I Am Hellscream

Chapter 066

Gromash did not stop after this palm flew Joz, the speed of the shot was extremely fast, the next second he had stepped on the shave, the whole person had caught up with Joz who flew out upside down at a very fast speed, and then the thick tail behind him was directly wrapped around Joz’s waist, and Gromash was once again trying to use his tail to drag Joz, but he was not kind enough to help Joz.

Joz also understood that Gromash must still have a back hand, although he was slapped through the chest by Gromash, but he only left a scorched palm print on his chest, and did not break the defense by Gromash.

And Gromash didn’t think that he could break Joz’s defense with a casual palm, in that case, his Joz’s name of “diamond” and the future name of “strongest physical defense” would be too watery.

I saw that after Gromash’s tail rolled around Joz, Gromash’s arms had turned from red to black, and Joz recognized it at a glance, this thing was unsurprisingly the armed color domineering that Gromash showed him before.

That’s right, that’s the power of domineering, and Gromash wrapped his arms around domineering, burning with flames, and a quick combo against Joz’s diamonded chest.

“Fist of Warriors Championship Combo!”

Gromash’s fist shadow continued to hit Joz’s chest, and a large number of sparks began to burst out from his chest, but although Joz was shocked by the impact of this set of combos and could not make a counterattack, but looking at his expression still seemed to be painless, Gromash also smiled, raised his hand and elbowed on Joz’s chin, and the tail was loose, scaring Joz into the air from the bottom up.

Then Gromash spoke: “It seems that your diamondization is really hard enough, it is worthy of your proud ability, even me, with these hands alone, can not break through your defenses, originally I didn’t want to use any weapons, but in order to achieve the bold words that break your defenses, it is not possible to move the real thing today.” ”

In fact, from the time of Gromash’s shot, this duel has ended in Gromash’s heart, he tested Joz’s strength, although Joz is currently good, but it is only good, and he cannot be compared, although Gromash’s strength is insufficient, but it is also completely able to crush Joz, the only difficult place is that Joz is too hard, originally Gromash wanted to do more beautifully, with only his hands to penetrate Joz’s defense, but now it seems that it can’t be done, Therefore, he had to use his “artifact”.

I saw that after Gromash knocked Joz into the air, his arm also stretched back, and he took down the legendary Tomahawk Hell Destroyer behind him.

And after seeing Gromash’s action, Lu Qi didn’t even care about drinking his own milk, and directly turned around and said: “Quick, stay away, Gromash’s axe goes down, just with our distance, I’m afraid I have to fall a dog and eat.” ”

Lucy ran very fast, Cromwell didn’t have time to react, he was just stunned by Luqi’s words, and he lost the opportunity to run for the first time, only to see that Gromash had jumped up from the ground, stepped on the moon step under his feet, and directly accelerated to appear above Joz, and Joz did not have any moves that could change his trajectory in the air, so after seeing Gromash holding a tomahawk appear on him, his heart was also very helpless, hiding or not hiding, then he could only resist, and just right , he Joz himself is not a person who likes to hide and hide, he has a far stronger confidence in his defense, but he is far more powerful than strength, so even if Gromash says that he is going to move the real thing, and takes out his tomahawk, he Joz is still not panicked at all, what the fist cannot break, the axe may not be able to break ah.

But seeing that Gromash said so confidently, then Joz was not in the big picture, his arms quickly shone into diamonds, and then a cross, against his chest, the whole person’s waist was slightly curled up, and he took an air defense posture.

And after that, the Hell Destroyer in the hands of Gromash was also wielded by him.

“Hell Roar, Ancient Fury!” Gromash roared, the tomahawk in his hand broke through the air, bringing up a powerful wind pressure and a roar like a roar from hell, wrapped in a powerful armed color domineering and burning unicorn fire, with unparalleled strength with the overwhelming momentum of Tarzan slammed into Joz’s arm, the next second, Joz’s face instantly became very shocked, he felt severe pain, and the sharp pain came from his arms.

And Gromash also seemed to see a little crystalline, broken diamond flying out of his axe blade, so there was also a defiant smile on the corner of his mouth, and the strength in his hand was slightly retracted, and he did not go all out again.

But even so, Joz was still slammed to the ground by Gromash with an axe from the air, and directly smashed into the ground without stopping, as if the place he fell was not hard ground but some kind of butter.

Then a huge impact force burst out from the ground, with Joz as the center, the ground within a radius of 100 meters collapsed downward and then quickly shattered, a large number of rubble was burst out, smashing the surrounding melon-eating masses enough, several unlucky guys were directly hit in the head were exploded, and the slightly luckier ones were all broken flesh, and once again a little bit was also smashed hands and feet.

