I Am Hellscream

Chapter 078

In the blue sky, a ship flying the pirate flag is floating in the sky, and above the ship, is a huge balloon octopus, its claws are grasping the hull of the ship, using huge buoyancy to make the whole ship slowly descend from the air towards Qinghai.

Standing on the deck of the ship, Gromash lit a cigar, looked at Urki, as if he wanted to say something, but finally did not speak.

But Gromash didn’t say, but Joz spoke, he walked up to Urki, patted him on the shoulder and asked: “Urki, why didn’t you say it before you came down??” ”

Urki asked with some doubt, “Say what??” ”

Jozi’s face froze, and then he spoke: “To say that you Beka are actually in the sky above the West Sea, if you go directly from Beka, you can’t go to the Great Voyage… You can only reach the West Sea!! ”

(Here continues the setting of the previous book, where Becca is over the Western Sea.) )

That’s right, when Gromash and they jumped down from Beka with great interest, they found that the special Beka was over the West Sea, and they ran directly from the Great Voyage to the West Sea, but they jumped down, and they couldn’t fly back, it seemed that they could only walk Upside Down Mountain again and enter the Great Voyage again, which was really unlucky enough.

Urki seemed to be very puzzled and said: “What West Sea, East China Sea?” Isn’t it all Qinghai?? Is there any difference?? ”

And after hearing Urki’s words, Gromash also figured it out, daring to love in this guy’s mind, there is no consciousness of the four seas and the great sea route, he only knows the three differences between the White Sea, the White Sea, and the Qinghai…

“Forget it, forget it, it’s coming, what else can I do?? Isn’t it the West Sea?? It’s okay for us to walk around, a friend of mine, his name is Shanks, his hometown is from the West Sea, he said that their wine here is the most delicious in the world, after going down, drink it! Gromash wiped out the cigar, and then said nonchalantly.

Seeing that the matter had come to this, Joz didn’t say anything more, he stopped Urki’s shoulder and said: “Forget about this matter, you come over, I will give you a good lesson and popularize the basic knowledge of “Qinghai”!” ”

Just as Gromash and their descending from the sky, in a certain area of the Western Sea, a naval fleet of ten warships was heading towards a certain location.

On one of the warships, Vice Admiral Kuzan, who had searched in the South China Sea for nearly a year and had not come up with anything famous, was sitting on this warship at this time, and he looked at the photo in his hand, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

“Sauro, what the hell are you thinking??” Kuzan whispered, and the photo in his hand was a group photo with a very sunny and happy Sauro who Kuzan also smiled.

That’s right, at this moment, while Gromash was carrying out an operation “to find the fruit of thunder” on the empty island in the sky, Vice Admiral Haguwal D. Sauro finally came to his fate, he assisted Nicole Olbiya to defect from the navy headquarters Mallinford, he eventually “betrayed” the justice of the navy, choosing to believe in his “goodness”.

In fact, the last straw that overwhelmed Sauro’s heart was also the pot of the Warring States General, since Sauro brought Nicole Olbia back to the Navy headquarters Mallinford what he gave and found from that research ship, even if Nicole Olbia’s mouth was very hard, she didn’t say anything about O’Hara, but the spy agency on the side of the world government· The CPs quickly analyzed from various relics that the research ship, which was filled with thirty-three scholars, was a ship from O’Hara.

After understanding where these scholars who “intended to destroy the world” came from, the Warring States General decided to destroy O’Hara after careful consideration, because in his opinion, O’Hara’s actions were too dangerous, and one person who did not notice could plunge the entire world into destruction and war, which he could never accept.

And due to the long period of busyness, the Warring States General did not notice that the mental state and mental state of the great hero Sauro were already very wrong, so in order to let Sauro be able to start and end well in matters about “scholars”, he arranged Sauro into the team of this demon slaughter order, preparing him to become one of the five lieutenant generals of this demon slaughter order.

As a result, because of this intention to destroy the entire O’Hara and kill all the scholars, Sauro’s last faith in the navy was shattered, and he simply could not convince himself to carry out such a cruel killing of those scholars, so he turned his back on the justice of the navy and ran away from the navy headquarters Malingford with Nicole Olbia, he wanted to send Olbia back to O’Hara in the West Sea, and let her inform the scholars over there and run away.

The defection of Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters and the Giant Race is not a trivial matter, of course, the navy cannot be regarded as not knowing, so they are also chasing Sauro all the way, and the Warring States General also knows that Sauro is very clear about this plan, so in order to avoid any accidents, it is also launched in advance, so Kuzan and these people of the Devil Slaughter Order Fleet will appear on the West Sea.

Due to the attack of the navy, Sauro also ran away from Olbia, he alone attracted the pursuit of the navy, let Olbia mix in the merchant ship and return to O’Hara first, as a result, people are not as good as heavenly calculations, Sauro relied on drifting, and accidentally drifted to O’Hara…

Just as those navy slaughters ordered the fleets to advance, the Gromash and their Shining also landed on the Western Sea, and just in the nearby waters through which the fleet was going to pass.

