I Am Hellscream

Chapter 072

Just as Gromash and their arrival at Kujima Beka, a huge warship was chasing a ship in a certain area of the New World, and soon the powerful artillery fire on the warship destroyed the ship’s power system and broke their sails.

At the same time, the giant vice admiral Haguvar on the huge warship D. Sauro also sighed and said, “Go and get them back.” ”

But before he could finish speaking, gunfire and artillery resounded over there, and it seemed that the ships over there were still planning to continue to resist a wave.

And at this moment, the artillery fire on the warship roared again, and Sauro’s face changed, and he shouted angrily: “Stop!!” Don’t fire on the gun!! There is no need to kill them, isn’t it good to catch them ?? ”

However, Sauro’s words were too late, and the powerful fire on the warship directly hit the ship, blowing the entire ship apart.

And the gunner who was operating the artillery was also startled by Sauro, and said tremblingly: “Lord Lieutenant General… But they’re still resisting…”

Sauro said with a gloomy face: “They are not vicious pirates, in the final analysis, they are just a group of scholars who do not know how to fight, did a shell hit us??” You are the elite navy of the headquarters of the navy Mallinford, are you now so stupid that even these unrestrained scholars cannot submit? ”

After all, this warship is Sauro’s warship, he is the commander of this warship, and now Sauro has ordered that shelling is not allowed, and those navies do not dare to say anything, and quickly follow the order, riding in small kayaks towards the ship that has been destroyed and burning with flames.

And Sauro also looked at the burning ship over there with a somewhat gloomy face, and after a long time, he whispered softly and muttered with a little pain: “I am again… Have you slaughtered these unrestrained scholars? ”

There is no doubt that Sauro’s heart is quite entangled at this time, and he has been repeatedly tormented to an extreme by this “justice” and the goodness in his heart.

As a navy, as a violent organ under the World Government, he is indeed carrying out this order from his superiors, and the reason given to him by his superior, Sengoku General, is… These scholars are deciphering the text of history that was declared “illegal” eight hundred years ago.

As a senior admiral of the Navy, Sauro also understands what the historical text represents, and if nothing else, the historical text records the details of the three legendary ancient weapons— Pluto Pruto, Sea King, Poseidon, and Ouranos.

And these three things are taken out casually, all of which have the power to destroy the world, so the world government openly forbids any scholar to study the so-called historical text, and the reason is also upright— in order to avoid the resurrection of ancient weapons that can destroy the world.

It is precisely for this reason that in this world, all those who study the text of this history will be sentenced to the crime of “intent to destroy the world”, and it is the death penalty, from ancient times to the present, countless scholars have died for this, but there are still a large number of scholars who are working for this, I have to say that in some aspects, although scholars have some iron, their spirit and behavior of fighting for dreams, ideals, and the rights of all mankind are still admirable.

And the reason given to Sauro by the Sengoku General is that “these scholars intend to destroy the world.”

In fact, from the time at this time, the world government has not planned to use the resurrection of ancient weapons to fight the era of sea thieves, they are indeed preventing someone from resurrecting these three ancient weapons, and then using them to do evil and destroy the world.

Although the Warring States is a general of the navy headquarters, but in the end, he is just a general, for the historical text, even with his authority, he can’t understand anything too deep, this point, I’m afraid the current Admiral Steel Bone Sora is not very clear what is recorded in the historical text, what is the blank hundred years? ?

After all, such a huge institution as the navy, for the world government, is just a violent organ to maintain their rule, it is a kind of “weapon”, and it is clear that if you want the “weapon” to use it easily, you can’t let the “weapon” know too many things that they should not know, especially for this kind of weapon that upholds the word “justice”.

Because once they know too much, it will inevitably have some bad effects, and when the time comes, it will not be easy to use…

Therefore, the Warring States General is not very clear about what the hell this historical text is doing, but he is very clear about one thing, that is, scholars studying and interpreting the historical text do have a certain chance that it will bring those careerists the opportunity to destroy the world.

In fact, no matter what scholars want to study, this question cannot be avoided, just as the sand crocodile Klockdar later controlled Nicole Robin and let her look for the historical text held by the Nafirutali royal family in Alabastan, Klockdar just wants to find the ancient weapon Pluto Pluto from there, and then control the entire kingdom of Alabastan that even has a strong military power in the world, and cooperate with Pluto Pluto to seize the entire world.

And in this chaotic and conquest world, the most important thing is a careerist like Klockdal who is ambitious and dares to take action for it, and there are so many scholars in O’Hara, in case any nerd has the wrong brain and leaks something about the text of history, then it is strange that these careerists do not turn the world upside down.

