The setting sun is like fire, shining on Cynthia's face, crystal clear, holy, um, there is some kind of sin that makes people begin to stir.

This is definitely a beautiful season, so good that it can make people lose their minds, forget their original intentions, and be willing.

Mu Shaoan has changed his image, no longer sloppy, no longer haggard, no longer dirty, the whole person has two words from head to toe, exquisite!

No way, just now, in order to roll the soft grass with Cynthia and get close to nature, his bottom line is already infinitely negative.

Now, his full of energy and Cynthia are standing beside an official road.

The official road is very old. On both sides of the road are verdant and tall pines and cypresses, quiet and vicissitudes of life. After the pines and cypresses, a large restaurant raises its banner, with the word'wine' written on it, simple and vigorous. Hidden in the words, it is extraordinary at first glance.

When I come closer, this is a very primordial, but very strong pub. Even the courtyard walls are made of three zhang high logs, and there are also Diao Dou arrow towers on it, seven or eight tough. The man was patrolling vigilantly.

But these are all common things on the plane of Zhu Xian, Heavenly-Origin Continent.

Because there are too many Time Laws and Space Laws in this universe, the powerful aberrant creatures in this universe are almost endless. That kind of creatures that can span hundreds of light-years at every turn disdain to infest on land, but ordinary aberrant creatures are enough to cause huge trouble to the Mount Tai civilization on the plane of Jade Dynasty.

So, defense is the first priority.


The door of the tavern was pushed open, a huge bald head came out, and the next second he was stuck in place as if he had seen a ghost.

"You—your uncle, why are you still alive? Good person doesn't live long, bad person lasts for a thousand years!"

Mu Shaoan did not go Paying attention to the crazy tortoise, just glanced at Cynthia.

"Welcome to Hunter Tavern No. 013, this tavern serves you wholeheartedly. By the way, the shopkeeper of the tavern is me. As for the owner of the tavern, it is the rotten street in your mouth. Please, someone viewing the sky from the bottom of a well."

Cynthia smiled slightly and walked in first.

Mu Shaoan was secretly sighed, women are really careful, but he did not expect it badly. This time the virus camp has become the protagonist of the Myriad Realms starry sky, so the pan-Myriad Realms starry sky antivirus has been hidden in the dark. Is the Hunter Association finally going to the front desk?

Although he himself has a high degree of goodwill and recognition for this organization, and even wants to join it for a certain period of time, it does not mean that he is willing to see his wife use this kind of pursuit Tones to describe the organization.

"Wife, just concentrate on having a baby at home."

Mu Shaoan was thinking about it, wondering if it was repercussions because he wanted his grandson?

"I'll go, holy light on, see who I saw? Lao Mu, you are still alive. It's really good!"

A big lion-like strong man was surprised and exaggerated She yelled, and wanted to give an equally exaggerated hug, but Mu Shaoan avoided it in disgust. Minato, a late-stage patient who wears an 8,000kg full-body plate armour and does not take off when she sleeps. , Who is this guy, I don't recognize him!

But despite thinking this way, Mu Shaoan still habitually sarcasm.

"Great Emperor, congratulations on retrieving the memories of your last life. Isn’t it cool to be reborn?"

"Mu Boss, long time no see."

It must be Karak who greeted me with some restraint. This is a standard Paladin. No, he is already Demi-God now. Is there Paladin as a profession?

"Lao Mu, I'm glad you are still alive." Zhang Lan, carrying a huge sniper rifle, also gave a warm hug, and Mu Shaoan happily enjoyed it for 0.3 seconds.

Then there was Old Fourth with a weird smile. Mu Shaoan also wanted to give a warm hug, but then he still greeted him in a slanderous manner. This is not easy to handle.

As soon as his gaze turned, Mu Shaoan saw Xiao Wuwang standing in the corner as if he did not exist. He was investigating the disappearance of Arthur before, but he also disappeared with him, can he? Missing? Arthur is one of the four heavenly demons just like Lin Yuan.

So he should have been put under house arrest and was only released now.

"Old Mu!"

Remotely raised a jug of wine in his hand, Xiao Wuwang smiled, not knowing if there were repercussions.

In addition, Tangning and Jiang are not spicy. This fatty originally belonged to Dahe Civilization, but somehow, it was abducted to Mount Tai Civilization. From this look, the entire Hunter Tavern is not just acquaintances. , And they are all their own.

However, after entering this hunter’s tavern, Mu Shaoan felt uncomfortable. With his strength, he of course could see that this tavern is a tavern on the surface, but it is actually a kind of Based on Space Law, it is a special high-dimensional space woven by a special method. The defensive ability of this high-dimensional space is extremely strong, even to the degree of metamorphosis.

At this time, Cynthia finally introduced to Mu Shaoan: "Under the standard timeline of the Myriad Realms starry sky, 137 years ago, the disease poison insect launched a threat to the entire Myriad Realms starry sky. The invasion is codenamed Zhushen! The virus camp uses a brand new virus to invade the system, an infinite architecture system, in just three days, sweeping the entire Myriad Realms starry sky, causing countless losses."

