I Am Hellscream

Chapter 074

After hearing Ulki’s self-reported door, Gromash also laughed softly, sure enough, he didn’t admit that he was not mistaken, this guy holding a big iron pillar as a weapon and a strong muscles is really the supernova Monster Monk Ulki who can knock over a four-emperor-level pirate group cadre twenty years later.

However, Gromash did not directly invite him to his ship as a partner, which would be a little too untimely, and this feeling seemed to give people the feeling that I rushed to invite you, which inevitably made Urki have some “illusion”, feel that he was very good, and then bargain with Gromash or something.

Therefore, Gromash also smiled and said: “Hahahahaha, Urki? What a good name, my name is Gromash, Proudmoor Gromash, I am the captain of the Frost Wolf Pirates, this time Lao Tzu risked the sky, but also to board the sky-rushing current, and brought the big guys to your white sea just to find your empty island Beka. ”

Urki was also very vigilant and asked, “Why??” Our Becca is not a place with any reputation, and judging by your strength, it must be a very powerful pirate, there should be nothing you need here, right? ? You must have been misled by some rumors, right? ”

Gromash smiled, and then said: “I don’t know how powerful the strength in your mouth is, and I don’t know how much you know about the Qinghai pirates in your mouth, but with my strength, it’s really not too strong, in Qinghai, there are many people who can fight with me, and at this stage there are people who can easily beat me, it’s just that this empty island limits your vision, the world is so big, you should go and see more, as for you saying that you Bika don’t have what we need?” I’m sorry, what works for us, what we need, this point is not for you to decide, but for me, I said this Becca has… It has! ”

Although Urki thinks that this guy named Proudmore Gromash is an enemy, he does have to admit that this guy is very magnificent, and Urki has not seen pirates from Qinghai, but without exception, none of them are as powerful as Gromash, but even so, those pirates are still higher than the sky, proud of themselves, can’t wait to see people to brag how powerful they are, and go there to put on a look like Lao Tzu is the first in the world.

But on the other hand, this guy who made such a big situation with a blow of the flying axe, and the little brothers under his hands can easily catch his full blow, but he is not so proud of his strength, and even very modest, it seems that he does not feel the slightest shame in admitting his shortcomings in front of others, and this kind of person in Urki’s opinion, whether it is good or bad, but always has a heart and temperament that ordinary people rarely have.

Similarly, although he is modest, he is also extremely wild and domineering, and the last sentence is also domineering, which also makes Ulki understand that the man in front of him is also quite confident in himself!

But anyway, it was much better than dealing with the small pirates, so Urki also opened his mouth and said again: “I have lived in Beka for so many years, and I have not found anything worthwhile…”

Before Urki could finish speaking, Gromash interrupted him again, and then spoke: “Urki, are you the ruler of Beka?? ”

Urki was also stunned for a moment, and then spoke: “No, our ruler of Beka is Lord God Crodiar. ”

“Is it God again? You empty island people are really strange, you have to play some kind of god trick, is it because you are ruling the people with religion? ? I see that you don’t seem to be dressed like an ordinary person, but a bit of a clergyman, what kind of believer are you? ? Gromash said with a smile.

Urki was also silent for a moment, and then spoke: “I am the captain of the temple’s guard, and I am also a monk, so it is not impossible to say what kind of believer I am.” ”

Gromash looked at Urki and thought, “It turns out that your boy is already going to become a monk so early… No, it must be the monotony and blandness of this empty island that affects you, making you feel that you have seen through the red dust, how can I, as an honest and kind young man with four qualities, watch you fall into this evil path of desirelessness? ? You haven’t seen this wonderful world yet, and I must take you below to see the flowers and greens. ”

But Gromash didn’t think too much about it now, he said: “Forget it, I don’t bother to care about the system of your empty island, I’ll say it bluntly, we come to Beka this time, there is something that must be found, and we are 100% sure that such a thing is buried in Beka, maybe in the deep mountains and old forests, or maybe in some inconspicuous place, in short, it does exist here, in order to find this thing, don’t say you Beka, even if Lao Tzu demolishes all the empty islands in the entire White Sea, he will not hesitate.” ”

Speaking of this, Gromash stepped forward, approached Urki’s side, and said condescendingly: “You understand my determination now, right? So, don’t you want to defend this Beka? Fortunately, I appreciate your courage, for this I can give you Beka a chance, go back and tell your ruler, what kind of god, let him cooperate well with our actions, I can swear to my banner, as long as you cooperate with us and find what we want, then I will let you Beka go, just like in Angel Island, we will leave when it is over, but on the contrary… If you dare to play any tricks, or obstruct and reject my kindness…” Speaking of this, Gromash paused slightly, a murderous smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and the fierce momentum on his body bloomed, and a scarlet blood light rose up into the sky, murderous.

