I Am Hellscream

Chapter 068

The establishment of the Frost Wolf Pirate Group, symbolizing that Gromash became a captain of the Pirate Group, the name was determined, and the flag was quickly sorted out, the flag, like most pirates, used black as the background, on top of it, a dark blue wolf head with a little white frost was engraved in the center, two battle axes stood crossed, one condensed frost seemed to be frozen, the other burned as if hot, this strange sense of contradiction is extremely comfortable on this flag , Not only Gromash is very satisfied with this, but even Joz, Luckey, and Cromwell are also very satisfied, after all, this flag is much better than the large diamond and two emerald rods crossed by their gem pirate group.

Originally, Gromash was still going to grab a ship with Luqi or something, but now it seems that it is not necessary, all the members of the original Gem Pirates have become his little friends, so isn’t the ship also his ship? ?

The ship of the Jewel Pirates is not very large, because including Joz himself, their whole group was originally about ten people, so their ship in Gromash’s opinion is about the same size as the Thousand Miles of Sunshine of the Straw Hat Pirates in the future, this size is indeed just right, neither crowded nor too small family, and then a larger ship, a dozen people can not operate, like those standard warships of the Navy headquarters, it takes hundreds of people to start smoothly and set sail smoothly.

Now since you want to go to the sky, although the sky-piercing currents still have to wait a few days to come, but the preparations must be made in advance, so the original Jewel Pirate Group and the flagship of the current Frost Wolf Pirate Group, the Shining, have also been pulled out and transformed.

Since there is no navigator genius like Nami at this stage in their pirate group, they can add wings to the ship and control the ship to fly to the empty island on the soaring currents and updrafts.

So the overall modification is also slightly different, the bottom of the entire Shining ship is equipped with a large number of fixtures, and then a number of thick iron chains hang from the deck to the sea like anchors, the overall look is how weird and weird, it doesn’t look like a ship that can go to the sky at all, and even after adding these things, even ordinary navigation seems to become difficult, a sail without an outer wheel can not provide enough power, so after the modification is completed, the Shining did not move from the harbor at all.

The pirates who went back and forth to enter and exit Magic Valley Town were also very curious when they saw this very strange ship that had been modified, and after inquiring about whose ship it was and what it was used for, they all showed a strange expression.

Well, this is currently the ship of the Frost Wolf Pirates, the largest “black evil force” in Magic Valley Town, and the reason why they transformed the ship into this is because they want to take that annual sky-piercing current and land on the empty island…

Half a year is not long, short is not short, but in fact, it passes quickly, at this time, Gromash is exercising his physical strength, and not far away, Joz and the rest of the group are still honing things like six styles and domineering.

I have to say that Lu Qi, this little fart child, is really qualified, when the rest of the people are still figuring out how to a certain six-style, he has already started all the six styles, and even about the two moves of finger gun and lan foot, he has studied deeper, and his powerful talent has finally been revealed.

And it is precisely because of this that Joz, Cromwell and others figured out why Boss Gromash wanted to bring a little fart around, originally they thought that Luqi was a burden, now think about it, indeed, Luqi at this stage may be a burden, but as long as he is given a few years, when he becomes an adult, he will become a powerful combat force, and even if this trip to the empty island is really smooth, after Luqi eats the thunder fruit, it can already be counted as a powerful combat force.

But I don’t know if it was after being strongly educated by Gromash, Lucy has accepted his fate, he seems to be used to drinking milk now, or not drinking the uncomfortable kind, anyway, no matter when Gromash sees him, as long as it is in his free time, he can see Lucy holding a transparent bottle in his hand, and the bottle contains milk that he can’t get tired of.

At this time, Luqi held his own milk, walked to Gromash, who was constantly doing push-ups, took out a piece of paper and wiped the sweat on Gromash’s back, just when Gromash was a little touched in his heart, and thought that this kid actually knew to wipe his sweat, it seems that when he grew up, Lu Qiqi actually sat on his back with a butt, and then said: “According to the old people who have lived here for many years, the recent period is the time when the annual sky-piercing current will erupt, So it’s almost time for us to leave Magic Valley. ”

Gromash propped himself up with a black face, and then said: “Actually, you just stand next to me and say, there is no need to sit on my back, right??” ”

“Appropriately increasing the difficulty is conducive to breaking through your own limits.” Luki said very naturally, as if he was doing so for Gromash’s consideration.

At this time, the ground under Gromash was completely soaked, it was all soaked by his sweat, and even there was a light layer of salt on the ground near here, after more than half a year of training, the sweat that Gromash flowed around here had actually salinized the land around here, which also showed how intense Gromash was training here.