Then the entire vicinity of Magic Valley Town seemed to have experienced a small earthquake, a large group of people fell to the ground in shock, and several houses collapsed.

Fortunately, Luqi was very resourceful and ready to resist the impact, he was not eaten by a dog, but the milk was spilled.

However, everyone in the Gem Pirates was also very embarrassed by Gromash’s trick “big slam dunk” without noticing.

Cromwell patted his butt and stood up from the ground and looked at the scene in the distance that suddenly appeared as if a basin appeared in the plain, and smacked his lips and said: “Gee, this Boss Gromash’s attack is also too strong, right??” ”

Then he seemed to think that the guy who was just slashed down from the air by Gromash with an axe seemed to be his own captain, and then his face changed suddenly, under this attack, he was not sure whether his captain could carry it down, and said with some anxiety: “Joz, don’t be killed…”

At this time, Lu Qi came over and said very proudly: “Don’t worry, I can see that Gromash has left a lot of leeway with this blow, otherwise, his axe can smash half of the island, and this magic valley town will also be finished together… Besides, he hasn’t gotten bigger, and if nothing else, your captain will be fine. ”

Not long after Luqi finished speaking, Gromash also fell from the air, he didn’t continue to strike this time, only to see him carry his legendary Tomahawk Hell Destroyer on his shoulder, and said with a smile: “How is it?” Lao Tzu did what he said, right?? ”

In fact, Gromash couldn’t figure out to what extent Joz had developed his ability at this time, and what was the hardness of the diamond, so his axe just now was also very hard, so he broke Joz’s defense.

And it was also because of this that Gromash realized that Joz’s ability development at this time was not very perfect, otherwise, this axe alone should not be able to hurt him, after all, this axe could not catch up with Mihawk’s peak slash in the future.

Of course, it is precisely because he guessed so that Gromash dares to say that he wants to break Joz’s invincible defense, otherwise Gromash’s ability has not been fully developed at this stage, and it is really difficult to use elemental attacks to break Joz’s defense.

Not long after Gromash finished saying this, an arm stretched out from the pit, and above it, there was indeed blood flowing and a wound that had been scraped off some muscles.

Then the arm forced, Joz’s huge figure crawled out of the deep pit, and then looked at Joz, not only did his arms suffer some injuries, but even the corners of his mouth spilled some blood, thinking that the impact of Gromash’s axe also shocked him from the inside out, it seems that his diamondization can not completely turn the internal organs into diamonds with it, it has yet to be developed.

Joz raised his hand to wipe the blood stain at the corner of his mouth, coughed up some blood, and then said with some admiration: “Sure enough, I sat in the sky, but I didn’t expect that Boss Gromash really broke through my defenses with brute force… But thank you Boss Gromash for your mercy at the last moment, otherwise my arms will have to rest for a month or two. ”

“Hahahahahaha, no need to say thanks, after all, you and I are already partners, Joz, you believe what I say now, right? If you want to challenge Whitebeard, your strength is still a lot worse, even if it’s me, I don’t dare to say that I have the strength to challenge that guy now, but it’s okay, you and I still have a lot of potential to improve, you want to challenge Whitebeard? Why wouldn’t I want to? Sooner or later, I will enter the new world to fight with the guy who is known as the “strongest man in the world” in Whitebeard, so that this life will not be in vain! Gromash laughed boldly.

And through this axe, Joz also recognized the reality, he thought that the gap between himself and characters like Gromash was not very big, but Gromash still taught him a lesson, but there was nothing, originally Joz did not have to insist on being a captain, and even preferred to die for this, otherwise he would not later go to Whitebeard as a son and be the captain of the three-way team.

Joz just lacked or hadn’t met a character who could convince him and make him willingly take a back seat, but now, this character has appeared, Hell Roar Proudmore Gromash is not only very compatible with him, but his powerful strength is also completely convincing Joz.

So Joz also said sincerely: “That’s right, it’s me who is pretentious, partners don’t always have to say thank you, Gromash… Captain! ”

After hearing Joz’s words, Gromash also laughed, he knew that Joz is a person with heavy feelings, as long as he does not do anything treacherous, then Joz will follow his own path to the black even if he dies, from today onwards, there will be no future Whitebeard Pirate Group Captain Diamond Joz, some are just his Gromash’s partner Diamond Joz!

This did not surprise Gromash, in his opinion, if Whitebeard can convince Joz, why can’t he ??? Now it seems that he did!

On the other side, Cromwell also smiled and said to Luqi next to him: “It seems that we will be brothers in the future, little one.” ”

“You can call me Luqi-senpai… Although I am younger than you, after all, I got on the boat before you. Lu Qi said pretendly.

And Cromwell touched his chin and said with the same pretended to ridicule: “Then Senior Luqi, what about your ship??” ”

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