Then Gromash spoke to Naurki and continued, “Then don’t blame me for being cruel… No matter how many lives you Beka have up and down, it is not enough for Lao Tzu to kill! ”

And at this time, Urki was also shocked by the evil, bloody scarlet blood light wrapped around Gromash, in Urki’s opinion, this Gromash undoubtedly killed I don’t know how many people to condense such a terrifying thing, I’m afraid that this guy who looks young, maybe he has slaughtered the city and destroyed the country many times, Urki as a monk, he can even feel countless unjust souls crying and resenting from the blood light.

Gromash didn’t expect that the momentum he used to intimidate Urki was actually seen by him so many strange things, should it be said that the clergy of this world also have their own unique skills? ?

This scarlet blood qi Gromash has not long debuted, of course, it is not made by him to kill the ring, it is completely the demon knife in the demon knife, the evil in the evil The seven-star sword was passed on to Gromash, originally the seven-star sword wanted to control Gromash, but Gromash completely restrained the seven-star sword, so that the seven-star sword could not steal the chicken and lose the rice, and he broke himself, and it was precisely because of this Gromash’s talent, He also couldn’t feel any countless grievances and resentments wrapped around him, and this scarlet blood light was just a means of attack and momentum in his opinion.

In fact, if you change to an ordinary person, entangled in so many grievances, you should have been affected by your sanity a long time ago, and it is not necessary to become crazy in the end.

But Urki didn’t know this, he really thought that Gromash’s body and blood were all killed by himself, and in the face of this peerless murderer, he didn’t dare not believe that he Gromash said that if Beka did not cooperate, he would kill the entire people on Beka Island, so he nodded and said: “If you can really keep your promise, I am willing to persuade Lord Crodiar to let him cooperate with your actions and help you find what you want.” ”

Gromash saw that Ulki was so good, he also smiled, and then gathered his momentum, patted Ulki’s shoulder, and then said: “Don’t worry, we pirates also come out to mix in the end, this comes out to mix, you have to talk about the rules, my own rule of Gromash is to keep promises, I said, if you are obedient, then you will be fine, but if you are disobedient, I say that I will kill your whole family, and I will not let a dog go.” ”

Urki’s efficiency was also very fast, that god Crodiar did not seem to be a dead brained pedantic, even in the temple he also felt the vibration of Gromash’s flying axe, at that time he thought that there was an earthquake, but now after hearing the news from Ulki, the captain of the Divine Guard he trusted, he also accepted his life after a little thought.

He didn’t admit his life and couldn’t help it, after all, he didn’t have a choice at all, either he chose to believe Gromash’s words, gamble on his credibility, cooperate with the actions of their Frost Wolf Pirates, find what they were looking for, and then pray that they could leave, or take the whole island to die under the blade of the Frost Wolf Pirates, blood flowed like rivers, and as the ruler of Empty Island Beka, Crodiar would not choose to die with everyone, and it was not that they could really go to what “heaven” to enjoy eternal happiness when they died, since that’s the case , Who wants to rush to find death??

Inside the temple, Gromash is sitting in the hall, eating Beka’s special barbecue and drinking wine with the surrounding friends, but he did not make a noise to sit on the high throne, he himself is not such a domineering person, sit up and do not give him money, so why do he have to bully the gods here? ? Is it bad for everyone to give each other some face? In this case, presumably God will also be more attentive to their affairs.

And Clodiar was relieved to see that Gromash didn’t mean to humiliate him, but Gromash didn’t go to sit, and he didn’t dare to sit, just stood behind this group of pirates who were eating and drinking, and opened his mouth to Gromash and asked: “I don’t know what you guys are looking for when you come to our empty island Beika from far away??” You told us earlier, and we can start working early to help you find this thing. ”

Gromash poured two sips of wine, laughed and said, “Then you can drive us away early, right??” ”

Crodiar’s face changed after hearing this, but before he could explain anything, Gromash had already spoken again.

“It’s okay, it’s understandable, those of us who are pirates are not very well received, it is common sense that you are afraid of us, I don’t mean to blame you, you don’t want to keep us, we don’t want to waste too much time here, just in time.” Gromash said this, then paused, and continued: “As for what we are looking for… Have you heard of the Devil Fruit? We came to Becca this time to find a devil fruit, which is the legendary Thunder Fruit of the Nature System… I have exact information, the Thunder Fruit is above you Beka, find it, and let’s go. ”

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