Gromash didn’t bother to pay attention to Luqi, he was a little brat, sit down, anyway, it didn’t weigh, so he started exercising again, and then even had the strength to speak: “How??” Could it be that you lived for half a year and made you feel feelings for here?? Reluctant ?? ”

“Sort of a little.” Lu Qi didn’t hide anything, and said directly.

Gromash also smiled, and then said: “Then what, when we grow stronger in the future, we must also have our own territory in various places, we are pirates, what you want, you have to rob it, when the time comes, if you feel reluctant, you will rob this magic valley town into our territory, and then you want to live and come back to live, is it over??” ”

Lu Qi’s eyes lit up after hearing Gromash’s words, and then he spoke: “That’s right, we are pirates, and we have to grab whatever we want.” ”

Gromash then opened his mouth and continued: “But I have also had some doubts in the past half a year, these kings and bastard navies have not come to harass us once, it’s really strange, after all, the news that we are stationed in Magic Valley Town is not a secret, so many pirates know, I don’t believe this navy will not know??” ”

The Warring States Generals and these people from the naval headquarters actually knew as early as the first moment that the bastard guy Gromash was in the town of Gaya Island Magic Valley, and this bastard guy also accepted the younger brother, and they also knew very well about the opening of the mountain.

But the problem is that the entire Navy headquarters is currently unprecedentedly busy, New World Beast Kaido, Charlotte Lingling and a group of original silver medalists have begun to do things, such as Sakaski, Borusalino, Guyuan and other high-level combat forces have been pulled to the New World to perform some tasks from time to time, while Kuzan and Karp are dealing with important Roger affairs in the South China Sea, the Great Staff Officer Ah He also began to chase the Don Quixote family around, and Admiral Zefa was basically completely retired during this time, and he spent all day even in the Navy Headquarters · Mallinford didn’t come out, so he nestled in the military academy to train new students, and it seemed that he was waiting to find a suitable time to announce this to the world.

The Warring States General himself has been extremely busy in recent times, not only because he is the “only” general in this class, but also because the steel marshal has also begun to hand over some things that can be handled by the naval marshal to the Warring States General, which is undoubtedly also a signal, this signal symbolizes that the time is close to the time for the Sengoku General to move to the position of the next Admiral of the Navy.

And in order to give the Warring States General some opportunities to perform, in recent times, the matter of “mystic scholars who do not know the roots investigating the text of history”, which the World Government attaches great importance to, has also been given full power to the Warring States General to handle.

Although he didn’t need the Warring States General to personally run around, he did need to sit in the Navy Headquarters Mallinford and arrange various matters in the center, so that the Warring States General knew that Gromash was now nested in Gaya Island Magic Valley Town, but he had no time to deal with this matter at all.

The Warring States General also knows that the Navy Headquarters Mallinford does have some lieutenant general-level combat power free at this stage, but he also knows that sending lieutenant general-level combat power to find the trouble of Gromash is a little embarrassing, and it is almost impossible to block it on the island, and once Gromash enters the sea, it will be the navy that suffers at that time, plus Gromash has not come out since entering the town of Magic Valley, and there is no movement except for a group of subordinates, The Warring States generals did not provoke Gromash anymore, these lieutenant general-level combat power, or keep to deal with those more and more pirates.

Even the Warring States General is still thinking, this Gromash wants to ride the sky-piercing current to the empty island, then maybe it is not impossible that Gromash will die in this without the help of their navy at all? ? Therefore, he could only silently curse Gromash in the office of the headquarters of the Navy.

“Isn’t it a good thing that the Navy doesn’t come to us for trouble?” Lu Qi said indifferently.

“Well, you’re right.” Gromash said while supporting one hand on the ground, and then backhand Luqi off his back with the other, then he stood up, took off the towel hanging around his neck, wiped the sweat on his body, and said: “Since the time of departure is in these days, then there should be supplies, inform Joz and start loading the ship.” ”

After sending off Luki, Gromash picked up a shoulder armor from the ground on the side… This shoulder armor was created in the past half a year, and he took the time to create it in Magic Valley Town, and the shape is still the same unicorn roaring, but it has changed from the original right shoulder armor to the left shoulder armor.

Gromash still just thought that his shoulder armor was lost, maybe it had been melted into molten iron under the original Sakaski fire, anyway, he didn’t know that his shoulder armor was now running on the shoulder of Admiral Gangyuan, the candidate of the navy headquarters.

If he knew, he didn’t know what his expression would be? He has the righteous gun of Guyuan in his hand, and Guyuan’s hand has his unicorn shoulder armor, well… Could it be that this is the legendary token of love??

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