"In our hunter tavern No. 013, there is still a lack of a powerful butcher. All of us feel that you are the most suitable."

Just as Mu Shaoan While still shocked by the magic of the Internet law Heavenly God, Cynthia has once again opened the mouth and said.

"What? What butcher?"

Mu Shaoan was taken aback for a moment, but didn't understand.

Cynthia was about to explain, when suddenly she heard a few bells ringing in the tavern.

"I will explain to you in a moment, we have a guest here."

A hello, not only Cynthia, but also everyone else is busy, it seems, this is really A hunter's tavern.

Mu Shaoan stared dumbfoundedly, Cynthia transformed into a bearded shopkeeper, the turtle and the Great Emperor turned around and became the little two in the hall, Zhang Lan and Tangning became the singer, Old Fourth It is the blind musicians, Xiao Wuwang, Karak, and Jiang Bula have become partners and cooks.

What the hell is this? Role playing?

In a blink of an eye, a dark wooden door in the lobby of the tavern was pushed open, and a bloody man rushed in if he stumbled.

The blood man rushed into the tavern, showing an expression of incomparable shock and confusion, and then ka beng died. From his appearance to death, it was less than three seconds.

Which kind of guest is this?

But at this time, a scene that made Mu Shaoan even more puzzled appeared. The turtle and the Great Emperor, two runners from the hall walked forward, with a white handkerchief on one of their shoulders. One hand held a cup of tea cup that I didn't know what liquid it was.

The tortoise yells: Please come inside the guest.

The Great Emperor shouted: What would the guest want to eat?

Before the words fell, the tortoise's white handkerchief covered the dead man's face, and the liquid in the hands of the Great Emperor poured up.

The next second, a slightly confused Soul Body appeared, and the body was transported to the back kitchen of the tavern.

"This is the law of Nether Ghost?"

Mu Shaoan stood slightly frowned in the distance, and he noticed this kind of law power at that moment. The law of Nether Ghost is the law of fairy magic. A branch rule of subordinates. The attribute of this rule is to condense the dead, ghosts, wraith, cursed things, etc.

This is a kind of very partial Law Power, it is easy to be targeted, and people who play this kind of law professionally are not very promising. They can only hide in dark corners for a lifetime, otherwise if they touch Follow the pure rules of war and disperse in one blow.

So Mu Shaoan doesn't quite understand, what are Cynthia and the others doing?

At this time, that ghost, um, that ghost was obviously still in the consternation of his life, and it took a long time to stare at him and said: "I, where am I?"

"Brother, you don't care where this is, you just tell me, do you have any unfulfilled wishes?" the tortoise asked kindly.

Hearing this, the ghost's expression suddenly became very excited, "I want to be born again, I died wronged, I still have too many wishes to complete, I still have too much Too many relatives and friends are waiting for me to save, I want to save my world! I want to kill all those damn demons, all of them!"

Following the roar of that ghost, Cynthia, the bearded shopkeeper behind the counter, has already shua~ shua~ shua~ and wrote down a few lines and said in a casual tone: "No. 0912 plane, difficulty, low level, civilization level, Level 2, encounter virus invasion, not sick The poison insect is done by a group of fake virus pirates. The mission has been generated, but it is not recommended to accept it. Because the value is too low, the tortoise will send him into reincarnation."

As soon as the voice fell, the tortoise grinned. , Slapped the ghost lightly, and the thing disappeared.

For a while, the tavern once again returned to its original appearance, including everyone, but everyone's mood was not too high.

"Hey, guys, are you acting in a drama? It looks so funny!"

Mu Shaoan couldn't help but said, but he got twenty pairs of eyes in an instant.

& the hand, waited for him to sit down before coldly snorted and said:

"I don’t believe you can’t see the importance of this hunter’s tavern, let alone the importance of the laws of the Internet."


"I can see that the law of the Internet is equivalent to the origin channel. You can go wherever you want. This is a strategic existence, but what does it have to do with the role-playing you are doing now?" Mu Shaoan Puzzled.

"The laws of the Internet are just for you. What is your surname. Although the Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association is a professional antivirus hunter organization, it does not mean that they can unconditionally build roads for you. Pull the network cable for three levels and one connection, right, you have to pay a certain price." Old Fourth gave Mu Shaoan a contemptuous look.

"Cynthia didn’t have time to tell you that the thirteen hunter taverns that our Mount Tai civilization won are not permanent, but have a 300-year free trial period, in other words. , We are just acting as players in the closed beta, do you really think that trifling 100,000 hunter taverns can perfectly cover the entire Myriad Realms starry sky? Wrong, this is just a preliminary test."

