"According to previous developments, Tongtian will also become a saint!"

"People teach, explain teaching, intercept teaching...Sanqing is a good idea..."

"I also have to think of a way to establish a sect!"

"Are those who are useless and those who are not sanctified all disciples of that being?"

"In my opinion, if we want to be holy, we still need something.."

"After that being accepted a disciple at that time, he must still have something to teach only to his disciples..."

"Not willing to give in..."


The great powers from all over the ancient world heard the voice of Taoist Tongtian spread across the ancient land.

I knew that the other party would probably be like Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi.


This made them feel very unhappy!

I also thought that this must be related to Daozu Hongjun.

The status of saint is probably already a foregone conclusion.

That is the disciple of Taoist Hongjun.

Thinking of this, they were naturally filled with resentment and jealousy.

Saints, that is the goal they pursue throughout their lives.

Now looking at Nuwa and Sanqing becoming saints one by one, even though they are powerful, their hearts are full of jealousy.

And they can all guess it.

Could the next saint be those two shameless men from the West?

If that were really the case, it would really piss them off.

However, do they have a solution?

This is Hongjun Daozu's decision. How can they have any influence on it?

Therefore, after some discussion, many powerful people could only shake their heads and stop talking.

We are all waiting to see what trick Taoist Tongtian will play next........

At this time, Qilin Cliff in Kunlun Mountain.

In the main hall of Yuxu Palace

"Intercept a glimmer of life?"


After Yuanshi Tianzun heard Tongtian's words, he couldn't help but be slightly startled. He began to carefully study the meaning of this interception.

Then, his eyes couldn't help but shrink.

To intercept a glimmer of life for all living beings?

Isn't that, regardless of talent? Regardless of race?

This third brother is just a fool!

Why bother with those who can't afford it? Thinking of this, the Yuanshi saint couldn't help but shake his head.

He will definitely stop the third brother.

Now that the Heavenly Dao Oath has been issued, even as a saint, he can't stop him.

However, from this moment on

, he has no good feelings or expectations for this so-called Jiejiao....

Even, when I think about the possibility that there may be monsters and imbecile creatures in the future, they are part of the Xuanmen Taoist lineage like the disciples of Chanjiao.

I feel a little helpless...

Thinking of this, he shook his head slightly and stopped thinking about it. Instead, he looked at the person coming under the platform and said:

"Ran Deng, I can’t accept you as my disciple"

"You and I are both three thousand guests of Zixiao, and we are both students of the Taoist ancestors. How can I accept you as a disciple again?"

That's right, the person who came under the Taoist platform is none other than one of the many great powers in the ancient world, Taoist Ran Deng.

He was the first person to come and worship under the sect of Chan Sect after the Saint of Yuanshi established the religion.

And just as The Saint of Yuanshi said that this Taoist monk Ran Deng was born a long time ago, and he was one of the students who listened to the Taoist ancestor Hongjun with them at that time.

Now this Taoist monk Ran Deng actually lowered his body and came to worship. Yuan Shi was naturally unwilling to accept Yuan Shi as his teacher.

But after seeing the rejection from Yuan Shi, Taoist Randeng was extremely anxious. You must know that it was because he really couldn't find any other way to teach Yuan Shi. A breakthrough.

After being born for so long, he is still at the peak of Daluo Jinxian. Some other great powers are already in the realm of saints.

He, such as Sanqing Nuwa, is naturally extremely anxious.

When he heard that Laozi established the religion, he wanted to join the human religion, but he still couldn't pass the test in his heart.

He thought that if he stopped working hard, he might be able to break through until he saw the Yuanshi saint also forming a holy fruit and becoming a saint. Finally, he couldn't sit still anymore.

In order to make a breakthrough, he also imitated the methods of sages Nuwa and Laozi.

The result was obviously useless!···Asking for flowers····

The creatures that were finally created were extremely fragile and became extinct not long after.

If he established a religion, no matter what oath he made to Heaven, Heaven would not move at all.

In such a disheartened state, when he saw Yuan Shi accepting disciples, he thought that perhaps Taoist Hongjun had some influence in the Xuanmen Taoism.

If you want to make a breakthrough again, maybe there is a way to make a breakthrough in the teachings.

Therefore, he made up his mind to come and become a disciple.

It can be said that he is willing to go all out and does not care about face at all.

He comforted himself that Yuan Shi was already a saint, and even if he was of the same generation, there was no problem in worshiping him as his teacher.

He never thought that now the barrier in his heart has passed, and the barrier in Yuan Shi's heart is impregnable!........

Thinking about it, he saluted anxiously and said,"I beg the saint to have mercy and accept me as a disciple of the Taoist teachings because I listened to the Taoist ancestors in the past!""

"I really want to worship Chanjiao and find a way to break through!

" To be honest, the Yuanshi Sage felt very happy when he saw that Ran Deng, who had been with him in the past, was now like this in front of him.

However, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he was asked to accept Ran Deng as his disciple.

Furthermore, , his disciple can get his own inheritance.

In his opinion, Rendeng Taoist still doesn't have the qualifications, but for the sake of the other party, how can he refuse?.

I saw him looking at Taoist Ran Deng who was still bowing under the Taoist platform, and said softly:

"How about this?"

"I will recruit you into Chanjiao and make you the deputy head teacher of Chanjiao!"

"If there is anything you don’t understand in the future, you can ask me to help you make breakthroughs."

"But the relationship between master and disciple is impossible between you and me."

After hearing the words of the Saint of Yuanshi,

Taoist Ran Deng was slightly startled at first.

What kind of showmanship is this?

Deputy Headmaster of Chanjiao?

This title seems good, as if one person is lower than ten thousand people in Chanjiao. Looks like.

But he is still worried....

Worrying about yourself, there is no way to get a breakthrough......Qian._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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