This is also the main reason why the Warring States General bothered to destroy the entire O’Hara with a demon slaughter order, as a naval admiral, of course, he knows how to choose, compared with the possibility that the whole world is brought into destruction and war, no matter how small this possibility is, O’Hara is just an insignificant small weight, if as long as O’Hara is destroyed, this possibility can be eradicated, let alone destroy one, even if it is ten, hundreds, the Warring States General he is ruthless, gritting his teeth, still say destroy and extinguished!

This is the justice that he upholds in the Warring States!

In fact, if he changed to Gromash to sit in the position of the Warring States, if he didn’t know what was hidden behind this, then he would also order the destruction of the entire O’Hara, because O’Hara was too small compared to the whole world, and he was also not a soft-hearted guy.

But on the other hand, Lieutenant General Haguvar of the Giants D. Sauro is not a person who has the consciousness of a warring states general who would rather kill by mistake and not let go even if he is burdened with darkness, he is still too kind after all, and a kind person is really not suitable to become a “messenger of justice”, because although justice represents light, it is not kindness… Like evil, justice is equally cold and merciless!

Looking at the fate of those righteous messengers with good hearts in the entire navy, for now, there are basically few who have reached a high position.

Admiral Black Wrist Zefa, with a kind heart, holds the name of a messenger of justice, and since joining the army, he has always caught pirates without killing, so he also won the name of “General Who Does Not Kill”, but what happened to him in the end?? The family was destroyed, the wife and children were killed… A boatload of disciples almost died later, and they were cut off their proud “black wrists”! Turned into a complete maniac.

Look at Karp again, he was kind-hearted, but he was “used” by Roger from the beginning and paid Esto to him, and then he experienced one of the most tragic things in the world, the white-haired man sent the black-haired person, and right in front of his eyes, his grandson was punched through the back of the front and back, burned through the internal organs and died, and he?? can only be pressed to the ground by the Warring States, unable to move, watching all this, and finally he can’t even take revenge, but is that really the Warring States pressing him? No, it is the justice in his heart that is pressing him…

If Karp wasn’t so kind and he refused Roger’s last request from the start, then what did it have to do with him when it all happened?

Looking at Kuzan again, he was finally broken by Sakaski, and not only failed to sit in the position of admiral, but also left from the position of admiral.

On the contrary, Sakaski, who upholds absolute justice and does not have the slightest confusion in his heart, but is just cold, ruthless and unscrupulous for justice, which led him all the way to the highest point of the navy, the position of marshal.

I have to say that in fact, only a person like Sakaski is really suitable for the implementation of “justice”, because he never doubts justice, and never doubts himself, he is a person who is really suitable for the navy, perhaps the reason why he can be supported by the world government and sit in the position of marshal of the navy is probably not unrelated to his style and means.

And at this turning point in history, Sauro’s kindness finally dragged him into this huge whirlpool…

Nicole Olbia, O’Hara’s genius scholar and mother of Nicole Robin, son of the devil, with beautiful silver hair, she became the only survivor of the ship’s thirty-three scholars, and it was because of her survival that she would have since turned the promising Vice Admiral Haguval D. Sauro was brought into the abyss of fate.

“Lieutenant General Sauro, there is a survivor!” Two navies, escorting Olbia to Sauro’s ship, reported to Sauro.

And Olbia’s eyes were also full of hatred, staring at Sauro with gritted teeth and resentment: “You guys are so ruthless…”

However, Sauro did not care what she said, but stared at Olbia’s delicate face, and then spoke: “Do you really want to resurrect the ancient weapon that can destroy the world?” ”

“Deplorable man!! You have no opinion, but you want to interrogate me, you are superstitious in the law, and you have found an excuse to prevent the resurrection of ancient weapons as a reason, in fact, what you are really afraid of is the unknown past, you are afraid that all this will be known by the world!! But history has always belonged to all mankind!! No matter how deep you bury it, one day, someone will wipe away the dust that buried it, dig out everything in the past, and all people have the right to know everything about this past… You…” Before Olbia could finish his words, Sauro’s face had become very gloomy.

“Enough!! Take her down. Sauro said with a wave of his hand, and then Olbia was taken down by the navy and put in a cage.

“Go back, go back to the headquarters of the Navy, take everything that can be taken away from that ship, and go back to let the people of the CP organ study it.” Sauro said in a deep voice.

After all these orders were given, he returned to his room, and then he sat on the huge special chair, picked up his teacup, and looked at his reflection in the teacup and fell silent for a while.

The reflection of himself, his eyes are full of confusion and distrust… It is not the first time that Sauro has become confused about his justice, but this is the first time he has developed a distrust of justice in the Navy, and trust in such a thing is important, once lost… In the future, if I encounter anything about this, I will involuntarily become suspicious.

“What the hell am I… What to do? Sauro murmured softly.

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