Chapter 70 Gay Pirates?

Sky Island is just a general term for islands floating in the sky. In fact, there are a lot of Sky Island in the White Sea above the sky. The sky knights-gods, Gan and Fuer first met Luffy and the others. , Once asked, “If you come all the way from the top of the western sky, why would you also encounter one or two Sky Island?”

From this sentence, we can see that Sky Island is really a lot.

However, although there are many Sky Island, all the islands that come from the soaring ocean current are Angel Island after passing through the gate of heaven.

At this time, on the coast of Angel Island, Gromash was lying on a sofa made of clouds, holding Congo in one hand, sipping juice through a straw, and basking in the sun very leisurely.

“Ah, this should really be regarded as a holiday resort, especially this cloud bed, which is simply a genius design.” Gromash said comfortably.

“The channel that came here from the White Sea before was also made of clouds. It seems that the entire Sky Island Master has unknown technology. At least I have never heard of useful “clouds” as materials to make things below. Technology.” Joz also pressed the soft sofa and said with a smile.

“There are also these weird “shells” that can store flames and so on. It’s incredible enough, and there are things that can store sounds. This is really the best in the world.” Cromwell was upside down in his hands. Bumped a phonograph, and said in a very unbelievable way.

“It’s the first time I have experienced the fun of being a pirate and adventure. I have to say, it’s very interesting.” Lu Qi also said with a smile while lying on a soft cloud bed.

Gromash also sat up, then put the Congo in his hand on the table aside, and said, “Anyway, the environment here is very good, the pace of life is very slow, and there is no disturbance from the sea. The paradise is average, even Marine, will not take such a big risk to come here easily, only

It is a pity that there is no other way to get up except the so-called top of the sky and ocean currents, and the top of the west sky is too dangerous. The skytops and ocean currents are once a year, and the limitations are too great. If you can find any safe and stable method , Even if we capture this place and hang our flag, it would be good to be our base camp!”

“It’s really good.” Even after thinking about it, Joz felt very good.

Then Gromash clapped his hands and said, “Okay, it’s been three days now. It’s time to discuss the next step? According to some secrets I got before, the legendary golden hometown of Shandora The city is near this Angel Island, and there are countless gold buried in it, and apart from this, according to the god-Gan-Fu here

You said that the Sky Island, half a month away from our journey, is the Sky Island- Birka we are looking for. Not surprisingly, there should be a top Logia fruit-Thunder Fruit on Birka, so let’s look for it first. which one??”

That’s right, Gromash and the others have been on Angel Island for three days. When they passed through the gate of heaven, as a pirate, it is of course impossible for Gromash to pay any transit money. It is not bad if he does not collect protection fees on Sky Island. , And still expect Gromash to pay them?? Isn’t that a joke??

Therefore, after boarding the Angel Island, the ruler here-God-Gan Fuer led his guards to find Gromash, but the strength of the Sky Island people is actually not very good, Gromash and his team They were both very sturdy. There was a short-term conflict between the two sides. Together with Gan-Four, they were all beaten up violently by Gromash and his party.

Not only did they not receive any transit fees, Gromash and the others also won “privileges” here. For example, in the past three days, all of their expenses on Angel Island were reimbursed by the temple.

God-Gan Fuerzuo (ciad) is the ruler of Angel Island, one of the Sky Island. He knows the entire Sky Island in the White Sea very well. Gromash they also inquired about Birka after they hammered him. It is estimated that it is to quickly send away the gang of plague gods like Gromash. Gan Fore knows everything, and talks endlessly. I will tell you all the news about Birka.

They all said it clearly, and also said that as long as they want to set off, they can arrange seventeen or eight navigators to lead them at any time.

However, Gromash and the others finally ran to the legendary Sky Island, how can they be familiar with the environment first?? After all, people living in Qinghai will have “altitude sickness” after they come to Sky Island. It takes time to adapt. It’s a moment, and it’s all here, it’s a sin not to enjoy it first, anyway, they are not in a hurry, so they are on Angel Island

After three days of rest, it was not until today that Gromash decided to move on to the next step.

“The land of gold?” Joz also murmured longingly, but soon, he shook his head and said: “To be honest, even if we find the land of gold now, it won’t be of much use. These people can’t take much gold with them. In fact, the whole country of gold is not of much use to us small forces who are understaffed.

Yes, only those great powers at the national level can completely digest the treasures of the Golden Land??”

“That’s right, if you don’t take too much, you can’t take it away, and if you don’t take it, it doesn’t make much sense. The land of gold is here, and you can’t run away. It’s better to wait for us to develop into a big power in the future, and then think of a way to get up. It’s not bad to take away the gold buried in this golden country.” Cromwell also nodded and said.

And Lu Qi didn’t have any comments. He said directly: “Don’t ask me, my first choice is definitely Thunder Fruit. After all, this fruit is an ability prepared for me. If I get it earlier, I can start earlier. Although the development, the land of gold has great appeal to me, compared with Thunder Fruit, it is not worth mentioning.”

