Chapter 67 Team up to fight the world.

Gaya Island-Magic Valley Town, outside the wilderness, you can see a group of muscular men exercising, and among them there is a boy who looks like a teenager. I have to say that this scene is actually quite ghostly. It’s like a bunch of muscular guys having a messy party in the wild.

It has been a little half a month since Joz led his gem pirate group to join Gromash under the command of Gromash. As for why Gromash and the others still stay in the town of Magic Valley, the reason is also very simple, because Gromash and the others are not very coincidental. The people in Guzhen said that the last time a soaring ocean current erupted was half a year ago, and this soaring ocean current occurs once a year.

.If you want to meet again, it is estimated that you will have to wait until half a year later.

However, there is no rush for Gromash. To get things done, patience is also a necessary factor. Golden Lion- Shiki is a leader. With his status, he can endure for up to 20 years after breaking out of prison. Loneliness and cushioning, to pave the way for his ambition, his Gromash just wants to stay in one place for half a year.

Now, what’s the big deal? Compared with Thunder Fruit, let alone staying for half a year, he is willing to wait even if he stays for a year.

It just so happened that the past six months was used to integrate the newly joined people like Joz, and it would be good to get in touch with each other and cultivate their feelings.

In order not to let this half a year’s time be wasted, Gromash also began to teach martial arts to his little brothers very grandiosely. Not only did they hand over Marine Six Styles to them, even Haki’s power was also very clear.

However, Marine Six Styles is not something that anyone can practice. Most people can only master one or two skills, so Gromash has no requirements for their progress.

Joz seems to be getting farther and farther on his road of “durability”. After hearing the six formulas, he thought of the situation of Gromash and him for the first time, and then he did not hesitate to learn first. He started the Iron Body trick, according to his words, that is, if you practice the Iron Body trick to the depths, you can match it with your diamond ability.

Power, with Haki added, is enough to challenge the name of “the world’s strongest physical defense”. Then he will go to see if Whitebeard, the “world’s strongest man” can break his defense.

There is no opinion on Gromash. In his opinion, Joz is the most suitable route to follow. As long as it is hard enough, as long as it can stand, this kind of talent is often the final winner. Why is the guy called Kaido? For “the strongest one-on-one”? There is only one reason in the final analysis, because that guy Immune to Death, it doesn’t matter how you beat me,

When Laozi wakes up from alcohol, standing up is a stick to teach you what reality is.

When Gromash was sitting on the shore while biting a cigar and didn’t know what he was thinking about, Joz also walked up to him, sat down, unscrewed his own hip flask, and took a few sips. Said: “Boss Gromash, do we really have to wait here for half a year?? This soaring ocean current can really go to Sky Island?? Isn’t it a lie?


Gromash spit out a puff of smoke, then smiled and said, “Jie ha ha ha ha, it is a man’s romance to have a dream. Since when, even the pirates who pursue their dreams have begun to doubt this? Joz , It does seem that everyone thinks that I am talking about dreams, after all, I have never heard of anyone riding on the sky ocean current to board the Sky Island or the like,

But Joz, tell me, has anyone proved that Sky Island and Golden Country really do not exist? No!! Therefore, whether it is the emerald capital, the gold country or the gem sea, it is all There is a real possibility, and this possibility is the dream that countless people want to find!

“Dreams?? Indeed, as a pirate, you can’t abandon your dreams” Joz murmured and said with a smile.

“That’s right, so it’s only half a year. I still have to wait. By the way, do you want to understand the name and banner of the new pirate group that you are discussing?? It’s not that I said you, Joz, Jewel Sea The name of the thief group sounds a bit like the country pirate group. It is not overbearing at all. I think that besides you, there may be seventy or eighty gems.

The thieves are wandering in the sea.” Gromash patted Joz on the shoulder, spitting out helplessly.

And Joz also smiled awkwardly, and said: “What? I originally wanted to be called the Diamond Pirates, but later I thought it seemed a bit too ostentatious, so I changed it to the Gem Pirates.”

“Ahem, then you guys are really casual enough.” Gromash also nodded and said.

Then after thinking about it, Joz still said, “Boss Gromash, you are the new captain. You must also decide the name and flag of our newly established Pirate Group. Brothers have a few ideas. , I also want to see what you have decided.

“E? ​​After discussing for so long, has the result finally come out?? Let’s talk about it, what can I choose.” Gromash was also interested, spitting out a smoke and looking at Joz and said.

Joz scratched the back of his head, and then said: “Cromwell said it is good to call the Hell Pirates, I think it is better to call the Tough Guy Pirates.”

After Gromash heard these two names, he covered his eyes. He shouldn’t have hope for Joz and the others. It’s a named incompetent person

The Hell Pirates group is still barely able to pass, but it sounds too second, and a strong amusement is coming. Maybe the word hell is not suitable for the suffix of the Shanghai Pirates group, right? If you change to a corps or something, it sounds more compelling.

