Chapter 73 Gromash for engineering.

Sky Island- Birka, the guards on the coast saw Gromash and their ship flying the pirate flag and immediately stood on alert.

Urouge also stood at the door of the town with a thick iron pillar on his back, staring intently at the pirate ship that was approaching in the distance, and then he ordered: “Aim all the artillery, and shoot first. Let them stop the boat.”

In Urouge’s view, anyway, you have to brighten your muscles first, so that these pirates know that their Birka is not such an annoying place as Angel Island.

And I want to come to Urouge, Angel Island is too unprepared, just let the pirates land at random, so that this kind of thing will happen, if they are excluded from the coastline from the beginning, it will not Make this awkward situation.

Therefore, under Urouge’s order, Birka’s guards also began to adjust the angle of the artillery fire, aiming at the sea in front of the pirate ship, and then the roar sounded, and the fierce shelling shot out.

With a sound of “bang!”, a large amount of spray exploded in the sea in front of the Shining.

Gromash stood on the deck and touched his chin. He smacked his lips wickedly and said, “Squirting, it seems that we are not very welcome…”

“But this seems to be a warning shot. They don’t seem to want to have any conflict with us. They just want to force our ship to stop. How to do it? Do you want to stop and listen to their thoughts??” Joz also put his arms on his chest, and asked in a deep voice.

Gromash laughed and said, “Jehahahahahaha, we are pirates. How could someone let me stop and I stopped the boat. 28 Marine doesn’t have such a big face. If I really stop the boat obediently, They might want to push their noses and face, and besides, in essence, we are here to rob this time, right??

It seems that if they are not allowed to see how good we are, these guys really think of us as little thieves. That’s okay, first clean them up, and then force them to cooperate with us in finding Thunder Fruit!”

“You are the captain, you have the final say, do you want to fire back?” Joz didn’t object to anything. Being a pirate, it’s not the first time I have been so hostile. I’ve long been used to it.

Gromash waved his hand and said, “Don’t waste any shells, look at me!”

After speaking, Joz saw Gromash stretch out his hand and took the dark gold legendary battle axe-Hell Destroyer from behind him, and then Joz couldn’t help but slapped his lips and said, “Hey, Captain, if you do If Birka is ruined, it will be hard to find.”

“Don’t worry, Laozi still knows this little thing.” Gromash raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a smile.

Afterwards, Joz saw the Hell Destroyer turning around Gromash’s wrist. Joz still couldn’t figure out why the battle axe, which he couldn’t hold his life, was like a toy in Gromash’s hands. All tricks can be used.Could it be that the power gap between the two of them has reached a level that can’t be compensated at all?

However, it is obviously not the time to think about this kind of thing at this time.I saw Gromash firmly squeezed the handle of the battle axe after turning the Hell Destroyer in a circle, and then the upper body slightly leaned back, left He stepped forward with his right foot steady in the center, raised his battle axe high, and assumed a charged posture.

Then Joz heard Gromash’s funny voice: “Sky Island- Birka, there is your express from Qinghai, ready to receive it.”

After speaking, Joz saw Gromash throw the Hell Destroyer in his hand in the direction of Birka. The heavy Hell Destroyer broke through the air, and the strong wind pressure penetrated its perforation, in mid-air. There was a hellish roar in the middle, and even the huge impact caused a crack on the sea, anyone could see

Out of the powerful power under this axe.

On the other side, on the coast of Birka, Urouge also saw a strong man on the pirate ship raising his hand and flying a battle axe, and the power carried by the battle axe surprised him.

Faced with such a throwing axe, a fool would pick it up, so Urouge also quickly roared: “Quick, get ready to avoid!”

Just after the guards thought they had found a safe place to lie down, Urouge saw that the battle axe broke through the air and the sea, slammed into the beach of Birka, and in seconds, it floated in the white sea. Among them, Birka seemed to be slashed by this axe, and even Urouge was shaken and fell from the ground to the beach.

Then huge smoke and sand mist erupted from the beach, and the sea also rolled up a huge wave, which rushed to Birka Island, rushing the guards to pieces.

After a long time, when the smoke and dust dissipated a little, Urouge shook his dizzy head, and got up from the ground.After all, Urouge is just a guy with potential now, even though he is crowned in Birka. The whole island, but his strength is still not good, even after twenty years, he is only a supernova, so

Only when Gromash used a throwing axe to make such a wolf fox.

When Urouge saw the place where the throwing axe fell, he also showed an expression of disbelief.At this time, there is no more tomahawk on the beach. You can only see a huge gap there. The entire beach seems to follow. As if a large piece of apple was bitten off by a person, a large amount of seawater was poured into it, forming a deep-water port.

At this moment, the pirate ship swayed into the deep-water port, and then Urouge heard a very Haki sound.