"Once in the future The Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association has launched hunter taverns on a large scale, in units of millions, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions. Each hunter tavern is an Internet server. When the time comes, you will know what great influence that will have. Under this circumstance, you say that our Mount Tai civilization cannot stand still, cannot be short-sighted, cannot hold 30 acres of land, a cow, a wife and a child, and the idea of ​​going to a small country with a small population and a self-contained unity!"

"I bet that the Internet law will completely change the current form of war in the Myriad Realms starry sky. So don't look down on people. Why don't you think of bad streets or fame, old admiration, your mentality is crooked." Old Fourth This serious way.

Mu Shaoan blinked and opened his mouth again, with fire in his nostrils. He looked up and saw that Cynthia had gone to the back kitchen, and immediately bowed his head fiercely and whispered: "Fuck you Old Fourth's egg. Egg, or let's make a bet! You win, I'm at your disposal, I won, you're at my disposal!"

Old Fourth's expression was stagnant, and he blinked strenuously Eyes, turned around, picked up an unopened jar of wine and blasted it on Mu Shaoan's head.


Put up a finger, Old Fourth left so angrily, and then for a while, pretending not to hear anything. When I saw the tortoise, the Great Emperor and the others began to laugh with their stomachs. It was not easy. Boss Mu was indeed a model of our generation.

"Laugh at you guys, Tangning, come over and tell me what's going on?" Mu Shaoan wiped the drink on his face nonchalantly.

But Tangning just glanced at him blankly, then turned and went to the back kitchen.

In the end, the tortoise sat in front of Mu Shaoan, and said comforted: "Lao Mu, look at the opening point. One day there is time, brother, I will take you to a wonderful place to ensure you are satisfied. Why bother to touch The moldy head of the four tigers?"

"Fuck, I am a pure person! You Flowery Monk, don't come to confuse me!" Mu Shaoan said seriously, but when the Great Emperor joined in, The atmosphere of their conversation suddenly changed, and the occasional laughter sounded like a fox stealing a baby chicken.

But actually--

"You think we are willing to role-play, you know how difficult it is for us to qualify for this closed beta, Pangu Nuwa and those old fart stingy? , And the Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association also assigned us a special assessment task. Three hundred years later, if we want to keep this hunter tavern, we must pass the assessment, otherwise the hunter tavern will be taken back."

"These days, Cynthia and the Four Tigers, oh, the Big Four are worrying about this. Of course, we are also worried, otherwise we are also impossible to lower the threshold of any door again and again, oh Any door is something similar to the random antivirus system built into the antivirus program of the Hunter Tavern."

"As long as it is a civilization shrouded in the Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association, if it is invaded by a virus, this Civilization can turn to the Hunter Tavern for help, but this system is a buyer’s market, you know, the buyer’s market, we don’t count, we need customer approval, and this approval is the assessment standard. Now 72 years have passed, but Our No. 013 Hunter Tavern only achieved 3% assessment, and the customer praise rate was only two stars, so we are definitely unable to pass the assessment."

The turtle lowered his voice to explain to Mu Shaoan.

After listening to this explanation, Mu Shaoan wrinkled frowned and asked: "With your strength configuration, how can it be possible that the customer praise rate is only two stars? What have you done in the past 72 years?"


"Come on, Lao Mu, do you know the minimum access standards required by the Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association for the members of the Hunter Tavern? Two-star, it must be a two-star Demi-God! But we were also ambitious at the beginning. , Who knows that the randomly sent missions are so difficult. We received four missions in a row at the beginning, and only barely completed one. The remaining three were given up. We have to give up, otherwise we will be wiped out. Yes, it’s too difficult to brush a copy of the Myriad Realms starry sky!"

Turtle said with a bitter smile. "As for the ghost you just saw, the reward for that mission is almost zero, we can only give up.

"I see. "

Mu Shaoan nodded, it’s a bit difficult indeed. In the Hunter’s Tavern No. 013, the tortoise is a four-star Demi-God, Old Fourth is a four-star Demi-God, Cynthia is a three-star Demi-God, and Zhang Lan is a three-star Demi-God, Tangning is a Samsung Demi-God, Karak is a Samsung Demi-God, Jiang Bula is a Samsung Demi-God, and these all are Mu Shaoan’s large and small size.