“Boss Gromash, the navy has appeared at sea level behind us…” said a lookout man standing on the watchtower of the mast and speaking to Gromash.

And Gromash also said nonchalantly: “Isn’t it the navy, where can you not meet these bastards on the sea??” The navy in the West Sea is also not very good, it doesn’t matter, if they dare to provoke us, they will sink them! ”

But before Gromash could finish pretending, the lookout had already exclaimed again.

“No, Boss Gromash, it’s a giant warship from the headquarters of the Navy, there are ten of them!!! It’s a reorganized fleet!! ”

And this lookout’s words also alarmed everyone on board, Gromash’s face also changed, if there are ten warships of the navy headquarters acting together in a fleet formation, then at least a few vice admirals of the navy headquarters will exist, and even there will be admiral candidates among them, and this is still the least, at worst, the admiral and even the marshal of the navy headquarters may appear here.

In the face of such combat effectiveness, Gromash does not dare to be careless, now it is different from the past, in the past, even if he Gromash can’t fight, he can still run through the sea, but now he is still followed by a boat of brothers, he ran, his subordinates can’t run ah, then maybe he will have to stage a fight to advance the city and rob the prison.

“Quick, Zhang Fan is full of rudders, the speed of the warship is faster than ours, it seems that we should have just crashed into their route, hurry up and leave this route to avoid these bastard navies.” Standing on the watchtower, Gromash held a telescopic telescope in his hand, and looked at the majestic, neat naval fleet of ten naval headquarters warships, and ordered.

Gromash they all found the Navy, so can the Navy not find them ??

“Vice Admiral Kuzan, a pirate ship has appeared in the route ahead!!” A navy man ran into Kuzan’s room and reported.

“Pirate ship?? Which pirate is it?? Kuzan asked with some curiosity.

“The distance is too far away, I didn’t see the flag clearly, if nothing else, it should be the little pirates in the West Sea, and after they found us, they have already begun to turn the rudder and escape, do they need to pursue??” The navy asked.

Kuzan also touched his chin, and after thinking about it, he shook his head and said: “No need, out of the Sauro guy this file, the matter about O’Hara can no longer be delayed, otherwise if he and the woman rush to O’Hara first, this incident will be troublesome to handle, we don’t need to delay the mission for a little pirate, as long as they don’t come to provoke us, just leave them alone and move on.” ”

“Yes, Lieutenant General Kuzan!!” The navy also immediately spoke.

Kuzan, who was the flagship of the pioneer of this mission, did not change the course to catch any “little pirates”, and the rest of the warships following behind did not bother to intervene, so just like that, by mistake, the guy Gromash slipped away from the navy again.

Watching the navy’s large fleet slowly moving towards the distance, Gromash also touched his chin with some doubt, and then said to Jozi: “Jozi, bring the charts of the West Sea and see where these navies are heading??” Fuck, it’s really strange, this little West Sea…”

Speaking of this, Gromash was suddenly stunned, and then he looked up at the calendar hanging in the captain’s room, the year 1500 of the sea calendar… Gromash reacted to this, more than a year has passed since he made trouble in Rogue Town, the time is really fast, if you think about it, he first drifted with Lu Qi on the sea for nearly half a year, and then waited in Magic Valley Town for more than half a year, and it took more than two months to look for Beka and Thunder Fruit on the empty island, and this blink of an eye has reached the 1500th year of the Sea Yuanli calendar.

And looking at this year, Gromash muttered, “O’Hara… A large fleet of ten warships … That’s the standard Demon Slayer Order configuration. ”

While Gromash was thinking about these questions, Joz also returned, he spread a chart on the table, and Gromash also looked down, and after a few strokes of his finger, he stopped on the island called “O’Hara”… And this direction is exactly the direction that the Grand Fleet of the Navy is advancing just now.

“It can’t be wrong, at this point in time, the configuration of ten warships coincides with O’Hara’s route, and the world-shaking demon slaying order is about to break out…” muttered Gromash softly.

Then he said with a murderous smile on the corner of his mouth: “How can I miss such a fun thing?? If nothing else, Sakaski’s bastard should be within the ten warships just now, as I said last time, if you meet, you must give him two axes to make him refreshed, Laozi is a man to talk about credibility…”

Then Gromash raised his head and looked at Joz and said: “Pass on my order, follow behind and hang those navies, this time Lao Tzu will give them a good color!” ”

“Boss Gromash, are you ready to use one of our ships to provoke ten warships?” Joz asked with some doubt.

“I’m not stupid, how can I do such a thing?? Don’t worry, I’m going to block those bastard navies this time, and by the way, see if I can avenge my previous revenge at Whiskey Peak. Gromash waved his hand and said very casually.

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