I Am Hellscream

Chapter 076

It has been a week since the operation of searching the entire Beka to find the Thunder Fruit, and the entire town of Beka has been turned upside down, and even the treasure house of the ruler God Crodiar has been searched by Gromash and his people, but Gromash has no appeal to what gold, jewelry and other things he collects, and he has not emptied Crodiar like a robber.

After all, Gromash and his group are guys who don’t even bother to see Sandora, the land of gold, and they will care about this little money in the treasure house of Crodiar ??

However, Gromash also held the mentality of “the thief does not go empty”, and some things from his treasure trove, such as the fine wines collected by Crodiar with a long period of age, were all emptied by Gromash’s big hand.

In addition, the domineering and domineering heart that Kushima practiced was also turned over by Gromash, and found that it was no different from the cultivation method in Qinghai, and it was much the same, so he didn’t care.

It is worth mentioning that Gromash also got some strange technical books from the treasure house of Crodiar, such as the “cloud material” technology passed down from generation to generation by the people of this empty island, from looking through these books, Gromash understood that the various clouds that have been used on the empty island are not collected but “manufactured” by some methods, and in this way, it shows that this technology can not only be used with these empty islands, but also with the Qinghai.

Gromash has long coveted the “cloud material” of the empty island, and he still thinks that when he leaves, he will take away some comfortable cloud beds from the empty island or something, and when he arrives in Qinghai, he can find some beautiful girls to roll on it and do something shy, isn’t it beautiful??

Now it seems that there is no need for Gromash to take away any cloud bed, he just went down and built it himself, won’t he be as big as he wants at that time? ? And this “cloud material” technology can not only be used to build beds… If Gromash treats it as a business, the profits are also very large, but these are all afterwords, and at this stage can only be used for self-entertainment, maybe in the future you can cooperate with Doflamingo, a second-hand dealer.

“I said are you looking for death?? Day by day, I don’t go to find the thunder fruit for Lao Tzu, and what do I keep chanting around me? ? Curse me??? Coincidentally, I’m really not afraid of this thing, all the curses in this world are floating clouds to me, you hurry up and don’t bother with this, if you annoy me again, believe it or not, I really split you?? Gromash closed the book in his hand and cursed at Urki, who was sitting cross-legged not far from him.

And Naurki seems to have figured out Gromash’s temper in these days, and he also knows that Gromash seems to be fierce and evil, but in fact, in ordinary times, he is still a very good person to get along with, so in the face of Gromash’s angry scolding, he also stopped what he kept chanting in his mouth without changing his face, looked at Gromash and said: “All kinds of killing start from the heart, through this period of observation, I can be regarded as knowing a little about you, you are indeed stained with a lot of blood, But you are definitely not a person who likes to show his strength by killing innocents, so I am very puzzled, why are there so many grudges and unjust souls at work in you? ? Now I think that you may be contaminated by something unclean, although I can’t help you completely free yourself from this bloody killing for the time being, but I can also talk about your heart, give those unjust souls in your body a little more excessive, and in the long run, maybe I can dissolve some of the bad temper in you. ”

Gromash also had a black line on his face after hearing this Urki’s words, what kind of stuff ?? Isn’t this the world of One Piece? Why did you kid still give me a whole story like a high-ranking monk crossing the world?? Am I like a big devil?? However, considering that there is indeed such a thing as a real soul in this world, Gromash did not doubt whether Urki was a fool in chanting.

So Gromash also waved his hand and said: “Urki, don’t bother with these efforts, and I’m not afraid to tell you the truth, this body of blood and qi on my body is indeed not killed by me alone, in the Qinghai, there is an extremely evil demon knife, its name is Seven Star Sword, this sword…”

Gromash first told Urki the story of the seven-star sword, and then bragged about his deeds of subduing the seven-star sword, and then continued: “Now you know, right? These resentments and grievances that you think will affect my mood and make me produce “all killings start from the heart” are actually not harmful to me at all, on the contrary, this is still one of my powerful helps, so you don’t have to worry about this, don’t you feel tired of chanting so many scriptures to me every day? ? ”

Urki also had a look of realization after listening to Gromash’s story, and then he spoke: “It turns out that there is such an evil thing in the Qinghai below, but it makes me want to see it very much… However, although you say that these dirty things cannot affect you, I still want to live this unjust soul. ”

Seeing that this Urki seemed to have an iron heart to surpass Gromash, Gromash was also very speechless, just when he was about to move to drive away this crooked guy who was following him, Gromash suddenly stopped moving, and then his face showed a strange expression, and then cleared his throat and spoke again.

“Ahem, what then, Urki, I heard that guy from Crodiar say, you kid seems to have a childhood dream?? Want to become a pirate? Is it true?? Gromash asked, looking at Urki.