As for the tough guy pirates that Joz thinks are good, Gromash won’t make him what he wants. This name is certain. Gromash feels that he will be embarrassed to introduce himself to others in the future. How to introduce himself? Is it necessary?

“Hello everyone, I am the captain of the tough guy pirate group, the chief tough guy-Gromash?” Then Joz jumped out and said, “I am the second tough guy. Diamond Joz.”

Gromash shuddered after thinking about this mysterious and embarrassing scene. He would rather bid farewell to the pirate industry and return to The fish men island to be the boss of the evil forces, rather than being the captain of a tough guy pirate group.

Therefore, with one-tenth of a million hopes, Gromash asked hopefully: “What? Except for these two options, is there no other proposal? Teamwork, it’s not just you and Cromwell who have a speech Right?? We want democracy!”

Joz also seemed to see that Gromash was a little unhappy with the two names. Then he thought for a while and said, “Ah, yes, the little brother Lu Qi said that the Frostwolf Pirates is also good. That guy White Fang can become our mascot.

Gromash almost burst into tears when he heard Lu Qi’s thoughts. He couldn’t help but decide to add Lu Qi a meal to him in the evening and buy him more milk.

From Gromash’s point of view, it has to be said that Lu Qi’s naming ability is about 18 blocks from the two funerals of Joz and Cromwell. The name of the Frostwolf Pirates sounds like nothing. The Hell Pirate Group and the Tough Guy Pirate Group are much stronger. The Hell Pirate Group sounds like a middle-two aura, and the Tough Guy Pirate Group always makes people feel gay in gay.

The first impression gives people a feeling that they are all muscular brothers and expensive.

Only the Frostwolf Pirates, Gromash was very satisfied after hearing this name. The Frostwolf name is very good. When it sounds, it gives people a breath of wildness and bravery. Gromash is very I like wolves. In his opinion, wolves have goals and ambitions. The key is to be ruthless, not only ruthless to the enemy, but also ruthless to yourself.

! And in Gromash’s view, to be a pirate, an industry that puts your head off your belt, you must have wolfishness. Only in this way can you have meat!

“Is the Frostwolf Pirates group?? Very good, Joz, I think this name is much better than the Hell Pirates and the Tough Guys Pirates. If everyone has no other opinions, then we will be called Tough Guys. Bah, Frostwolf Pirates!!” Gromash knocked the soot in his hand and said.

Joz said very solemnly: “”I have an opinion, I still think the tough guy pirate group is better.”

“The opinion is dismissed, well, as the first captain order, I announce that our Pirates will be called the Frostwolf Pirates from now on!” Gromash didn’t give Joz, a guy full of “tough guys” and “muscles”. With a little chance, he relentlessly dismissed his opinion and spoke.

“Didn’t you just say that you want democracy??” Joz was also confused by Gromash’s swift dismissal.

“I have given you a chance to comment. Isn’t this democratic enough??” Gromash stood up, patted his butt and said disdainfully.

Just when Gromash and Joz stayed in the town of Magic Valley, because the pirates in Magic Valley town came in and out a lot, it was about Gromash conquered the gem pirate group, and the strongest newcomer-Diamond-Joz became News of Gromash’s partner began to spread out.

In a blink of an eye, the 500 million bounty big thief-Hellscream-Proudmoore, who had single-handedly entered the world, immediately pulled up his team in Magic Valley Town. His team now has the strongest newcomer of the year-Diamond Joz, offering a reward. Gold 230 million Baileys, and Cromwell, known as the gem hunter, is offering 78 million Baileys as a bounty.

In the pirate group that doesn’t seem to have much deterrence and powerful strength, but the signal radiated from it has made most people who have followed Gromash secretly raised it. (Noma’s)

No matter what kind of team Gromash pulls up and what kind of partners he finds, there is no doubt that this is he is declaring to the whole world that he will also “group to fight the world”, after all, no matter how strong Gromash is before , What happened, but after all, he is only one person, so although everyone thinks that he is good, very

There is potential, but at the top, Gromash is also the second red earl Barlowy Clayderfield. The single-handed man will never be a big threat. Now it is different. Gromash actually formed a group. If you think about it, I’m afraid that it won’t be long before another potential player will join this troubled world for hegemony.

New World, aboard the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates. After hearing the news about Gromash and Joz, Whitebeard said with some regrets: “Oh, it’s a pity. Originally, I was still very concerned about this year’s strongest newcomer-Diamond. -Joz is very interested, and wants to see if he can join us, but he didn’t expect to let Gromash first

That’s it.”


“Father, why don’t we go to inquire about Gromash’s attitude?? Wouldn’t it be better if he could be our person??” Marko said as he stood beside Whitebeard.

And Whitebeard shook his head and smiled and said, “No, people like Gromash won’t bow to me. Maybe one day, he thinks he has enough strength and he will come to me for trouble, Ku la la la La la la la la la.”.

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