"I don’t know, what are the instructions from Daozu?"

"If you need the cooperation of the human race, no matter what, I will help!"

At this time, two figures were floating in the sky above the human city.

One old and one young, both showing very intriguing smiles.

It was Bi Yun and Taoist Laozi.

The one who just spoke was Bi Yun.

Where was he at this time? And the alienation just now?

He was so enthusiastic that he almost spread his smile to the whole world. It seemed that something was wrong with him. Is it because of Hong


Jun Daozu's face?

Thinking of this, I almost gave myself a slap!

Isn't it okay to be too enthusiastic!

Maybe this little fairy boy just agreed!!

Thinking of this, Taoist Laozi immediately said:"Master asked me to teach the human race, but the human race is yours to teach, so as long as you agree to let me teach!"

Hearing the words of Taoist Laozi,

Bi Yun couldn't help but smile in his heart.

Let you teach?

You are such a bad old man!

Who doesn't know that teaching the human race is just an excuse, just to establish the human religion.

After establishing the human religion, what the hell? If you only care about comprehending the ways of saints, why should you care about the human race?

Bi Yun just wanted to say, don’t lie to me because I don’t have enough education! In the end, the task of teaching the human race is still up to me.

, I can rest assured that the human race is still growing in my hands!

Bi Yun thought, but his face was full of bitterness, as if he was deeply embarrassed.

"Alas, I would like to promise you!"


Taoist Laozi was very happy when he heard the first half of the sentence, but when he heard the second half, he frowned and couldn't help but ask:"Just what?""

"It's just that this human race has its own spirituality. It's not like I say anything and they will agree!"

"If you are deeply loved by them, they will be willing to accept your teachings without me having to say anything."

"If they are unwilling in their hearts, it will be useless no matter how hard you teach them!"

I saw Bi Yun said with reason and evidence, and the embarrassment on his face was even more obvious.

After hearing Bi Yun's words, I was stunned for a moment!

Then he nodded slightly!

Bi Yun's words also made sense, but I don't know Why, Ziren still feels that something is wrong...

Without thinking any more, he continued to ask,


This is the first question I encountered.

He didn't expect that he would encounter a problem before he even taught the human race.

It's not easy to be loved by so many human beings!

Fortunately, Bi Yun, who knows the human race best, is in front of him, so it is best to ask him for advice!

"let me see! Let me think about it first..."

When Bi Yun heard this, he pretended to think, holding his chin with his right hand and said softly.

After a few breaths, he raised his brows, used his right hand as a hammer, and his left hand as a palm to strike together suddenly!

"Got it! You see, the spiritual energy of the current living environment of the human race is so weak. If the spiritual energy in the city is rich! They must be happy!"

"So happy! Of course I have a crush on you!"

Bi Yun expressed this idea very"embarrassingly".

After speaking, before Taoist Laozi could speak, he shook his head and said:"No, no!" This spiritual energy is already weak, how can I change it?..."

Say no.

But his meaning was very obvious.

Anyway, I will tell you the method. Whether you can grasp it or not is up to you.

If you're not sure, then there's no need to say anything, just go and don't bother me!

"Make the aura rich? What a big deal! Just bury a few spiritual veins in the ground!"After Taoist Laozi saw Bi Yun's expression, he felt anxious and said hurriedly.

As he spoke, he waved his right hand, and three green lights suddenly appeared.

I saw that the light emitted by these three green lights was extremely soft, and even more... It exudes vitality.

If you look closely, you can find that these are three top-quality spiritual veins, but they have been compressed into this shape by Taoist Laozi......


He is worthy of being the leader of the Three Pure Ones. Three top-quality spiritual veins were taken out like this?

I finally found one when I went out and encountered the innate formation. How did this old guy find it?

Looking at the three spiritual veins in front of him, Bi Yun secretly complained in his heart.

On the outside, he nodded slightly, indicating that he could

"good! I'll bury it now!"

Seeing that Bi Yun agreed, Taoist Laozi didn't have any intention of delaying, and directly threw out the three top-quality spiritual veins in his hand!

In order to prevent the human race from being affected, he also used his magic power to control the spiritual veins submerged into the ground very carefully, preventing them from The ground was slightly affected!

It didn't take long for him to stabilize the three spiritual veins under the human city. Because of his profound magic power and subtle control, no human was able to find out the entire process of burying the spiritual veins!

It gushed out from the ground, and all the races were shocked to discover it!

"How is this going? Why is the spiritual energy so strong!"

"This is more than ten times richer than usual!"

"This is so strange! Is it a good thing or a bad thing!"

"With such rich spiritual energy, our cultivation will improve faster! Of course this is a good thing!"

"Could this have been transformed by the Holy Master?"

"It's possible! Is it possible that the Holy Master has been out for so long just to enrich the aura of our city?"

"Thank you, Holy Master!"

"Holy Master may live forever!"


I saw shouts of surprise coming from the city below.

It was directly transmitted to the ears of two figures in the sky.

In an instant, Taoist Laozi’s smiling face that was originally full of joy froze.

"this...I buried it!"

I, the Taoist, turned his head blankly and looked at Bi Yun aside.

He was about to cry without tears!

What the hell is this?

I lost three top-quality spiritual veins in vain?

It's not good at all?

I'm in too much trouble. Ah!

When Bi Yun saw this, his face turned red!

He told himself that he couldn't laugh!

He had received professional training and couldn't help it!....

【ps: keep going! Come on Duck! Please subscribe automatically! 】

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