I Am Hellscream

Chapter 071

Empty Island Beka, inside the temple on this island, the god of ruler, Crodyar, was walking around the temple a little anxiously at this time.

As his divine guard, a young strong man asked with some doubt: “Lord God, what is it that makes you so anxious?” ”

Crodiar stopped when he heard this, and then he looked at the strong man beside him, hesitated, and then still spoke: “Urki, do you remember fifteen days ago, the god of Angel Island, Gan Fore, that guy contacted us?? ”

Urki nodded a little puzzled, and shook his head again: “At that time, I happened to go to the monastery to do business, but I heard that Lord Gan Fore contacted you, but I don’t know exactly what happened, but it seems that since then, Lord God, you seem to be a little impatient.” ”

Crodiar also sighed when he heard this and said: “Alas, there is nothing to hide until now, according to Gan Fore, a group of vicious pirates came to our White Sea from Qinghai through the huge sky-piercing current, they first made a big fuss on Angel Island, not only defeated the Divine Guard there, even Gan Fore, the guy with the name of the Sky Knight was powerless to fight back, if it weren’t for the group of pirates who seemed to have some kind of holiday mentality, I’m afraid the entire Angel Island would have been finished.” , and after this, Gan Fore knew that they seemed to be fighting for their lives this time to break into the empty island in order to find us Beka, fifteen days ago, forced by their coercion, Gan Faure has let people bring them towards us Beka, this angel island is more than ten days away from us, this time the evil guest came to the door, do you say I can not be anxious? I don’t know what kind of disaster this is for us Beka… I just hope they can have something to say and discuss something. ”

Urki’s face changed when he heard this, and then he spoke: “Don’t worry, Lord God, as long as I Ulki is alive, I won’t let people destroy our Beka, Lord God, maybe you don’t know, not long ago, when I was going to do something, I accidentally ate a devil fruit, although I haven’t studied it carefully, but this rumored devil fruit does have a very magical power, after eating this fruit, I can convert these injuries into my power after being hurt, Double the return to the enemy… If these people really dare to do something wrong in Beca, I will definitely teach them a good lesson. ”

Krodir was also slightly relieved after hearing Urki’s confident words, for Ulki, Crodiar is very trusting, he also knows that the strong Urki is the first warrior of Beka, at this time Urki actually got new strength, which made Crodiar have a little confidence in the face of the upcoming villains.

Then Croatia spoke: “Urki, when this incident is over, you will leave here.” ”

Urki’s face changed, and he spoke: “Lord God, is there something I did badly?” ”

“No, Urki, you’re doing well, and you’ve done enough for Beka, haven’t you always wanted to find those monks to study the scriptures? After this incident passes, you go, I can see that you are a potential child, you should not be trapped here all the time, through this incident, I also understand a truth, although this sky is high, but it is this high above, let us all be bound, whether it is strength, or vision or something else, so you should not be bound here anymore, whether you want to be a real monk, or to fulfill your childhood dream, Become a pirate. ”

That’s right, the divine guard in front of this guy God Krodiyar is one of the targets that Gromash is looking for this time, the monster monk Urki.

In fact, if it were not for Gromash and they ran to Beka this time to mess around, Urki would have left Beka after more than ten years and went down to Qinghai to find those monasteries and monks to study the scriptures, although he returned to Beka a few times in the following days, but finally let Anilu, the big devil of the empty island, destroy his hometown Beka, because there was no communication between the empty island Bica and Qinghai, and Urki, who was practicing hard below, did not know that his hometown had been destroyed. It wasn’t until he returned to Beka many years later that he learned of the bad news, and after that, he was bent on revenge and stopped being a monk, and he was about to break his vows.

But even if Urki has been to Qinghai several times, after all, he only went to Qinghai to study “literature”, and he did not go to hone his strength, so even after so many years, Urki’s strength has not actually grown much, and he has not learned any domineering power, so when facing the natural system Thunder Fruit ability who ran to Angel Island to dominate for six years, Anilu, he was beaten and had no power to fight back, and almost lost his life, if not for his fruit that made his skin rough and thick, Coupled with his own strength and Anilu’s arrogant personality, he may really die there, and then Urki returned to Qinghai again after escaping with his life, this time, he formed his own pirate group, inspiring to hone his strength, and when he has enough capital, he will go back to Anilu to take revenge.

And his pirate group … Its name is “Ringbreaker Monk Pirates”.

