I Am Hellscream

Chapter 065

Just do it, Gromash and Joz are not procrastinating, both of them just have enough to eat and drink, just when they are energetic and in their prime of state, and if they don’t fight at this time, they feel that they have wasted this good state.

The town of Magic Valley on Gaya Island is just an illegal zone, so although the whole island is large, there is only such a small town, and it is not a subordinate town of the country, outside of Magic Valley Town, there is a large area of wilderness forest that can make Gromash and Joz let go of the fight, and they are not afraid of damaging the town of Magic Valley.

In addition, the town is not large, so the news that Hell Roar Proudmore Gromash will go one-on-one with the captain of the Jewel Pirate Group Diamond Joz, the winner is king, the loser joins the opponent’s team, and the news of becoming an inseparable partner since then also quickly spread throughout the town.

Diamond Joz’s fame among this year’s rookie pirates is famous, and Gromash is not to mention, although his anger at the two admiral candidates at the whiskey peak was blocked and did not come out, but the heat of his big trouble in Rogue Town will not subside in such a short time, the scene where he split the highest combat power of the navy, the head of the headquarters and the Warring States of Buddha is still widely circulated and talked about, so Gromash is also at the peak of his reputation at this time, he and Diamond · The battle of Joz is naturally very attractive.

Therefore, when Gromash and Luki, Joz and the Jewel Pirates left the tavern and walked towards the wilderness, the entire Magic Valley Town boiled, and a large number of melon-eating people who were not afraid of the excitement followed them, wanting to witness what the outcome of this battle would be.

While Gromash and Joz were still walking forward, Lucy had stopped first, and Cromwell, who was standing next to him, said a little strangely: “What’s wrong?” ”

Lu Qi did not hide anything, and said directly: “Just go here, if you go further, you will inevitably be involved in the aftermath of their fight, I don’t know how powerful your captain Diamond Joz is, but if you let Gromash take out his axe… Even here, I don’t feel safe. ”

Cromwell was originally a guy with a good mind, after all, Lucy was Gromash’s partner, it must be more than those of them who really saw Gromash for the first time to know him better, so after Luci said this, Cromwell thought about it and stopped with the people of the Gem Pirates, he finally chose to believe Luqi’s words, anyway, it is not invisible here, there is no need to get together.

Cromwell they stopped, but those melon-eating masses didn’t care so much, they were still following, when Gromash stopped, so did Joz, and the rest of the people put some distance between the two of them, but this distance was far from safe enough in Gromash’s opinion, but he didn’t say much, there were more people rushing to find death, how could he Gromash waste so much time on them?

Therefore, Gromash also clenched his hands into fists, smacked it on his chest, with a murderous smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: “Joz, fight me, but be prepared to be injured, the diamond defense that you think is invincible, I will break it today, and at the same time, I will also let you see how vast this world is, if even I can’t beat it, then let alone challenge Whitebeard.” ”

Joz also moved his thick arms, his muscles were beating faintly, and then he also spoke: “Fortunately, I have been at sea so far, no one has been able to break my defenses, today’s battle, let you come to give me insight, but Boss Gromash, you must also be mentally prepared, don’t look at me as a newcomer, but I am also very confident in my own strength!” ”

“Hahahaha, come to fight!” Gromash didn’t talk nonsense, after speaking, he saw a powerful and oppressive momentum burst out of his body, surrounded by scarlet light, but he did not directly use his legendary Tomahawk Hell Destroyer, nor did he use his Devil Fruit ability, he wanted to test the temptation first, how far this diamond Joz has grown now.

In the face of Gromash’s very oppressive momentum, Joz did not give in at all, and he also erupted with a violent momentum, although it was not as powerful as Gromash, but it was also not to be underestimated.

“Is this the strongest newcomer of the year and the famous hell roar? The momentum of the two alone is not comparable to that of ordinary pirates…” A melon-eating crowd looked at Gromash and Joz in the field and said to himself, and then he seemed to realize something, and then quietly retreated back, silently ran to the side of everyone in the Gem Pirates, and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, people like him who can realize the danger are a minority, and most of the rest of the melon-eating masses are still happily gathered in front to watch the excitement, and they don’t think about it so much at all.

Joz and Gromash fell behind when they were fighting for momentum, so he soon decided to take the lead, after all, it was he who suffered if he continued to compete.

I saw Joz roared, half of his body turned into a diamond body shining with gorgeous light, and the next second he stepped down, the speed was not at all like a strong man known for strength, but more like a master of speed, extremely fast rushed towards Gromash.

“Shine Crash!”

