"you? What are you doing here?"

A very plain voice fell into Taoist Laozi's ears.

It immediately wiped away the excitement that had just been aroused in his heart!

He raised his head slightly and immediately saw Bi Yun suspended high in the sky.

Look. Looking at the dull and alienated look in the other person's eyes, Taoist Taoist couldn't help but feel a little bitter!

This kid!

How can we be so cold to each other after all? Isn’t it just because of the little thing that happened a hundred years ago? As for this, it’s not me who kidnapped you!

Besides, I also paid for the mental damage!

He complained secretly, but he didn't show it at all!

Because he found that if he wanted to teach the human race, it seemed that he needed Bi Yun's consent!

After all, the human race was created by Sage Nuwa!

The teaching was given to Bi Yun, and Bi Yun already had the luck of the human race.

If he wanted to teach the human race, he really needed Bi Yun's consent!

In other words , his chance of becoming a saint was in the hands of this kid? No matter what!

I must become the third saint!

Thinking of this, Taoist Laozi couldn't help but smile kindly, and then he disappeared.


However, his disappearance seemed to be silent, and no human race noticed it.......

"Little friend! meet again! It has been more than a hundred years since the last misunderstanding!"

As soon as he appeared in the sky. As soon as he appeared opposite Bi Yun,

Taoist Laozi said to Bi Yun with an old smile. As soon as he finished speaking, the smile on his face stagnated, and his eyes were full of astonishment!

He looked What?

The peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal!

How is this possible? Just over a hundred years have passed!

How is it possible that Bi Yun 's cultivation has reached the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal? Isn't he just an ordinary blue cloud in the sky!

What happened in just a few hundred years!

I kept shouting in my heart!

The breakthrough from Tianxian to Taiyi Golden Immortal was not achieved by the power of merit!


But step by step to reach the divine realm!

This kind of improvement is beyond the reach of even the Three Pure Ones!

This is completely unreasonable!

What chance does this kid have? Taoist Laozi couldn't help but look at the human city.

He was shocked.

This must be because of the human race's sainthood!

It's normal for me to have such a lucky fate.


As soon as this idea came out, it took root in Taoist Laozi's mind and kept growing!

It must be because of the human race that Bi Yun could reach such a level of cultivation!


You must take good care of yourself!

If you want to be decent, you must be thick-skinned!


Let’s talk about Bi Yun.

At this time, he looked at Taoist Laozi opposite and couldn't help but feel a little headache.

What's going on with this old man?

He laughs for a while, is dumbfounded for a while, and then suddenly has a determined expression on his face. What's going on?!

Also, when he showed up, he told me that he had misunderstood me. Why the hell did this sound like the plot of a TV series in his previous life.

Could it be that this old man has something to ask of me?

Bi Yun thought so, and the distant look on his face became more and more obvious.

No wonder he was like this, it was really his kidnapping a hundred years ago that made him see these so-called powers clearly!

Furthermore, he is the fairy boy of Saint Nuwa!

There is no need to be polite to other powerful people.

If Taoist Laozi had become a saint, it would be okay, but before he became a saint, if he had wanted to harm him before, then he would naturally not be too polite to the old man!

At this time, Taoist Laozi also came to his senses.

His immortal face was full of smiles:"Little friend, I came here this time to respect the order of Taoist Hongjun to teach the human race." As soon as these words came out, Taoist Laozi's heart was full of emotions. I'm so happy, I can't help but want to give myself a thumbs up!

That’s right!

This is a powerful reason!

This reason is really impeccable!

Since Taoist Hongjun said he wanted to educate all sentient beings, is there nothing wrong with pulling him out and making cards?

This little bastard doesn't want to give him his own face.

But Taoist Hongjun, who is the master of Sage Nuwa, must he be given to this shameless brat?

Thinking of this, Taoist Laozi couldn't help but applaud his wit!

Sure enough, Bi Yun frowned slightly after hearing Taoist Laozi's words.

It's the same as Taoist Laozi guessed.

Although he has never met Daozu Hongjun, his identity is there.

In the future, the other party will transform into Hedao and exist on the same level as the Heavenly Dao, so the face is really great.

Well, Honghuang has the greatest face.

However, Bi Yun always felt something was wrong.

Daozu Hongjun ordered me to come, why did I come? etc! Teach the human race!

Bi Yun's eyes lit up.

Seeing the anxiety flashing through Taoist Laozi's eyes from time to time.

Combined with the fact that he had just walked among the human race, everything seemed like the clouds and mist had cleared away to see the blue sky!

He finally understood!

This Taoist Laozi is here to establish the Human Religion!

Thinking of this, Bi Yun couldn't help but look up at the sky.

In the prehistoric world, under the operation of heaven, small trends can be changed, but big trends are irreversible!

This was a truth he understood very well from reading ancient novels in his previous life.

The meaning is very simple.

Nowadays, Laozi and Taoism have established human religion and become a saint. This is the general trend!

There are only so many saints in the world.

As one of the incarnations of the Three Pure Spirits, Laozi's sanctification is naturally the trend of heaven!

The general trend cannot be changed!

In other words, under the operation of heaven, Taoist Laozi must rely on the human race to become a saint.

Even if it's myself���If you add more obstacles, the way of heaven will move. Find a way to make me become a saint by relying on the human race!

If that's the case, why do you still want to stop it?

There is no benefit in blocking it, but there are benefits in not blocking it!

Bi Yun knew that he was not qualified to change the fate of heaven at this time.

Why not rely on what you know, follow the destiny of heaven, get benefits, and strengthen yourself?

Thinking of this, he must be sure!


I saw Bi Yun thinking about everything in an instant.

Although he was thinking a lot, he actually agreed to it not long before Taoist Master Laozi said it!


As soon as these words came out, Taoist Laozi, who had originally prepared some words of persuasion, was stunned!

Why did he feel an ominous premonition rising up ?...

Which unruly person wants to harm me?

【ps: keep going! I won't sleep tonight! Please subscribe automatically! 】_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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