But coincidentally, not long after Ulki’s guy came down from the empty island, Luffy and a group of them ran to Angel Island, and then hung Urki’s great enemy Anilu and ruined his “dream of God”.

But it’s still that old reason, Urki has no way to know the news of the empty island in the Qinghai, plus Luffy they are not the kind of guys who want to show off after defeating an enemy, so Anilu has actually been hung up with the news that Urki doesn’t know at all, so he still took his pirate group all the way through the first half of the great voyage, landed in the Chambord Islands, and became the last supernova of the year, but he didn’t know that Luffy was his benefactor, So there is no intersection either.

It wasn’t until two years later, when Ulki broke into the New World and defeated Charlotte Snag, a general of the Bigmom Pirates, and then was educated that he returned to the empty island to recuperate, and it was at that time that he learned that his original enemy Anilu had been hanged, and now he didn’t know where to run…

However, although it was not his own revenge, but now that the matter has indeed been closed, I don’t know if Anilu is dead or alive, and Urki can’t find him anymore. (Anilu actually ran to the moon)

Urki, who had slightly dissipated the resentment in his heart, also returned to the appearance of some monks again, so when watching Kaido’s guy play suicide, Urki would sit on the side like a person who went above and beyond for him.

But at this time, everything has not yet happened, Urki is still a divine guard, and Anilu probably does not know where to play in the mud, in fact, from the cause and effect of all this, Gromash as long as they find the thunder fruit this time, it can be said that they essentially saved the entire Beka, even Angel Island was saved by the way, and Gromash is not exaggerated even if he is called the “hero of the empty island”? ?

But now this “empty island hero” is being regarded as a tiger by the rulers of the empty island…

While Urki and Krodir were saying something in the temple, Gromash and their Shining Ship also appeared in the sea near Becca.

Gromash was standing on the deck, holding a telescopic telescope, looking at Beca’s appearance, he smacked his lips while looking and said: “This is the legendary Beka, what a wonderland on earth, how can that bastard thing in Anilu be able to get his hands on it?” Really, I, an honest and kind young man with four haves, have to go through thousands of mountains and rivers to save you, think about it, I admire myself a little. ”

Lu Qi, who was standing beside him, said with some doubt: “What Anilu??” What salvation?? And also… You really have enough shamelessness to think that you are honest and kind?? ”

Gromash put away the telescope in his hand and slapped it down, Luqi seemed to have expected Gromash’s action, and gently turned his body to dodge, and then Gromash said with some surprise: “Yes, smelly boy, your paper paintings can avoid Lao Tzu’s slap.” ”

When Lu Qi heard this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and then he said: “The qualifications are too good to help, sometimes I am afraid of my own growth speed…”

But before he finished talking this time, Gromash had already raised his leg and kicked him on the butt, directly kicking him and dropping him to eat shit, and then Gromash followed and said: “Say that you are fat and you are still breathing, dodging a slap and being so complacent, you kid is still far away, and, as for why Lao Tzu said that Lao Tzu is an honest and kind person…”

Speaking of this, Gromash pretended to touch his chin, and then his eyes seemed to become embarrassed, as if he was remembering something, and then he said deeply: “That’s because although I am in the dark, my heart is towards the light…”

But Lucy didn’t have a bird, Gromash, stood up and patted his butt, like a little adult, shaking his head while leaving the deck where Gromash was while talking to himself: “This man, it’s really strange, why do you always like to pretend??” ”

Gromash was also a little embarrassed by Luqi, he coughed his throat, and then shouted loudly to the people on the boat: “Little ones, Empty Island Beka has arrived, cheer up, this time even if you want to turn Beka upside down, even if you want to tear Beka down, you must find out the thunder fruit for Lao Tzu!” ”

After hearing Gromash’s words, Luki picked up a glass of milk from his table, took a few sips, and then shook his head and whispered, “It’s really honest and kind…”

After saying this, Luqi also looked in the direction of Beka, his eyes were full of expectation, as the ultimate beneficiary of this operation, he trusted Gromash very much, Gromash said that there is an empty island, the empty island really exists, said that there is a place called Beka on the empty island, and Bika is really coming, saying that there is a thunder fruit on Beka… Will that Thunder Fruit be far away?

“Soon, I will be able to be your right-hand man… My place. A hint of firmness flashed in Luqi’s eyes, and he muttered in a very confident tone.

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