Hearing this, Gromash looked up at the group of young brothers who were enjoying themselves in the sea. He didn’t bother to ask them what they thought. Several of them at the cadre level would just discuss with each other, and it was not really about democracy.

Seeing that everyone wanted to find Thunder Fruit first, Gromash also nodded and said, “Okay, then go to Birka and find Thunder Fruit first. We don’t know the way, but it doesn’t matter. Didn’t Gan Fore have said that? As long as we want to go, he can send seventeen or eight navigators to lead the way at any time, seventeen or eight do not need one, send one to help

It should always be?? After all, we are friends. ”

Lu Qi drank two sips of milk and said, “A friend?? Is a friend. You also have bruises on both of his eye circles?? Like a panda?”

Gromash raised his hand and knocked Lu Qi’s head again, and then said: “The so-called far away is a guest, we ran all the way from the bottom to the sky, if it is me, if you don’t ask everyone to eat dinner, I will feel a little sorry. Yes, that old boy dare to come and ask me for any border crossing fees?? If it weren’t for my good temper, he would have been cut off by the guard now, of course,

This is also not acquainted without fighting, no matter what he thinks, I treat him as a friend.”

“You treat him as a friend?? Then he doesn’t dare to say that you are not his friend, otherwise he will have to be beaten.” Lu Qi said again.

Gromash slapped him directly on the back of his head, cursing: “You fucking, you talk a lot, you can’t stop drinking milk.

As Gromash expected, he regarded Gan Fuer as a “friend”, then Gan Fuer dare not treat him as a friend?? Especially after hearing that Gromash and others are leaving, Gan Fu Er almost cried out of excitement, and he insisted on coming personally to send Gromash and the group away from Angel Island with the eyes of two bruised pandas.

But after Lu Qi thought about it, this guy probably wanted to make sure with his own eyes that Gromash, they really left from Angel Island…

After the Glitter gradually disappeared from Gan-Four’s sight, Gan-Four wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, looked in the direction of Birka, and silently mourned them again.

On the Shining, Gromash also kindly patted the trembling young man with wings, and then said in a pleasant tone, “Brother, don’t be afraid, I and your ruler-Forrest Gump are good friends. , When you didn’t see me leaving, he was very reluctant to come and see me personally?? So don’t worry, just

If you want you to send us to Birka, you can leave, we won’t do anything to you. ”

When Gromash said that, the guy seemed to be even more scared, but Gromash didn’t care about that much. Just send them to Birka. As for what you think in your heart, it’s up to you.

Gromash was standing on the edge of the deck. At this time, some thoughts were constantly popping up in his mind.First of all, he wanted to see whether Enel was in Birka or not. There is not much interest in Enel anymore, what he is still thinking about is whether he can find another fierce man in Sky Island

, That is one of the supernovas in the future. Weird monk. Urouge.

To say that Urouge can be said to be the strong man who walked out of the fish pond of Sky Island. He is much more normal than Enel. Even if he has a strong strength, it is enough to dominate Sky Island, but he still did not choose to stay in Sky Island.” “God” instead ran to Qinghai and became a pirate.

And this guy’s fruit ability is quite weird, it’s not clear what it is, but Gromash guessed what Paramecia should be. The fruit related to the law of causality can turn the damage received into one’s own strength, and then hit it out. It belongs to the kind of person who bears more damage, the stronger the attack power.

However, in Gromash’s view, although this ability is weird, it is not particularly powerful.After all, if the damage exceeds the limit you can bear, it will be dead. Therefore, this fruit seems to only be able to compete with people of similar strength. Turning disadvantages into advantages, but in the face of a crushing powerhouse, he must die.

But this is not a reason to underestimate Urouge. After all, this guy is the first man among the supernovas to make some achievements. He successfully overturned the star of the bigm om Pirates-Charlotte Snug. You know that Urouge at that time just left Sky Island, and he was still a rookie pirate, but his true age is already four.

Fifteen years old, that is to say, even if he wasted his great youth on Sky Island, he can still kill a star.

This also shows that his potential should actually be great, so Gromash’s idea at this time is that if he meets Urouge, who is now about 20 years old during this trip to Sky Island, then he must Take him away and stay by your side to cultivate it. It may not be a strong fighting force in the future. How can I say it?

The guarantee is also a star-level guy, right?

But soon, Gromash’s face became a little weird. Weird monk-Urouge, there is no doubt that this guy is also a strong muscular man. If he joins Gromash again, it can be said that Gromash removes Lu Qizhi. Besides, it’s all due to the muscle brother’s fault. How can this give people a way to move towards the “tough guy pirate group” in Joz’s imagination.

The feeling of walking further and further on the road??

“No, when I get down below, Laozi must find a few beautiful girls to be partners, otherwise it always feels like it will make people misunderstand whether our pirate group is a gay pirate group.” Gromash secretly decided in his heart. .

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