And Urki did not hide anything, he nodded and said: “Indeed, when I was a child, there were some pirates from Qinghai who broke into Beka, they are different from you, they did not make any movement in Beka, but very happy, very happy, in their words, it is a very proud thing to find the empty island, which belongs to the legendary place in Qinghai, so they are very happy, and it is this adventurous spirit in them that makes me very envious when I was a child, Inspiring to grow up and become a good pirate, leave the empty island and go on an adventure in Qinghai. ”

“Hahahahahaha, that’s really a good idea, Urki, have you changed your mind now??” Gromash asked again.

Urki shook his head and said: “There is no change, but it is not as eager as when I was a child, I am actually more interested in Buddhism now, if I have time to leave the empty island and go to Qinghai, I still want to go, not only to be a pirate, but also to study Buddhism.” ”

When Gromash heard this, he also touched his chin while looking at Urki, walked around him a few times, and then said: “Interesting, you guy is very interesting, while wanting to become a monk, and on the other hand, you want to be a pirate, you guy is really entangled and contradictory, but it’s okay, to be a person, you must have a dream, who said that if you become a monk, you can’t be a pirate??” I also know that there is a guy who has become a Buddha who is still being a naval admiral, and if nothing else, that Wang Baegg’s navy will become the next naval marshal, and it is not impossible for you as a monk to become a pirate. ”

And Urki also smiled after hearing Gromash’s words, but before he could say anything, Gromash had already spoken again.

“Urki, I like interesting people, interesting people around will not make people bored, just right, you are an interesting person, I came to the empty island this time, not only to find the thunder fruit, in fact, I also want to see if I can meet any interesting guys on the empty island, let him become my partner, the first thing I saw after boarding this Beka was you, which shows that we have a lot of fate, and… I also appreciate your loyalty and courage, how is it? Do you want to be our partner and let us take you to Qinghai to see this vast world?? Gromash also sat cross-legged on the ground beside Ulki and said to Ulki.

And Urki didn’t seem to expect that this guy Gromash would invite him to be his partner, he was stunned for a moment, and then said: “But my strength…”

Through the first meeting, Urki also knew that his strength was not very good in the eyes of Gromash and their group, and could only be said to belong to the younger brother class, not to mention Jotz, even Cromwell he may not have been able to fight, maybe only Luki, he can bully while he is older.

But the problem is that he also knows that if this guy Luqi is not unexpected, he will soon become the ability of the Thunder Fruit, and then the ability of his natural department alone will be enough to become the number one master under Gromash, after all, Joz They have not yet learned to arm the color domineering.

Doesn’t that mean that he can’t even catch up with Luki? With such a strength, is he really qualified to join the pirate group under a powerful figure like Gromash?

I have to say that this guy Ulki really wants to be a pirate, and Gromash’s temperament also makes him admire from the first meeting, even as an enemy, Urki has to admit that Gromash is a well-known guy.

So after Gromash made this proposal, the guy’s first thought was not to refuse or agree, but to think about whether he had the qualification.

It’s just that before Gromash could finish speaking, he interrupted Urki’s self-denial again, and said directly: “Strength is indeed very important, but this is not the only criterion for me to choose a partner, your strength is really not good, I can hang you with one hand, but it doesn’t matter, there is no strength to practice, except for some talented monsters, in this world, whose strength is not honed step by step by themselves??” The reason why your strength is poor is because you are limited to this small empty island, here, few people are strong, your insight is not enough, naturally you can not grow strength, or that sentence, behind closed doors, it is never useful, but your poor strength does not mean that the potential is also poor, you can mix in Beka what the name of the first warrior, it also shows that your qualifications among the people of the empty island should be very strong, so give yourself a little confidence, but also give me a little confidence in Gromash, Since I said that I want you to become my partner, I will not look down on you because of my strength, on the contrary, I will train you well and make you a true warrior. ”

After Urki was silent for a moment, he said, “Let me think about it…”

Gromash patted him on the shoulder and said: “Well, don’t worry, anyway, the Thunder Fruit hasn’t been found yet, you think about it, by the way, I estimate that before you find the Thunder Fruit, you can’t finish those wronged souls around me, but if you become my partner… Hahahahaha. ”

Urki, a guy who seems to have an unusual attachment to transcendence, also lit up his eyes after hearing Gromash’s words, but he still didn’t directly agree after all.

And Gromash also stood up, walked outside the house, and said: “I’m going to take a bath, you guy think about it.” ”

When Gromash walked out of the room, he smiled, and then said to himself, “Want me?” I don’t know if in the end you will become a monk or will I become a Buddha? Breaking the vows… Hahahaha, it’s really interesting. ”

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