Because the Great Emperor had been reborn before, he was only barely advanced to the second-star Demi-God. He only entered the Hunter Tavern a few months ago. This is especially true for Xiao Wuwang. He was under house arrest for too long and his strength was delayed for too long. Now it’s not easy to enter the threshold of the two-star Demi-God.

Of course, the two-star Demi-God is already part of the cream of the crop in the Mount Tai civilization. Myriad Realms starry sky, really can only be regarded as a recruit.

"Why not apply for assistance? "

Mu Shaoan asked again, in fact, the roots of Mount Tai’s civilization are still very strong. Just pull out an old fart, which is now a five-star Demi-God, while Pangu, Nuwa’s batch of old fart, is more It’s Heavenly God Level. If they don’t want to hide their clumsiness and involve too much energy on their own civilization, chances are that high-level Heavenly God won’t be a problem.

"It’s not that we don’t want to ask for help, but the conditions do not allow it. We are only the lowest hunter tavern, with a maximum of ten members. Now the last position is reserved for you by Cynthia. We all agree on this point. "

"Damn, leave me what to do, if I can't come back in these three hundred years, you can just wait, at worst, find an old fart expert to come over and suppress it, what Lu Bu , Zhao Yun, Li Bai or something, I still have some friendship with them. "Mu Shaoan stared, but his heart was a little warm.

"Pull it down, the Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association has regulations. The qualification for joining is a lifelong system. If you join, you can’t withdraw. Unless you die, even more how The old farts you just mentioned are now in the Hunter’s Tavern No. 001. You have the ability to invite me one! "The tortoise also stared and roared, daring to stare at me, so you admire someone.

Mu Shaoan just clicked and clicked his mouth. After a long time, he rubbed his ears and said with a headache: "Okay, I I probably understand that the Hunter Tavern will become more and more promising under the laws of the Internet. However, I still don’t understand why the Lao Shizi is so bad that the street is so famous that they dare to open such a tricky association. Willful conditions come? Why! "

"Why? Hehe, it depends on the rules of the Internet, but we don’t! Just because there is a Sacred Ruins dedicated to anti-virus hunters, there are more than 100,000 Heavenly God skills inheritance in Sacred Ruins! Comparable to the Pantheon, our original Sacred Ruins are just copying people's trumpets! Just because our Mount Tai civilization does not have a high-level Heavenly God to sit in, we must rely on the big tree to enjoy the cool! "

"And I want to ask Laomu you, you are only a five-star Demi-God, why do you have a bad street, a wave of fame, and a mouthful of fame, why are you here? Go crazy, rely on your blood sacrifice teammates? "

Mu Shaoan was stunned by the tortoise’s question.

Then he suddenly remembered that he had told Cynthia about the advanced machinery Heavenly God. Cynthia’s meticulousness, she’s afraid that even Old Fourth will not tell!

Even-wait, Mu Shaoan suddenly stood up and rushed to the back kitchen of the tavern, pulled Cynthia into a small room and waved his hand. In between, a Space Domain isolates everything, and finally throws out the War God flag.

"What happened? "Cynthia was a little surprised, but still calm.

"Tell me, what was the number of the dark gold fighter you drove back then?" "Mu Shaoan asked eagerly.

"What's the number of the dark gold fighter, have I ever driven, Lao Mu, what's the matter with you?" "Cynthia looked confused.

"Then—how long did you return here? I mean, what happened when I returned to Dahe from the Mysterious Rock civilization? "At this moment, Mu Shaoan was almost crying, because he suddenly realized an almost unimaginable possibility.

"One hundred and fifty-nine years ago, you expected that the Mysterious Rock and the Four Arms would meet. There was a big battle, so we sent it back through hyper-dimensional coordinates in advance, but you had to stay and say something to do. We couldn't help you, so we had to come back first, Lao Mu, tell me what happened? "Cynthia also frowned frowned and asked strangely.

"No--nothing! I am just happy. "Mu Shaoan hugged Cynthia, but the tears could no longer be controlled. He knew what happened.

He personally told Cynthia about the advanced machinery Heavenly God that day. So far, Knowing that the Heavenly God Crab belongs to his Mu Shaoan, there are only three people, Lin Yuan, Claire, Cynthia, maybe the tortoise and the others will figure it out based on some details.

However, Cynthia has already figured it out. Her own memory, as well as the memory of everyone in the entire squad, have been erased.

Clearly knowing that someone betrayed him is impossible, and she knows that she will not betray him.

But Cynthia did it anyway.

She has a character that does not leave dead ends or weak spots!

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