Chapter 64 Let’s fight!

After hearing what Gromash said, Joz didn’t object or refuse the first time. He first took a drink, looked at his friends at the table behind him, and then fell silent.

Gromash didn’t urge anything either. He was still eating and drinking wine. Even Lu Qi stopped talking, as if waiting for Joz’s answer.

I have to say that Gromash and Joz have a very good start, so that the two are not so obtrusive, but can sit down and communicate with each other and get acquainted with each other.

It is precisely because of this opening that Qiaoz feels that Gromash is a very good person, both bold and atmospheric, and very appetizing, so he did not directly reject Gromash’s proposal, so he will seriously think about Gromash’s proposal. As a normal person, I would tell him to be a partner together. Joz would definitely turn his face and refuse.

After a long time, Joz put the wine glass on the table, then looked at Gromash and said, “I don’t know if Gromash boss, do you want me to be your partner alone, or let me and my brothers be your partner? ?”

Gromash smiled when he saw this. I have to say that Joz must have been heartbroken, otherwise he would not ask such a question, so Gromash also spoke very grandiosely and said, “Is it necessary to say? I see you gem sea The members of the thief group seem to be tough guys, especially Cromwell, which is also very to my appetite. If you don’t treat you

Pack it and take it away, then am I losing a lot??”

Gromash is indeed planning to pack and take away the Gem Pirates. On the one hand, Gromash does feel that they are very appetizing. On the other hand, in Gromash’s view, his Pirates must be a bit ordinary. Members? After all, if he is the only group with Joz and Lu Qi, it is not even if there are 28 sailors.

He didn’t know Gromash anyway. He went out and walked the rivers and lakes with only record pointers, and then either relied on swimming, or riding a wolf, or relied on the ability to rub a boat.

As for Lu Qi, let alone, he is a little kid who knows how to sail with a hammer, but what about Joz? Gromash looks at his size and doesn’t think he is the kind of skill that can be a navigator. Talent, so if the three of them get together, I’m afraid they won’t even be able to drive a big ship, what else will go out to sea??

At this stage, Gromash doesn’t have any navigator talents, and the Gem Pirates can be regarded as sailing in the first half of the Grand Line. Let’s not talk about how their navigators are. It’s not superb, but at least there is some, right?

This is also one of the main reasons why Gromash is planning to pack and take away Joz’s Gem Pirates. With their participation, even if the most basic team of Gromash is available, at least they can claim to be a pirate in a decent manner, and have The serious pirate group can go to sea, not like it is now, although it is called the “big pirate of 500 million Baileys”, but

After all, there is not even a boat.

Joz also smiled when he saw this.He is not a person who can abandon his existing partners for his own future, so if Gromash says that he only wants him, he will definitely refuse, and it is him. This emphasis on love and justice is also very satisfying to Gromash. After all, neither the evil party nor the messengers of justice would hope.

My partner is the kind of ruthless guy, right??

What’s more, Joz also had his own plans for Gromash, and at this time, his “fox tail” for Gromash was also revealed.

“Boss Gromash, I don’t object to the fact that we want our Gem Pirates to become partners with you and Little Brother Lu Qi. On the contrary, I also have this idea. You think I am in your appetite, why don’t I think of you. The same is true? As the captain of a pirate group, when I see guys like you who get along, the first reaction is often not

Do you want to get you into the group? Hahahaha, but I am also the captain of a ship anyway, and there are a dozen brothers behind me who have entrusted their lives to me, so if we become partners, I can’t be the captain of the ship. Just let it out. “Joz grinned and said with a smile.

That’s right, Gromash has the idea of ​​Lachoz joining, why didn’t Joz have the idea of ​​joining Gromash? After all, although Gromash is famous and strong, but now only he and Lu Qi are the only two. , Joz feels that it is not impossible for him to bring them into the group. What’s more, try it without losing money, if you even try

He didn’t have the courage, it was really impossible, and as a pirate, as a pirate captain, Joz certainly did not lack this courage to try.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter if it fails, but if it succeeds, then their Pirate Group’s strength will be greatly increased.

So don’t look at Joz’s rough appearance, but in fact, his mind as a pirate captain is also very delicate, otherwise Whitebeard has so many sons, why can he be the captain of the third division?? This is not only Because of his strength, but also because of his mind.

Gromash also laughed and said, “There is nothing wrong with this. Whoever it is will not give up the position of the captain, right?? But Joz, I am also very interested in this position.

Joz nodded and said: “Of course I can see it, so the boss of Gromash, let us use the pirate method to resolve this disagreement??”

At this time, Lu Qi, who was holding the milk while drinking, said with some doubts: “Pirate’s method?? What method??”

