I Am Hellscream

Chapter 084

Gromash didn’t say a word of nonsense at all after seeing Kuzan, accelerated under his feet, and slashed at Kuzan with an axe.

And at this time, the fight is no longer like the previous Gromash violent hammer Sakaski, with what surprise meaning, hit Sakaski by surprise, Kuzan’s strength is not weak, of course, it is impossible to be solved by Gromash with an axe, I saw him shave under his feet, the whole person disappeared from the place, and the next second his hands crossed in the air condensed two spears and said: “Frozen two spears!” ”

When the spear condensed from the ice hit Gromash, Gromash also easily raised his hand and smashed both ice spears with an axe.

Then Kuzan’s next move has struck.

“Ice Cube Pheasant Mouth!”

As Kuzan’s voice fell, I saw a cold breath on his arm, and in the next second, a huge frozen bird rushed out of his arm and crashed towards the direction where Gromash was.

And where this ice bird passed, the powerful cold instantly froze everything, but Gromash was also not vain, I saw that he didn’t even hide, stood in place and took a deep breath, and his chest was stretched up.

“Burning Hell!”

I saw Gromash standing in place, suddenly spitting out a scorching unicorn fire from his mouth, the flame quickly spread in the air after leaving his mouth, its power was not weaker than Kuzan’s violent pheasant beak, and then the flame collided with the ice bird.

The collision of ice and fire is naturally extremely dynamic, and I saw that the ice birds were rapidly evaporated, and the flames were also rapidly extinguished, and from the place where they collided, a large amount of scorching steam began to erupt, obscuring all the surrounding sights.

“It’s really ungraceful to suddenly move without even saying hello, Hell Roar Proudmoor Gromash.” Kuzan’s voice came from the steam that could not see clearly.

“Hahahahaha, I don’t have anything to say about you bastard navy, about your justice, I saw it just now, it’s really quite remarkable, not only the scholars here have been killed, even the refuge ship loaded with civilians has been bombed, amazing, remarkable, even I, a self-proclaimed evil party, admire your behavior, but I have a question, since you didn’t plan to stay alive in the first place, then what is it okay to make a shelter ship??” Gromash said in a very mocking tone, and then before Kuzan could defend anything, Gromash had once again pretended to suddenly realize: “Ah, by the way, I see, you are a self-proclaimed righteous navy, you have to decorate the façade when you come out to engage in massacres, hahahaha, so it is!” ”

Kuzan’s face was also livid after hearing Gromash’s taunt, he was already dissatisfied with the destruction of the refuge ship, and now Gromash is pouring salt on his wounds, who can not feel bad?

But just as he was about to say something, the sound of hell roaring from the tomahawk in Gromash’s hand when it broke through the air had already come again.

Kuzan wants to talk nonsense with Gromash, Gromash is not in this mood, he is still in an autonomous rage at this time, there is not much time left, where can he take it out and waste nonsense with Kuzan??

Kuzan also had to hold back his words, dodged the tomahawk that broke out of the steam, and then he pressed one hand on the ground and whispered: “Ice Age Absolute Zero!” ”

As his words fell, a large amount of freezing gas burst out, and the entire ground instantly froze and spread out towards Gromash’s feet.

However, Gromash also laughed and said: “Your ability and mine’s ability are mutually restrained, and it is completely impossible for you to freeze me with ice!” ”

After speaking, Gromash was surrounded by flames, like a fierce god who broke out of the scorched hell, and Kuzan’s freezing gas was completely inaccessible to him from the ice age, and then Gromash raised his hand to grab it from the steam and waved at Kuzan.

“Fishman Karate Steaming Bomb!”

“Is it really a troublesome ability, phantom beast species??” Kuzan also opened his mouth to spit out a breath of cold air, directly erasing Gromash’s attack, and then spoke.

Since Gromash had not used the beast form at all when using the ability before, only the human form and the semi-animal form, although the navy knew that he was an ability, they did not know what his ability was.

However, this time, because Gromash had completely transformed into a fire unicorn on the warship and flew over his head, he didn’t plan to continue to hide anything, anyway, he didn’t say it, it had already been exposed.

“Hahahahaha, it’s the phantom beast species Qilin… What do you think? Not bad, right? Gromash said with a very defiant smile, then reached out and grabbed the Hell Destroyer again, and attacked Kuzan.

At this time, Gromash no longer thinks about killing Sakaski, not to mention whether Kuzan’s “absolute defense” that looks very awesome can be broken, anyway, Kuzan will never watch himself kill Sakaski and do nothing, with his blocking and with the squirrel blocking is not an order of magnitude at all, so Gromash’s idea now is to take advantage of his still in the rage, play his own power, and then he can slip away.