With Joz’s roar, Gromash was also short, lowered the center of gravity of his body, withdrew his right foot a step back, and his left shoulder was pushed forward, posing in a parry posture, it seemed that Gromash wanted to hard catch Joz’s “shine collision”.

On the other side, Cromwell, who was watching the excitement, said to Luqi: “Our Captain Joz’s shine collision is his famous stunt, so far we have not seen anyone who dares to stand there and take this trick, all people or things that are hit by Captain Joz will be smashed to pieces, Boss Gromash seems to be a little too big, but presumably Captain Joz should be merciful.” ”

However, Luqi was still holding a glass of milk, sucking milk with a straw while saying: “So, your vision is too small, you can only be said to be a newcomer, and the power of Gromash will let you see what is truly “unmatched”. ”

Lucy said this as if he was not a newcomer, but an old fritters who had been wandering around for a long time, and Cromwell also smiled, neither of them felt that their old boss had suffered a loss.

“Six Styles of Heaven Iron Block, Steel!” Just when Joz was about to collide with Gromash, Gromash also made a move, and I saw that with his soft whisper, his whole body seemed to tremble, and then turned into a hard-looking appearance.

In the next second, his left shoulder collided with Jozi’s diamondized right shoulder, and the powerful force generated between the two colliding with each other set off a huge wave of qi, which directly swept out from the two of them, and even the wave of qi flew out some of the surrounding melon-eating masses.

A large amount of smoke and dust obscured everyone’s sight, and Gromash in the scene was also very emotional in his heart, he felt that his shoulders were about to be shattered, but fortunately, his iron was also extremely powerful, although it was not as hard as Diamond Joz, but it was not too bad, although it was violently hit by Joz, but it was only broken, but it didn’t really hurt himself.

Gromash has this emotion in his heart, Joz and no, he is not only emotional, he is shocked, this is the first time that someone can hard pick him without the slightest trick This trick shines and collides, originally Joz also felt that Gromash seemed to be a little bigger, but now it seems that people really have this big capital, after all, he really stopped himself.

Then, before Joez could think of anything else, Gromash’s voice came again.

“Jozi, it’s time for me to make a move!” Gromash said with a sly smile, and in the next second, he moved, shook Joz’s shoulders, and then grabbed Joz’s arm with both hands, wanting to give Joz an over-the-shoulder throw.

But Joz’s reaction was also extremely fast, just when Gromash changed his move, he also changed his move, only to see that he also jerked and broke away a little from Gromash’s palm, and then the same strong arms also grabbed Gromash’s waist, and then he lowered his head and wanted to carry Gromash up and play a back throw.

The two who are also proud of their own strength and have incomparably powerful strength wrestled like this, but although Joz’s strength is strong, it is still within the specifications in the end, and Gromash is there? His power is completely beyond the specifications, the power from the ancient megalodon man and the unicorn power from the demon fruit gave him wantonly stirred and ran in his body, and after a little confrontation with Joz, he completely suppressed Joz’s power.

And Joz seems to be very surprised, although he feels that Gromash’s strength should not be small, but his own strength is not bad, he thought at the beginning that even if he was slightly weaker than Gromash’s strength, it would not be much worse, but he did not expect to be fully suppressed as soon as he made contact, and before he could react, Gromash had spoken again.

“Give it to me!!” Gromash roared angrily, his body shining red, and he burst out his brute force again.

And with the roar of Gromash, the tall Joz was directly dragged by Gromash by the shoulders and lifted up from the ground, and in the next second, Gromash had roared and completely fell Joz over the shoulder, smashed the ground fiercely, smashed the entire ground out of a large pit, and the huge crack quickly expanded.

Only at this time did Gromash laugh and say: “Not bad, there are not many people who dare to compete with me in strength, but you have courage!” ”

Although Joz was thrown over the shoulder by Gromash, he is the ability of the diamond fruit, although he looks a little embarrassed, but he was not injured at all, he jumped up from the pit in the ground very quickly, and then said: “Sure enough, Boss Gromash, your strength is extremely strong, in this regard, even I have to bow down, but the strong may not be able to win, you haven’t broken my defense.” ”

A murderous smile hung on the corner of Gromash’s mouth, and he spoke: “Just now I was just weighing your strength, and then I will be serious.” ”

After speaking, Gromash’s whole person began to change, his body burned with flames, and then his hands turned into claws, delicate and neat fiery red scales began to cover his body, and a thick tail also grew out, swaying behind Gromash.

After all this passed, Gromash raised his palm and slapped it on Joz’s diamonded chest, and then he heard Gromash roar: “Qilin Fury Flame Roar!” ”

As Gromash’s words fell, a powerful force erupted from his palm, and a hideous fire unicorn also roared out from his arm, directly passing through Joz’s body, knocking him out with him.

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