“Jiehahahahaha, Laozi is really a kind-hearted person. I recently built a canal that runs through the whole village on Aska Island on the East Blue side. In a blink of an eye, Laozi built a deep-water port for the Sky Island- Birka in the sky. In this way, if there are any big ships coming to visit in the future, it is good to stop the ship.

I stopped too much. I really admire myself. I was born to do engineering. While talking, Gromash jumped up from the deck and jumped directly onto the sandy beach where the smoke and dust hadn’t completely dispersed. Then he walked two steps forward and reached out to the void.

Immediately after being shocked, Urouge saw a battle axe breaking the water surface in the deep-water port, and quickly returned to the three-meter-high, strong body, a fiery red shawl and long hair. There are two special horns that are not like humans can have, but they look abnormal on him. The upper body is naked, showing strong chest muscles.

In the hands of a man wearing a unicorn roaring shoulder armor.

Then Urouge saw that the man carried the battle axe that had caused such a big movement on his shoulders very casually, and then he looked at himself with interest.

At this time, a few people got off the pirate ship one after another, and some people were controlling things like stopping the ship, rewinding and anchoring.

Joz, who was also sturdy in shape, walked up to Gromash and said, “What’s wrong, Boss Gromash? Is there any problem?”

And Lu Qi, who was holding a milk bottle, walked over and looked at Gromash’s face that had been staring at Urouge, and he turned his lips back and said to Joz: “In the tavern in Magic Valley, when you came out, he was like this. Staring at you”

Then Lu Qi looked at the Urouge who looked at them very vigilantly, and then continued: “I think this Gromash seems to have an unusually persistent appreciation for you muscular men. Maybe he wants to pull this guy. Joining?”

Joz was also very bold and wanted to take a picture of Lu Qi’s little head, but Lu Qi avoided it with Paper Arts, and Joz didn’t care. He laughed and said: “Lu Qi, don’t worry, as long as you Eat more meat and drink more milk. Sooner or later, you will become a tough guy like us, hahahaha, so don’t be envious.”

Lu Qi’s face became stiff, and then Tsundere opened his mouth and said, “Huh, who wants to become a guy like you? I think it is more suitable for you to exercise various martial arts. I drink milk just to make myself. The bones have become stronger…”

Joz was not trying to provoke Luqi’s nerves when he heard the words, and just then, Urouge said: “You pirates, if you want to destroy Birka, you have to pass my level first!”

After speaking, Urouge raised the thick iron pillar in his hand and rushed to Gromash, who was thinking about something in a daze.

Urouge is also seizing this good opportunity. In his opinion, no matter how powerful the destructive power of the man in front of him is, as long as he eats his trick, how can he be beaten to death? When facing this group of pirates, it can be regarded as reducing a threat, and it can also increase his chances of winning.

But just when Urouge felt that he was about to succeed, he watched 953 and saw another strong man quickly block Gromash’s side.

And Urouge was also cruel in his heart, and the power in his hand increased again, thinking: “You are loyal, but it’s okay, even you took it together.”

However, things still did not develop as Urouge thought. I saw Joz blocking the right side of Gromash, and then raised his right arm very casually, and the ability to activate instantly became a diamond with a gorgeous light. Arm, and then Urouge’s huge iron pillar grabbed his arm. With this blow, Joz himself was even

It didn’t move, but Urouge was shocked by the collision between the iron pillar and the diamond. Even the palm holding the iron pillar cracked open, and a stream of blood poured out.

“Didn’t you see what our captain is thinking about?? In this case, you can’t just interrupt you casually.” Joz put down his arm very casually, looked at Urouge and smiled. .

And Urouge also set off a huge wave in his heart at this time, his own full blow, was so easily blocked by others??

Until then, Gromash seemed to have recovered from his thoughts.He looked at the very embarrassed Urouge, and his heart was also a little funny.He had recognized this guy, after all, his recognition was still quite good. It’s high, but Gromash didn’t expect this guy to be so weak twenty years ago, but think about it, it should be like this, after all

He only became a supernova at the age of forty-five. Before New World, his strength was average, and he couldn’t even do a PX-pacifist. It’s still twenty years early, and his strength should be weaker, but it doesn’t matter. If there is potential, it is enough to be worth training.

Then Gromash hung his Hell Destroyer behind him, and directly asked Urouge: “What’s your name??”

Then Urouge also realized that he might not be able to do these vicious pirates, so seeing that the so-called “captain” in front of him seemed to have no intention of continuing to do it, and he did not want to provoke them again because of his impulse and bring Birka to Birka. What a greater disaster, Urouge sank and said, “Urouge, my name is Urouge

You pirates, what are your plans to come to Birka!!??”.

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