Anyway, his purpose has been achieved, he came this time, originally wanted to add a blockage to the navy, and then find Sakaski, the king bastard, to avenge the revenge at the whiskey peak more than a year ago, now both are completed, it can even be said that it is overcompleted, this addition to the navy must have been blocked, Sakaski was also beaten by him are dying, if nothing else, he has to recuperate for at least two or three months, and Gromash also gave another vice admiral squirrel a fierce blow, I don’t know if he died, even if not, It is estimated that I will not be able to get out of bed for half a year.

Just when Gromash and Kuzan were indistinguishable, a lieutenant general appeared on the battlefield again, and I saw a gloomy-looking ghost-spider lieutenant general holding eight knives in his hair and hands without even saying hello, and slashed towards Gromash.

After gromash shaved on his feet and dodged the attack of this ghost spider lieutenant general, looking at his strange image, he also involuntarily said: “It’s really a person as its name, ghost spider lieutenant general, it seems that you have returned the life of one of the six mysteries to the extreme…”

The ghost spider lieutenant general looked at Gromash with a gloomy face and said, “It is really a shame for justice that the power of the Six Styles will fall into the hands of you evil parties. ”

“Oh, maybe, but what can you do with me??” Gromash said nonchalantly, and then he felt his state, and continued: “Well, the time is almost up, it’s time to end, and finally, let me give you a big gift.” ”

After speaking, Gromash had an evil and murderous smile on the corner of his mouth, and then said: “Flame Demon Burning Body Explosion!” ”

I saw that Gromash’s body first swelled in a circle, and then quickly collapsed, and then a dangerous aura emanated from him, and Kuzan’s brain turned extremely fast, as if he thought of something, and then left and said: “Ghost spider, quick, leave with the squirrel, he is going to blow himself up!” ”

“Self-detonation??” Lieutenant General Ghost Spider was first startled, and then suddenly remembered that Gromash had the intelligence of the ability to resurrect, and then his face changed and he couldn’t care so much, and he shaved under his feet and disappeared into the distance, picking up the unconscious squirrel on the ground.

But before he could continue running, Gromash’s voice was already heard.

“Self-explosion is also a kind of romance, you found out a little late…”

“Bang !!!” With a sound, a huge mushroom cloud burst out from where Gromash was, and the entire O’Hara shook, and the powerful air wave quickly spread out, blowing out all the flames that were still burning on the island, and the entire O’Hara was extinguished for a while.

But this scene did not last long, about three or five seconds, when a monstrous pillar of flame erupted from the location where Gromash was, setting fire to the island of O’Hara again.

And in the pillar of flame, the figure of Gromash walked out very easily, the whole person looked in excellent condition, he first looked at the huge ice wall that was resisting the expansion of the pillar of flame standing in the distance, and then said with an evil smile at the corner of his mouth: “My gift is not bad, Kuzan…”

After speaking, Gromash raised his hand to hang the Hell Destroyer behind him, tapped a few times under his feet, and quickly disappeared in place, not knowing where he went.

And after a while, when the hot pillar of flame began to dissipate, the ice wall gradually shattered, and at this time, Kuzan was no longer the lazy appearance he had before, his sunglasses no longer knew where to go, there were still a few burn marks on his arms, and his clothes became torn.

Behind him, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, whose back was extensively burned, and whose proud hair was burned out, and Lieutenant General Squirrel who was unconscious.

“… Sure enough, as the Warring States General and Mr. Karp said, he is a difficult guy. Kuzan didn’t care about the burns on his body in the slightest, frowned and said softly, and then he looked for the puck wrapped around Sakaski, and sure enough, as he expected, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider came to fight (send heads?). The ice ball had been transferred to the rear before, and the flame pillar just now did not impact the past, but even if the ghost spider lieutenant general did not move the ice ball, Kuzan was confident that his absolute defense would not be broken so simply.

Then he carried the ghost spider in one hand and the squirrel in the other, and did not go after any more Gromash, turned and walked towards the place where the warship was.

On the other side, on the Shining, Joz and they also saw the pillar of flame rising from the sea in the distance, and then Luqi said: “It’s almost time to come back, it seems that he really made a big fuss.” ”

“If I were the Navy, I would probably have been mad.” Cromwell said with a smile.

At the same time, Robin, who was rowing a boat on the sea, also stopped his hand movement, looking at the gradually extinguished pillar of flame on O’Hara in the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

But soon, the strong little Robin shook his head, shook his oars again and rowed down the ice line into the distance.

And just when she had just rowed not far, she suddenly noticed that the sea surface next to the boat was constantly bubbling, and then she just wanted to see what was going on, and saw a man with horns on his head, naked upper body, and a unicorn shoulder armor on his right shoulder coming out from under the sea.

“If it weren’t for what ice line this guy Kuzan made, I wouldn’t be able to find it…” Gromash wiped a handful of sea water on his face, looked at Robin with a confused look and said to himself, and then he smiled and said again: “Hey, little one, do you want to be my partner??” ”

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