Gromash smiled and said: “The way to resolve differences and contradictions between pirates is very simple and straightforward. There are no twists and turns, the strong is the leader, and the winner is the king??”

“Hahahahaha, that’s right, the strong is headed, and the winner is king! Let’s fight! Whoever wins is the new captain of the new pirate group!” Joz said boldly.

Until this moment, Joz is still very confident in his own strength, and he doesn’t feel that he is worse than Gromash. As for Gromash, does it have Haki power? It doesn’t matter, whoever stipulates that Haki can definitely be able to. Defeating someone who doesn’t have Haki?? Even if there is, he will try to break this rule today! This is him Joz

The Haki!

Since Joz is so confident in launching the “Captain Challenge”, Gromash doesn’t think he will lose. In terms of self-confidence, Gromash will not lose to anyone. You must know that Gromash was still labeled a “madman” at Naval Headquarters. What about the two-character label.

If you want to completely convince Joz and let Joz and the Jewel Pirates become your own partners, then showing your own strength is also his duty as the future “captain”, isn’t it??

For the fierce Joz, Gromash is still willing to take a gamble, a little risk, he doesn’t care about it, a man can’t shrink back at this time, if Joz proposes to use strength to resolve this disagreement, Gromash is timid. If you shrink back, let’s not say that you can’t live up to the face, even he himself has to despise himself, and he is

Hundreds will be looked down upon by others!

So Gromash laughed and said, “Yes, let’s fight! The strong is king!”

Gromash and Joz made such a big noise, no one lowered the volume, and both of them announced that they were going to fight, but they gave the rest of the people present to compare, and you must know that they did not board in Gromash. Before this magic valley town, the highest bounty here was Diamond Joz and his gem pirate group. Now this is the first to follow

After the second fight, everyone was excited.

And the people in the Gem Pirates Group are also very sorry, what is going on?? Captain Joz said that he used to drink two glasses and said hello?? How did the greeting become a fight??

Although they were puzzled, they could see that it seemed that Joz and Gromash didn’t have any conflicts and grievances.

So Cromwell also stood up and asked: “Captain Joz, what’s the situation?? How good is the fight? Is there any misunderstanding?”

And Joz also smiled and said: “No, it’s not a misunderstanding, but a disagreement! Cromwell, if I win this one, the Gromash boss will join us with this little brother Lu Qi. The Pirates will become our partner, and on the contrary, if I lose this one, then our Gem Pirates will be with me.

Become a partner of the Gromash boss and form a new pirate group. That is to say, no matter who wins or loses in this one, you will be brothers on the same boat afterwards, Cromwell, I will do it before I say hello to you. It’s such a big decision…you don’t blame me, do you??”

Cromwell also suddenly heard the news and was a little confused, but he still turned his head to look at his friends around him, then laughed and said, “The so-called pirate, there is only one captain. The so-called captain 940 is the ship. The authority of the captain, the command of the captain, is everything, so Captain Joz, your command, no one will blame you, even you

If we order us to attack Naval Headquarters-Marinford, we can only bite the bullet!! What’s more, if we can become partners with Gromash boss, that is what we hope!

That’s right, the captain’s order is everything. This is the tradition of pirates, one of the pirates’ inheritance. No one will break this tradition. If anyone chooses to violate the captain’s order, he will be regarded as betrayed and betrayed The hatred and spurn of the pirates is just like the last captain command of Whitebeard during the Battle for the Top, even if Marco and the others are not happy anymore.

If you don’t accept it, you must maintain the dignity of Whitebeard and the name of his captain, so they can only reluctantly leave Whitebeard alone. There is no need to ask, because everyone knows that they are definitely willing!

Therefore, it is very important to find a good master and a reliable captain, otherwise he will be hot-headed and have a broken rhythm.

Gromash picked up the glass and stood up, laughing and saying, “Jiehahahahaha, I like you guys who are bold. Since both sides have no opinion, let’s make it like this, even if you lose. It’s not unacceptable to join you!”

This is not Gromash’s joking, he really thinks that it is not unacceptable, even if he really loses to Joz here, then when you get to New World, you still have to join the Whitebeard Pirates, then, Joz It’s not the captain anymore. Gromash leaves no suspicion of betrayal, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t leave, Gromash

I even think it is possible that I will be the captain of Whitebeard. Maybe he will be able to play Kamui in the battle of the top in the future? If Whitebeard still fights to death like the original, he might not be able to pick up Whitebeard in the future. Ban, inherit his huge power, and then beat Blackbeard-Teach, it is also good to be the Four Emperors??

But this is just an idea. Compared with this, Gromash is more willing to fight for a future by himself like Teach!.

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