromash also said nonchalantly.

At this moment, Robin, who was reading the newspaper, suddenly spoke: “Doctor, here is the news of a very famous doctor!!” ”

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