Kunlun Mountain, in the main hall of Yuxu Palace on the top of Qilin Cliff.

After hearing Yuan Shi's intention to become the deputy head teacher of Chanjiao.

Ran Deng Taoist has some complicated feelings.

To be honest, he didn't want to be the deputy head coach.

It sounds like teaching a second person.

But is this what he lacks?

What he lacks is a way to break through. If he becomes the direct disciple of the Yuanshi Sage and has master-disciple karma, he will definitely be able to get the other party's inheritance.

But if you are the deputy head teacher of Chanjiao.

That’s not necessarily the case!

Although Yuan Shi's words were very beautiful, he said that if he didn't understand anything, he could ask him and he would help him to clarify his doubts.

But without a master-disciple relationship, you never know what the other person might be hiding.

Moreover, if you become the deputy headmaster of the Chanjiao"One Four Three" and you have the cause and effect of obtaining the Chanjiao, and you have to be busy with the management of the Chanjiao all day long, will you still have time to practice?

Thinking of this, he felt like going back on his word.

But when I think about the other person’s character, it’s a saint who comes to me again.

What if he refutes the opponent's face and makes Yuan Shi hold a grudge?

After thinking again and again, Taoist Ran Deng felt helpless and had no choice but to bow down and say:"As the saint wished, I will join Chanjiao as the deputy head teacher! Thank you, saint, for your great hope!"

Saint Yuanshi looked at Taoist Ran Deng for a long time and looked at After listening to the other party's reply, I felt so happy!

"good! Great kindness!"

"With you here, I can rest assured about the development of Chanjiao!"

"Don’t worry, I can help you answer all your questions about cultivation in the future!"

"After all, if your cultivation level is not high, you will lose face in teaching, right?"

Yuanshi Saint said with a smile.

As a saint, he has known Ran Deng for a long time, so he naturally knows what the other person is thinking.

This time, he said this, and it hit Taoist Ran Deng's heart!

Sure enough!

Taoist Ran Deng's eyes lit up when he heard this. Yes! That's right!

If you don't improve your cultivation, it seems that the breakthrough method is stable!

The big stone in Taoist's heart finally fell, and he bowed to Yuan Shi willingly and thanked:

"Thank you Saint for your great hope!"

At this point, Taoist Ran Deng entered the Yuxu Palace and became the second person to explain the teaching.

But he didn't know that some things were destined.

Even if he became the deputy head of the teaching, how could Yuanshi solve his doubts? , His cultivation is also destined, of course, these are all things for later.........

Let’s talk about this Taoist Tongtian.

At this time, his heart was surging, and he couldn't think of paying attention to the Yuxu Palace on Qilin Cliff.

Not to mention that he has no intention to take care of Ran Deng Taoist and worship him as a disciple.

I saw that he felt the same as him after seeing Tianji.

I was overjoyed, knowing that my reasoning during this period was wrong!

The next second!

Four murderous swords flew out from behind him!

There was even a formation diagram suspended above his head, controlling four fairy swords!

I saw that these four flying swords were all completely black, and I didn’t know what kind of material they were made of. There were even blood-red marks engraved on them, which was very evil!

These are the Four Swords of Zhu Xian!

They are the Immortal Killing Sword, the Immortal Killing Sword, the Immortal Trapping Sword, and the Immortal Absolute Sword!

Speaking of this Immortal Killing Sword Formation, it has a great origin.

It was the magic weapon of Demon Ancestor Luohu, the leader of the Demon Cult back then. It was the first killing array in ancient times. Its vigor and power were unstoppable!

At the beginning, Demon Ancestor Luohu used this Immortal-killing Sword Formation to suppress the fate of the Demon Sect, spread the Demon Sect's orthodoxy, and wanted to prove the Tao through killing!

Unexpectedly it failed!

This Immortal-killing Sword Formation was defeated by the combined efforts of the four great powers at that time, Na Hongjun Taoist, Yangmei Immortal, Qiankun Patriarch, and Yin-Yang Patriarch!

In the end, Demon Ancestor Luohu died, and the Immortal Killing Sword Formation was obtained by Taoist Hongjun.

When Zixiao Palace accepted six disciples that day, Tongtian was given to him.

This is the origin of this Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

Nowadays, Tongtian Lijiao does not have the same treasure as I did at Yuanshi, so it can only use this killing array to suppress luck!

And after using the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Taoist Tongtian has no intention of delaying.

I saw him raise his right hand, his index and middle fingers merged to face the sky, and he shouted to the way of heaven:

"Today I am trying to save a glimmer of hope for all living beings!"

"All living beings from all races, with any cultivation level, any qualification, any bloodline, can become my disciples! You have to cut off the orthodoxy!"

"Use the Zhuxian Sword Formation to suppress Jiejiao's luck!"

"Cut off the teaching! stand!"

Taoist Tongtian's voice rushed into the sky, deafening!

In an instant, the Heavenly Dao roared, as if he agreed with Taoist Tongtian's words!

I saw thousands of feet of golden light dazzling down, rendering the entire Kunlun Mountains!

Accompanied by the immortal sounds of Taoism Starting from 0....

Blossoming golden lotuses appeared out of thin air around Taoist Tongtian, constantly surrounding him!

Even more auspicious aura spread down, forming the appearance of all races of living beings, bowing and worshiping Taoist Tongtian!

This vision is more representative of Nuwa, Laozi, and Yuanshi....

The next second, the golden pool of merit appeared again, shaking slightly!

The power of black and yellow merits splashing into the sky suddenly came down, heading towards the Taoist Tongtian!

Tongtian was shocked, and the light of merit behind him suddenly surged!

But it was the power of Pangu’s legacy that opened the heavens that appeared!

But he saw a golden wheel of merit appearing behind him, and as soon as it appeared, it started running crazily counterclockwise!

The merit of opening the sky suddenly rushed towards the merit of establishing the teaching, and the two immediately merged together!

There is even more purple energy coming from the east. It is a wisp of Hongmeng purple energy that appears and falls into the power of the merging merits.

Finally, this power of merit suddenly poured down and headed towards the body of Taoist Tongtian 2.5!

In an instant.

Taoist Tongtian's aura surged!

Quasi-Sacred Middle Stage!

Quasi-Saint Late Stage!

The pinnacle of quasi-sage!

As the power of merit disappeared, his cultivation level also continued to rise, and soon reached the peak below the saint, the state of quasi-sage perfection!


As the Hongmeng purple energy exclusive to him melts into his body,���

A sound like breaking shackles suddenly sounded. boom!


A surge of saintly power immediately emerged from his body, shaking the entire prehistoric land!

In an instant.

All the great powers from the beginning sighed.

There was a complex look on every face.

Sure enough, Tongtian has also become a saint.........._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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