" Since then, the entire Myriad Realms starry sky power pattern has also been forcibly changed. On the seventh day of Operation Zhuo Shen, the Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association released the first patch software that can temporarily contain the unlimited architecture system virus for free. On the sixteenth day of God Action, the Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association released the first generation of Zhushen unlimited antivirus software."

"The tenth Nine Heavens of the God Action, Heavenly God teahouse camp released Their first-generation teahouse unlimited antivirus software, on the twenty-fourth day of Operation Jushen, the Pantheon camp released their first-generation Pantheon unlimited antivirus software. So far, the wave of terrifying invasions by the virus camp has been stopped."

"In the past 24 days, the virus camp has plundered more than ten trillion units of the Universe Principle. Such terrifying wealth and resources have not only spawned the sick poison insect sub-campus The three laws of Heavenly God also gave birth to 148 high-level Heavenly Gods, more than 30,000 low-level Heavenly Gods, 50 million Demi-Gods, and a suffocating elite virus army."

"Then, with the help of the looted terrorist resources, the all influence was unable to coordinate operations, and the all influence was busy recovering losses. The virus camp in the past 100 years spent a full 10,000 The Universe Principle of 100 million units, based on twelve high level Universe Planes, has built an unprecedented pantheon of viruses. This pantheon of viruses can not only become a base camp that the virus camp cannot conquer, but also become the virus camp for mass cultivation of Heavenly God. The school base. It has become a huge leap for the virus camp towards the virus civilization."

"Those countless civilizations that have been swallowed and looted have been accumulated in the virus pantheon for the virus elite to absorb and learn. Knowledge, these civilizations will be transformed into powerful Heavenly God technology, this is an unsolvable war machine, and the virus camp will become stronger as a result. If it is not contained, sooner or later they will swallow all of the Myriad Realms starry sky. "

"Unfortunately, under such a huge threat, the all influence of the Myriad Realms starry sky can't cooperate and fight together. So far, there are six main antivirus hunters in the virus camp. Organizations, the remaining small-scale antivirus hunter organizations are countless, including the overwhelming majority's predecessor'viruses'. Poison insects do not recognize the identity of these virus pirates, and they can't kill them. So they turned around. They all became anti-virus hunters. "

"Those amateur organizations don’t need to worry about it. At present, the six anti-virus organizations are the Pantheon Giant Que Anti-virus camp. As the old club of poison insects, they are probably the most fly into a rage out of humiliation, then the antivirus camp of Heavenly God teahouse, the antivirus camp of the Starscar Council, the antivirus camp represented by Heavenly God Magic Mountain, and a pan-Myriad Realms star antivirus hunter council camp composed of 68 former civilized investors , Um, there is only one word difference from our organization, which simply takes shameless to the extreme. "

"As for the last antivirus organization, it is the Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association. A hundred years ago, the Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association has developed a complete antivirus software that can On the limitless architecture system of the anti-virus camp, this kind of software is the hunter tavern. "

"Today, the Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association provides hundreds of thousands of hunter taverns for many civilized races who are willing to kill viruses, and provides one hundred thousand hunter taverns. These hunter taverns can be used in the entire Myriad Realms. Networking in the starry sky, and then forming a huge network, oh, by the way, the law adopted by this hunter’s tavern is the law of the Internet, and it is the most mature Internet law. You know what this means, and what this means is A law of the Internet Heavenly God! "

" And through these hunter taverns, we can go to the Myriad Realms starry sky any area with hunter taverns like the origin channel. It is so convenient that you can’t imagine this hunter tavern at the time. Once launched, it has been sought after by major civilizations, but unfortunately, there are only 50 places as strong as Dahe Civilization, and our Mount Tai Civilization only has 13 places. "

"In order to grab a spot, I exchanged all the civilized merits that we all accumulated before, and this was the result of this hunter tavern No. 013. How is it, my Mr. Hunter, do you still think that the Pan Myriad Realms Star Anti-Virus Hunter Association is just a lousy, reputation-seeking organization? "

Mu Shaoan blinked and murmured, but he was amazed in his heart. He really did not expect that the Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association would actually have hidden dragons and crouching tigers to such an extent, the Internet The law.

This law is awesome. Don’t look at it as a branch of the mechanical law, but Mu Shaoan, the mechanical Heavenly God, is really unsolvable.

With the Internet law, Myriad The countless planes of Realms starry sky suddenly turned the sky into a thoroughfare, and immediately attracted countless anti-virus civilizations. The overall battle strength has increased by an unknown number of times!

And this is more than the origin channel of the Heavenly God teahouse. Convenient and faster.

With 100,000 hunter taverns, it is equivalent to forming a huge anti-virus network. Wherever there is virus alert, you can quickly deploy troops and gather support.

This fuck, you can’t accept it.

No wonder people like Cynthia are so proud and confident about it.

Hey, I don’t want to pretend to be so pretentious.

Go down.

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